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synced 2024-09-03 18:35:53 +02:00
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434 lines
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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - bills
Bills=Tagihan - tagihan
BillsCustomers=Customers invoices
BillsCustomer=Customers invoice
BillsSuppliers=Suppliers invoices
BillsCustomersUnpaid=Unpaid customers invoices
BillsCustomersUnpaidForCompany=Semua tagihan pelanggan yang dibayar untuk %s
BillsSuppliersUnpaid=Semua tagihan untuk pemasok / supplier yang belum dibayar
BillsSuppliersUnpaidForCompany=Semua tagihan untuk pemasok / supplier yang belum dibayar untuk %s
BillsLate=Pembayaran - pembayaran yang terlambat
BillsStatistics=Customers invoices statistics
BillsStatisticsSuppliers=Suppliers invoices statistics
DisabledBecauseNotErasable=Dimatikan karena tidak dapat dihapus
InvoiceStandard=Tagihan standar
InvoiceStandardAsk=Taghian standar
InvoiceStandardDesc=Jenis tagihan ini adalah jenis tagihan yang sama.
InvoiceDeposit=Tagihan penyetoran / deposit
InvoiceDepositAsk=Tagihan penyetoran / deposit
InvoiceDepositDesc=Jenis tagihan ini akan selesai setelah penyetoran / deposit telah diterima.
InvoiceProForma=Tagihan proforma
InvoiceProFormaAsk=Tagihan Proforma
InvoiceProFormaDesc=<b>Tagihan Proforma</b> adalah gambaran untuk tagihan sebenarnya tapi tidak mempunyai nilai akutansi.
InvoiceReplacement=Taghian pengganti
InvoiceReplacementAsk=Tagihan pengganti untuk tagihan
InvoiceReplacementDesc=<b>Tagihan pengganti</b> digunakan untuk pembatalan dan penggantian penuh sebuah tagihan dengan tidak adanya pembayaran yang sudah diterima.<br><br>Catatan: Hanya tagihan - tagihan dengan tidak ada pembayaran yang bisa di ganti. Jika tagihan yang Anda gantikan belum ditutup, akan ditutup yang untuk ditinggalkan secara otomatis.
InvoiceAvoir=Catatan kredit
InvoiceAvoirAsk=Catatan kredit untuk tagihan yang cocok atau yang sudah benar
InvoiceAvoirDesc=<b>Catatan kredit</b> adalah catatan untuk tagihan negatif yang biasanya digunakan sebagai bukti fakta terhadap tagihan yang jumlah tagihannya berbeda dari jumlah yang seharusnya dibayar (contoh kasus: pelanggan yang pembayarannya lebih karena kesalahan pelanggan, atau tidak akan dibayarkan sejak beberapa produk atau barang dikembalikan).
invoiceAvoirWithLines=Create Credit Note with lines from the origin invoice
invoiceAvoirWithPaymentRestAmount=Create Credit Note with remaining unpaid of origin invoice
invoiceAvoirLineWithPaymentRestAmount=Credit Note for remaining unpaid amount
ReplaceInvoice=Ganti tagihan %s
ReplacementInvoice=Penggantian tagihan
ReplacedByInvoice=Digantikan dengan tagihan %s
ReplacementByInvoice=Digantikan dengan tagihan
CorrectInvoice=Tagihan yang benar %s
CorrectionInvoice=Tagihan yang dikoreksi
UsedByInvoice=Digunakan untuk membayar tagihan %s
ConsumedBy=Dikonsumsi dengan / oleh
NotConsumed=Tidak dikonsumsi
NoReplacableInvoice=Tidak ada tagihan yang dapat digantikan
NoInvoiceToCorrect=Tidak ada tagihan untuk dikoreksi
InvoiceHasAvoir=Dikoreksi oleh satu atau beberapa tagihan
CardBill=Kartu tagihan
PredefinedInvoices=Tagihan tetap sementara
Invoices=Tagihan - tagihan
InvoiceLine=Baris tagihan
InvoiceCustomer=Tagihan pelanggan
CustomerInvoice=Tagihan pelanggan
CustomersInvoices=Semua tagihan pelanggan
SupplierInvoice=Tagihan pemasok / supplier
SuppliersInvoices=Semua tagihan semua pemasok / supplier
SupplierBill=Tagihan pemasok / supplier
SupplierBills=semua tagihan untuk semua pemasok / supplier
PaymentBack=Pembayaran kembali
Payments=Semua pembayaran
PaymentsBack=Pembayaran kembali
PaidBack=Dibayar kembali
DatePayment=Tanggal pembayaran
DeletePayment=Hapus pembayaran
ConfirmDeletePayment=Anda yakin untuk menghapus pembayaran ini?
