# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - bills Bill=Račun Bills=Računi BillsCustomers=Računi kupaca BillsCustomer=Račun kupca BillsSuppliers=Računi dobavljača BillsCustomersUnpaid=Neplaćeni računi kupaca BillsCustomersUnpaidForCompany=Neplaceni računi kupaca za %s BillsSuppliersUnpaid=Neplaceni računi dobavljača BillsSuppliersUnpaidForCompany=Neplaceni računi dobavljača za %s BillsLate=Zakasnele uplate BillsStatistics=Statistika računa kupaca BillsStatisticsSuppliers=Statistika računa dobavljača DisabledBecauseNotErasable=Disabled because can not be erased InvoiceStandard=Standardni račun InvoiceStandardAsk=Standardni račun InvoiceStandardDesc=Ovaj tip računa je uobičajen InvoiceDeposit=Avansni račun InvoiceDepositAsk=Avansni račun InvoiceDepositDesc=Ovaj tip računa se koristi kada je registrovana pretplata InvoiceProForma=Predračun InvoiceProFormaAsk=Predračun InvoiceProFormaDesc=Predračun je neobavezujući dokument koji ima sve karakteristike računa. InvoiceReplacement=Zamenski račun InvoiceReplacementAsk=Zamenski račun za račun InvoiceReplacementDesc=Zamenski računse koristi da bi se otkazao i potpuno zamenio račun za koji do sada nije primljena uplata.

Napomena: Samo računi bez registrovane uplate mogu biti zamenjeni. Ukoliko račun koji menjate još uvek nije zaključen, biće automatski zaključen sa statusom "napušten" InvoiceAvoir=Knjižno odobrenje (kredit nota) InvoiceAvoirAsk=Knjižno odobrenje za korekciju računa InvoiceAvoirDesc=Kredit nota je negativni račun koji se koristi za korekciju računa na kome je iznos koji se razlikuje od iznosa koji je već plaćen (zato što je kupac greškom uplatio više, ili neće platiti puni iznos računa, jer je vratio neke proizvode, npr). invoiceAvoirWithLines=Create Credit Note with lines from the origin invoice invoiceAvoirWithPaymentRestAmount=Create Credit Note with remaining unpaid of origin invoice invoiceAvoirLineWithPaymentRestAmount=Credit Note for remaining unpaid amount ReplaceInvoice=Menja račun %s ReplacementInvoice=Zamenski račun ReplacedByInvoice=Zamenjeno računom %s ReplacementByInvoice=Zamenjeno računom CorrectInvoice=Ispravan račun %s CorrectionInvoice=Ispravka računa UsedByInvoice=Koristi se za plaćanje računa %s ConsumedBy=Potrošač NotConsumed=Ne potrošeno NoReplacableInvoice=Nema računa koji se mogu zameniti NoInvoiceToCorrect=Nema računa za korekciju InvoiceHasAvoir=Korigovano jednim ili sa više računa CardBill=Kartica računa PredefinedInvoices=Predefinisani računi Invoice=Račun Invoices=Računi InvoiceLine=Linija na računu InvoiceCustomer=Račun kupca CustomerInvoice=Račun kupca CustomersInvoices=Računi kupaca SupplierInvoice=Račun dobavljača SuppliersInvoices=Računi dobavljača SupplierBill=Račun dobavljača SupplierBills=računi dobavljača Payment=Plaćanje PaymentBack=Refundiranje Payments=Plaćanja PaymentsBack=Refundiranja PaidBack=Refundirano DatePayment=Datum plaćanja DeletePayment=Obriši plaćanje ConfirmDeletePayment=Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete ovo plaćanje? ConfirmConvertToReduc=Da li želite da promenite kreditni limit ili depozit u apsolutni popust ?
