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synced 2024-09-03 18:25:53 +02:00
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(window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[157],{523:function(a){a.exports=JSON.parse('{"domain":"converse","locale_data":{"converse":{"":{"domain":"converse","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"id"},"Create your account":["Buat akun anda"],"Please enter the XMPP provider to register with:":["Silakan masukkan penyedia XMPP untuk mendaftar:"],"Already have a chat account?":["Sudah punya akun obrolan?"],"Log in here":["Masuk disini"],"Account Registration:":["Pendaftaran Akun:"],"Register":["Daftar"],"Choose a different provider":["Pilih penyedia yang berbeda"],"Hold tight, we\'re fetching the registration form…":["Pegang erat-erat, kami mengambil formulir pendaftaran …"],"Cancel":["Batal"],"The connection has dropped, attempting to reconnect.":[""],"Your XMPP address and/or password is incorrect. Please try again.":[""],"Sorry, we could not connect to the XMPP host with domain: %1$s":[""],"The XMPP server did not offer a supported authentication mechanism":[""],"Undecryptable OMEMO message":[""],"Sorry, could not determine upload URL.":[""],"Sorry, could not determine file upload URL.":[""],"Sorry, could not succesfully upload your file. Your server’s response: \\"%1$s\\"":[""],"Sorry, could not succesfully upload your file.":[""],"Sorry, looks like file upload is not supported by your server.":[""],"The size of your file, %1$s, exceeds the maximum allowed by your server, which is %2$s.":[""],"Smileys and emotions":["Smileys dan emotions"],"People":["Orang"],"Activities":["Aktifitas"],"Travel":["Perjalanan"],"Objects":["Obyek"],"Animals and nature":["Hewan dan alam"],"Food and drink":["Makanan dan minuman"],"Symbols":["Simbol"],"Flags":["Bendera"],"Stickers":["Stiker"],"This groupchat is not anonymous":["Obrolan grup ini tidak anonim"],"This groupchat now shows unavailable members":["Obrolan grup ini sekarang menampilkan anggota yang tidak tersedia"],"This groupchat does not show unavailable members":["Obrolan grup ini tidak menunjukkan anggota yang tidak tersedia"],"The groupchat configuration has changed":["Konfigurasi obrolan grup telah berubah"],"Groupchat logging is now enabled":["Log masuk Obrolan Group tidak diaktifkan"],"Groupchat logging is now disabled":["Log masuk Obrolan Group sekarang dinonaktifkan"],"This groupchat is now no longer anonymous":["Obrolan grup ini sekarang tidak lagi anonim"],"This groupchat is now semi-anonymous":["Obrolan grup ini sekarang semi-anonim"],"This groupchat is now fully-anonymous":["Obrolan grup ini sekarang sepenuhnya anonim"],"A new groupchat has been created":["Obrolan grup baru telah dibuat"],"Your nickname has been automatically set to %1$s":["Nama panggilan Anda telah ditetapkan secara otomatis ke %1$s"],"Your nickname has been changed to %1$s":["Nama panggilan Anda telah diubah menjadi %1$s"],"You have been banned from this groupchat":["Anda telah diblokir dari obrolan grup ini"],"You have exited this groupchat due to a technical problem":[""],"You have been kicked from this groupchat":[""],"You have been removed from this groupchat because of an affiliation change":[""],"You have been removed from this groupchat because the groupchat has changed to members-only and you\'re not a member":[""],"You have been removed from this groupchat because the service hosting it is being shut down":[""],"Your retraction was not delivered because you\'re not present in the groupchat.":[""],"Your message was not delivered because you weren\'t allowed to send it.":[""],"Your message was not delivered because you\'re not present in the groupchat.":[""],"You\'re not allowed to register yourself in this groupchat.":[""],"You\'re not allowed to register in this groupchat because it\'s members-only.":[""],"Can\'t