* Copyright (C) 2003 Eric Seigne * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Laurent Destailleur * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Regis Houssin * Copyright (C) 2011 Juanjo Menent * Copyright (C) 2014 Cedric GROSS * Copyright (C) 2015 Marcos GarcĂ­a * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * \file htdocs/comm/action/index.php * \ingroup agenda * \brief Home page of calendar events */ require '../../main.inc.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/societe/class/societe.class.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/contact/class/contact.class.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/comm/action/class/actioncomm.class.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/date.lib.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/agenda.lib.php'; if (! empty($conf->projet->enabled)) { require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formprojet.class.php'; } if (! isset($conf->global->AGENDA_MAX_EVENTS_DAY_VIEW)) $conf->global->AGENDA_MAX_EVENTS_DAY_VIEW=3; if (empty($conf->global->AGENDA_EXT_NB)) $conf->global->AGENDA_EXT_NB=5; $MAXAGENDA=$conf->global->AGENDA_EXT_NB; $filter=GETPOST("filter",'',3); $filtert = GETPOST("usertodo","int",3)?GETPOST("usertodo","int",3):GETPOST("filtert","int",3); $usergroup = GETPOST("usergroup","int",3); $showbirthday = empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)?GETPOST("showbirthday","int"):1; // If not choice done on calendar owner, we filter on user. if (empty($filtert) && empty($conf->global->AGENDA_ALL_CALENDARS)) { $filtert=$user->id; } $sortfield = GETPOST("sortfield",'alpha'); $sortorder = GETPOST("sortorder",'alpha'); $page = GETPOST("page","int"); if ($page == -1) { $page = 0; } $limit = $conf->liste_limit; $offset = $limit * $page; if (! $sortorder) $sortorder="ASC"; if (! $sortfield) $sortfield="a.datec"; // Security check $socid = GETPOST("socid","int"); if ($user->societe_id) $socid=$user->societe_id; $result = restrictedArea($user, 'agenda', 0, '', 'myactions'); if ($socid < 0) $socid=''; $canedit=1; if (! $user->rights->agenda->myactions->read) accessforbidden(); if (! $user->rights->agenda->allactions->read) $canedit=0; if (! $user->rights->agenda->allactions->read || $filter =='mine') // If no permission to see all, we show only affected to me { $filtert=$user->id; } $action=GETPOST('action','alpha'); //$year=GETPOST("year"); $year=GETPOST("year","int")?GETPOST("year","int"):date("Y"); $month=GETPOST("month","int")?GETPOST("month","int"):date("m"); $week=GETPOST("week","int")?GETPOST("week","int"):date("W"); $day=GETPOST("day","int")?GETPOST("day","int"):0; $pid=GETPOST("projectid","int",3); $status=GETPOST("status"); $type=GETPOST("type"); $maxprint=(isset($_GET["maxprint"])?GETPOST("maxprint"):$conf->global->AGENDA_MAX_EVENTS_DAY_VIEW); $actioncode=GETPOST("actioncode","alpha",3)?GETPOST("actioncode","alpha",3):(GETPOST("actioncode")=='0'?'0':''); if ($actioncode == '') $actioncode=(empty($conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_TYPE)?'':$conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_TYPE); if ($status == '' && ! isset($_GET['status']) && ! isset($_POST['status'])) $status=(empty($conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_STATUS)?'':$conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_STATUS); if (empty($action) && ! isset($_GET['action']) && ! isset($_POST['action'])) $action=(empty($conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_VIEW)?'show_month':$conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_VIEW); if (GETPOST('viewcal') && $action != 'show_day' && $action != 'show_week') { $action='show_month'; $day=''; } // View by month if (GETPOST('viewweek') || $action == 'show_week') { $action='show_week'; $week=($week?$week:date("W")); $day=($day?$day:date("d")); } // View by week if (GETPOST('viewday') || $action == 'show_day') { $action='show_day'; $day=($day?$day:date("d")); } // View by day $langs->load("agenda"); $langs->load("other"); $langs->load("commercial"); // Initialize technical object to manage hooks of thirdparties. Note that conf->hooks_modules contains array array $hookmanager->initHooks(array('agenda')); /* * Actions */ if (GETPOST("viewlist") || $action == 'show_list') { $param=''; foreach($_POST as $key => $val) { if ($key=='token') continue; $param.='&'.$key.'='.urlencode($val); } //print $param; header("Location: ".DOL_URL_ROOT.'/comm/action/listactions.php?'.$param); exit; } if (GETPOST("viewperuser") || $action == 'show_peruser') { $param=''; foreach($_POST as $key => $val) { if ($key=='token') continue; $param.='&'.$key.'='.urlencode($val); } //print $param; header("Location: ".DOL_URL_ROOT.'/comm/action/peruser.php?'.$param); exit; } if ($action =='delete_action') { $event = new ActionComm($db); $event->fetch($actionid); $result=$event->delete(); } /* * View */ $help_url='EN:Module_Agenda_En|FR:Module_Agenda|ES:Módulo_Agenda'; llxHeader('',$langs->trans("Agenda"),$help_url); $form=new Form($db); $companystatic=new Societe($db); $contactstatic=new Contact($db); $now=dol_now(); $nowarray=dol_getdate($now); $nowyear=$nowarray['year']; $nowmonth=$nowarray['mon']; $nowday=$nowarray['mday']; $listofextcals=array(); // Define list of external calendars (global admin setup) if (empty($conf->global->AGENDA_DISABLE_EXT)) { $i=0; while($i < $MAXAGENDA) { $i++; $source='AGENDA_EXT_SRC'.$i; $name='AGENDA_EXT_NAME'.$i; $offsettz='AGENDA_EXT_OFFSETTZ'.$i; $color='AGENDA_EXT_COLOR'.$i; $buggedfile='AGENDA_EXT_BUGGEDFILE'.$i; if (! empty($conf->global->$source) && ! empty($conf->global->$name)) { // Note: $conf->global->buggedfile can be empty or 'uselocalandtznodaylight' or 'uselocalandtzdaylight' $listofextcals[]=array('src'=>$conf->global->$source,'name'=>$conf->global->$name,'offsettz'=>$conf->global->$offsettz,'color'=>$conf->global->$color,'buggedfile'=>(isset($conf->global->buggedfile)?$conf->global->buggedfile:0)); } } } // Define list of external calendars (user setup) if (empty($user->conf->AGENDA_DISABLE_EXT)) { $i=0; while($i < $MAXAGENDA) { $i++; $source='AGENDA_EXT_SRC_'.