function HTMLActuator() { this.tileContainer = document.querySelector(".tile-container"); this.scoreContainer = document.querySelector(".score-container"); this.bestContainer = document.querySelector(".best-container"); this.messageContainer = document.querySelector(".game-message"); this.sharingContainer = document.querySelector(".score-sharing"); this.score = 0; this.highestTile = 1; } HTMLActuator.prototype.actuate = function (grid, metadata) { var self = this; window.requestAnimationFrame(function () { self.clearContainer(self.tileContainer); grid.cells.forEach(function (column) { column.forEach(function (cell) { if (cell) { self.addTile(cell); } }); }); self.updateScore(metadata.score); self.updateBestScore(metadata.bestScore); self.highestTile = metadata.highest; if (metadata.terminated) { if (metadata.over) { self.message(false); // You lose } else if (metadata.won) { self.message(true); // You win! } } }); }; // Continues the game (both restart and keep playing) HTMLActuator.prototype.continue = function () { if (typeof ga !== "undefined") { ga("send", "event", "game", "restart"); } this.clearMessage(); }; HTMLActuator.prototype.clearContainer = function (container) { while (container.firstChild) { container.removeChild(container.firstChild); } }; HTMLActuator.prototype.addTile = function (tile) { var self = this; var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); var inner = document.createElement("div"); var position = tile.previousPosition || { x: tile.x, y: tile.y }; var positionClass = this.positionClass(position); // We can't use classlist because it somehow glitches when replacing classes var classes = ["tile", "tile-" + tile.value, positionClass]; if (tile.value > 50000) classes.push("tile-super"); this.applyClasses(wrapper, classes); inner.classList.add("tile-inner"); inner.textContent = tile.value; if (tile.previousPosition) { // Make sure that the tile gets rendered in the previous position first window.requestAnimationFrame(function () { classes[2] = self.positionClass({ x: tile.x, y: tile.y }); self.applyClasses(wrapper, classes); // Update the position }); } else if (tile.mergedFrom) { classes.push("tile-merged"); this.applyClasses(wrapper, classes); // Render the tiles that merged tile.mergedFrom.forEach(function (merged) { self.addTile(merged); }); } else { classes.push("tile-new"); this.applyClasses(wrapper, classes); } // Add the inner part of the tile to the wrapper wrapper.appendChild(inner); // Put the tile on the board this.tileContainer.appendChild(wrapper); }; HTMLActuator.prototype.applyClasses = function (element, classes) { element.setAttribute("class", classes.join(" ")); }; HTMLActuator.prototype.normalizePosition = function (position) { return { x: position.x + 1, y: position.y + 1 }; }; HTMLActuator.prototype.positionClass = function (position) { position = this.normalizePosition(position); return "tile-position-" + position.x + "-" + position.y; }; HTMLActuator.prototype.updateScore = function (score) { this.clearContainer(this.scoreContainer); var difference = score - this.score; this.score = score; this.scoreContainer.textContent = this.score; if (difference > 0) { var addition = document.createElement("div"); addition.classList.add("score-addition"); addition.textContent = "+" + difference; this.scoreContainer.appendChild(addition); } }; HTMLActuator.prototype.updateBestScore = function (bestScore) { this.bestContainer.textContent = bestScore; }; HTMLActuator.prototype.message = function (won) { var type = won ? "game-won" : "game-over"; var message = won ? "You won!" : "No more moves. Game over."; // Build some firebase references. var rootRef = new Firebase(''); var scoreListRef = rootRef.child("scoreList"); var highestScoreRef = rootRef.child("highestScore"); var RefPlays = rootRef.child("plays"); var Ref50 = rootRef.child("reached_50c"); var Ref100 = rootRef.child("reached_1e"); var Ref200 = rootRef.child("reached_2e"); var Ref500 = rootRef.child("reached_5e"); var Ref1000 = rootRef.child("reached_10e"); var Ref2000 = rootRef.child("reached_20e"); var Ref5000 = rootRef.child("reached_50e"); var Ref10000 = rootRef.child("reached_100e"); var Ref20000 = rootRef.child("reached_200e"); var Ref50000 = rootRef.child("reached_500e"); // Keep a mapping of firebase locations to HTML elements, so we can move / remove elements as necessary. var htmlForPath = {}; // Helper function that takes a new score snapshot and adds an appropriate row to our leaderboard table. function handleScoreAdded(scoreSnapshot, prevScoreName) { var newScoreRow = $(""); newScoreRow.append($("").append($("").text(scoreSnapshot.val().name))); newScoreRow.append($("").text(scoreSnapshot.val().score)); // Store a reference to the table row so we can get it again later. htmlForPath[] = newScoreRow; // Insert the new score in the appropriate