Iznos će biti sačuvan među ostalim iznosina i može se koristiti kao popust za trenutnu ili buduće fakture za ovog klijenta. SupplierPayments=Plaćanja dobavljačima ReceivedPayments=Primljene uplate ReceivedCustomersPayments=Uplate primljene od kupaca PayedSuppliersPayments=Payments payed to suppliers ReceivedCustomersPaymentsToValid=Primljene uplate kupaca za validaciju PaymentsReportsForYear=Izveštaj od plaćanjima za %s PaymentsReports=Izveštaj o plaćanjima PaymentsAlreadyDone=Plaćanje već izvršeno PaymentsBackAlreadyDone=Izvršene refundacije PaymentRule=Pravilo za plaćanje PaymentMode=Tip plaćanja PaymentTerm=Payment term PaymentConditions=Uslovi plaćanja PaymentConditionsShort=Uslovi plaćanja PaymentAmount=Iznos za plaćanje ValidatePayment=Potvrdi plaćanje PaymentHigherThanReminderToPay=Iznos koji želite da platiteje viši od iznosa za plaćanje HelpPaymentHigherThanReminderToPay=Pažnja, iznos za plaćanje na jednom ili više računa je viši od preostalog iznosa za plaćanje.
Izmenite svoj unos, ili potvrdite i razmislite o kreiranju knjižnog odobrenja za svaki više uplaćen račun. HelpPaymentHigherThanReminderToPaySupplier=Attention, the payment amount of one or more bills is higher than the rest to pay.
Edit your entry, otherwise confirm. ClassifyPaid=Klasifikuj kao "plaćeno" ClassifyPaidPartially=Klasifikuj "delimično plaćeno" ClassifyCanceled=Klasifikuj "napušteno" ClassifyClosed=Klasifikuj "zatvoreno" ClassifyUnBilled=Classify 'Unbilled' CreateBill=Novi račun AddBill=Novi račun ili knjižno odobrenje AddToDraftInvoices=Add to draft invoice DeleteBill=Obriši račun SearchACustomerInvoice=Traži račun kupca SearchASupplierInvoice=Traži račun dobavljača CancelBill=Otkaži račun SendRemindByMail=Pošalji podsetnik Emailom DoPayment=Izvrši plaćanje DoPaymentBack=Izvrši povraćaj ConvertToReduc=Konvertuj u budući popust EnterPaymentReceivedFromCustomer=Unesi prijem uplate kupca EnterPaymentDueToCustomer=Uplatiti zbog kupca DisabledBecauseRemainderToPayIsZero=Onemogući jer je preostali iznos nula Amount=Iznos PriceBase=Osnovna cena BillStatus=Status računa BillStatusDraft=Nacrt (treba da se potvrdi) BillStatusPaid=Plaćeno BillStatusPaidBackOrConverted=Plaćeno, ili konvertovano u popust BillStatusConverted=Plaćeno (spremno za konačni račun) BillStatusCanceled=Napušteno BillStatusValidated=Potvrdjeno (potrebno izvršiti plaćanje) BillStatusStarted=Započeto BillStatusNotPaid=Nije plaćeno BillStatusClosedUnpaid=Zatvoreno (neplaćeno) BillStatusClosedPaidPartially=Plaćeno (delimično) BillShortStatusDraft=Nacrt BillShortStatusPaid=Plaćeno BillShortStatusPaidBackOrConverted=Obradjeno BillShortStatusConverted=Obradjeno BillShortStatusCanceled=Napušteno BillShortStatusValidated=Potvrdjeno BillShortStatusStarted=Započeto BillShortStatusNotPaid=Nije plaeno BillShortStatusClosedUnpaid=Zatvoreno BillShortStatusClosedPaidPartially=Plaćeno (delimično) PaymentStatusToValidShort=Za potvrdu ErrorVATIntraNotConfigured=PIB broj nije definisan ErrorNoPaiementModeConfigured=Nije definisan obrazac za plaćanje. Izvršite podešavanje modula "Računi" kako biste ovo ispravili ErrorCreateBankAccount=Kreiraj bankovni račun, a potom idi u panel za podešavanje modula "Računi" da biste definisali načine plaćanja ErrorBillNotFound=Račun %s ne postoji ErrorInvoiceAlreadyReplaced=Greška! Pokušavate da potvrdite račun koji treba da zameni račun %s. Ali, ovaj račun je već zamenjen računom %s. ErrorDiscountAlreadyUsed=Greška! Popust je već iskorišćen ErrorInvoiceAvoirMustBeNegative=Greška! Račun korekcije mora imati negativan iznos ErrorInvoiceOfThisTypeMustBePositive=Greška! Ovaj tip računa mora imati pozitivan iznos ErrorCantCancelIfReplacementInvoiceNotValidated=Greška! Ne možete otkazati račun koji je zamenjen drugim računom, koji je još uvek u status nacrta. BillFrom=Od BillTo=Za ActionsOnBill=Akcije nad računom