$user->id.'_'.$i; $name='AGENDA_EXT_NAME_'.$user->id.'_'.$i; $offsettz='AGENDA_EXT_OFFSETTZ_'.$user->id.'_'.$i; $color='AGENDA_EXT_COLOR_'.$user->id.'_'.$i; $enabled='AGENDA_EXT_ENABLED_'.$user->id.'_'.$i; $buggedfile='AGENDA_EXT_BUGGEDFILE_'.$user->id.'_'.$i; if (! empty($user->conf->$source) && ! empty($user->conf->$name)) { // Note: $conf->global->buggedfile can be empty or 'uselocalandtznodaylight' or 'uselocalandtzdaylight' $listofextcals[]=array('src'=>$user->conf->$source,'name'=>$user->conf->$name,'offsettz'=>$user->conf->$offsettz,'color'=>$user->conf->$color,'buggedfile'=>(isset($user->conf->buggedfile)?$user->conf->buggedfile:0)); } } } if (empty($action) || $action=='show_month') { $prev = dol_get_prev_month($month, $year); $prev_year = $prev['year']; $prev_month = $prev['month']; $next = dol_get_next_month($month, $year); $next_year = $next['year']; $next_month = $next['month']; $max_day_in_prev_month = date("t",dol_mktime(0,0,0,$prev_month,1,$prev_year)); // Nb of days in previous month $max_day_in_month = date("t",dol_mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); // Nb of days in next month // tmpday is a negative or null cursor to know how many days before the 1st to show on month view (if tmpday=0, 1st is monday) $tmpday = -date("w",dol_mktime(12,0,0,$month,1,$year,true))+2; // date('w') is 0 fo sunday $tmpday+=((isset($conf->global->MAIN_START_WEEK)?$conf->global->MAIN_START_WEEK:1)-1); if ($tmpday >= 1) $tmpday -= 7; // If tmpday is 0 we start with sunday, if -6, we start with monday of previous week. // Define firstdaytoshow and lastdaytoshow (warning: lastdaytoshow is last second to show + 1) $firstdaytoshow=dol_mktime(0,0,0,$prev_month,$max_day_in_prev_month+$tmpday,$prev_year); $next_day=7 - ($max_day_in_month+1-$tmpday) % 7; if ($next_day < 6) $next_day+=7; $lastdaytoshow=dol_mktime(0,0,0,$next_month,$next_day,$next_year); } if ($action=='show_week') { $prev = dol_get_first_day_week($day, $month, $year); $prev_year = $prev['prev_year']; $prev_month = $prev['prev_month']; $prev_day = $prev['prev_day']; $first_day = $prev['first_day']; $first_month= $prev['first_month']; $first_year = $prev['first_year']; $week = $prev['week']; $day = (int) $day; $next = dol_get_next_week($first_day, $week, $first_month, $first_year); $next_year = $next['year']; $next_month = $next['month']; $next_day = $next['day']; // Define firstdaytoshow and lastdaytoshow (warning: lastdaytoshow is last second to show + 1) $firstdaytoshow=dol_mktime(0,0,0,$first_month,$first_day,$first_year); $lastdaytoshow=dol_time_plus_duree($firstdaytoshow, 7, 'd'); $max_day_in_month = date("t",dol_mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); $tmpday = $first_day; } if ($action == 'show_day') { $prev = dol_get_prev_day($day, $month, $year); $prev_year = $prev['year']; $prev_month = $prev['month']; $prev_day = $prev['day']; $next = dol_get_next_day($day, $month, $year); $next_year = $next['year']; $next_month = $next['month']; $next_day = $next['day']; // Define firstdaytoshow and lastdaytoshow (warning: lastdaytoshow is last second to show + 1) $firstdaytoshow=dol_mktime(0,0,0,$prev_month,$prev_day,$prev_year); $lastdaytoshow=dol_mktime(0,0,0,$next_month,$next_day,$next_year); } //print 'xx'.$prev_year.'-'.$prev_month.'-'.$prev_day; //print 'xx'.$next_year.'-'.$next_month.'-'.$next_day; //print dol_print_date($firstdaytoshow,'day'); //print dol_print_date($lastdaytoshow,'day'); $title=$langs->trans("DoneAndToDoActions"); if ($status == 'done') $title=$langs->trans("DoneActions"); if ($status == 'todo') $title=$langs->trans("ToDoActions"); $param=''; if ($actioncode || isset($_GET['actioncode']) || isset($_POST['actioncode'])) $param.="&actioncode=".$actioncode; if ($status || isset($_GET['status']) || isset($_POST['status'])) $param.="&status=".$status; if ($filter) $param.="&filter=".$filter; if ($filtert) $param.="&filtert=".$filtert; if ($socid) $param.="&socid=".$socid; if ($showbirthday) $param.="&showbirthday=1"; if ($pid) $param.="&projectid=".$pid; if ($type) $param.="&type=".$type; if ($action == 'show_day' || $action == 'show_week' || $action == 'show_month') $param.='&action='.$action; $param.="&maxprint=".$maxprint; // Show navigation bar if (empty($action) || $action=='show_month') { $nav ="".img_previous($langs->trans("Previous"))."\n"; $nav.=" ".dol_print_date(dol_mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year),"%b %Y"); $nav.=" \n"; $nav.="".img_next($langs->trans("Next"))."\n"; $nav.="   (".$langs->trans("Today").")"; $picto='calendar'; } if ($action=='show_week') { $nav ="".img_previous($langs->trans("Previous"))."\n"; $nav.=" ".dol_print_date(dol_mktime(0,0,0,$first_month,$first_day,$first_year),"%Y").", ".$langs->trans("Week")." ".$week; $nav.=" \n"; $nav.="".img_next($langs->trans("Next"))."\n"; $nav.="   (".$langs->trans("Today").")"; $picto='calendarweek'; } if ($action=='show_day') { $nav ="".img_previous($langs->trans("Previous"))."\n"; $nav.=" ".dol_print_date(dol_mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year),"daytextshort"); $nav.=" \n"; $nav.="".img_next($langs->trans("Next"))."\n"; $nav.="   (".$langs->trans("Today").")"; $picto='calendarday'; } // Must be after the nav definition $param.='&year='.$year.'&month='.$month.($day?'&day='.$day:''); //print 'x'.$param; $tabactive=''; if ($action == 'show_month') $tabactive='cardmonth'; if ($action == 'show_week') $tabactive='cardweek'; if ($action == 'show_day') $tabactive='cardday'; if ($action == 'show_list') $tabactive='cardlist'; $paramnoaction=preg_replace('/action=[a-z_]+/','',$param); $head = calendars_prepare_head($paramnoaction); dol_fiche_head($head, $tabactive, $langs->trans('Agenda'), 0, 'action'); print_actions_filter($form,$canedit,$status,$year,$month,$day,$showbirthday,0,$filtert,0,$pid,$socid,$action,$listofextcals,$actioncode,$usergroup); dol_fiche_end(); // Define the legend/list of calendard to show $s=''; $link=''; $showextcals=$listofextcals; if (! empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) // If javascript on { $s.='' . "\n"; // Local calendar $s.='
' . $langs->trans("LocalAgenda").'  
