""" CLI for development """ import logging import shlex import sys from pathlib import Path import rich_click as click from cli_base.cli_tools import code_style from cli_base.cli_tools.dev_tools import run_tox from cli_base.cli_tools.subprocess_utils import verbose_check_call from cli_base.cli_tools.test_utils.snapshot import UpdateTestSnapshotFiles from cli_base.cli_tools.verbosity import OPTION_KWARGS_VERBOSE from cli_base.cli_tools.version_info import print_version from django.core.management.commands.test import Command as DjangoTestCommand from django_yunohost_integration.local_test import create_local_test from manageprojects.utilities.publish import publish_package from rich import print from rich.console import Console from rich.traceback import install as rich_traceback_install from rich_click import RichGroup import django_fmd_ynh from django_fmd_ynh import constants from django_fmd_ynh.constants import PACKAGE_ROOT from django_fmd_ynh.tests import setup_ynh_tests logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) OPTION_ARGS_DEFAULT_TRUE = dict(is_flag=True, show_default=True, default=True) OPTION_ARGS_DEFAULT_FALSE = dict(is_flag=True, show_default=True, default=False) ARGUMENT_EXISTING_DIR = dict( type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, readable=True, path_type=Path) ) ARGUMENT_NOT_EXISTING_DIR = dict( type=click.Path( exists=False, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, readable=False, writable=True, path_type=Path, ) ) ARGUMENT_EXISTING_FILE = dict( type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True, path_type=Path) ) class ClickGroup(RichGroup): # FIXME: How to set the "info_name" easier? def make_context(self, info_name, *args, **kwargs): info_name = './dev-cli.py' return super().make_context(info_name, *args, **kwargs) @click.group( cls=ClickGroup, epilog=constants.CLI_EPILOG, ) def cli(): pass @cli.command() @click.option('-v', '--verbosity', **OPTION_KWARGS_VERBOSE) def mypy(verbosity: int): """Run Mypy (configured in pyproject.toml)""" verbose_check_call('mypy', '.', cwd=PACKAGE_ROOT, verbose=verbosity > 0, exit_on_error=True) @cli.command() def install(): """ Run pip-sync and install 'django_fmd_ynh' via pip as editable. """ verbose_check_call('pip-sync', PACKAGE_ROOT / 'requirements.dev.txt') verbose_check_call('pip', 'install', '--no-deps', '-e', '.') def _run_safety(): verbose_check_call( 'safety', 'check', '-r', 'requirements.dev.txt', '--ignore', '67599', # Ignore CVE-2018-20225: We do not use the `--extra-index-url` option '--ignore', '70612', # Ignore CVE-2019-8341: We don't use Jinja2 directly ) @cli.command() def safety(): """ Run safety check against current requirements files """ _run_safety() @cli.command() def update(): """ Update "requirements*.txt" dependencies files """ bin_path = Path(sys.executable).parent verbose_check_call(bin_path / 'pip', 'install', '-U', 'pip') verbose_check_call(bin_path / 'pip', 'install', '-U', 'pip-tools') extra_env = dict( CUSTOM_COMPILE_COMMAND='./dev-cli.py update', ) pip_compile_base = [ bin_path / 'pip-compile', '--verbose', '--allow-unsafe', # https://pip-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#deprecations '--resolver=backtracking', # https://pip-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#deprecations '--upgrade', '--generate-hashes', ] # Only "prod" dependencies: verbose_check_call( *pip_compile_base, 'pyproject.toml', '--output-file', 'conf/requirements.txt', extra_env=extra_env, ) # dependencies + "dev"-optional-dependencies: verbose_check_call( *pip_compile_base, 'pyproject.toml', '--extra=dev', '--output-file', 'requirements.dev.txt', extra_env=extra_env, ) _run_safety() # Install new dependencies in current .venv: verbose_check_call(bin_path / 'pip-sync', 'requirements.dev.txt') @cli.command() def publish(): """ Build and upload this project to PyPi """ try: _run_django_test_cli(argv=sys.argv, exit_after_run=True) # Don't publish a broken state except SystemExit as err: assert err.code == 0, f'Exit code is not 0: {err.code}' publish_package( module=django_fmd_ynh, package_path=PACKAGE_ROOT, distribution_name='django_fmd_ynh', ) @cli.command() @click.option('--color/--no-color', **OPTION_ARGS_DEFAULT_TRUE) @click.option('-v', '--verbosity', **OPTION_KWARGS_VERBOSE) def fix_code_style(color: bool, verbosity: int): """ Fix code style of all your_cool_package source code files via darker """ code_style.fix(package_root=PACKAGE_ROOT, darker_color=color, darker_verbose=verbosity > 0) @cli.command() @click.option('--color/--no-color', **OPTION_ARGS_DEFAULT_TRUE) @click.option('-v', '--verbosity', **OPTION_KWARGS_VERBOSE) def check_code_style(color: bool, verbosity: int): """ Check code style by calling darker + flake8 """ code_style.check(package_root=PACKAGE_ROOT, darker_color=color, darker_verbose=verbosity > 0) @cli.command() def update_test_snapshot_files(): """ Update all test snapshot files (by remove and recreate all snapshot files) """ with UpdateTestSnapshotFiles(root_path=PACKAGE_ROOT, verbose=True): # Just recreate them by running tests: _run_django_test_cli(argv=sys.argv, exit_after_run=False) def _run_django_test_cli(argv, exit_after_run=True): """ Call the origin Django test manage command CLI and pass all args to it. """ setup_ynh_tests() print('\nStart Django unittests with:') for default_arg in ('shuffle', 'buffer'): if default_arg not in argv and f'--no-{default_arg}' not in argv: argv.append(f'--{default_arg}') print(shlex.join(argv)) print() test_command = DjangoTestCommand() test_command.run_from_argv(argv) if exit_after_run: sys.exit(0) @cli.command() # Dummy command def test(): """ Compile YunoHost files and run Django unittests """ _run_django_test_cli(argv=sys.argv, exit_after_run=True) @cli.command() # Dummy "tox" command def tox(): """ Run tox """ run_tox() @cli.command() def version(): """Print version and exit""" # Pseudo command, because the version always printed on every CLI call ;) sys.exit(0) @cli.command() def local_test(): """ Build a "local_test" YunoHost installation and start the Django dev. server against it. """ create_local_test( django_settings_path=PACKAGE_ROOT / 'conf' / 'settings.py', destination=PACKAGE_ROOT / 'local_test', runserver=True, extra_replacements={ '__DEBUG_ENABLED__': '1', }, ) @cli.command() def diffsettings(): """ Run "diffsettings" manage command against a "local_test" YunoHost installation. """ destination = PACKAGE_ROOT / 'local_test' create_local_test( django_settings_path=PACKAGE_ROOT / 'conf' / 'settings.py', destination=destination, runserver=False, extra_replacements={ '__DEBUG_ENABLED__': '1', }, ) app_path = destination / 'opt_yunohost' verbose_check_call( sys.executable, app_path / 'manage.py', 'diffsettings', cwd=app_path, ) def main(): print_version(django_fmd_ynh) if len(sys.argv) >= 2: # Check if we can just pass a command call to origin CLI: command = sys.argv[1] command_map = { 'test': _run_django_test_cli, 'tox': run_tox, } if real_func := command_map.get(command): real_func(argv=sys.argv, exit_after_run=True) console = Console() rich_traceback_install( width=console.size.width, # full terminal width show_locals=True, suppress=[click], max_frames=2, ) print('Execute Click CLI') cli()