ConfirmConvertToReduc=Anda ingin merubah catatan kredit atau deposit menjadi satu diskon mutlak?<br> Jumlah tersebut akan disimpan di antara semua diskon dan dapat digunakan sebagai diskon untuk saat ini atau untuk tagihan berikutnya untuk pelanggan ini.
SupplierPayments=Semua pembayaran untuk semua pemasok / supplier
ReceivedPayments=Semua pembayaran yang diterima
ReceivedCustomersPayments=Semua pembayaran yang diterima dari semua pelanggan
PayedSuppliersPayments=Payments payed to suppliers
ReceivedCustomersPaymentsToValid=Pembayaran dari pelanggan - pelanggan untuk divalidasi
PaymentsReportsForYear=Laporan - laporan semua pembayaran untuk %s
PaymentsReports=Laporan - laporan semua pembayaran
PaymentsAlreadyDone=Pembayaran - pembayaran yang sudah selesai
PaymentsBackAlreadyDone=Pembayaran - pembayaran kembali yang sudah selesai
PaymentRule=Aturan pembayaran
PaymentMode=Jenis pembayaran
PaymentTerm=Payment term
PaymentConditions=Payment terms
PaymentConditionsShort=Payment terms
PaymentAmount=Jumlah pembayaran
ValidatePayment=Validasi pembayaran
PaymentHigherThanReminderToPay=Pengingat untuk pembayaran yang lebih tinggi
HelpPaymentHigherThanReminderToPay=Untuk diperhatikan, jumlah pembayaran baik yang hanya satu atau lebih dari satu tagihan yang lebih banyak dan mempunyai sisa untuk dibayar. <br> Ubah entri Anda, jika tidak mengkonfirmasikan dan terpikir untuk membuat sebuat catatan kredit kelebihan yang diterima untuk setiap tagihan yang mempunyai kelebihan bayar.
HelpPaymentHigherThanReminderToPaySupplier=Attention, the payment amount of one or more bills is higher than the rest to pay. <br> Edit your entry, otherwise confirm.
ClassifyPaid=Menggolongkan 'Telah dibayar'
ClassifyPaidPartially=Menggolongkan 'Telah dibayarkan sebagian'
ClassifyCanceled=Menggolongkan 'Ditinggalkan'
ClassifyClosed=Menggolongkan 'Ditutup'
ClassifyUnBilled=Classify 'Unbilled'
CreateBill=Buat tagihan
AddBill=Create invoice or credit note
AddToDraftInvoices=Add to draft invoice
DeleteBill=Hapus tagihan
SearchACustomerInvoice=Cari tagihan pelanggan
SearchASupplierInvoice=Cari tagihan pemasok / supplier
CancelBill=Batalkan tagihan
SendRemindByMail=Kirim pengingat ke surel / email
DoPayment=Lakukan pembayaran
DoPaymentBack=Lakukan pembayaran kembali
ConvertToReduc=Ubah kedalam diskon untuk selanjutnya
EnterPaymentReceivedFromCustomer=Masukkan pembayaran yang diterima dari pelanggan
EnterPaymentDueToCustomer=Buat tempo pembayaran ke pelanggan
DisabledBecauseRemainderToPayIsZero=Disabled because remaining unpaid is zero
PriceBase=Harga dasar
BillStatus=Status tagihan
BillStatusDraft=Konsep (harus di validasi)
BillStatusPaidBackOrConverted=Dibayar atau dirubah kedalam diskon
BillStatusConverted=Dibayar (bersedia untuk tagihan terakhir)
BillStatusValidated=Sudah divalidasi (harus sudah dibayar)
BillStatusNotPaid=Tidak dibayar
BillStatusClosedUnpaid=Ditutup (yang belum dibayar)
BillStatusClosedPaidPartially=Dibayar (sebagian / cicil)
BillShortStatusNotPaid=Tidak dibayar
BillShortStatusClosedPaidPartially=Dibayar (sebagian / cicil )
PaymentStatusToValidShort=Untuk divalidasi
ErrorVATIntraNotConfigured=Nomor intra-komunateri VAT belum di definisikan
ErrorNoPaiementModeConfigured=Belum ada mode acuan yang di definisikan. Silahkan ke halaman pengaturan modul Tagihan untuk memperbaiki masalah ini.