'; // External calendars if (is_array($showextcals) && count($showextcals) > 0) { $s.='' . "\n"; foreach ($showextcals as $val) { $htmlname = md5($val['name']); $s.='
' . $val['name'] . '  
'; } } // Birthdays $s.='
'; // Calendars from hooks $parameters=array(); $object=null; $reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('addCalendarChoice',$parameters,$object,$action); if (empty($reshook)) { $s.= $hookmanager->resPrint; } elseif ($reshook > 1) { $s = $hookmanager->resPrint; } } else // If javascript off { $newparam=$param; // newparam is for birthday links $newparam=preg_replace('/showbirthday=[0-1]/i','showbirthday='.(empty($showbirthday)?1:0),$newparam); if (! preg_match('/showbirthday=/i',$newparam)) $newparam.='&showbirthday=1'; $link=''; if (empty($showbirthday)) $link.=$langs->trans("AgendaShowBirthdayEvents"); else $link.=$langs->trans("AgendaHideBirthdayEvents"); $link.=''; } print_fiche_titre($s, $link.'     '.$nav, ''); // Load events from database into $eventarray $eventarray=array(); $sql = 'SELECT '; if ($usergroup > 0) $sql.=" DISTINCT"; $sql.= ' a.id, a.label,'; $sql.= ' a.datep,'; $sql.= ' a.datep2,'; $sql.= ' a.percent,'; $sql.= ' a.fk_user_author,a.fk_user_action,'; $sql.= ' a.transparency, a.priority, a.fulldayevent, a.location,'; $sql.= ' a.fk_soc, a.fk_contact,'; $sql.= ' ca.code as type_code, ca.libelle as type_label'; $sql.= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_actioncomm as ca, '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX."actioncomm as a"; if (! $user->rights->societe->client->voir && ! $socid) $sql.= " LEFT JOIN ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe_commerciaux as sc ON a.fk_soc = sc.fk_soc"; // We must filter on assignement table if ($filtert > 0 || $usergroup > 0) $sql.=", ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."actioncomm_resources as ar"; if ($usergroup > 0) $sql.= " LEFT JOIN ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."usergroup_user as ugu ON ugu.fk_user = ar.fk_element"; $sql.= ' WHERE a.fk_action = ca.id'; $sql.= ' AND a.entity IN ('.getEntity('agenda', 1).')'; if ($actioncode) $sql.=" AND ca.code='".$db->escape($actioncode)."'"; if ($pid) $sql.=" AND a.fk_project=".$db->escape($pid); if (! $user->rights->societe->client->voir && ! $socid) $sql.= " AND (a.fk_soc IS NULL OR sc.fk_user = " .$user->id . ")"; if ($socid > 0) $sql.= ' AND a.fk_soc = '.$socid; // We must filter on assignement table if ($filtert > 0 || $usergroup > 0) $sql.= " AND ar.fk_actioncomm = a.id AND ar.element_type='user'"; if ($action == 'show_day') { $sql.= " AND ("; $sql.= " (a.datep BETWEEN '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year))."'"; $sql.= " AND '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(23,59,59,$month,$day,$year))."')"; $sql.= " OR "; $sql.= " (a.datep2 BETWEEN '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year))."'"; $sql.= " AND '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(23,59,59,$month,$day,$year))."')"; $sql.= " OR "; $sql.= " (a.datep < '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year))."'"; $sql.= " AND a.datep2 > '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(23,59,59,$month,$day,$year))."')"; $sql.= ')'; } else { // To limit array $sql.= " AND ("; $sql.= " (a.datep BETWEEN '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)-(60*60*24*7))."'"; // Start 7 days before $sql.= " AND '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(23,59,59,$month,28,$year)+(60*60*24*10))."')"; // End 7 days after + 3 to go from 28 to 31 $sql.= " OR "; $sql.= " (a.datep2 BETWEEN '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)-(60*60*24*7))."'"; $sql.= " AND '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(23,59,59,$month,28,$year)+(60*60*24*10))."')"; $sql.= " OR "; $sql.= " (a.datep < '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)-(60*60*24*7))."'"; $sql.= " AND a.datep2 > '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(23,59,59,$month,28,$year)+(60*60*24*10))."')"; $sql.= ')'; } if ($type) $sql.= " AND ca.id = ".$type; if ($status == '0') { $sql.= " AND a.percent = 0"; } if ($status == '-1') { $sql.= " AND a.percent = -1"; } // Not applicable if ($status == '50') { $sql.= " AND (a.percent > 0 AND a.percent < 100)"; } // Running already started if ($status == 'done' || $status == '100') { $sql.= " AND (a.percent = 100 OR (a.percent = -1 AND a.datep2 <= '".$db->idate($now)."'))"; } if ($status == 'todo') { $sql.= " AND ((a.percent >= 0 AND a.percent < 100) OR (a.percent = -1 AND a.datep2 > '".$db->idate($now)."'))"; } // We must filter on assignement table if ($filtert > 0 || $usergroup > 0) { $sql.= " AND ("; if ($filtert > 0) $sql.= "ar.fk_element = ".$filtert; if ($usergroup > 0) $sql.= ($filtert>0?" OR ":"")." ugu.fk_usergroup = ".$usergroup; $sql.= ")"; } // Sort on date $sql.= ' ORDER BY datep'; //print $sql; dol_syslog("comm/action/index.php", LOG_DEBUG); $resql=$db->query($sql); if ($resql) { $num = $db->num_rows($resql); $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql); // Discard auto action if option is on if (! empty($conf->global->AGENDA_ALWAYS_HIDE_AUTO) && $obj->type_code == 'AC_OTH_AUTO') { $i++; continue; } // Create a new object action $event=new ActionComm($db); $event->id=$obj->id; $event->datep=$db->jdate($obj->datep); // datep and datef are GMT date. Example: 1970-01-01 01:00:00, jdate will return 0 if TZ of PHP server is Europe/Berlin $event->datef=$db->jdate($obj->datep2); //var_dump($obj->datep); //var_dump($event->datep); $event->type_code=$obj->type_code; $event->type_label=$obj->type_label; $event->libelle=$obj->label; $event->percentage=$obj->percent; $event->authorid=$obj->fk_user_author; // user id of creator $event->userownerid=$obj->fk_user_action; // user id of owner $event->fetch_userassigned(); // This load $event->userassigned $event->priority=$obj->priority; $event->fulldayevent=$obj->fulldayevent; $event->location=$obj->location; $event->transparency=$obj->transparency; $event->societe->id=$obj->fk_soc; $event->contact->id=$obj->fk_contact; // Defined date_start_in_calendar and date_end_in_calendar property // They are date start and end of action but modified to not be outside calendar view. if ($event->percentage <= 0) { $event->date_start_in_calendar=$event->datep; if ($event->datef != '' && $event->datef >= $event->datep) $event->date_end_in_calendar=$event->datef; else $event->date_end_in_calendar=$event->datep; } else { $event->date_start_in_calendar=$event->datep; if ($event->datef != '' && $event->datef >= $event->datep) $event->date_end_in_calendar=$event->datef; else $event->date_end_in_calendar=$event->datep; } // Define ponctual property if ($event->date_start_in_calendar == $event->date_end_in_calendar) { $event->ponctuel=1; } // Check values if ($event->date_end_in_calendar < $firstdaytoshow || $event->date_start_in_calendar >= $lastdaytoshow) { // This record is out of visible range } else { if ($event->date_start_in_calendar < $firstdaytoshow) $event->date_start_in_calendar=$firstdaytoshow; if ($event->date_end_in_calendar >= $lastdaytoshow) $event->date_end_in_calendar=($lastdaytoshow-1); // Add an entry in actionarray for each day $daycursor=$event->date_start_in_calendar; $annee = date('Y',$daycursor); $mois = date('m',$daycursor); $jour = date('d',$daycursor); // Loop on each day covered by action to prepare an index to show on calendar $loop=true; $j=0; $daykey=dol_mktime(0,0,0,$mois,$jour,$annee); do { //if ($event->id==408) print 'daykey='.$daykey.' '.$event->datep.' '.$event->datef.'
