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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - loan
NewLoan=Nytt lån
ShowLoan=Visa lån
ShowLoanPayment=visa lånebetalning
Nbterms=Antal termer
LoanAccountancyCapitalCode=Kapitalkod för bokföring
LoanAccountancyInsuranceCode=Försäkringskod för bokföring
LoanAccountancyInterestCode=Räntekod för bokföring
ConfirmDeleteLoan=Bekräfta borttagning av lån
LoanDeleted=Lånet borttaget
ConfirmPayLoan=Bekräfta klassificeringen av detta lån
LoanPaid=Lånet betalt
ErrorLoanCapital=Lånets mängd måste vara numeriskt och större än noll.
ErrorLoanLength=Lånets längd måste vara numeriskt och större än noll.
ErrorLoanInterest=Årlig ränta måste vara numeriskt och större än noll.
# Calc
PurchaseFinanceInfo=Inköp och finansinformation
SalePriceOfAsset=Försäljningspris för tillgång
PercentageDown=Procentuell nedgång
LengthOfMortgage=Längd på hypotekslån
AnnualInterestRate=Årlig ränta
ExplainCalculations=Förklara beräkning
ShowMeCalculationsAndAmortization=Visa beräkningen och avbetlningsplanen
DownPaymentDesc=<b> handpenningen </b> = Priset på hemmet multiplicerat med procent dividerat med 100 (5% ner blir 5/100 eller 0,05)
InterestRateDesc=<b>Räntan</b> = den årliga räntesatsen delat med 100
MonthlyFactorDesc=The <b>monthly factor</b> = The result of the following formula
MonthlyInterestRateDesc=The <b>monthly interest rate</b> = The annual interest rate divided by 12 (for the 12 months in a year)
MonthTermDesc=The <b>month term</b> of the loan in months = The number of years you've taken the loan out for times 12
MonthlyPaymentDesc=The montly payment is figured out using the following formula
AmortizationPaymentDesc=The <a href="#amortization">amortization</a> breaks down how much of your monthly payment goes towards the bank's interest, and how much goes into paying off the principal of your loan.
AmountFinanced=Amount Financed
AmortizationMonthlyPaymentOverYears=Amortization For Monthly Payment: <b>%s</b> over %s years
Totalsforyear=Totals for year
MonthlyPayment=Monthly Payment
LoanCalcDesc=This <b>mortgage calculator</b> can be used to figure out monthly payments of a home mortgage loan, based on the home's sale price, the term of the loan desired, buyer's down payment percentage, and the loan's interest rate.<br> This calculator factors in PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) for loans where less than 20% is put as a down payment. Also taken into consideration are the town property taxes, and their effect on the total monthly mortgage payment.<br>
GoToInterest=%s will go towards INTEREST
GoToPrincipal=%s will go towards PRINCIPAL
YouWillSpend=You will spend %s on your house in year %s
# Admin
ConfigLoan=Configuration of the module loan
LOAN_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CAPITAL=Accountancy code capital by default
LOAN_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_INTEREST=Accountancy code interest by default
LOAN_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_INSURANCE=Accountancy code insurance by default