# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - admin WorkflowSetup=Configurare Modul Flux de Lucru WorkflowDesc=This module is designed to modify the behaviour of automatic actions into application. By default, workflow is open (you can do things in the order you want). You can activate the automatic actions you are interested in. ThereIsNoWorkflowToModify=There is no workflow modifications available with the activated modules. descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_ORDER=Automatically create a customer order after a commercial proposal is signed descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_INVOICEAutomatically create a customer invoice after a commercial proposal is signed descWORKFLOW_CONTRACT_AUTOCREATE_INVOICEAutomatically create a customer invoice after a contract is validated descWORKFLOW_ORDER_AUTOCREATE_INVOICEAutomatically create a customer invoice after a customer order is closed descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_PROPAL=Clasează propunere comercială legată ca facturată când comanda client este setată ca plătită descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Clasează comenzi(le) client sursă legate ca facturate, atunci când factura clientului este setată ca plătită descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Clasează comenzi(le) client sursă legate ca facturate, atunci când factura clientului este validată