'; $eventarray[$daykey][]=$event; $j++; $daykey+=60*60*24; if ($daykey > $event->date_end_in_calendar) $loop=false; } while ($loop); //print 'Event '.$i.' id='.$event->id.' (start='.dol_print_date($event->datep).'-end='.dol_print_date($event->datef); //print ' startincalendar='.dol_print_date($event->date_start_in_calendar).'-endincalendar='.dol_print_date($event->date_end_in_calendar).') was added in '.$j.' different index key of array
'; } $i++; } } else { dol_print_error($db); } // Complete $eventarray with birthdates if ($showbirthday) { // Add events in array $sql = 'SELECT sp.rowid, sp.lastname, sp.firstname, sp.birthday'; $sql.= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'socpeople as sp'; $sql.= ' WHERE (priv=0 OR (priv=1 AND fk_user_creat='.$user->id.'))'; $sql.= " AND sp.entity IN (".getEntity('societe', 1).")"; if ($action == 'show_day') { $sql.= ' AND MONTH(birthday) = '.$month; $sql.= ' AND DAY(birthday) = '.$day; } else { $sql.= ' AND MONTH(birthday) = '.$month; } $sql.= ' ORDER BY birthday'; dol_syslog("comm/action/index.php", LOG_DEBUG); $resql=$db->query($sql); if ($resql) { $num = $db->num_rows($resql); $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql); $event=new ActionComm($db); $event->id=$obj->rowid; // We put contact id in action id for birthdays events $datebirth=dol_stringtotime($obj->birthday,1); //print 'ee'.$obj->birthday.'-'.$datebirth; $datearray=dol_getdate($datebirth,true); $event->datep=dol_mktime(0,0,0,$datearray['mon'],$datearray['mday'],$year,true); // For full day events, date are also GMT but they wont but converted during output $event->datef=$event->datep; $event->type_code='BIRTHDAY'; $event->libelle=$langs->trans("Birthday").' '.dolGetFirstLastname($obj->firstname,$obj->lastname); $event->percentage=100; $event->fulldayevent=true; $event->date_start_in_calendar=$event->datep; $event->date_end_in_calendar=$event->datef; $event->ponctuel=0; // Add an entry in actionarray for each day $daycursor=$event->date_start_in_calendar; $annee = date('Y',$daycursor); $mois = date('m',$daycursor); $jour = date('d',$daycursor); $loop=true; $daykey=dol_mktime(0,0,0,$mois,$jour,$annee); do { $eventarray[$daykey][]=$event; $daykey+=60*60*24; if ($daykey > $event->date_end_in_calendar) $loop=false; } while ($loop); $i++; } } else { dol_print_error($db); } } // Complete $eventarray with external import Ical if (count($listofextcals)) { require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/comm/action/class/ical.class.php'; foreach($listofextcals as $extcal) { $url=$extcal['src']; // Example: https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/eldy10%40gmail.com/private-cde92aa7d7e0ef6110010a821a2aaeb/basic.ics $namecal = $extcal['name']; $offsettz = $extcal['offsettz']; $colorcal = $extcal['color']; $buggedfile = $extcal['buggedfile']; //print "url=".$url." namecal=".$namecal." colorcal=".$colorcal." buggedfile=".$buggedfile; $ical=new ICal(); $ical->parse($url); // After this $ical->cal['VEVENT'] contains array of events, $ical->cal['DAYLIGHT'] contains daylight info, $ical->cal['STANDARD'] contains non daylight info, ... //var_dump($ical->cal); exit; $icalevents=array(); if (is_array($ical->get_event_list())) $icalevents=array_merge($icalevents,$ical->get_event_list()); // Add $ical->cal['VEVENT'] if (is_array($ical->get_freebusy_list())) $icalevents=array_merge($icalevents,$ical->get_freebusy_list()); // Add $ical->cal['VFREEBUSY'] if (count($icalevents)>0) { // Duplicate all repeatable events into new entries $moreicalevents=array(); foreach($icalevents as $icalevent) { if (isset($icalevent['RRULE']) && is_array($icalevent['RRULE'])) //repeatable event { //if ($event->date_start_in_calendar < $firstdaytoshow) $event->date_start_in_calendar=$firstdaytoshow; //if ($event->date_end_in_calendar > $lastdaytoshow) $event->date_end_in_calendar=($lastdaytoshow-1); if ($icalevent['DTSTART;VALUE=DATE']) //fullday event { $datecurstart=dol_stringtotime($icalevent['DTSTART;VALUE=DATE'],1); $datecurend=dol_stringtotime($icalevent['DTEND;VALUE=DATE'],1)-1; // We remove one second to get last second of day } else if (is_array($icalevent['DTSTART']) && ! empty($icalevent['DTSTART']['unixtime'])) { $datecurstart=$icalevent['DTSTART']['unixtime']; $datecurend=$icalevent['DTEND']['unixtime']; if (! empty($ical->cal['DAYLIGHT']['DTSTART']) && $datecurstart) { //var_dump($ical->cal); $tmpcurstart=$datecurstart; $tmpcurend=$datecurend; $tmpdaylightstart=dol_mktime(0,0,0,1,1,1970,1) + (int) $ical->cal['DAYLIGHT']['DTSTART']; $tmpdaylightend=dol_mktime(0,0,0,1,1,1970,1) + (int) $ical->cal['STANDARD']['DTSTART']; //var_dump($tmpcurstart);var_dump($tmpcurend); var_dump($ical->cal['DAYLIGHT']['DTSTART']);var_dump($ical->cal['STANDARD']['DTSTART']); // Edit datecurstart and datecurend if ($tmpcurstart >= $tmpdaylightstart && $tmpcurstart < $tmpdaylightend) $datecurstart-=((int) $ical->cal['DAYLIGHT']['TZOFFSETTO'])*36; else $datecurstart-=((int) $ical->cal['STANDARD']['TZOFFSETTO'])*36; if ($tmpcurend >= $tmpdaylightstart && $tmpcurstart < $tmpdaylightend) $datecurend-=((int) $ical->cal['DAYLIGHT']['TZOFFSETTO'])*36; else $datecurend-=((int) $ical->cal['STANDARD']['TZOFFSETTO'])*36; } // datecurstart and datecurend are now GMT date //var_dump($datecurstart); var_dump($datecurend); exit; } else { // Not a recongized record dol_syslog("Found a not recognized repeatable record with unknown date start", LOG_ERR); continue; } //print 'xx'.