mysql: &mysql adapter: mysql2 host: "localhost" port: 3306 username: "DBUSERTOCHANGE" password: "DBPASSTOCHANGE" # socket: /tmp/mysql.sock charset: utf8 collation: utf8_bin postgres: &postgres adapter: postgresql host: localhost port: 5432 username: postgres password: encoding: unicode # Comment the the mysql line and uncomment the postgres line # if you want to use postgres common: &common # Choose one of the following <<: *mysql #<<: *postgres # Should match environment.sidekiq.concurrency #pool: 25 ################################################## #### CONFIGURE ABOVE ############################# ################################################## # Normally you don't need to touch anything here postgres_travis: &postgres_travis adapter: postgresql username: postgres combined: &combined <<: *common development: <<: *combined database: diaspora_development production: <<: *combined database: diaspora_production test: <<: *combined database: "diaspora_test" integration1: <<: *combined database: diaspora_integration1 integration2: <<: *combined database: diaspora_integration2