*/ /** * \file htdocs/ecm/docother.php * \ingroup ecm * \brief Main ecm page * \author Laurent Destailleur */ require '../main.inc.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formfile.class.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/files.lib.php'; // Load traductions files $langs->load("ecm"); $langs->load("companies"); $langs->load("other"); // Get parameters $socid = GETPOST("socid","int"); // Security check if ($user->societe_id > 0) { $action = ''; $socid = $user->societe_id; } $section=$_GET["section"]; if (! $section) $section='misc'; $upload_dir = $conf->ecm->dir_output.'/'.$section; /******************************************************************* * ACTIONS * * Put here all code to do according to value of "action" parameter ********************************************************************/ // Envoie fichier if ( $_POST["sendit"] && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_UPLOAD_DOC)) { if (dol_mkdir($upload_dir) >= 0) { $resupload = dol_move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $upload_dir . "/" . dol_unescapefile($_FILES['userfile']['name']),0,0,$_FILES['userfile']['error']); if (is_numeric($resupload) && $resupload > 0) { $result=$ecmdir->changeNbOfFiles('+'); } else { $langs->load("errors"); if ($resupload < 0) // Unknown error { setEventMessage($langs->trans("ErrorFileNotUploaded"), 'errors'); } else if (preg_match('/ErrorFileIsInfectedWithAVirus/',$resupload)) // Files infected by a virus { setEventMessage($langs->trans("ErrorFileIsInfectedWithAVirus"), 'errors'); } else // Known error { setEventMessage($langs->trans($resupload), 'errors'); } } } else { // Echec transfert (fichier depassant la limite ?) $langs->load("errors"); $mesg = '
'; } } // Suppression fichier if ($_POST['action'] == 'confirm_deletefile' && $_POST['confirm'] == 'yes') { $langs->load("other"); $file = $upload_dir . "/" . GETPOST('urlfile'); // Do not use urldecode here ($_GET and $_REQUEST are already decoded by PHP). $ret=dol_delete_file($file); if ($ret) setEventMessage($langs->trans("FileWasRemoved", GETPOST('urlfile'))); else setEventMessage($langs->trans("ErrorFailToDeleteFile", GETPOST('urlfile')), 'errors'); } /******************************************************************* * PAGE * * Put here all code to do according to value of "action" parameter ********************************************************************/ llxHeader(); $form=new Form($db); print_fiche_titre($langs->trans("ECMAutoOrg")); //$head = societe_prepare_head($societe); /* * Confirmation de la suppression d'une ligne produit */ if ($_GET['action'] == 'delete_file') { print $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?socid='.$socid.'&urlfile='.urldecode($_GET["urlfile"]), $langs->trans('DeleteFile'), $langs->trans('ConfirmDeleteFile'), 'confirm_deletefile'); } // Construit liste des fichiers clearstatcache(); $totalsize=0; $filearray=array(); $errorlevel=error_reporting(); error_reporting(0); $handle=opendir($upload_dir); error_reporting($errorlevel); if (is_resource($handle)) { $i=0; while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) { if (!is_dir($dir.$file) && substr($file, 0, 1) <> '.' && substr($file, 0, 3) <> 'CVS') { $filearray[$i]->name=$file; $filearray[$i]->size=dol_filesize($upload_dir."/".$file); $filearray[$i]->date=dol_filemtime($upload_dir."/".$file); $totalsize+=$filearray[$i]->size; $i++; } } closedir($handle); } else { // print '
'; } /* print ''; // Nbre fichiers print ''; //Total taille print ''; print '
'.$langs->trans("TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles").''.$totalsize.' '.$langs->trans("bytes").'
'; print ''; */ if ($mesg) { print $mesg."
"; } print $langs->trans("FeatureNotYetAvailable"); // End of page $db->close(); llxFooter();