{ "name": "Borg Server", "id": "borgserver", "packaging_format": 1, "description": { "en": "Offer backup storage to a friend.", "fr": "Offrez un espace de stockage à un⋅e ami⋅e." }, "upstream": { "license": "BSD-3-Clause", "website": "https://www.borgbackup.org/", "admindoc": "https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/", "code": "https://github.com/borgbackup/borg" }, "version": "1.1.16~ynh9", "url": "https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io", "license": "BSD-3-Clause", "maintainer": { "name": "ljf", "email": "ljf+borg_ynh@reflexlibre.net", "url": "https://reflexlibre.net" }, "requirements": { "yunohost": ">= 4.2.3" }, "multi_instance": true, "services": [], "arguments": { "install" : [ { "name": "ssh_user", "type": "string", "ask": { "en": "Indicate the SSH user to create", "fr": "Indiquez l'utilisateur SSH à créer" }, "example": "john" }, { "name": "public_key", "type": "string", "ask": { "en": "Indicate the public key given by borg_ynh app", "fr": "Indiquez la clé publique donnée par l'app borg_ynh" } }, { "name": "datadir", "type": "string", "ask": { "en": "Indicate the directory where create the user directory with the borg archive", "fr": "Indiquez le dossier où créer le dossier utilisateur contenant l'archive borg" }, "default": "/home/__SSH_USER__" }, { "name": "alert_delay", "type": "string", "ask": { "en": "After which delay in days should we alert if there are no changes on repo ?", "fr": "Après quel délais en jours devons-nous lancer une alerte si il n'y a pas de changement dans le repo ?" }, "default": "1" }, { "name": "alert_mails", "type": "string", "ask": { "en": "Emails to whom send alerts ?", "fr": "Emails des personnes à qui envoyer les alertes ?" }, "default": "root", "example": "camille@example.com,eden@example.com" }, { "name": "quota", "type": "string", "ask": { "en": "Indicate the storage quota", "fr": "Indiquez le quota de stockage" }, "optionnal": true, "example": "30G" } ] } }