* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Laurent Destailleur * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * \file htdocs/public/cron/cron_run_jobs.php * \ingroup cron * \brief Execute pendings jobs */ if (! defined('NOTOKENRENEWAL')) define('NOTOKENRENEWAL','1'); // Disables token renewal if (! defined('NOREQUIREMENU')) define('NOREQUIREMENU','1'); if (! defined('NOREQUIREHTML')) define('NOREQUIREHTML','1'); if (! defined('NOREQUIREAJAX')) define('NOREQUIREAJAX','1'); if (! defined('NOREQUIRESOC')) define('NOREQUIRESOC','1'); if (! defined('NOLOGIN')) define('NOLOGIN','1'); //if (! defined('NOREQUIRETRAN')) define('NOREQUIRETRAN','1'); // librarie core // Dolibarr environment $res = @include("../../main.inc.php"); // From htdocs directory if (! $res) { $res = @include("../../../main.inc.php"); // From "custom" directory } if (! $res) die("Include of master.inc.php fails"); // librarie jobs dol_include_once("/cron/class/cronjob.class.php"); global $langs, $conf; // Language Management $langs->load("admin"); $langs->load("cron"); /* * View */ // Check the key, avoid that a stranger starts cron $key = GETPOST('securitykey','alpha'); if (empty($key)) { echo 'Securitykey is required. Check setup of cron jobs module.'; exit; } if($key != $conf->global->CRON_KEY) { echo 'Securitykey is wrong.'; exit; } // Check the key, avoid that a stranger starts cron $userlogin = GETPOST('userlogin','alpha'); if (empty($userlogin)) { echo 'Userlogin is required.'; exit; } require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/user/class/user.class.php'; $user=new User($db); $result=$user->fetch('',$userlogin); if ($result < 0) { echo "User Error:".$user->error; dol_syslog("cron_run_jobs.php:: User Error:".$user->error, LOG_WARNING); exit; } else { if (empty($user->id)) { echo " User user login:".$userlogin." do not exists"; dol_syslog(" User user login:".$userlogin." do not exists", LOG_WARNING); exit; } } $id = GETPOST('id','alpha'); // We accept non numeric id. We will filter later. // create a jobs object $object = new Cronjob($db); $filter=array(); if (! empty($id)) { if (! is_numeric($id)) { echo "Error: Bad value for parameter job id"; dol_syslog("cron_run_jobs.php Bad value for parameter job id", LOG_WARNING); exit; } $filter=array(); $filter['t.rowid']=$id; } $result = $object->fetch_all('DESC','t.rowid', 0, 0, 1, $filter); if ($result<0) { echo "Error: ".$cronjob->error; dol_syslog("cron_run_jobs.php fetch Error".$cronjob->error, LOG_WARNING); exit; } // current date $now=dol_now(); $nbofjobs=count($object->lines); $nbofjobslaunchedok=0; $nbofjobslaunchedko=0; if (is_array($object->lines) && (count($object->lines)>0)) { // Loop over job foreach($object->lines as $line) { dol_syslog("cron_run_jobs.php fetch cronjobid: ".$line->id, LOG_WARNING); //If date_next_jobs is less of current dat, execute the program, and store the execution time of the next execution in database if ((($line->datenextrun <= $now) && $line->dateend < $now) || ((empty($line->datenextrun)) && (empty($line->dateend)))) { dol_syslog("cron_run_jobs.php:: torun line->datenextrun:".dol_print_date($line->datenextrun,'dayhourtext')." line->dateend:".dol_print_date($line->dateend,'dayhourtext')." now:".dol_print_date($now,'dayhourtext')); $cronjob=new Cronjob($db); $result=$cronjob->fetch($line->id); if ($result<0) { echo "Error:".$cronjob->error; dol_syslog("cron_run_jobs.php:: fetch Error".$cronjob->error, LOG_ERR); exit; } // Execut job $result=$cronjob->run_jobs($userlogin); if ($result < 0) { echo "Error:".$cronjob->error; dol_syslog("cron_run_jobs.php:: run_jobs Error".$cronjob->error, LOG_ERR); $nbofjobslaunchedko++; } else { $nbofjobslaunchedok++; } // We re-program the next execution and stores the last execution time for this job $result=$cronjob->reprogram_jobs($userlogin); if ($result<0) { echo "Error:".$cronjob->error; dol_syslog("cron_run_jobs.php:: reprogram_jobs Error".$cronjob->error, LOG_ERR); exit; } } } echo "Result: ".($nbofjobs)." jobs - ".($nbofjobslaunchedok+$nbofjobslaunchedko)." launched = ".$nbofjobslaunchedok." OK + ".$nbofjobslaunchedko." KO"; } else { echo "Result: No active jobs found."; } $db->close();