place in the table. if (prevScoreName === null) { $("#leaderboardTable").append(newScoreRow); } else { var lowerScoreRow = htmlForPath[prevScoreName]; lowerScoreRow.before(newScoreRow); } } // Helper function to handle a score object being removed; just removes the corresponding table row. function handleScoreRemoved(scoreSnapshot) { var removedScoreRow = htmlForPath[]; removedScoreRow.remove(); delete htmlForPath[]; } function makeid() { var text = ""; var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for( var i=0; i < 8; i++ ) text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); return text; } // Create a view to only receive callbacks for the last LEADERBOARD_SIZE scores var scoreListView = scoreListRef.limit(10); // Add a callback to handle when a new score is added. scoreListView.on('child_added', function (newScoreSnapshot, prevScoreName) { handleScoreAdded(newScoreSnapshot, prevScoreName); }); // Add a callback to handle when a score is removed scoreListView.on('child_removed', function (oldScoreSnapshot) { handleScoreRemoved(oldScoreSnapshot); }); // Add a callback to handle when a score changes or moves positions. var changedCallback = function (scoreSnapshot, prevScoreName) { handleScoreRemoved(scoreSnapshot); handleScoreAdded(scoreSnapshot, prevScoreName); }; scoreListView.on('child_moved', changedCallback); scoreListView.on('child_changed', changedCallback); var newScore = this.score; var name = makeid(); $("#scoreInput").val(""); var userScoreRef = scoreListRef.child(name); // Use setWithPriority to put the name / score in Firebase, and set the priority to be the score. if ((newScore <= 500)||(this.highestTile <= 20)||(this.highestTile >= 2000)){ userScoreRef.setWithPriority({ name:name, score:newScore, highest:this.highestTile }, newScore);} // Track the highest score using a transaction. A transaction guarantees that the code inside the block is // executed on the latest data from the server, so transactions should be used if you have multiple // clients writing to the same data and you want to avoid conflicting changes. highestScoreRef.transaction(function (currentHighestScore) { if (currentHighestScore === null || newScore > currentHighestScore) { // The return value of this function gets saved to the server as the new highest score. return newScore; } // if we return with no arguments, it cancels the transaction. return; }); RefPlays.transaction(function(current_value) { return current_value + 1; }); if (this.highestTile >= 50){ Ref50.transaction(function(current_value) { return current_value + 1; }); } if (this.highestTile >= 100){ Ref100.transaction(function(current_value) { return current_value + 1; }); } if (this.highestTile >= 200){ Ref200.transaction(function(current_value) { return current_value + 1; }); } if (this.highestTile >= 500){ Ref500.transaction(function(current_value) { return current_value + 1; }); } if (this.highestTile >= 1000){ Ref1000.transaction(function(current_value) { return current_value + 1; }); } if (this.highestTile >= 2000){ Ref2000.transaction(function(current_value) { return current_value + 1; }); } if (this.highestTile >= 5000){ Ref5000.transaction(function(current_value) { return current_value + 1; }); } if (this.highestTile >= 10000){ Ref10000.transaction(function(current_value) { return current_value + 1; }); } if (this.highestTile >= 20000){ Ref20000.transaction(function(current_value) { return current_value + 1; }); } if (this.highestTile >= 50000){ Ref50000.transaction(function(current_value) { return current_value + 1; }); } // Add a callback to the highest score in Firebase so we can update the GUI any time it changes. highestScoreRef.on('value', function (newHighestScore) { $("#highestScoreDiv").text(newHighestScore.val()); }); if (typeof ga !== "undefined") { ga("send", "event", "game", "end", type, this.score); } this.messageContainer.classList.add(type); this.messageContainer.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].textContent = message; this.clearContainer(this.sharingContainer); this.sharingContainer.appendChild(this.scoreTweetButton()); twttr.widgets.load(); }; HTMLActuator.prototype.clearMessage = function () { // IE only takes one value to remove at a time. this.messageContainer.classList.remove("game-won"); this.messageContainer.classList.remove("game-over"); }; HTMLActuator.prototype.scoreTweetButton = function () { var tweet = document.createElement("a"); tweet.classList.add("twitter-share-button"); tweet.setAttribute("href", ""); tweet.setAttribute("data-via", "gabrielecirulli"); tweet.setAttribute("data-url", ""); tweet.setAttribute("data-counturl", ""); tweet.textContent = "Tweet"; var text = "I got " + this.score + " points in 20 Euro, a game where you " + "join numbers to score high! #20eurogame"; tweet.setAttribute("data-text", text); return tweet; };