{ "name": "YunoHost Distbin app", "id": "distbin", "packaging_format": 1, "description": { "en": "Distbin package for YunoHost application.", "fr": "Package d’application Distbin pour YunoHost." }, "version": "1.0~ynh1", "url": "https://example.com", "license": "Apache-2.0", "maintainer": { "name": "John doe", "email": "john.doe@example.com", "url": "http://example.com" }, "requirements": { "yunohost": ">= 2.7.14" }, "multi_instance": true, "services": [ "nginx" ], "arguments": { "install" : [ { "name": "domain", "type": "domain", "ask": { "en": "Choose a domain name for distbin", "fr": "Choisissez un nom de domaine pour distbin" }, "example": "distbin.example.com" }, { "name": "path", "type": "path", "ask": { "en": "Choose a path for distbin", "fr": "Choisissez un chemin pour distbin" }, "example": "/disbin", "default": "/disbin" }, { "name": "admin", "type": "user", "ask": { "en": "Choose an admin user", "fr": "Choisissez l’administrateur" }, "example": "johndoe" }, { "name": "is_public", "type": "boolean", "ask": { "en": "Is it a public application?", "fr": "Est-ce une application publique ?" }, "default": true }, { "name": "language", "ask": { "en": "Choose the application language", "fr": "Choisissez la langue de l'application" }, "choices": ["fr", "en"], "default": "fr" }, { "name": "password", "type": "password", "ask": { "en": "Set the administrator password", "fr": "Définissez le mot de passe administrateur" }, "help": { "en": "Use the help field to add an information for the admin about this question.", "fr": "Utilisez le champ aide pour ajouter une information à l'intention de l'administrateur à propos de cette question." }, "example": "Choose a password" } ] } }