# This file, when named as ".env" in the root of your BookStack install # folder, is used for the core configuration of the application. # By default this file contains the most common required options but # a full list of options can be found in the '.env.example.complete' file. # NOTE: If any of your values contain a space or a hash you will need to # wrap the entire value in quotes. (eg. MAIL_FROM_NAME="BookStack Mailer") # Application key # Used for encryption where needed. # Run `php artisan key:generate` to generate a valid key. APP_KEY=SomeRandomString # Application URL # This must be the root URL that you want to host BookStack on. # All URLs in BookStack will be generated using this value # to ensure URLs generated are consistent and secure. # If you change this in the future you may need to run a command # to update stored URLs in the database. Command example: # php artisan bookstack:update-url https://old.example.com https://new.example.com APP_URL=https:__DOMAIN__ # Database details DB_HOST=localhost DB_DATABASE=__DB_NAME__ DB_USERNAME=__DB_NAME__ DB_PASSWORD=__DB_PWD__ # Mail system to use # Can be 'smtp' or 'sendmail' MAIL_DRIVER=smtp # Mail sender details MAIL_FROM_NAME="BookStack" MAIL_FROM=bookstack@example.com # SMTP mail options # These settings can be checked using the "Send a Test Email" # feature found in the "Settings > Maintenance" area of the system. MAIL_HOST=localhost MAIL_PORT=1025 MAIL_USERNAME=null MAIL_PASSWORD=null MAIL_ENCRYPTION=null # General auth AUTH_METHOD=ldap # The LDAP host, Adding a port is optional LDAP_SERVER=ldap:// # If using LDAP over SSL you should also define the protocol: # LDAP_SERVER=ldaps://example.com:636 # The base DN from where users will be searched within LDAP_BASE_DN=ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org # The full DN and password of the user used to search the server # Can both be left as false to bind anonymously LDAP_DN=false LDAP_PASS=false # A filter to use when searching for users # The user-provided user-name used to replace any occurrences of '${user}' # If you're setting this option via other means, such as within a docker-compose.yml, # you may need escape the $, often using $$ or \$ instead. LDAP_USER_FILTER=(&(uid=${user})) # Set the LDAP version to use when connecting to the server LDAP_VERSION=false # Set the property to use as a unique identifier for this user. # Stored and used to match LDAP users with existing BookStack users. # Prefixing the value with 'BIN;' will assume the LDAP service provides the attribute value as # binary data and BookStack will convert the value to a hexidecimal representation. # Defaults to 'uid'. LDAP_ID_ATTRIBUTE=uid # Set the default 'email' attribute. Defaults to 'mail' LDAP_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE=mail # Set the property to use for a user's display name. Defaults to 'cn' LDAP_DISPLAY_NAME_ATTRIBUTE=cn # If you need to allow untrusted LDAPS certificates, add the below and uncomment (remove the #) # Only set this option if debugging or you're absolutely sure it's required for your setup. #LDAP_TLS_INSECURE=true # If you need to debug the details coming from your LDAP server, add the below and uncomment (remove the #) # Only set this option if debugging since it will block logins and potentially show private details. #LDAP_DUMP_USER_DETAILS=true