import difflib import os import shutil import subprocess from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional from urllib.parse import ParseResult, urlparse import requests import tomli from bx_django_utils.filename import clean_filename from bx_py_utils.path import assert_is_dir, assert_is_file from packaging.version import Version import findmydevice PACKAGE_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent def assert_file_contains_string(file_path, string): with'r') as f: for line in f: if string in line: return raise AssertionError(f'File {file_path} does not contain {string!r} !') def get_gitlab_version_tag(gitlab_project_url: str) -> Optional[Version]: """ Returns the last non-prerelease Version objects from gitlab tags. """ assert gitlab_project_url.startswith( '' ), f'No gitlab Project url: {gitlab_project_url!r}' result: ParseResult = urlparse(gitlab_project_url) path = result.path # e.g.: '/jedie/django-find-my-device/' path = path.strip('/') # 'jedie/django-find-my-device' assert path.count('/') == 1, f'Wrong path {path!r} from: {gitlab_project_url!r}' path_escaped = path.replace('/', '%2F') tag_url = f'{path_escaped}/repository/tags' tags = requests.get(tag_url).json() for tag in tags: version_str = tag['name'] ver_obj = Version(version_str) if ver_obj.base_version and not ver_obj.is_prerelease: return ver_obj raise AssertionError( f'No version found from gitlab tags: {tag_url} (check: {gitlab_project_url})' ) def assert_gitlab_project_version(current_version: str, gitlab_project_url: str) -> None: """ Check that current version is the last version from gitlab tags. """ current_ver_obj = Version(current_version) gitlab_ver = get_gitlab_version_tag(gitlab_project_url=gitlab_project_url) assert gitlab_ver <= current_ver_obj, ( f'Current version from {gitlab_project_url} is: {gitlab_ver}' f' but current package version is: {current_ver_obj}' ) def test_version(): upstream_version = findmydevice.__version__ assert_gitlab_project_version( current_version=upstream_version, gitlab_project_url='', ) pyproject_toml_path = Path(PACKAGE_ROOT, 'pyproject.toml') pyproject_toml = tomli.loads(pyproject_toml_path.read_text(encoding='UTF-8')) pyproject_version = pyproject_toml['tool']['poetry']['version'] assert pyproject_version.startswith(f'{upstream_version}+ynh') # pyproject.toml needs a PEP 440 conform version and used "+ynh" # the YunoHost syntax is: "~ynh", just "convert this: manifest_version = pyproject_version.replace('+', '~') assert_file_contains_string( file_path=Path(PACKAGE_ROOT, 'manifest.json'), string=f'"version": "{manifest_version}"', ) def poetry_check_output(*args): poerty_bin = shutil.which('poetry') output = subprocess.check_output( (poerty_bin,) + args, text=True, env=os.environ, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=str(PACKAGE_ROOT), ) print(output) return output def test_poetry_check(): output = poetry_check_output('check') assert output == 'All set!\n' def test_requirements_txt(): requirements_txt = PACKAGE_ROOT / 'conf' / 'requirements.txt' assert_is_file(requirements_txt) output = poetry_check_output('export', '-f', 'requirements.txt') assert 'Warning' not in output current_content = requirements_txt.read_text() diff = '\n'.join( difflib.unified_diff( current_content.splitlines(), output.splitlines(), fromfile=str(requirements_txt), tofile='FRESH EXPORT', ) ) print(diff) assert diff == '', f'{requirements_txt} is not up-to-date! (Hint: call: "make update")' def test_screenshot_filenames(): """ """ screenshot_path = PACKAGE_ROOT / 'doc' / 'screenshots' assert_is_dir(screenshot_path) renamed = [] for file_path in screenshot_path.iterdir(): file_name = if file_name.startswith('.'): continue cleaned_name = clean_filename(file_name) if cleaned_name != file_name: new_path = file_path.with_name(cleaned_name) file_path.rename(new_path) renamed.append(f'{file_name!r} renamed to {cleaned_name!r}') assert not renamed, f'Bad screenshots file names found: {", ".join(renamed)}'