* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Philippe Grand * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * \file htdocs/admin/contract.php * \ingroup contract * \brief Setup page of module Contracts */ require '../main.inc.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/admin.lib.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/contrat/class/contrat.class.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/contract.lib.php'; $langs->load("admin"); $langs->load("errors"); $langs->load("contracts"); if (!$user->admin) accessforbidden(); $action = GETPOST('action','alpha'); $value = GETPOST('value','alpha'); $label = GETPOST('label','alpha'); $scandir = GETPOST('scandir','alpha'); $type='contract'; if (empty($conf->global->CONTRACT_ADDON)) { $conf->global->CONTRACT_ADDON='mod_contract_serpis'; } /* * Actions */ if ($action == 'updateMask') { $maskconst = GETPOST('maskconstcontract','alpha'); $maskvalue = GETPOST('maskcontract','alpha'); if ($maskconst) $res = dolibarr_set_const($db,$maskconst,$maskvalue,'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); if (! $res > 0) $error++; if (! $error) { setEventMessage($langs->trans("SetupSaved")); } else { setEventMessage($langs->trans("Error"),'errors'); } } else if ($action == 'specimen') // For contract { $modele= GETPOST('module','alpha'); $contract = new Contrat($db); $contract->initAsSpecimen(); // Search template files $file=''; $classname=''; $filefound=0; $dirmodels=array_merge(array('/'),(array) $conf->modules_parts['models']); foreach($dirmodels as $reldir) { $file=dol_buildpath($reldir."core/modules/contract/doc/pdf_".$modele.".modules.php",0); if (file_exists($file)) { $filefound=1; $classname = "pdf_".$modele; break; } } if ($filefound) { require_once $file; $module = new $classname($db); if ($module->write_file($contract,$langs) > 0) { header("Location: ".DOL_URL_ROOT."/document.php?modulepart=contract&file=SPECIMEN.pdf"); return; } else { setEventMessage($obj->error,'errors'); dol_syslog($obj->error, LOG_ERR); } } else { setEventMessage($langs->trans("ErrorModuleNotFound"),'errors'); dol_syslog($langs->trans("ErrorModuleNotFound"), LOG_ERR); } } // Define constants for submodules that contains parameters (forms with param1, param2, ... and value1, value2, ...) if ($action == 'setModuleOptions') { $post_size=count($_POST); $db->begin(); for($i=0;$i < $post_size;$i++) { if (array_key_exists('param'.$i,$_POST)) { $param=GETPOST("param".$i,'alpha'); $value=GETPOST("value".$i,'alpha'); if ($param) $res = dolibarr_set_const($db,$param,$value,'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); if (! $res > 0) $error++; } } if (! $error) { $db->commit(); setEventMessage($langs->trans("SetupSaved")); } else { $db->rollback(); setEventMessage($langs->trans("Error"),'errors'); } } // Activate a model else if ($action == 'set') { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } else if ($action == 'del') { $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { if ($conf->global->CONTRACT_ADDON_PDF == "$value") dolibarr_del_const($db, 'CONTRACT_ADDON_PDF',$conf->entity); } } // Set default model else if ($action == 'setdoc') { if (dolibarr_set_const($db, "CONTRACT_ADDON_PDF",$value,'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity)) { // La constante qui a ete lue en avant du nouveau set // on passe donc par une variable pour avoir un affichage coherent $conf->global->CONTRACT_ADDON_PDF = $value; } // On active le modele $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } } else if ($action == 'setmod') { // TODO Verifier si module numerotation choisi peut etre active // par appel methode canBeActivated dolibarr_set_const($db, "CONTRACT_ADDON",$value,'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); } else if ($action == 'set_other') { $freetext= GETPOST('CONTRACT_FREE_TEXT','alpha'); $res1 = dolibarr_set_const($db, "CONTRACT_FREE_TEXT",$freetext,'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); $draft= GETPOST('CONTRACT_DRAFT_WATERMARK','alpha'); $res2 = dolibarr_set_const($db, "CONTRACT_DRAFT_WATERMARK",trim($draft),'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); if (! $res1 > 0 || ! $res2 > 0) $error++; if (! $error) { setEventMessage($langs->trans("SetupSaved")); } else { setEventMessage($langs->trans("Error"),'errors'); } } /* * View */ $dirmodels=array_merge(array('/'),(array) $conf->modules_parts['models']); llxHeader(); $form=new Form($db); $linkback=''.$langs->trans("BackToModuleList").''; print_fiche_titre($langs->trans("ContractsSetup"),$linkback,'title_setup'); print "
"; $head=contract_admin_prepare_head(); dol_fiche_head($head, 'contract', $langs->trans("Contracts"), 0, 'contract'); /* * Contracts Numbering model */ print_titre($langs->trans("ContractsNumberingModules")); print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; print "\n"; clearstatcache(); foreach ($dirmodels as $reldir) { $dir = dol_buildpath($reldir."core/modules/contract/"); if (is_dir($dir)) { $handle = opendir($dir); if (is_resource($handle)) { $var=true; while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) { if (substr($file, 0, 13) == 'mod_contract_' && substr($file, dol_strlen($file)-3, 3) == 'php') { $file = substr($file, 0, dol_strlen($file)-4); require_once $dir.$file.'.php'; $module = new $file($db); // Show modules according to features level if ($module->version == 'development' && $conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL < 2) continue; if ($module->version == 'experimental' && $conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL < 1) continue; if ($module->isEnabled()) { $var=!$var; print ''; // Show example of numbering model print ''."\n"; print ''; $contract=new Contrat($db); $contract->initAsSpecimen(); // Info $htmltooltip=''; $htmltooltip.=''.$langs->trans("Version").': '.$module->getVersion().'