register your nickname in this groupchat, it doesn\'t support registration.":[""],"Can\'t register your nickname in this groupchat, invalid data form supplied.":[""],"Topic set by %1$s":[""],"Topic cleared by %1$s":[""],"%1$s has been banned by %2$s":[""],"%1$s has been banned":[""],"%1$s\'s nickname has changed":[""],"%1$s has been kicked out by %2$s":[""],"%1$s has been kicked out":[""],"%1$s has been removed because of an affiliation change":[""],"%1$s has been removed for not being a member":[""],"%1$s is no longer an admin of this groupchat":[""],"%1$s is no longer an owner of this groupchat":[""],"%1$s is no longer banned from this groupchat":[""],"%1$s is no longer a member of this groupchat":[""],"%1$s is now a member of this groupchat":[""],"%1$s is now an %2$s of this groupchat":[""],"The nickname you chose is reserved or currently in use, please choose a different one.":[""],"Password incorrect":[""],"You are not on the member list of this groupchat.":[""],"You have been banned from this groupchat.":[""],"You are not allowed to create new groupchats.":[""],"Your nickname doesn\'t conform to this groupchat\'s policies.":[""],"This groupchat does not (yet) exist.":[""],"This groupchat has reached its maximum number of participants.":[""],"Remote server not found":[""],"The explanation given is: \\"%1$s\\".":[""],"%1$s has invited you to join a groupchat: %2$s":[""],"%1$s has invited you to join a groupchat: %2$s, and left the following reason: \\"%3$s\\"":[""],"Error":[""],"Sorry, something went wrong while trying to save your bookmark.":[""],"Timeout Error":[""],"The server did not return your bookmarks within the allowed time. You can reload the page to request them again.":[""],"Ungrouped":[""],"New messages":[""],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to add %1$s as a contact.":[""],"This client does not allow presence subscriptions":[""],"Click to hide these contacts":[""],"Unbookmark this groupchat":[""],"Click to open this groupchat":[""],"Click to toggle the bookmarks list":[""],"Bookmarks":[""],"Bookmark this groupchat":[""],"Would you like this groupchat to be automatically joined upon startup?":[""],"The name for this bookmark:":[""],"What should your nickname for this groupchat be?":[""],"Save":["Simpan"],"Are you sure you want to remove the bookmark \\"%1$s\\"?":[""],"Unbookmark":[""],"Bookmark":[""],"Close":["Tutup"],"OK":[""],"Image: ":[""],"Download audio file \\"%1$s\\"":[""],"Download image file \\"%1$s\\"":[""],"Download file \\"%1$s\\"":[""],"Edit":[""],"Retract":[""],"Message versions":["Versi pesan"],"Retry":[""],"Uploading file:":["Mengunggah berkas:"],"This message has been edited":["Pesan ini telah diubah"],"Show more":[""],"No message history available.":["Riwayat pesan tidak tersedia."],"Search results":["Hasil pencarian"],"Search":["Cari"],"Insert emojis":[""],"Send the message":["Mengirim pesan ini"],"Start a call":[""],"Message characters remaining":[""],"Hide participants":[""],"Show participants":[""],"Choose a file to send":[""],"Click to write as a normal (non-spoiler) message":[""],"Click to write your message as a spoiler":[""],"The User\'s Profile Image":["Gambar profil pengguna"],"Trusted":["Dipercaya"],"Untrusted":["Tidak dipercaya"],"OMEMO Fingerprints":["Sidik Jari OMEMO"],"Remove as contact":["Hapus dari kontak"],"XMPP Address":["Alamat XMPP"],"Email":[""],"Full Name":[""],"Nickname":["Nama panggilan"],"Refresh":["Segarkan"],"Role":["Peran"],"URL":[""],"%1$s is typing":[""],"%1$s has stopped typing":[""],"%1$s has gone away":[""],"Remove messages":[""],"Close this chat":[""],"Write in the third person":[""],"Show this menu":[""],"Hidden message":[""],"Message":[""],"Optional hint":[""],"You have unread messages":[""],"Details":[""],"See more information about this person":[""],"Close and end this conversation":[""],"Sorry, the connection has