ErrorCreateBankAccount=Buat sebuah akun bank, kemudian dilanjutkan ke panel pengaturan / setup modul Tagihan untuk mendefinisikan mode pembayaran
ErrorBillNotFound=Tagihan %s tidak ada
ErrorInvoiceAlreadyReplaced=Ada kesalahan, Anda mencoba untuk memvalidasi sebuah tagihan untuk menggantikan tagihan %s. Tapi yang satu ini sudah pernah digantikan oleh tagihan %s
ErrorDiscountAlreadyUsed=Ada kesalahan, diskonto sudah digunakan
ErrorInvoiceAvoirMustBeNegative=Ada kesalahan, tagihan yang sudah terkoreksi harus punya setidaknya satu jumlah negatif
ErrorInvoiceOfThisTypeMustBePositive=Ada kesalahan, tagihan jenis ini harus punya setidaknya satu jumlah positif
ErrorCantCancelIfReplacementInvoiceNotValidated=Ada kesalahan, tagihan yang pernah diganti dengan tagihan lain tidak bisa digantikan kalau masih dalam status konsep
ActionsOnBill=Tindak lanjut tagihan
NewBill=Tagihan baru
LastBills=Tagihan %s terakhir
LastCustomersBills=Tagihan - tagihan %s terakhir para pelanggan
LastSuppliersBills=Tagihan - tagihan %s terakhir para pemasok / suplier
AllBills=Semua tagihan
OtherBills=Tagihan - tagihan lainnya
DraftBills=Konsep tagihan - tagihan
CustomersDraftInvoices=Konsep tagihan - tagihan untuk para pelanggan
SuppliersDraftInvoices=Konsep tagihan - tagihan untuk para pemasok / supplier
Unpaid=Tidak dibayar
ConfirmDeleteBill=Anda yakin untuk menghapus tagihan ini?
ConfirmValidateBill=Anda yakin untuk memvalidasi tagihan ini dengan referensi <b>%s</b> ?
ConfirmUnvalidateBill=Anda yakin untuk merubah tagihan <b>%s</b> ke dalam status konsep ?
ConfirmClassifyPaidBill=Anda yakin untuk merubah tagihan <b>%s</b> ke status sudah dibayar ?
ConfirmCancelBill=Anda yakin untuk membatalkan tagihan <b>%s</b> ?
ConfirmCancelBillQuestion=Kenapa Anda ingin memasukan tagihan ini kedalam klasifikasi 'diabaikan' ?
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartially=Anda yakin untuk merubah tagihan <b>%s</b> ke status sudah dibayar ?
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyQuestion=Tagihan ini belum dibayar sepenuhnya. Apa alasan Anda untuk menutup tagihan ini ?
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonAvoir=Remaining unpaid <b>(%s %s)</b> is a discount granted because payment was made before term. I regularise the VAT with a credit note.
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountNoVat=Remaining unpaid <b>(%s %s)</b> is a discount granted because payment was made before term. I accept to lose the VAT on this discount.
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountVat=Remaining unpaid <b>(%s %s)</b> is a discount granted because payment was made before term. I recover the VAT on this discount without a credit note.
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadCustomer=Bad customer
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonProductReturned=Products partially returned
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonOther=Amount abandoned for other reason
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountNoVatDesc=This choice is possible if your invoice have been provided with suitable comment. (Example «Only the tax corresponding to the price that have been actually paid gives rights to deduction»)
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountVatDesc=In some countries, this choice might be possible only if your invoice contains correct note.
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonAvoirDesc=Use this choice if all other does not suit
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadCustomerDesc=A <b>bad customer</b> is a customer that refuse to pay his debt.
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonProductReturnedDesc=This choice is used when payment is not complete because some of products were returned
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonOtherDesc=Use this choice if all other does not suit, for example in following situation:<br>- payment not complete because some products were shipped back<br>- amount claimed too important because a discount was forgotten<br>In all cases, amount over-claimed must be corrected in accountancy system by creating a credit note.
