mirror of
synced 2024-09-03 18:15:58 +02:00
459 lines
14 KiB
459 lines
14 KiB
version = "1.0"
name.en = "Organization"
name.fr = "Organisation"
bind = ":{{ install_dir }}/public/organization.properties"
services = []
## (optional) This help properties is a short help displayed on the same line
## than the panel title but not displayed in the tab.
# help = ""
name = ""
# help = ""
optional = true
ask.fr = "Nom de l'oganisation"
type = "string"
example = "Le petit chaton"
bind = "organization.name:"
optional = false
ask.fr = "Description de l'organisation"
help.fr = "Une courte description de votre chatons en 5 ou 6 mots."
example = "Association d'éducation populaire aux enjeux du numérique"
type = "string"
bind = "organization.description:"
ask.fr = "Statut"
type = "select"
choices.ACTIVE = "Actif"
choices.IDLE = "En pause"
choices.AWAY = "Inactif"
bind = "organization.status.level:"
ask.fr = "Description du statut"
type = "string"
bind = "organization.status.description:"
visible = "status_level == 'IDLE'"
ask.fr = "Date de création"
type = "date"
bind = "organization.startdate:"
ask.fr = "Date de fermeture"
type = "date"
visible = "status_level == 'AWAY'"
bind = "organization.enddate:"
ask.fr = "Type d'organisation"
type = "select"
choices.ASSOCIATION = "Association"
choices.INFORMAL = "Informel"
choices.COOPERATIVE = "Coopérative"
choices.MICROCOMPANY = "Micro entreprise"
choices.COMPANY = "Société"
choices.INDIVIDUAL = "Individue"
choices.OTHER = "Autre"
bind = "organization.type:"
optional = false
ask.fr = "Siteweb"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.website:"
ask.fr = "Logo"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.logo:"
ask.fr = "URL de contact"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.contact.url:"
ask.fr = "Mail de contact"
type = "email"
bind = "organization.contact.email:"
ask.fr = "Mentions légales"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.legal.url:"
ask.fr = "Documentation technique"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.guide.technical:"
default = "https://yunohost.org/admindoc"
ask.fr = "Documentation utilisateurice"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.guide.user:"
default = "https://yunohost.org/user_guide"
ask.fr = "Statut"
type = "select"
choices.ACTIVE = "Actif"
choices.IDLE = "En pause"
choices.AWAY = "Inactif"
bind = "organization.memberof.chatons.status.level:"
optional = false
ask.fr = "Description du statut"
type = "string"
bind = "organization.memberof.chatons.status.description:"
visible = "status_level_chatons == 'IDLE'"
ask.fr = "Date d'entrée dans le collectif"
type = "date"
bind = "organization.memberof.chatons.startdate:"
optional = false
ask.fr = "Date de sortie du collectif"
type = "date"
visible = "status_level_chatons == 'AWAY'"
bind = "organization.memberof.chatons.enddate:"
name = "Propriétaire de l'organisation"
optional = true
ask.fr = "Nom"
type = "string"
bind = "organization.owner.name:"
ask.fr = "siteweb"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.owner.website:"
ask.fr = "Logo"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.owner.logo:"
name = "Localisation de l'organisation"
# help = ""
optional = true
ask.fr = "Pays de l'organisation"
type = "string"
bind = "organization.country.name:"
optional = false
ask.fr = "Code pays de l'organisation"
help = "Table ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1#Table_de_codage"
type = "string"
bind = "organization.country.code:"
default = "FR"
# Latitude (type DECIMAL_DEGREE, recommandé, format DD, ex. 15,23456).
ask.fr = "Latitude"
type = "string"
bind = "organization.geolocation.latitude:"
ask.fr = "Longitude"
type = "string"
bind = "organization.geolocation.longitude:"
ask.fr = "Adresse"
type = "string"
bind = "organization.geolocation.address:"
name = "Réseaux sociaux"
help = "Liens vers les comptes réseaux sociaux de l'organisation"
optional = true
ask.fr = "Diaspora"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.socialnetworks.diaspora:"
ask.fr = "Facebook"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.socialnetworks.facebook:"
ask.fr = "Funkwhale"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.socialnetworks.funkwhale:"
ask.fr = "Mastodon"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.socialnetworks.mastodon:"
ask.fr = "Pleroma"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.socialnetworks.pleroma:"
ask.fr = "Mobilizon"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.socialnetworks.mobilizon:"
ask.fr = "Peertube"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.socialnetworks.peertube:"
ask.fr = "Pixelfed"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.socialnetworks.pixelfeld:"
ask.fr = "Twitter"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.socialnetworks.twitter:"
name = "Salons de discussion"
help = "Adresse vers les salons/équipes de discussion publics de l'organisation"
optional = true
ask.fr = "XMPP"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.chatrooms.xmpp:"
ask.fr = "IRC"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.chatrooms.irc:"
ask.fr = "Matrix"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.chatrooms.matrix:"
ask.fr = "RocketChat"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.chatrooms.rocketchat:"
ask.fr = "Mattermost"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.chatrooms.mattermost:"
name = "Dons"
help = "Services de paiement permettant de récolter des donations pour votre chaton"
