diaspora_ynh ========== Diaspora integration for YunoHost ETAT = NOT WORKING Ne pas installer en production Do not install this app in production Notes -------------- Before installing, you have to: - get a dedicated domain (must install under web root like **https://diaspora.example.com/** not **https://example.com/diaspora/**) - get a valid SSL certificate Installation effects: - Thank you for being patient as deployment time can take up to about 1 hour (raspberry pi). - The installation directory can take up to 900MB and app start time can be take 5 minutes. Make yourself (your account) an admin: - https://wiki.diasporafoundation.org/FAQ_for_pod_maintainers#What_are_roles_and_how_do_I_use_them.3F_.2F_Make_yourself_an_admin_or_assign_moderators Not implement yet: - backup and restart scripts. Report a bug: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/diaspora_ynh/issues