$datecurstart;exit; $interval=(empty($icalevent['RRULE']['INTERVAL'])?1:$icalevent['RRULE']['INTERVAL']); $until=empty($icalevent['RRULE']['UNTIL'])?0:dol_stringtotime($icalevent['RRULE']['UNTIL'],1); $maxrepeat=empty($icalevent['RRULE']['COUNT'])?0:$icalevent['RRULE']['COUNT']; if ($until && ($until+($datecurend-$datecurstart)) < $firstdaytoshow) continue; // We discard repeatable event that end before start date to show if ($datecurstart >= $lastdaytoshow) continue; // We discard repeatable event that start after end date to show $numofevent=0; while (($datecurstart < $lastdaytoshow) && (empty($maxrepeat) || ($numofevent < $maxrepeat))) { if ($datecurend >= $firstdaytoshow) // We add event { $newevent=$icalevent; unset($newevent['RRULE']); if ($icalevent['DTSTART;VALUE=DATE']) { $newevent['DTSTART;VALUE=DATE']=dol_print_date($datecurstart,'%Y%m%d'); $newevent['DTEND;VALUE=DATE']=dol_print_date($datecurend+1,'%Y%m%d'); } else { $newevent['DTSTART']=$datecurstart; $newevent['DTEND']=$datecurend; } $moreicalevents[]=$newevent; } // Jump on next occurence $numofevent++; $savdatecurstart=$datecurstart; if ($icalevent['RRULE']['FREQ']=='DAILY') { $datecurstart=dol_time_plus_duree($datecurstart, $interval, 'd'); $datecurend=dol_time_plus_duree($datecurend, $interval, 'd'); } if ($icalevent['RRULE']['FREQ']=='WEEKLY') { $datecurstart=dol_time_plus_duree($datecurstart, $interval, 'w'); $datecurend=dol_time_plus_duree($datecurend, $interval, 'w'); } elseif ($icalevent['RRULE']['FREQ']=='MONTHLY') { $datecurstart=dol_time_plus_duree($datecurstart, $interval, 'm'); $datecurend=dol_time_plus_duree($datecurend, $interval, 'm'); } elseif ($icalevent['RRULE']['FREQ']=='YEARLY') { $datecurstart=dol_time_plus_duree($datecurstart, $interval, 'y'); $datecurend=dol_time_plus_duree($datecurend, $interval, 'y'); } // Test to avoid infinite loop ($datecurstart must increase) if ($savdatecurstart >= $datecurstart) { dol_syslog("Found a rule freq ".$icalevent['RRULE']['FREQ']." not managed by dolibarr code. Assume 1 week frequency.", LOG_ERR); $datecurstart+=3600*24*7; $datecurend+=3600*24*7; } } } } $icalevents=array_merge($icalevents,$moreicalevents); // Loop on each entry into cal file to know if entry is qualified and add an ActionComm into $eventarray foreach($icalevents as $icalevent) { //var_dump($icalevent); //print $icalevent['SUMMARY'].'->'.var_dump($icalevent).'
';exit; if (! empty($icalevent['RRULE'])) continue; // We found a repeatable event. It was already split into unitary events, so we discard general rule. // Create a new object action $event=new ActionComm($db); $addevent = false; if (isset($icalevent['DTSTART;VALUE=DATE'])) // fullday event { // For full day events, date are also GMT but they wont but converted using tz during output $datestart=dol_stringtotime($icalevent['DTSTART;VALUE=DATE'],1); $dateend=dol_stringtotime($icalevent['DTEND;VALUE=DATE'],1)-1; // We remove one second to get last second of day //print 'x'.$datestart.'-'.$dateend;exit; //print dol_print_date($dateend,'dayhour','gmt'); $event->fulldayevent=true; $addevent=true; } elseif (!is_array($icalevent['DTSTART'])) // not fullday event (DTSTART is not array. It is a value like '19700101T000000Z' for 00:00 in greenwitch) { $datestart=$icalevent['DTSTART']; $dateend=$icalevent['DTEND']; $datestart+=+($offsettz * 3600); $dateend+=+($offsettz * 3600); $addevent=true; //var_dump($offsettz); //var_dump(dol_print_date($datestart, 'dayhour', 'gmt')); } elseif (isset($icalevent['DTSTART']['unixtime'])) // File contains a local timezone + a TZ (for example when using bluemind) { $datestart=$icalevent['DTSTART']['unixtime']; $dateend=$icalevent['DTEND']['unixtime']; $datestart+=+($offsettz * 3600); $dateend+=+($offsettz * 3600); // $buggedfile is set to uselocalandtznodaylight if conf->global->AGENDA_EXT_BUGGEDFILEx = 'uselocalandtznodaylight' if ($buggedfile === 'uselocalandtznodaylight') // unixtime is a local date that does not take daylight into account, TZID is +1 for example for 'Europe/Paris' in summer instead of 2 { // TODO } // $buggedfile is set to uselocalandtzdaylight if conf->global->AGENDA_EXT_BUGGEDFILEx = 'uselocalandtzdaylight' (for example with bluemind) if ($buggedfile === 'uselocalandtzdaylight') // unixtime is a local date that does take daylight into account, TZID is +2 for example for 'Europe/Paris' in summer { $localtzs = new DateTimeZone(preg_replace('/"/','',$icalevent['DTSTART']['TZID'])); $localtze = new DateTimeZone(preg_replace('/"/','',$icalevent['DTEND']['TZID'])); $localdts = new DateTime(dol_print_date($datestart,'dayrfc','gmt'), $localtzs); $localdte = new DateTime(dol_print_date($dateend,'dayrfc','gmt'), $localtze); $tmps=-1*$localtzs->getOffset($localdts); $tmpe=-1*$localtze->getOffset($localdte); $datestart+=$tmps; $dateend+=$tmpe; //var_dump($datestart); } $addevent=true; } if ($addevent) { $event->id=$icalevent['UID']; $event->icalname=$namecal; $event->icalcolor=$colorcal; $usertime=0; // We dont modify date because we want to have date into memory datep and datef stored as GMT date. Compensation will be done during output. $event->datep=$datestart+$usertime; $event->datef=$dateend+$usertime; $event->type_code="ICALEVENT"; if($icalevent['SUMMARY']) $event->libelle=$icalevent['SUMMARY']; elseif($icalevent['DESCRIPTION']) $event->libelle=dol_nl2br($icalevent['DESCRIPTION'],1); else $event->libelle = $langs->trans("ExtSiteNoLabel"); $event->date_start_in_calendar=$event->datep; if ($event->datef != '' && $event->datef >= $event->datep) $event->date_end_in_calendar=$event->datef; else $event->date_end_in_calendar=$event->datep; // Define ponctual property if ($event->date_start_in_calendar == $event->date_end_in_calendar) { $event->ponctuel=1; //print 'x'.$datestart.'-'.$dateend;exit; } // Add event into $eventarray if date range are ok. if ($event->date_end_in_calendar < $firstdaytoshow || $event->date_start_in_calendar >= $lastdaytoshow) { //print 'x'.$datestart.'-'.$dateend;exit; //print 'x'.$datestart.'-'.$dateend;exit; //print 'x'.$datestart.'-'.