been lost, and your message could not be sent":[""],"Be aware that other XMPP/Jabber clients (and servers) may not yet support retractions and that this message may not be removed everywhere.":[""],"Confirm":[""],"You have an unsent message which will be lost if you continue. Are you sure?":[""],"Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this conversation?":[""],"%1$s has gone offline":[""],"%1$s is busy":[""],"%1$s is online":[""],"Sorry, something went wrong while trying to refresh":[""],"Are you sure you want to remove this contact?":[""],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to remove %1$s as a contact.":[""],"To improve performance, we cache your data in this browser. Uncheck this box if this is a public computer or if you want your data to be deleted when you log out. It\'s important that you explicitly log out, otherwise not all cached data might be deleted. Please note, when using an untrusted device, OMEMO encryption is NOT available.":["Untuk meningkatkan kinerja, kami menyimpan data Anda di browser ini. Hapus centang kotak ini jika ini adalah komputer umum atau jika Anda ingin data Anda dihapus saat Anda logout. Penting bagi Anda untuk keluar secara eksplisit, jika tidak, tidak semua data yang di-cache mungkin dihapus. Harap dicatat, saat menggunakan perangkat yang tidak dipercaya, enkripsi OMEMO TIDAK tersedia."],"This is a trusted device":["Ini adalah perangkat tepercaya"],"Create an account":["Buat akun"],"Don\'t have a chat account?":["Belum punya akun obrolan?"],"Log in":["Masuk"],"Disconnected":[""],"Click here to log in anonymously":["Klik disini untuk masuk secara anonim"],"Username":[""],"user@domain":[""],"Please enter a valid XMPP address":[""],"Chat Contacts":[""],"Toggle chat":[""],"Click to restore this chat":[""],"Minimized":[""],"Minimize":[""],"This user is a moderator.":[""],"This user can send messages in this groupchat.":[""],"This user can NOT send messages in this groupchat.":[""],"Owner":[""],"Admin":[""],"Member":[""],"Moderator":[""],"Visitor":[""],"Click to mention %1$s in your message.":[""],"Participants":[""],"This field is required":["Kolom ini harus diisi"],"Join":["Gabung"],"Enter a new Groupchat":["Masukan Grup chat baru"],"name@conference.example.org":[""],"Groupchat name":[""],"Groupchat address":[""],"Invite":[""],"Show groupchats":[""],"Server address":[""],"Show more information on this groupchat":[""],"Query for Groupchats":[""],"Description:":[""],"Groupchat Address (JID):":[""],"Participants:":[""],"Features:":[""],"Requires authentication":[""],"Hidden":["Tersembunyi"],"Requires an invitation":[""],"Moderated":["Dimoderasi"],"Non-anonymous":[""],"Open":["Buka"],"Permanent":[""],"Public":["Publik"],"Semi-anonymous":["Semi-anonim"],"Temporary":["Sementara"],"Unmoderated":[""],"conference.example.org":[""],"No groupchats found":[""],"Moderators are privileged users who can change the roles of other users (except those with admin or owner affiliations.":["Moderator adalah pengguna istimewa yang dapat mengubah peran pengguna lain (kecuali yang memiliki admin atau afiliasi pemilik."],"The default role, implies that you can read and write messages.":["Peran default, menyiratkan bahwa Anda dapat membaca dan menulis pesan."],"Visitors aren\'t allowed to write messages in a moderated multi-user chat.":["Pengunjung tidak diperbolehkan menulis pesan dalam obrolan multi-pengguna yang dimoderasi."],"Owner is the highest affiliation. Owners can modify roles and affiliations of all other users.":["Pemilik adalah afiliasi tertinggi. Pemilik dapat mengubah peran dan afiliasi dari semua pengguna lain."],"Admin is the 2nd highest affiliation. Admins can modify roles and affiliations of all other users except owners.":["Admin adalah afiliasi tertinggi kedua. Admin dapat mengubah peran dan afiliasi semua pengguna lain kecuali pemilik."],"To ban a user, you