NewBill=Novi račun LastBills=Poslednji %s računi LastCustomersBills=Poslednji %s računi kupaca LastSuppliersBills=Poslednji %s računi dobavljača AllBills=Svi računi OtherBills=Drugi računi DraftBills=Računi u statusu "nacrt" CustomersDraftInvoices=Nacrti računa kupcima SuppliersDraftInvoices=Nacrti računa dobavljača Unpaid=Neplaćeno ConfirmDeleteBill=Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete ovaj račun? ConfirmValidateBill=Da li ste sigurni da želite da potvrdite ovaj iznos sa referencom %s? ConfirmUnvalidateBill=Da li ste sigurni da želite da izmenite račun %s u status "nacrt"? ConfirmClassifyPaidBill=Da li ste sigurni da želite da izmenite račun %s u status "plaćeno"? ConfirmCancelBill=Da li ste sigurni da želite da otkažete račun %s? ConfirmCancelBillQuestion=Zašto želite da klasifikujete ovaj račun kao "napušten"? ConfirmClassifyPaidPartially=Da li ste sigurni da želite da izmenite račun %s u status "plaćeno"? ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyQuestion=Ovaj račun nije plaćen u potpunosti. Iz kog razloga želite da zatvorite ovaj račun? ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonAvoir=Remaining unpaid (%s %s) is a discount granted because payment was made before term. I regularise the VAT with a credit note. ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountNoVat=Remaining unpaid (%s %s) is a discount granted because payment was made before term. I accept to lose the VAT on this discount. ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountVat=Remaining unpaid (%s %s) is a discount granted because payment was made before term. I recover the VAT on this discount without a credit note. ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadCustomer=Bad customer ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonProductReturned=Products partially returned ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonOther=Amount abandoned for other reason ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountNoVatDesc=This choice is possible if your invoice have been provided with suitable comment. (Example «Only the tax corresponding to the price that have been actually paid gives rights to deduction») ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountVatDesc=In some countries, this choice might be possible only if your invoice contains correct note. ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonAvoirDesc=Use this choice if all other does not suit ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadCustomerDesc=A bad customer is a customer that refuse to pay his debt. ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonProductReturnedDesc=This choice is used when payment is not complete because some of products were returned ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonOtherDesc=Use this choice if all other does not suit, for example in following situation:
- payment not complete because some products were shipped back
- amount claimed too important because a discount was forgotten
In all cases, amount over-claimed must be corrected in accountancy system by creating a credit note. ConfirmClassifyAbandonReasonOther=Other ConfirmClassifyAbandonReasonOtherDesc=This choice will be used in all other cases. For example because you plan to create a replacing invoice. ConfirmCustomerPayment=Do you confirm this payment input for %s %s ? ConfirmSupplierPayment=Do you confirm this payment input for %s %s ? ConfirmValidatePayment=Are you sure you want to validate this payment ? No change can be made once payment is validated. ValidateBill=Validate invoice UnvalidateBill=Unvalidate invoice NumberOfBills=Nb of invoices NumberOfBillsByMonth=Nb of invoices by month AmountOfBills=Amount of invoices AmountOfBillsByMonthHT=Amount of invoices by month (net of tax) ShowSocialContribution=Show social/fiscal