$dateend;exit; // This record is out of visible range } else { if ($event->date_start_in_calendar < $firstdaytoshow) $event->date_start_in_calendar=$firstdaytoshow; if ($event->date_end_in_calendar >= $lastdaytoshow) $event->date_end_in_calendar=($lastdaytoshow - 1); // Add an entry in actionarray for each day $daycursor=$event->date_start_in_calendar; $annee = date('Y',$daycursor); $mois = date('m',$daycursor); $jour = date('d',$daycursor); // Loop on each day covered by action to prepare an index to show on calendar $loop=true; $j=0; // daykey must be date that represent day box in calendar so must be a user time $daykey=dol_mktime(0,0,0,$mois,$jour,$annee); $daykeygmt=dol_mktime(0,0,0,$mois,$jour,$annee,true,0); do { //if ($event->fulldayevent) print dol_print_date($daykeygmt,'dayhour','gmt').'-'.dol_print_date($daykey,'dayhour','gmt').'-'.dol_print_date($event->date_end_in_calendar,'dayhour','gmt').' '; $eventarray[$daykey][]=$event; $daykey+=60*60*24; $daykeygmt+=60*60*24; // Add one day if (($event->fulldayevent ? $daykeygmt : $daykey) > $event->date_end_in_calendar) $loop=false; } while ($loop); } } } } } } // Complete $eventarray with events coming from external module $parameters=array(); $object=null; $reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('getCalendarEvents',$parameters,$object,$action); if (! empty($hookmanager->resArray['eventarray'])) $eventarray=array_merge($eventarray, $hookmanager->resArray['eventarray']); $maxnbofchar=18; $cachethirdparties=array(); $cachecontacts=array(); $cacheusers=array(); // Define theme_datacolor array $color_file = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/theme/".$conf->theme."/graph-color.php"; if (is_readable($color_file)) { include_once $color_file; } if (! is_array($theme_datacolor)) $theme_datacolor=array(array(120,130,150), array(200,160,180), array(190,190,220)); if (empty($action) || $action == 'show_month') // View by month { $newparam=$param; // newparam is for birthday links $newparam=preg_replace('/showbirthday=/i','showbirthday_=',$newparam); // To avoid replacement when replace day= is done $newparam=preg_replace('/action=show_month&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/action=show_week&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/day=[0-9]+&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/month=[0-9]+&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/year=[0-9]+&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/viewcal=[0-9]+&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/showbirthday_=/i','showbirthday=',$newparam); // Restore correct parameter $newparam.='&viewcal=1'; echo ''; echo ' '; $i=0; while ($i < 7) { echo ' \n"; $i++; } echo " \n"; $todayarray=dol_getdate($now,'fast'); $todaytms=dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $todayarray['mon'], $todayarray['mday'], $todayarray['year']); // In loops, tmpday contains day nb in current month (can be zero or negative for days of previous month) //var_dump($eventarray); for ($iter_week = 0; $iter_week < 6 ; $iter_week++) { echo " \n"; for ($iter_day = 0; $iter_day < 7; $iter_day++) { /* Show days before the beginning of the current month (previous month) */ if ($tmpday <= 0) { $style='cal_other_month cal_past'; if ($iter_day == 6) $style.=' cal_other_month_right'; echo ' \n"; } /* Show days of the current month */ elseif ($tmpday <= $max_day_in_month) { $curtime = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $tmpday, $year); $style='cal_current_month'; if ($iter_day == 6) $style.=' cal_current_month_right'; $today=0; if ($todayarray['mday']==$tmpday && $todayarray['mon']==$month && $todayarray['year']==$year) $today=1; if ($today) $style='cal_today'; if ($curtime < $todaytms) $style.=' cal_past'; //var_dump($todayarray['mday']."==".$tmpday." && ".$todayarray['mon']."==".$month." && ".$todayarray['year']."==".$year.' -> '.$style); echo ' \n"; } /* Show days after the current month (next month) */ else { $style='cal_other_month'; if ($iter_day == 6) $style.=' cal_other_month_right'; echo ' \n"; } $tmpday++; } echo " \n"; } echo "
'.$langs->trans("Day".(($i+(isset($conf->global->MAIN_START_WEEK)?$conf->global->MAIN_START_WEEK:1)) % 7))."
'; show_day_events($db, $max_day_in_prev_month + $tmpday, $prev_month, $prev_year, $month, $style, $eventarray, $maxprint, $maxnbofchar, $newparam); echo " '; show_day_events($db, $tmpday, $month, $year, $month, $style, $eventarray, $maxprint, $maxnbofchar, $newparam); echo " '; show_day_events($db, $tmpday - $max_day_in_month, $next_month, $next_year, $month, $style, $eventarray, $maxprint, $maxnbofchar, $newparam); echo "
\n"; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '' ; echo '
'; } elseif ($action == 'show_week') // View by week { $newparam=$param; // newparam is for birthday links $newparam=preg_replace('/showbirthday=/i','showbirthday_=',$newparam); // To avoid replacement when replace day= is done $newparam=preg_replace('/action=show_month&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/action=show_week&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/day=[0-9]+&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/month=[0-9]+&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/year=[0-9]+&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/viewweek=[0-9]+&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/showbirthday_=/i','showbirthday=',$newparam); // Restore correct parameter $newparam.='&viewweek=1'; echo ''; echo ' '; $i=0; while ($i < 7) { echo ' \n"; $i++; } echo " \n"; echo " \n"; for ($iter_day = 0; $iter_day < 7; $iter_day++) { // Show days of the current week $curtime = dol_time_plus_duree($firstdaytoshow, $iter_day, 'd'); $tmparray = dol_getdate($curtime, true); $tmpday = $tmparray['mday']; $tmpmonth = $tmparray['mon']; $tmpyear = $tmparray['year']; $style='cal_current_month'; if ($iter_day == 6) $style.=' cal_other_month_right'; $today=0; $todayarray=dol_getdate($now,'fast'); if ($todayarray['mday']==$tmpday && $todayarray['mon']==$tmpmonth && $todayarray['year']==$tmpyear) $today=1; if ($today) $style='cal_today'; echo ' \n"; } echo " \n"; echo "
'.$langs->trans("Day".(($i+(isset($conf->global->MAIN_START_WEEK)?$conf->global->MAIN_START_WEEK:1)) % 7))."
