# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - paypal PaypalSetup=PayPal module setup PaypalDesc=This module offer pages to allow payment on PayPal by customers. This can be used for a free payment or for a payment on a particular Dolibarr object (invoice, order, ...) PaypalOrCBDoPayment=Pay with credit card or Paypal PaypalDoPayment=Pay with Paypal PaypalCBDoPayment=Pay with credit card PAYPAL_API_SANDBOX=Mode test/sandbox PAYPAL_API_USER=API username PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD=API password PAYPAL_API_SIGNATURE=API signature PAYPAL_API_INTEGRAL_OR_PAYPALONLY=Offer payment "integral" (Credit card+Paypal) or "Paypal" only PaypalModeIntegral=Integral PaypalModeOnlyPaypal=PayPal only PAYPAL_CSS_URL=Optionnal Url of CSS style sheet on payment page ThisIsTransactionId=This is id of transaction: %s PAYPAL_ADD_PAYMENT_URL=Add the url of Paypal payment when you send a document by mail PAYPAL_IPN_MAIL_ADDRESS=E-mail address for the instant notification of payment (IPN) PredefinedMailContentLink=You can click on the secure link below to make your payment (PayPal) if it is not already done.\n\n%s\n\n YouAreCurrentlyInSandboxMode=You are currently in the "sandbox" mode NewPaypalPaymentReceived=New Paypal payment received NewPaypalPaymentFailed=New Paypal payment tried but failed PAYPAL_PAYONLINE_SENDEMAIL=EMail to warn after a payment (success or not) ReturnURLAfterPayment=Return URL after payment ValidationOfPaypalPaymentFailed=Validation of Paypal payment failed PaypalConfirmPaymentPageWasCalledButFailed=Payment confirmation page for Paypal was called by Paypal but confirmation failed