give them the affiliation of \\"outcast\\".":["Untuk mencekal pengguna, Anda memberi mereka afiliasi “terbuang”."],"Change role":["Rubah peran"],"New Role":["Peran baru"],"Reason":["Alasan"],"Change affiliation":["Rubah afiliasi"],"New affiliation":["Afiliasi baru"],"Affiliation":["Afiliasi"],"Moderator Tools":["Alat Moderator"],"No users with that affiliation found.":["Tidak ada pengguna dengan afiliasi itu ditemukan."],"No users with that role found.":["Tidak ada pengguna dengan peran itu ditemukan."],"Type here to filter the search results":[""],"Show users":["Tampilkan pengguna"],"Roles are assigned to users to grant or deny them certain abilities in a multi-user chat. They\'re assigned either explicitly or implicitly as part of an affiliation. A role that\'s not due to an affiliation, is only valid for the duration of the user\'s session.":["Peran diberikan kepada pengguna untuk memberikan atau menolak kemampuan tertentu mereka dalam obrolan multi-pengguna. Mereka ditugaskan baik secara eksplisit maupun implisit sebagai bagian dari afiliasi. Peran yang bukan karena afiliasi, hanya berlaku selama durasi sesi pengguna."],"An affiliation is a long-lived entitlement which typically implies a certain role and which grants privileges and responsibilities. For example admins and owners automatically have the moderator role.":["Afiliasi adalah hak yang berumur panjang yang biasanya menyiratkan peran tertentu dan yang memberikan hak istimewa dan tanggung jawab. 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Click below to enter.":["Pembicaraan sudah dipindah. Klik dibawah untuk masuk."],"This groupchat no longer exists":["Obrolan Grup ini sudah tidak ada"],"Enter groupchat":[""],"Please choose your nickname":[""],"This groupchat requires a password":[""],"Password: ":[""],"Submit":[""],"%1$s has entered the groupchat":[""],"%1$s has left the groupchat":[""],"%1$s is now a moderator":[""],"%1$s is no longer a moderator":[""],"%1$s has been given a voice":[""],"%1$s has been muted":[""],"%1$s and %2$s":[""],"%1$s are typing":[""],"%1$s have stopped typing":[""],"%1$s have gone away":[""],"%1$s are now moderators":[""],"%1$s are no longer moderators":[""],"%1$s have been given voices":[""],"Change user\'s affiliation to admin":[""],"Ban user by changing their affiliation to outcast":[""],"Clear the chat area":[""],"Change user role to participant":[""],"Remove this groupchat":[""],"Kick user from groupchat":[""],"Write in 3rd person":[""],"Grant membership to a user":[""],"Opens up the moderator tools GUI":[""],"Remove user\'s ability to post messages":[""],"Change your nickname":[""],"Grant moderator role to user":[""],"Grant ownership of this groupchat":[""],"Register your nickname":[""],"Revoke the user\'s current affiliation":[""],"Set groupchat subject":[""],"Set groupchat subject (alias for /subject)":[""],"Allow muted user to post messages":[""],"You are about to retract this message.":[""],"You may optionally include a message, explaining the reason for the retraction.":[""],"Configure":[""],"Configure this groupchat":[""],"Show topic":[""],"Hide topic":[""],"Show the topic message in the heading":[""],"Hide the topic in the heading":[""],"Destroy":[""],"Leave":[""],"Hide the list of participants":[""],"Forbidden: you do not have the necessary role in order to do that.":[""],"Forbidden: you do not have the necessary affiliation in order to do that.":[""],"Error: the \\"%1$s\\" command takes two arguments, the user\'s nickname and optionally a reason.":[""],"Error: couldn\'t find a groupchat participant based on your arguments":[""],"Error: found multiple groupchat participant based on your arguments":[""],"Couldn\'t find a participant with that nickname. They might have left the groupchat.":[""],"Check your browser\'s developer console for details.":[""],"name@example.org":["name@example.org"],"Optional