tax ShowBill=Show invoice ShowInvoice=Show invoice ShowInvoiceReplace=Show replacing invoice ShowInvoiceAvoir=Show credit note ShowInvoiceDeposit=Show deposit invoice ShowPayment=Show payment File=File AlreadyPaid=Already paid AlreadyPaidBack=Already paid back AlreadyPaidNoCreditNotesNoDeposits=Already paid (without credit notes and deposits) Abandoned=Abandoned RemainderToPay=Remaining unpaid RemainderToTake=Remaining amount to take RemainderToPayBack=Remaining amount to pay back Rest=Pending AmountExpected=Amount claimed ExcessReceived=Excess received EscompteOffered=Discount offered (payment before term) SendBillRef=Submission of invoice %s SendReminderBillRef=Submission of invoice %s (reminder) StandingOrders=Standing orders StandingOrder=Standing order NoDraftBills=No draft invoices NoOtherDraftBills=No other draft invoices NoDraftInvoices=No draft invoices RefBill=Invoice ref ToBill=To bill RemainderToBill=Remainder to bill SendBillByMail=Send invoice by email SendReminderBillByMail=Send reminder by email RelatedCommercialProposals=Related commercial proposals MenuToValid=To valid DateMaxPayment=Payment due before DateEcheance=Due date limit DateInvoice=Invoice date NoInvoice=No invoice ClassifyBill=Classify invoice SupplierBillsToPay=Suppliers invoices to pay CustomerBillsUnpaid=Unpaid customers invoices DispenseMontantLettres=The written invoices through mecanographic procedures are dispensed by the order in letters NonPercuRecuperable=Non-recoverable SetConditions=Set payment terms SetMode=Set payment mode Billed=Billed RepeatableInvoice=Template invoice RepeatableInvoices=Template invoices Repeatable=Template Repeatables=Templates ChangeIntoRepeatableInvoice=Convert into template invoice CreateRepeatableInvoice=Create template invoice CreateFromRepeatableInvoice=Create from template invoice CustomersInvoicesAndInvoiceLines=Customer invoices and invoice's lines CustomersInvoicesAndPayments=Customer invoices and payments ExportDataset_invoice_1=Customer invoices list and invoice's lines ExportDataset_invoice_2=Customer invoices and payments ProformaBill=Proforma Bill: Reduction=Reduction ReductionShort=Reduc. Reductions=Reductions ReductionsShort=Reduc. Discount=Discount Discounts=Discounts AddDiscount=Create discount AddRelativeDiscount=Create relative discount EditRelativeDiscount=Edit relative discount AddGlobalDiscount=Create absolute discount EditGlobalDiscounts=Edit absolute discounts AddCreditNote=Create credit note ShowDiscount=Show discount ShowReduc=Show the deduction RelativeDiscount=Relative discount GlobalDiscount=Global discount CreditNote=Credit note CreditNotes=Credit notes Deposit=Deposit Deposits=Deposits DiscountFromCreditNote=Discount from credit note %s DiscountFromDeposit=Payments from deposit invoice %s AbsoluteDiscountUse=This kind of credit can be used on invoice before its validation CreditNoteDepositUse=Invoice must be validated to use this king of credits NewGlobalDiscount=New absolute discount NewRelativeDiscount=New relative discount NoteReason=Note/Reason ReasonDiscount=Reason DiscountOfferedBy=Granted by DiscountStillRemaining=Discounts still remaining DiscountAlreadyCounted=Discounts already counted BillAddress=Bill address HelpEscompte=This discount is a discount granted to customer because its payment was made before term. HelpAbandonBadCustomer=This amount has been abandoned (customer said to be a bad customer) and is considered as an exceptional loose. HelpAbandonOther=This amount has been abandoned since it was an error (wrong customer or invoice replaced by an other for example) IdSocialContribution=Social/fiscal tax payment id PaymentId=Payment id InvoiceId=Invoice id InvoiceRef=Invoice ref. InvoiceDateCreation=Invoice creation date InvoiceStatus=Invoice status InvoiceNote=Invoice note InvoicePaid=Invoice paid