# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - loan
NewLoan=Nou préstec
ShowLoan=Mostrar préstec
PaymentLoan=Pagament del préstec
ShowLoanPayment=Veure pagament del préstec
Nbterms=Nombre de termes
LoanAccountancyCapitalCode=Accountancy code capital
LoanAccountancyInsuranceCode=Accountancy code insurance
LoanAccountancyInterestCode=Accountancy code interest
LoanPayment=Pagament del préstec
ConfirmDeleteLoan=Confirm deleting this loan
LoanDeleted=Loan Deleted Successfully
ConfirmPayLoan=Confirm classify paid this loan
LoanPaid=Préstec pagat
ErrorLoanCapital=Loan amount has to be numeric and greater than zero.
ErrorLoanLength=Loan length has to be numeric and greater than zero.
ErrorLoanInterest=Annual interest has to be numeric and greater than zero.
# Calc
LoanCalc=Bank Loans Calculator
PurchaseFinanceInfo=Purchase & Financing Information
SalePriceOfAsset=Sale Price of Asset
PercentageDown=Percentage Down
LengthOfMortgage=Length of Mortgage
AnnualInterestRate=Annual Interest Rate
ExplainCalculations=Explain Calculations
ShowMeCalculationsAndAmortization=Show me the calculations and amortization
MortgagePaymentInformation=Mortgage Payment Information
DownPayment=Down Payment
DownPaymentDesc=The down payment = The price of the home multiplied by the percentage down divided by 100 (for 5% down becomes 5/100 or 0.05)
InterestRateDesc=The interest rate = The annual interest percentage divided by 100
MonthlyFactorDesc=The monthly factor = The result of the following formula
MonthlyInterestRateDesc=The monthly interest rate = The annual interest rate divided by 12 (for the 12 months in a year)
MonthTermDesc=The month term of the loan in months = The number of years you've taken the loan out for times 12
MonthlyPaymentDesc=The montly payment is figured out using the following formula
AmortizationPaymentDesc=The amortization breaks down how much of your monthly payment goes towards the bank's interest, and how much goes into paying off the principal of your loan.
AmountFinanced=Amount Financed
AmortizationMonthlyPaymentOverYears=Amortization For Monthly Payment: %s over %s years
Totalsforyear=Totals for year
MonthlyPayment=Monthly Payment
LoanCalcDesc=This mortgage calculator can be used to figure out monthly payments of a home mortgage loan, based on the home's sale price, the term of the loan desired, buyer's down payment percentage, and the loan's interest rate.
This calculator factors in PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) for loans where less than 20% is put as a down payment. Also taken into consideration are the town property taxes, and their effect on the total monthly mortgage payment.
GoToInterest=%s will go towards INTEREST
GoToPrincipal=%s will go towards PRINCIPAL
YouWillSpend=You will spend %s on your house in year %s
# Admin
ConfigLoan=Configuration of the module loan
LOAN_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CAPITAL=Accountancy code capital by default
LOAN_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_INTEREST=Accountancy code interest by default
LOAN_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_INSURANCE=Accountancy code insurance by default