optional = true
# Liens vers les services de paiement permettant de récolter des donations pour votre chaton (type URL, optionnel).
# Dans le cas d'une solution maison (exemple : pont vers votre banque), choisir "organization.funding.custom".
# Liste non exhaustive à laquelle vous pouvez ajouter d'autres services.
ask.fr = "Liberapay"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.funding.liberapay:"
ask.fr = "Tipee"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.funding.Tipee:"
ask.fr = "Helloasso"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.funding.helloasso:"
ask.fr = "Paypal"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.funding.paypal:"
ask.fr = "Custom"
type = "url"
bind = "organization.funding.custom:"
name = "Hébergement"
bind = "multi_file({% for app in apps.split(',') %}{{ install_dir }}/public/{{ app }}.properties,{% endfor %})"
name = "Fournisseur"
ask.fr = "Nom de l'hébergeur"
help.fr = "Hébergeur de la machine qui fait tourner le service, dans le cas d'un auto-hébergement c'est vous !"
type = "string"
ask.fr = "Description"
type = "string"
# Si vous avez du mal à remplir les champs précédents, ce tableau pourra vous aider :
# HOME pm pm vm shared cloud
# HOSTEDBAY pm pm vm shared cloud
# HOSTEDSERVER -- pm vm shared cloud
# OUTSOURCED -- -- vps shared cloud
# Légendes : pm : physical machine ; vm : virtual machine ; vps : virtual private server.
ask.fr = "Type d'hébergement"
type = "select"
choices.HOME = "hébergement à domicile"
choices.HOSTEDBAY = "serveur personnel hébergé dans une baie d'un fournisseur"
choices.HOSTEDSERVER = "serveur d'un fournisseur"
choices.OUTSOURCED = "infrastructure totalement sous-traitée"
ask.fr = "Nom de l'hyperviseur"
help.fr = ""
type = "string"
optional = true
ask.fr = "Pays"
help.fr = ""
type = "string"
ask.fr = "Code Pays"
help = "Table ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1#Table_de_codage"
type = "string"
default = "FR"
ask.fr = "Type de serveur"
type = "select"
choices.NANO = "nano-ordinateur (Raspberry Pi, Olimex…)"
choices.PHYSICAL = "machine physique"
choices.VIRTUAL = "machine virtuelle"
choices.SHARED = "hébergement mutualisé"
choices.CLOUD = "infrastructure multi-serveurs"
{% for app in apps.split(',') %}
[{{ app }}]
bind = ":{{ install_dir }}/public/{{ app }}.properties"
[{{ app }}.service]
[{{ app }}.service.{{ app }}_published]
ask.fr = "Publié"
help.fr = "Faut-il publier la fiche descriptive (.properties) du service ?"
type = "boolean"
bind = "manage_subs()"
[{{ app }}.service.{{ app }}_startdate]
ask.fr = "Date d'ouverture"
type = "date"
bind = "service.startdate:"
[{{ app }}.service.{{ app }}_enddate]
ask.fr = "Date de fermeture"
type = "date"
optional = true
bind = "service.enddate:"
[{{ app }}.service.{{ app }}_description]
ask.fr = "Description"
type = "string"
bind = "service.description:"
[{{ app }}.service.{{ app }}_logo]
ask.fr = "Logo"
type = "url"
bind = "service.logo:"
[{{ app }}.service.{{ app }}_legal_url]
ask.fr = "Mentions légales"
type = "url"
bind = "service.legal.url:"
[{{ app }}.service.{{ app }}_guide_technical]
ask.fr = "Documentation technique"
type = "url"
bind = "service.guide.technical:"
[{{ app }}.service.{{ app }}_guide_user]
ask.fr = "Documentation utilisateurices"
type = "url"
bind = "service.guide.user:"
[{{ app }}.service.{{ app }}_contact_url]
ask.fr = "Page de support"
type = "url"
bind = "service.contact.url:"
optional = true
[{{ app }}.service.{{ app }}_contact_email]
ask.fr = "Courriel de support"
type = "email"
bind = "service.contact.email:"
optional = true
[{{ app }}.service.{{ app }}_registration]
ask.fr = "Inscription"
type = "select"
choices.None = "Le service s'utilise sans inscription"
choices.Free = "Inscription nécessaire mais ouverte à tout le monde et gratuite"
choices.Member = "Inscription restreinte aux membres (la notion de membre pouvant être très relative, par exemple, une famille, un cercle d’amis, adhérents d'association…)"
choices.Client = "Inscription liée à une relation commerciale (facture…)"
bind = "service.registration:"
[{{ app }}.service.{{ app }}_registration_load]
ask.fr = "Capacité"
type = "select"
choices.OPEN = "Le service accueille de nouveaux comptes"
choices.FULL = "Le service n'accueille plus de nouveau compte pour l'instant"
bind = "service.registration.load:"
{% endfor %}
name.fr = "Avancé"
name = ""
# help = ""
optional = true
ask.fr = "Fichiers properties complémentaires"
help.fr = "Permet de déclarer d'autres services ou offres d'hébergement présent sur d'autres serveurs. Saisissez les tags au format: `clé:https://url/du/fichier.properties`. Attention: la clé doit-être unique et ne pas être en conflit avec un id d'une app sur ce yunohost"
type = "tags"
pattern.regexp = "^[a-zA-Z_]+:https?://.*\\.properties$"
pattern.error = "Saisissez les tags au format: `clé:https://url/du/fichier.properties`"