PaymentNumber=Payment number RemoveDiscount=Remove discount WatermarkOnDraftBill=Watermark on draft invoices (nothing if empty) InvoiceNotChecked=No invoice selected CloneInvoice=Clone invoice ConfirmCloneInvoice=Are you sure you want to clone this invoice %s ? DisabledBecauseReplacedInvoice=Action disabled because invoice has been replaced DescTaxAndDividendsArea=This area presents a summary of all payments made for special expenses. Only records with payment during the fixed year are included here. NbOfPayments=Nb of payments SplitDiscount=Split discount in two ConfirmSplitDiscount=Are you sure you want to split this discount of %s %s into 2 lower discounts ? TypeAmountOfEachNewDiscount=Input amount for each of two parts : TotalOfTwoDiscountMustEqualsOriginal=Total of two new discount must be equal to original discount amount. ConfirmRemoveDiscount=Are you sure you want to remove this discount ? RelatedBill=Related invoice RelatedBills=Related invoices RelatedCustomerInvoices=Related customer invoices RelatedSupplierInvoices=Related supplier invoices LatestRelatedBill=Latest related invoice WarningBillExist=Warning, one or more invoice already exist MergingPDFTool=Merging PDF tool # PaymentConditions PaymentConditionShortRECEP=Immediate PaymentConditionRECEP=Immediate PaymentConditionShort30D=30 days PaymentCondition30D=30 days PaymentConditionShort30DENDMONTH=30 days end of month PaymentCondition30DENDMONTH=30 days end of month PaymentConditionShort60D=60 days PaymentCondition60D=60 days PaymentConditionShort60DENDMONTH=60 days end of month PaymentCondition60DENDMONTH=60 days end of month PaymentConditionShortPT_DELIVERY=Delivery PaymentConditionPT_DELIVERY=On delivery PaymentConditionShortPT_ORDER=On order PaymentConditionPT_ORDER=On order PaymentConditionShortPT_5050=50-50 PaymentConditionPT_5050=50%% in advance, 50%% on delivery FixAmount=Fix amount VarAmount=Variable amount (%% tot.) # PaymentType PaymentTypeVIR=Bank deposit PaymentTypeShortVIR=Bank deposit PaymentTypePRE=Bank's order PaymentTypeShortPRE=Bank's order PaymentTypeLIQ=Cash PaymentTypeShortLIQ=Cash PaymentTypeCB=Credit card PaymentTypeShortCB=Credit card PaymentTypeCHQ=Check PaymentTypeShortCHQ=Check PaymentTypeTIP=Deposit PaymentTypeShortTIP=Deposit PaymentTypeVAD=On line payment PaymentTypeShortVAD=On line payment PaymentTypeTRA=Bill payment PaymentTypeShortTRA=Bill BankDetails=Bank details BankCode=Bank code DeskCode=Desk code BankAccountNumber=Account number BankAccountNumberKey=Key Residence=Domiciliation IBANNumber=IBAN number IBAN=IBAN BIC=BIC/SWIFT BICNumber=BIC/SWIFT number ExtraInfos=Extra infos RegulatedOn=Regulated on ChequeNumber=Check N° ChequeOrTransferNumber=Check/Transfer N° ChequeMaker=Check transmitter ChequeBank=Bank of Check CheckBank=Check NetToBePaid=Net to be paid PhoneNumber=Tel FullPhoneNumber=Telephone TeleFax=Fax PrettyLittleSentence=Accept the amount of payments due by checks issued in my name as a Member of an accounting association approved by the Fiscal Administration. IntracommunityVATNumber=Intracommunity number of VAT PaymentByChequeOrderedTo=Check payment (including tax) are payable to %s send to PaymentByChequeOrderedToShort=Check payment (including tax) are payable to SendTo=sent to PaymentByTransferOnThisBankAccount=Payment by transfer on the following bank account VATIsNotUsedForInvoice=* Non applicable VAT art-293B of CGI LawApplicationPart1=By application of the law 80.335 of 12/05/80 LawApplicationPart2=the goods remain the property of LawApplicationPart3=the seller until the complete cashing of LawApplicationPart4=their price. LimitedLiabilityCompanyCapital=SARL with Capital of UseLine=Apply UseDiscount=Use discount UseCredit=Use credit UseCreditNoteInInvoicePayment=Reduce amount to pay with this credit MenuChequeDeposits=Checks deposits MenuCheques=Checks