'; show_day_events($db, $tmpday, $tmpmonth, $tmpyear, $month, $style, $eventarray, 0, $maxnbofchar, $newparam, 1, 300); echo "
\n"; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '' ; echo '
'; } else // View by day { $newparam=$param; // newparam is for birthday links $newparam=preg_replace('/action=show_month&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/action=show_week&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam=preg_replace('/viewday=[0-9]+&?/i','',$newparam); $newparam.='&viewday=1'; // Code to show just one day $style='cal_current_month cal_current_month_oneday'; $today=0; $todayarray=dol_getdate($now,'fast'); if ($todayarray['mday']==$day && $todayarray['mon']==$month && $todayarray['year']==$year) $today=1; //if ($today) $style='cal_today'; $timestamp=dol_mktime(12,0,0,$month,$day,$year); $arraytimestamp=dol_getdate($timestamp); echo ''; echo ' '; echo ' \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo ' \n"; echo " \n"; echo '
'; $maxnbofchar=80; show_day_events($db, $day, $month, $year, $month, $style, $eventarray, 0, $maxnbofchar, $newparam, 1, 300); echo "
'; } /* TODO Export print ' '; */ llxFooter(); $db->close(); /** * Show event of a particular day * * @param DoliDB $db Database handler * @param int $day Day * @param int $month Month * @param int $year Year * @param int $monthshown Current month shown in calendar view * @param string $style Style to use for this day * @param array $eventarray Array of events * @param int $maxprint Nb of actions to show each day on month view (0 means no limit) * @param int $maxnbofchar Nb of characters to show for event line * @param string $newparam Parameters on current URL * @param int $showinfo Add extended information (used by day and week view) * @param int $minheight Minimum height for each event. 60px by default. * @return void */ function show_day_events($db, $day, $month, $year, $monthshown, $style, &$eventarray, $maxprint=0, $maxnbofchar=16, $newparam='', $showinfo=0, $minheight=60) { global $user, $conf, $langs; global $action, $filter, $filtert, $status, $actioncode; // Filters used into search form global $theme_datacolor; global $cachethirdparties, $cachecontacts, $cacheusers, $colorindexused; print "\n".'
'; // Line with title of day $curtime = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); print ''."\n"; print ''."\n"; // Line with td contains all div of each events print ''; print '
'; print ''; if ($showinfo) print dol_print_date($curtime,'daytextshort'); else print dol_print_date($curtime,'%d'); print ''; print ''; if ($user->rights->agenda->myactions->create || $user->rights->agenda->allactions->create) { $newparam.='&month='.str_pad($month, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).'&year='.$year; //$param='month='.$monthshown.'&year='.$year; $hourminsec='100000'; print ''; print img_picto($langs->trans("NewAction"),'edit_add.png'); print ''; } print '
'; print '
'; //$curtime = dol_mktime (0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); $i=0; $nummytasks=0; $numother=0; $numbirthday=0; $numical=0; $numicals=array(); $ymd=sprintf("%04d",$year).sprintf("%02d",$month).sprintf("%02d",$day); $nextindextouse=count($colorindexused); // At first run this is 0, so fist user has 0, next 1, ... //print $nextindextouse; foreach ($eventarray as $daykey => $notused) { $annee = date('Y',$daykey); $mois = date('m',$daykey); $jour = date('d',$daykey); if ($day==$jour && $month==$mois && $year==$annee) { foreach ($eventarray[$daykey] as $index => $event) { if ($i < $maxprint || $maxprint == 0 || ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_JS_SWITCH_AGENDA)) { $keysofuserassigned=array_keys($event->userassigned); $ponct=($event->date_start_in_calendar == $event->date_end_in_calendar); // Define $color (Hex string like '0088FF') and $cssclass of event $color=-1; $colorindex=-1; if (in_array($user->id, $keysofuserassigned)) { $nummytasks++; $cssclass='family_mytasks'; if (empty($cacheusers[$event->userownerid])) { $newuser=new User($db); $newuser->fetch($event->userownerid); $cacheusers[$event->userownerid]=$newuser; } //var_dump($cacheusers[$event->userownerid]->color); // We decide to choose color of owner of event (event->userownerid is user id of owner, event->userassigned contains all users assigned to event) if (! empty($cacheusers[$event->userownerid]->color)) $color=$cacheusers[$event->userownerid]->color; } else if ($event->type_code == 'ICALEVENT') { $numical++; if (! empty($event->icalname)) { if (! isset($numicals[dol_string_nospecial($event->icalname)])) { $numicals[dol_string_nospecial($event->icalname)] = 0; } $numicals[dol_string_nospecial($event->icalname)]++; } $color=$event->icalcolor; $cssclass=(! empty($event->icalname)?'family_ext'.md5($event->icalname):'family_other unmovable'); } else if ($event->type_code == 'BIRTHDAY') { $numbirthday++; $colorindex=2; $cssclass='family_birthday unmovable'; $color=sprintf("%02x%02x%02x",$theme_datacolor[$colorindex][0],$theme_datacolor[$colorindex][1],$theme_datacolor[$colorindex][2]); } else { $numother++; $cssclass='family_other'; if (empty($cacheusers[$event->userownerid])) { $newuser=new User($db); $newuser->fetch($event->userownerid); $cacheusers[$event->userownerid]=$newuser; } //var_dump($cacheusers[$event->userownerid]->color); // We decide to choose color of owner of event (event->userownerid is user id of owner, event->userassigned contains all users assigned to event) if (! empty($cacheusers[$event->userownerid]->color)) $color=$cacheusers[$event->userownerid]->color; } if ($color == -1) // Color was not forced. Set color according to color index. { // Define color index if not yet defined $idusertouse=($event->userownerid?$event->userownerid:0); if (isset($colorindexused[$idusertouse])) { $colorindex=$colorindexused[$idusertouse]; // Color already assigned to this user } else { $colorindex=$nextindextouse; $colorindexused[$idusertouse]=$colorindex; if (! empty($theme_datacolor[$nextindextouse+1])) $nextindextouse++; // Prepare to use next color } //print '|'.($color).'='.($idusertouse?$idusertouse:0).'='.$colorindex.'