'; $nextval=$module->getNextValue($mysoc,$contract); if ("$nextval" != $langs->trans("NotAvailable")) { // Keep " on nextval $htmltooltip.=''.$langs->trans("NextValue").': '; if ($nextval) { if (preg_match('/^Error/',$nextval) || $nextval=='NotConfigured') $nextval = $langs->trans($nextval); $htmltooltip.=$nextval.'
'; } else { $htmltooltip.=$langs->trans($module->error).'
'; } } print ''; print ''; } } } closedir($handle); } } } print '
'.$module->nom."\n"; print $module->info(); print ''; $tmp=$module->getExample(); if (preg_match('/^Error/',$tmp)) { $langs->load("errors"); print '
'; } elseif ($tmp=='NotConfigured') print $langs->trans($tmp); else print $tmp; print '
'; if ($conf->global->CONTRACT_ADDON == "$file") { print img_picto($langs->trans("Activated"),'switch_on'); } else { print ''; print img_picto($langs->trans("Disabled"),'switch_off'); print ''; } print ''; print $form->textwithpicto('',$htmltooltip,1,0); print '

'; /* * Documents models for Contracts */ print_titre($langs->trans("TemplatePDFContracts")); // Defini tableau def des modeles $def = array(); $sql = "SELECT nom"; $sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."document_model"; $sql.= " WHERE type = '".$type."'"; $sql.= " AND entity = ".$conf->entity; $resql=$db->query($sql); if ($resql) { $i = 0; $num_rows=$db->num_rows($resql); while ($i < $num_rows) { $array = $db->fetch_array($resql); array_push($def, $array[0]); $i++; } } else { dol_print_error($db); } print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; print '\n"; print '\n"; print ''; print ''; print "\n"; clearstatcache(); $var=true; foreach ($dirmodels as $reldir) { foreach (array('','/doc') as $valdir) { $dir = dol_buildpath($reldir."core/modules/contract".$valdir); if (is_dir($dir)) { $handle=opendir($dir); if (is_resource($handle)) { while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) { $filelist[]=$file; } closedir($handle); arsort($filelist); foreach($filelist as $file) { if (preg_match('/\.modules\.php$/i',$file) && preg_match('/^(pdf_|doc_)/',$file)) { if (file_exists($dir.'/'.$file)) { $name = substr($file, 4, dol_strlen($file) -16); $classname = substr($file, 0, dol_strlen($file) -12); require_once $dir.'/'.$file; $module = new $classname($db); $modulequalified=1; if ($module->version == 'development' && $conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL < 2) $modulequalified=0; if ($module->version == 'experimental' && $conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL < 1) $modulequalified=0; if ($modulequalified) { $var = !$var; print ''; // Active if (in_array($name, $def)) { print ''; } else { print '"; } // Defaut print ''; // Info $htmltooltip = ''.$langs->trans("Name").': '.$module->name; $htmltooltip.='
'.$langs->trans("Type").': '.($module->type?$module->type:$langs->trans("Unknown")); if ($module->type == 'pdf') { $htmltooltip.='
'.$langs->trans("Width").'/'.$langs->trans("Height").': '.$module->page_largeur.'/'.$module->page_hauteur; } $htmltooltip.='

'.$langs->trans("FeaturesSupported").':'; $htmltooltip.='
'.$langs->trans("Logo").': '.yn($module->option_logo,1,1); $htmltooltip.='
'.$langs->trans("PaymentMode").': '.yn($module->option_modereg,1,1); $htmltooltip.='
'.$langs->trans("PaymentConditions").': '.yn($module->option_condreg,1,1); $htmltooltip.='
'.$langs->trans("MultiLanguage").': '.yn($module->option_multilang,1,1); $htmltooltip.='
'.$langs->trans("WatermarkOnDraftOrders").': '.yn($module->option_draft_watermark,1,1); print ''; // Preview print ''; print "\n"; } } } } } } } } print '
'; print (empty($module->name)?$name:$module->name); print "\n"; if (method_exists($module,'info')) print $module->info($langs); else print $module->description; print ''."\n"; print ''; print img_picto($langs->trans("Enabled"),'switch_on'); print ''; print ''."\n"; print 'scandir.'&label='.urlencode($module->name).'">'.img_picto($langs->trans("Disabled"),'switch_off').''; print "'; if ($conf->global->CONTRACT_ADDON_PDF == $name) { print img_picto($langs->trans("Default"),'on'); } else { print 'scandir.'&label='.urlencode($module->name).'" alt="'.$langs->trans("Default").'">'.img_picto($langs->trans("Disabled"),'off').''; } print ''; print $form->textwithpicto('',$htmltooltip,1,0); print ''; if ($module->type == 'pdf') { print ''.img_object($langs->trans("Preview"),'contract').''; } else { print img_object($langs->trans("PreviewNotAvailable"),'generic'); } print '
'; print "
"; /* * Other options * */ print '
'; print ''; print ''; print_titre($langs->trans("OtherOptions")); print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; print "\n"; $var=true; $var=! $var; print ''."\n"; //Use draft Watermark $var=!$var; print ''."\n"; print '
'; print $langs->trans("FreeLegalTextOnContracts").' ('.$langs->trans("AddCRIfTooLong").')
'; print ''; print '
'; print $langs->trans("WatermarkOnDraftContractCards").'
'; print ''; print '
'; print '
'; print ''; print '
'; print '
'; dol_fiche_end(); llxFooter(); $db->close();