MenuChequesReceipts=Checks receipts NewChequeDeposit=New deposit ChequesReceipts=Checks receipts ChequesArea=Checks deposits area ChequeDeposits=Checks deposits Cheques=Checks CreditNoteConvertedIntoDiscount=This credit note or deposit invoice has been converted into %s UsBillingContactAsIncoiveRecipientIfExist=Use customer billing contact address instead of third party address as recipient for invoices ShowUnpaidAll=Show all unpaid invoices ShowUnpaidLateOnly=Show late unpaid invoices only PaymentInvoiceRef=Payment invoice %s ValidateInvoice=Validate invoice Cash=Cash Reported=Delayed DisabledBecausePayments=Not possible since there are some payments CantRemovePaymentWithOneInvoicePaid=Can't remove payment since there is at least one invoice classified paid ExpectedToPay=Expected payment PayedByThisPayment=Paid by this payment ClosePaidInvoicesAutomatically=Classify "Paid" all standard, situation or replacement invoices entirely paid. ClosePaidCreditNotesAutomatically=Classify "Paid" all credit notes entirely paid back. AllCompletelyPayedInvoiceWillBeClosed=All invoice with no remain to pay will be automatically closed to status "Paid". ToMakePayment=Pay ToMakePaymentBack=Pay back ListOfYourUnpaidInvoices=List of unpaid invoices NoteListOfYourUnpaidInvoices=Note: This list contains only invoices for third parties you are linked to as a sale representative. RevenueStamp=Revenue stamp YouMustCreateInvoiceFromThird=This option is only available when creating invoice from tab "customer" of thirdparty PDFCrabeDescription=Invoice PDF template Crabe. A complete invoice template (recommended Template) TerreNumRefModelDesc1=Return number with format %syymm-nnnn for standard invoices and %syymm-nnnn for credit notes where yy is year, mm is month and nnnn is a sequence with no break and no return to 0 MarsNumRefModelDesc1=Return number with format %syymm-nnnn for standard invoices, %syymm-nnnn for replacement invoices, %syymm-nnnn for credit notes and %syymm-nnnn for credit notes where yy is year, mm is month and nnnn is a sequence with no break and no return to 0 TerreNumRefModelError=A bill starting with $syymm already exists and is not compatible with this model of sequence. Remove it or rename it to activate this module. ##### Types de contacts ##### TypeContact_facture_internal_SALESREPFOLL=Representative following-up customer invoice TypeContact_facture_external_BILLING=Customer invoice contact TypeContact_facture_external_SHIPPING=Customer shipping contact TypeContact_facture_external_SERVICE=Customer service contact TypeContact_invoice_supplier_internal_SALESREPFOLL=Representative following-up supplier invoice TypeContact_invoice_supplier_external_BILLING=Supplier invoice contact TypeContact_invoice_supplier_external_SHIPPING=Supplier shipping contact TypeContact_invoice_supplier_external_SERVICE=Supplier service contact # Situation invoices InvoiceFirstSituationAsk=First situation invoice InvoiceFirstSituationDesc=The situation invoices are tied to situations related to a progression, for example the progression of a construction. Each situation is tied to an invoice. InvoiceSituation=Situation invoice InvoiceSituationAsk=Invoice following the situation InvoiceSituationDesc=Create a new situation following an already existing one SituationAmount=Situation invoice amount(net) SituationDeduction=Situation subtraction Progress=Progress ModifyAllLines=Modify all lines CreateNextSituationInvoice=Create next situation NotLastInCycle=This invoice in not the last in cycle and must not be modified. DisabledBecauseNotLastInCycle=The next situation already exists. DisabledBecauseFinal=This situation is final. CantBeLessThanMinPercent=The progress can't be smaller than its value in the previous situation. NoSituations=No open situations InvoiceSituationLast=Final and general invoice