XMPP address for a new groupchat that replaces this one":[""],"Your nickname is \\"%1$s\\"":[""],"Error: invalid number of arguments":[""],"This action was done by %1$s.":[""],"The reason given is: \\"%1$s\\".":[""],"Groupchats":[""],"Add a new groupchat":[""],"Query for groupchats":[""],"Announcements":[""],"Notification from %1$s":[""],"%1$s says":[""],"Encrypted message received":[""],"has gone offline":[""],"has gone away":[""],"is busy":[""],"has come online":[""],"wants to be your contact":[""],"Hide":[""],"Execute":[""],"On which entity do you want to run commands?":[""],"Certain XMPP services and entities allow privileged users to execute ad-hoc commands on them.":[""],"Commands found":[""],"List available commands":[""],"No commands found":[""],"The specified entity doesn\'t support ad-hoc commands":[""],"About":["Tentang"],"Commands":[""],"%1$s Open Source %2$s XMPP chat client brought to you by %3$s Opkode %2$s":["%1$s Open Source %2$s klien obrolan XMPP dipersembahkan oleh %3$s Opkode %2$s"],"%1$s Translate %2$s it into your own language":["%1$s Terjemahkan %2$s ke dalam bahasa Anda sendiri"],"Log out":["Keluar"],"Click to change your chat status":["Klik untuk mengubah status obrolan Anda"],"Show details about this chat client":["Tampilkan detail tentang klien obrolan ini"],"Your avatar image":[""],"Checkbox for selecting the following fingerprint":["Centang untuk memilih sidik jari berikut"],"Device without a fingerprint":["Perangkat tanpa sidik jari"],"Other OMEMO-enabled devices":["Perangkat yang support OMEMO lainnya"],"Checkbox to select fingerprints of all other OMEMO devices":["Centang untuk memilih sidik jari dari semua perangkat OMEMO lainnya"],"Remove checked devices and close":["Hapus perangkat yang dicentang dan tutup"],"Select all":["Pilih semua"],"This device\'s OMEMO fingerprint":["Sidik jari OMEMO perangkat ini"],"Generate new keys and fingerprint":["Hasilkan kunci dan sidik jari baru"],"Your Profile":[""],"XMPP Address (JID)":[""],"Save and close":["Simpan dan tutup"],"Use commas to separate multiple roles. Your roles are shown next to your name on your chat messages.":[""],"OMEMO":[""],"Sorry, an error happened while trying to save your profile data.":[""],"You can check your browser\'s developer console for any error output.":[""],"Away":[""],"Busy":[""],"Custom status":[""],"Offline":[""],"Online":[""],"Away for long":[""],"Change chat status":[""],"Personal status message":[""],"I am %1$s":["Saya %1$s"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["Anda yakin ingin keluar?"],"online":["online"],"busy":["sibuk"],"away for long":["pergi lama"],"away":["pergi"],"offline":["offline"],"%1$s doesn\'t appear to have a client that supports OMEMO. Encrypted chat will no longer be possible in this grouchat.":["%1$s tampaknya tidak memiliki klien yang mendukung OMEMO. Obrolan terenkripsi tidak lagi dapat dilakukan di obrolan grup ini."],"Cannot use end-to-end encryption because %1$s uses a client that doesn\'t support OMEMO.":["Tidak dapat menggunakan enkripsi ujung ke ujung karena %1$s menggunakan klien yang tidak mendukung OMEMO."],"Messages are being sent in plaintext":["Pesan sedang dikirim dalam plaintext"],"This groupchat needs to be members-only and non-anonymous in order to support OMEMO encrypted messages":[""],"Sorry, we\'re unable to send an encrypted message because %1$s requires you to be subscribed to their presence in order to see their OMEMO information":["Maaf, kami tidak dapat mengirim pesan terenkripsi karena %1$s mengharuskan Anda untuk berlangganan keberadaan mereka untuk melihat informasi OMEMO mereka"],"Sorry, we\'re unable to send an encrypted message because the remote server for %1$s could not be found":["Maaf, kami tidak dapat mengirim pesan terenkripsi karena server jarak jauh untuk %1$s tidak dapat ditemukan"],"Unable to send an encrypted message due to