#!/bin/sh #------------------------------------------------------ # Script to find files that are not Unix encoded # # Laurent Destailleur - eldy@users.sourceforge.net #------------------------------------------------------ # Usage: fixdosfiles.sh [list|fix] #------------------------------------------------------ # Syntax if [ "x$1" != "xlist" -a "x$1" != "xfix" ] then echo "This script detect or clean files with CR+LF into files with LF only. All source files are included, also files into includes." echo "Usage: fixdosfiles.sh [list|fix]" fi # To detec if [ "x$1" = "xlist" ] then find . \( -iname "*.md" -o -iname "*.html" -o -iname "*.htm" -o -iname "*.php" -o -iname "*.sh" -o -iname "*.cml" -o -iname "*.css" -o -iname "*.js" -o -iname "*.lang" -o -iname "*.pl" -o -iname "*.txt" -o -iname "*.xml" \) -exec file "{}" + | grep CRLF # find . \( -iname "*.md" -o -iname "*.html" -o -iname "*.htm" -o -iname "*.php" -o -iname "*.sh" -o -iname "*.cml" -o -iname "*.css" -o -iname "*.js" -o -iname "*.lang" -o -iname "*.pl" -o -iname "*.txt" -o -iname "*.xml" \) -exec file "{}" + | grep -v 'htdocs\/includes' | grep CRLF fi # To convert if [ "x$1" = "xfix" ] then for fic in `find . \( -iname "*.md" -o -iname "*.html" -o -iname "*.htm" -o -iname "*.php" -o -iname "*.sh" -o -iname "*.cml" -o -iname "*.css" -o -iname "*.js" -o -iname "*.lang" -o -iname "*.pl" -o -iname "*.txt" -o -iname "*.xml" \) -exec file "{}" + | grep CRLF | awk -F':' '{ print $1 }' ` do echo "Fix file $fic" dos2unix $fic done; fi