ConfirmClassifyAbandonReasonOtherDesc=This choice will be used in all other cases. For example because you plan to create a replacing invoice.
ConfirmCustomerPayment=Do you confirm this payment input for <b>%s</b> %s ?
ConfirmSupplierPayment=Do you confirm this payment input for <b>%s</b> %s ?
ConfirmValidatePayment=Are you sure you want to validate this payment ? No change can be made once payment is validated.
ValidateBill=Validate invoice
UnvalidateBill=Unvalidate invoice
NumberOfBills=Nb of invoices
NumberOfBillsByMonth=Nb of invoices by month
AmountOfBills=Amount of invoices
AmountOfBillsByMonthHT=Amount of invoices by month (net of tax)
ShowSocialContribution=Show social/fiscal tax
ShowBill=Show invoice
ShowInvoice=Show invoice
ShowInvoiceReplace=Show replacing invoice
ShowInvoiceAvoir=Show credit note
ShowInvoiceDeposit=Show deposit invoice
ShowPayment=Show payment
AlreadyPaid=Already paid
AlreadyPaidBack=Already paid back
AlreadyPaidNoCreditNotesNoDeposits=Already paid (without credit notes and deposits)
RemainderToPay=Remaining unpaid
RemainderToTake=Remaining amount to take
RemainderToPayBack=Remaining amount to pay back
AmountExpected=Amount claimed
ExcessReceived=Excess received
EscompteOffered=Discount offered (payment before term)
SendBillRef=Submission of invoice %s
SendReminderBillRef=Submission of invoice %s (reminder)
StandingOrders=Standing orders
StandingOrder=Standing order
NoDraftBills=No draft invoices
NoOtherDraftBills=No other draft invoices
NoDraftInvoices=No draft invoices
RefBill=Invoice ref
ToBill=To bill
RemainderToBill=Remainder to bill
SendBillByMail=Send invoice by email
SendReminderBillByMail=Send reminder by email
RelatedCommercialProposals=Related commercial proposals
MenuToValid=To valid
DateMaxPayment=Payment due before
DateEcheance=Due date limit
DateInvoice=Invoice date
NoInvoice=No invoice
ClassifyBill=Classify invoice
SupplierBillsToPay=Suppliers invoices to pay
CustomerBillsUnpaid=Unpaid customers invoices
DispenseMontantLettres=The written invoices through mecanographic procedures are dispensed by the order in letters
SetConditions=Set payment terms
SetMode=Set payment mode
RepeatableInvoice=Template invoice
RepeatableInvoices=Template invoices
ChangeIntoRepeatableInvoice=Convert into template invoice
CreateRepeatableInvoice=Create template invoice
CreateFromRepeatableInvoice=Create from template invoice
CustomersInvoicesAndInvoiceLines=Customer invoices and invoice's lines
CustomersInvoicesAndPayments=Customer invoices and payments
ExportDataset_invoice_1=Customer invoices list and invoice's lines
ExportDataset_invoice_2=Customer invoices and payments
ProformaBill=Proforma Bill:
AddDiscount=Create discount
AddRelativeDiscount=Create relative discount
EditRelativeDiscount=Edit relative discount
AddGlobalDiscount=Create absolute discount
EditGlobalDiscounts=Edit absolute discounts
AddCreditNote=Create credit note
ShowDiscount=Show discount
ShowReduc=Show the deduction
RelativeDiscount=Relative discount
GlobalDiscount=Global discount
CreditNote=Credit note
CreditNotes=Credit notes
DiscountFromCreditNote=Discount from credit note %s
DiscountFromDeposit=Payments from deposit invoice %s
AbsoluteDiscountUse=This kind of credit can be used on invoice before its validation
CreditNoteDepositUse=Invoice must be validated to use this king of credits
NewGlobalDiscount=New absolute discount
NewRelativeDiscount=New relative discount
DiscountOfferedBy=Granted by
DiscountStillRemaining=Discounts still remaining
DiscountAlreadyCounted=Discounts already counted
BillAddress=Bill address
HelpEscompte=This discount is a discount granted to customer because its payment was made before term.
HelpAbandonBadCustomer=This amount has been abandoned (customer said to be a bad customer) and is considered as an exceptional loose.
HelpAbandonOther=This amount has been abandoned since it was an error (wrong customer or invoice replaced by an other for example)
IdSocialContribution=Social/fiscal tax payment id
PaymentId=Payment id
InvoiceId=Invoice id
InvoiceRef=Invoice ref.