'; // Define color $color=sprintf("%02x%02x%02x",$theme_datacolor[$colorindex][0],$theme_datacolor[$colorindex][1],$theme_datacolor[$colorindex][2]); } $cssclass=$cssclass.' '.$cssclass.'_day_'.$ymd; // Defined style to disable drag and drop feature if ($event->type_code =='AC_OTH_AUTO') { $cssclass.= " unmovable"; } else if ($event->date_end_in_calendar && date('Ymd',$event->date_start_in_calendar) != date('Ymd',$event->date_end_in_calendar)) { $tmpyearend = date('Y',$event->date_end_in_calendar); $tmpmonthend = date('m',$event->date_end_in_calendar); $tmpdayend = date('d',$event->date_end_in_calendar); if ($tmpyearend == $annee && $tmpmonthend == $mois && $tmpdayend == $jour) { $cssclass.= " unmovable"; } } else $cssclass.= " movable"; $h=''; $nowrapontd=1; if ($action == 'show_day') { $h='height: 100%; '; $nowrapontd=0; } if ($action == 'show_week') { $h='height: 100%; '; $nowrapontd=0; } // Show rect of event print "\n"; print '
'; print '
    '; // always 1 li per ul, 1 ul per event print '
  • '; print ''; print ''; // Status - Percent print '
    '; if ($event->type_code == 'BIRTHDAY') // It's a birthday { print $event->getNomUrl(1,$maxnbofchar,'cal_event','birthday','contact'); } if ($event->type_code != 'BIRTHDAY') { // Picto if (empty($event->fulldayevent)) { //print $event->getNomUrl(2).' '; } // Date if (empty($event->fulldayevent)) { //print ''; $daterange=''; // Show hours (start ... end) $tmpyearstart = date('Y',$event->date_start_in_calendar); $tmpmonthstart = date('m',$event->date_start_in_calendar); $tmpdaystart = date('d',$event->date_start_in_calendar); $tmpyearend = date('Y',$event->date_end_in_calendar); $tmpmonthend = date('m',$event->date_end_in_calendar); $tmpdayend = date('d',$event->date_end_in_calendar); // Hour start if ($tmpyearstart == $annee && $tmpmonthstart == $mois && $tmpdaystart == $jour) { $daterange.=dol_print_date($event->date_start_in_calendar,'%H:%M'); // Il faudrait utiliser ici tzuser, mais si on ne peut pas car qd on rentre un date dans fiche action, en input la conversion local->gmt se base sur le TZ server et non user if ($event->date_end_in_calendar && $event->date_start_in_calendar != $event->date_end_in_calendar) { if ($tmpyearstart == $tmpyearend && $tmpmonthstart == $tmpmonthend && $tmpdaystart == $tmpdayend) $daterange.='-'; //else //print '...'; } } if ($event->date_end_in_calendar && $event->date_start_in_calendar != $event->date_end_in_calendar) { if ($tmpyearstart != $tmpyearend || $tmpmonthstart != $tmpmonthend || $tmpdaystart != $tmpdayend) { $daterange.='...'; } } // Hour end if ($event->date_end_in_calendar && $event->date_start_in_calendar != $event->date_end_in_calendar) { if ($tmpyearend == $annee && $tmpmonthend == $mois && $tmpdayend == $jour) $daterange.=dol_print_date($event->date_end_in_calendar,'%H:%M'); // Il faudrait utiliser ici tzuser, mais si on ne peut pas car qd on rentre un date dans fiche action, en input la conversion local->gmt se base sur le TZ server et non user } //print $daterange; if ($event->type_code != 'ICALEVENT') { $savlabel=$event->libelle; $event->libelle=$daterange; print $event->getNomUrl(0); $event->libelle=$savlabel; } else { print $daterange; } //print ' '; print "
    \n"; } else { if ($showinfo) { print $langs->trans("EventOnFullDay")."
    \n"; } } // Show title if ($event->type_code == 'ICALEVENT') print dol_trunc($event->libelle,$maxnbofchar); else print $event->getNomUrl(0,$maxnbofchar,'cal_event'); if ($event->type_code == 'ICALEVENT') print '
    ('.dol_trunc($event->icalname,$maxnbofchar).')'; // If action related to company / contact $linerelatedto='';$length=16; if (! empty($event->societe->id) && ! empty($event->contact->id)) $length=round($length/2); if (! empty($event->societe->id) && $event->societe->id > 0) { if (! isset($cachethirdparties[$event->societe->id]) || ! is_object($cachethirdparties[$event->societe->id])) { $thirdparty=new Societe($db); $thirdparty->fetch($event->societe->id); $cachethirdparties[$event->societe->id]=$thirdparty; } else $thirdparty=$cachethirdparties[$event->societe->id]; if (! empty($thirdparty->id)) $linerelatedto.=$thirdparty->getNomUrl(1,'',$length); } if (! empty($event->contact->id) && $event->contact->id > 0) { if (! is_object($cachecontacts[$event->contact->id])) { $contact=new Contact($db); $contact->fetch($event->contact->id); $cachecontacts[$event->contact->id]=$contact; } else $contact=$cachecontacts[$event->contact->id]; if ($linerelatedto) $linerelatedto.=' / '; if (! empty($contact->id)) $linerelatedto.=$contact->getNomUrl(1,'',$length); } if ($linerelatedto) print '
    '.$linerelatedto; } // Show location if ($showinfo) { if ($event->location) { print '
    '; print $langs->trans("Location").': '.$event->location; } } print '
    '; if ($event->type_code != 'BIRTHDAY' && $event->type_code != 'ICALEVENT') print $event->getLibStatut(3,1); else print ' '; print '
    '; print '
  • '; print '
'; print '
'."\n"; $i++; } else { print ''.img_picto("all","1downarrow_selected.png").' ...'; print ' +'.(count($eventarray[$daykey])-$maxprint); print ''; break; //$ok=false; // To avoid to show twice the link } } break; } } if (! $i) print ' '; if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_JS_SWITCH_AGENDA) && $i > $maxprint && $maxprint) { print '
'.img_picto("all","1downarrow_selected.png").' +'.$langs->trans("More").'...
'; //print ' +'.(count($eventarray[$daykey])-$maxprint); print ''."\n"; } print '
'; print '
'."\n"; } /** * Change color with a delta * * @param string $color Color * @param int $minus Delta * @return string New color */ function dol_color_minus($color, $minus) { $newcolor=$color; $newcolor[0]=((hexdec($newcolor[0])-$minus)<0)?0:dechex((hexdec($newcolor[0])-$minus)); $newcolor[2]=((hexdec($newcolor[2])-$minus)<0)?0:dechex((hexdec($newcolor[2])-$minus)); $newcolor[4]=((hexdec($newcolor[4])-$minus)<0)?0:dechex((hexdec($newcolor[4])-$minus)); return $newcolor; }