an unexpected error.":["Tidak dapat mengirim pesan terenkripsi karena kesalahan yang tidak terduga."],"Sorry, an error occurred while trying to remove the devices.":["Maaf, terjadi kesalahan saat mencoba menghapus perangkat."],"Are you sure you want to generate new OMEMO keys? This will remove your old keys and all previously encrypted messages will no longer be decryptable on this device.":["Anda yakin ingin membuat kunci OMEMO baru? Ini akan menghapus kunci lama Anda dan semua pesan yang dienkripsi sebelumnya tidak lagi dapat didekripsi pada perangkat ini."],"Sorry, no devices found to which we can send an OMEMO encrypted message.":["Maaf, tidak ada perangkat yang dapat kami gunakan untuk mengirim pesan terenkripsi OMEMO."],"This is an OMEMO encrypted message which your client doesn’t seem to support. Find more information on https://conversations.im/omemo":["Ini adalah pesan terenkripsi OMEMO yang tampaknya tidak didukung oleh klien Anda. Temukan informasi lebih lanjut tentang https://conversations.im/omemo"]," e.g. conversejs.org":[" contoh: conversejs.org"],"Fetch registration form":["Ambil formulir pendaftaran"],"Tip: A list of public XMPP providers is available":["Tip: Daftar penyedia XMPP publik tersedia"],"here":["disini"],"Sorry, we\'re unable to connect to your chosen provider.":["Maaf, kami tidak dapat terhubung ke penyedia yang Anda pilih."],"Sorry, the given provider does not support in band account registration. Please try with a different provider.":["Maaf, penyedia yang diberikan tidak mendukung dalam pendaftaran akun band. Silakan coba dengan penyedia lain."],"Something went wrong while establishing a connection with \\"%1$s\\". Are you sure it exists?":["Terjadi kesalahan saat membuat koneksi dengan “%1$s”. Apakah Anda yakin itu ada?"],"Now logging you in":["Sekarang Anda masuk"],"Registered successfully":["Berhasil terdaftar"],"The provider rejected your registration attempt. Please check the values you entered for correctness.":["Penyedia menolak upaya pendaftaran Anda. Silakan periksa nilai yang Anda masukkan apakah sudah benar."],"Leave this groupchat":[""],"Click to toggle the list of open groupchats":["Klik untuk mengaktifkan daftar obrolan grup terbuka"],"Open Groupchats":["Buka Obrolan Grup"],"Are you sure you want to leave the groupchat %1$s?":["Anda yakin ingin keluar dari obrolan grup %1$s?"],"Add":["Tambah"],"Add a Contact":["Tambah kontak"],"This contact is busy":["Kontak ini sedang sibuk"],"This contact is online":["Kontak ini sedang online"],"This contact is offline":["Kontak ini sedang offline"],"This contact is unavailable":["Kontak ini tidak tersedia"],"This contact is away for an extended period":["Kontak ini tidak ada dalam waktu lama"],"This contact is away":["Kontak ini sedang pergi"],"Contact name":["Nama kontak"],"Optional nickname":["Nama panggilan opsional"],"Sorry, could not find a contact with that name":["Maaf, tidak dapat menemukan kontak dengan nama itu"],"This contact has already been added":["Kontak ini sudah ditambahkan"],"Filter":["Saring"],"Filter by contact name":["Saring berdasarkan nama kontak"],"Filter by group name":["Saring berdasarkan nama grup"],"Filter by status":["Saring berdasarkan status"],"Any":["Apa saja"],"Unread":["Belum dibaca"],"Chatty":["Cerewet"],"Extended Away":["Diperpanjang"],"Click to remove %1$s as a contact":["Klik untuk menghapus %1$s sebagai kontak"],"Click to accept the contact request from %1$s":["Klik untuk menerima permintaan kontak dari %1$s"],"Click to decline the contact request from %1$s":["Klik untuk menolak permintaan kontak dari %1$s"],"Are you sure you want to decline this contact request?":["Anda yakin ingin menolak permintaan kontak ini?"],"Contacts":["Kontak"],"Add a contact":["Tambah kontak"],"Re-sync your contacts":["Sinkronkan kembali kontak Anda"]}}}')}}]);
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