#!/bin/bash # We retrieve app parameters app=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME # Backup the current version of the app, restore it if the upgrade fails #if sudo yunohost backup list | grep -q ${app}-before-upgrade > /dev/null 2>&1; then # Supprime l'ancienne archive seulement si e$ # sudo yunohost backup delete ${app}-before-upgrade #fi #sudo yunohost backup create --ignore-hooks --apps $app --name ${app}-before-upgrade EXIT_PROPERLY () { exit_code=$? if [ "$exit_code" -eq 0 ]; then exit 0 # Quitte sans erreur si le script se termine correctement. fi trap '' EXIT set +eu sudo yunohost app remove $app # Supprime l'application avant de la restaurer. sudo yunohost backup restore --ignore-hooks ${app}-before-upgrade --apps $app --force # Restore the backup if upgrade fail$ ynh_die "Upgrade failed. The app was restored to the way it was before the failed upgrade." } #set -eu #trap EXIT_PROPERLY EXIT # Source app helpers source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers # We check variables are not empty CHECK_VAR () { # Vérifie que la variable n'est pas vide. # $1 = Variable à vérifier # $2 = Texte à afficher en cas d'erreur test -n "$1" || (echo "$2" >&2 && false) } CHECK_VAR "$app" "app name not set" path=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app path) domain=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app domain) final_path=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app final_path) finalnginxconf=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app finalnginxconf) finalphpconf=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app finalphpconf) calibre=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app calibre) basicauthcreate=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app basicauthcreate) # We check that calibre path is correct CHECK_CALIBRE () { # Vérifie la présence du / en début de path. Et son absence à la fin. if [ "${calibre:0:1}" != "/" ]; then # Si le premier caractère n'est pas un / calibre="/$calibre" # Ajoute un / en début de path fi if [ "${calibre:${#calibre}-1}" == "/" ] && [ ${#calibre} -gt 1 ]; then # Si le dernier caractère est un / $ calibre="${calibre:0:${#calibre}-1}" # Supprime le dernier caractère fi } CHECK_CALIBRE # We install dependencies #sudo apt-get update -y #sudo apt-get install php5-gd php5-sqlite php5-json php5-intl -y # Install dependencies using Helpers ynh_package_install_from_equivs ../conf/cops-deps.control \ || ynh_die "Unable to install dependencies" # Removal of old folder and restart from fresh sudo rm -rf $final_path sudo mkdir -p $final_path # We download the sources and check the md5sum cops_file=`sudo cat ../sources/source_file`; sudo wget -nv -i ../sources/source_url -O $cops_file sudo md5sum -c ../sources/source_md5 --status || (echo "Corrupt source" >&2 && false) sudo unzip ${cops_file} -d $final_path # Site adjustments sed -i "s@CALIBRETOCHANGE@$calibrepath@g" ../conf/config_local.php timezone=`sudo cat /etc/timezone`; sed -i "s@TIMEZONETOCHANGE@$timezone@g" ../conf/config_local.php sudo cp ../conf/config_local.php $final_path sudo cp ../conf/robots.txt $final_path # Create cops user and join nextcloud/owncloud/www-data groups runninguser="${app}-ynh" # 1. Create the user # Create a system account for COPS if it doesn't already exists test="$(sudo grep ^${runninguser}: /etc/passwd)" if [ -n "${test}" ]; then echo "The user $runninguser does not exist, we can create it" sudo useradd -c "$runninguser system account" \ -d $final_path --system --user-group $runninguser \ || ynh_die "Unable to create $runninguser system account" else echo "The user $runninguser exists, no need to create it" fi ynh_app_setting_set "$app" runninguser "$runninguser" # 2. Add cops-ynh to groups www-data and nextcloud/owncloud if they exist sudo usermod -a -G www-data $runninguser for filesharing in "nextcloud" "owncloud"; do app_id=$(sudo yunohost app list --installed -f "$filesharing" \ --output-as json | grep -Po '"id":[ ]?"\K.*?(?=")' | head -1) [[ -z "$app_id" ]] || { sudo usermod -a -G $filesharing $runninguser } done # Set permissions sudo chmod ug+rw -R $final_path sudo chown -hR $runninguser:$runninguser $final_path # Add basic auth if requested if [ "$basicauthcreate" = "Yes" ]; then basicauthname=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app basicauthname) basicauthpass=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app basicauthpass) # Generation of the htpasswd file according https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/community/faq/ SALT="$(openssl rand -base64 3)" (SHA1=$(printf "$basicauthpass$SALT" | openssl dgst -binary -sha1 | xxd -ps | sed 's#$#'"`echo -n $SALT | xxd -ps`"'#' | xxd -r -ps | base64);printf "$basicauthname:{SSHA}$SHA1\n" >> ../sources/htpasswd) sudo cp ../sources/htpasswd $final_path sudo chmod 440 $final_path/htpasswd sudo chown www-data:www-data $final_path/htpasswd # Modif nginx sed -i "s|^.*\bauth_basic\b.*$| auth_basic \"Private Library\";|" ../conf/nginx.conf; sed -i "s|^.*\bauth_basic_user_file\b.*$| auth_basic_user_file $final_path/htpasswd;|" ../conf/nginx.conf; else echo "No basic auth"; fi # Modify Nginx configuration file and copy it to Nginx conf.d directory sed -i "s@PATHTOCHANGE@$path@g" ../conf/nginx.conf sed -i "s@ALIASTOCHANGE@$final_path/@g" ../conf/nginx.conf sed -i "s@NAMETOCHANGE@$app@g" ../conf/nginx.conf sudo cp ../conf/nginx.conf $finalnginxconf # Modify php-fpm configuration file and copy it to php-fpm pool.d directory sed -i "s@NAMETOCHANGE@$app@g" ../conf/php-fpm.conf sed -i "s@FOLDERTOCHANGE@$final_path@g" ../conf/php-fpm.conf sed -i "s@USERTOCHANGE@$runninguser@g" ../conf/php-fpm.conf sudo cp ../conf/php-fpm.conf $finalphpconf sudo chown root: $finalphpconf sudo chmod 644 $finalphpconf # Make app public if necessary is_public=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app is_public) if [ "$is_public" = "Yes" ]; then ynh_app_setting_set $app skipped_uris "/" else ynh_app_setting_set $app protected_uris "/" fi # Reload Nginx and regenerate SSOwat conf sudo service php5-fpm reload sudo service nginx reload sudo yunohost app ssowatconf