#/bin/ksh #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # \file build/patch/buildpatch.sh # \brief Create patch files # \author (c)2009-2011 Laurent Destailleur #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This script can be used to build a patch after a developer has made # changes on files in its Dolibarr tree. # The output patch file can then be submited on Dolibarr dev mailing-list, # with explanation on its goal, for inclusion in main branch. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo ----- Building patch file mypatch.patch ----- if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then echo Usage: buildpatch.sh original_dir_path modified_dir_path echo Example: buildpatch.sh /mydirA/dolibarrold /mydirB/dolibarrnew else echo Build patch between \"$1\" and \"$2\" diff -BNaur --exclude=CVS --exclude="*.patch" --exclude=".#*" --exclude="*~" --exclude="*.rej" --exclude="*.orig" --exclude="*.bak" --exclude=conf.php --exclude=documents $1 $2 > mypatch.patch fi