InvoiceDateCreation=Invoice creation date
InvoiceStatus=Invoice status
InvoiceNote=Invoice note
InvoicePaid=Invoice paid
PaymentNumber=Payment number
RemoveDiscount=Remove discount
WatermarkOnDraftBill=Watermark on draft invoices (nothing if empty)
InvoiceNotChecked=No invoice selected
CloneInvoice=Clone invoice
ConfirmCloneInvoice=Are you sure you want to clone this invoice <b>%s</b> ?
DisabledBecauseReplacedInvoice=Action disabled because invoice has been replaced
DescTaxAndDividendsArea=This area presents a summary of all payments made for special expenses. Only records with payment during the fixed year are included here.
NbOfPayments=Nb of payments
SplitDiscount=Split discount in two
ConfirmSplitDiscount=Are you sure you want to split this discount of <b>%s</b> %s into 2 lower discounts ?
TypeAmountOfEachNewDiscount=Input amount for each of two parts :
TotalOfTwoDiscountMustEqualsOriginal=Total of two new discount must be equal to original discount amount.
ConfirmRemoveDiscount=Are you sure you want to remove this discount ?
RelatedBill=Related invoice
RelatedBills=Related invoices
RelatedCustomerInvoices=Related customer invoices
RelatedSupplierInvoices=Related supplier invoices
LatestRelatedBill=Latest related invoice
WarningBillExist=Warning, one or more invoice already exist
MergingPDFTool=Merging PDF tool
# PaymentConditions
PaymentConditionShort30D=30 days
PaymentCondition30D=30 days
PaymentConditionShort30DENDMONTH=30 days end of month
PaymentCondition30DENDMONTH=30 days end of month
PaymentConditionShort60D=60 days
PaymentCondition60D=60 days
PaymentConditionShort60DENDMONTH=60 days end of month
PaymentCondition60DENDMONTH=60 days end of month
PaymentConditionPT_DELIVERY=On delivery
PaymentConditionShortPT_ORDER=On order
PaymentConditionPT_ORDER=On order
PaymentConditionPT_5050=50%% in advance, 50%% on delivery
FixAmount=Fix amount
VarAmount=Variable amount (%% tot.)
# PaymentType
PaymentTypeVIR=Bank deposit
PaymentTypeShortVIR=Bank deposit
PaymentTypePRE=Bank's order
PaymentTypeShortPRE=Bank's order
PaymentTypeCB=Credit card
PaymentTypeShortCB=Credit card
PaymentTypeVAD=On line payment
PaymentTypeShortVAD=On line payment
PaymentTypeTRA=Bill payment
BankDetails=Bank details
BankCode=Bank code
DeskCode=Desk code
BankAccountNumber=Account number
IBANNumber=IBAN number
BICNumber=BIC/SWIFT number
ExtraInfos=Extra infos
RegulatedOn=Regulated on
ChequeNumber=Check N°
ChequeOrTransferNumber=Check/Transfer N°
ChequeMaker=Check transmitter
ChequeBank=Bank of Check
NetToBePaid=Net to be paid
PrettyLittleSentence=Accept the amount of payments due by checks issued in my name as a Member of an accounting association approved by the Fiscal Administration.
IntracommunityVATNumber=Intracommunity number of VAT
PaymentByChequeOrderedTo=Check payment (including tax) are payable to %s send to
PaymentByChequeOrderedToShort=Check payment (including tax) are payable to
SendTo=sent to
PaymentByTransferOnThisBankAccount=Payment by transfer on the following bank account
VATIsNotUsedForInvoice=* Non applicable VAT art-293B of CGI
LawApplicationPart1=By application of the law 80.335 of 12/05/80
LawApplicationPart2=the goods remain the property of
LawApplicationPart3=the seller until the complete cashing of
LawApplicationPart4=their price.
LimitedLiabilityCompanyCapital=SARL with Capital of
UseDiscount=Use discount
UseCredit=Use credit
UseCreditNoteInInvoicePayment=Reduce amount to pay with this credit
MenuChequeDeposits=Checks deposits
MenuChequesReceipts=Checks receipts
NewChequeDeposit=New deposit
ChequesReceipts=Checks receipts
ChequesArea=Checks deposits area
ChequeDeposits=Checks deposits
CreditNoteConvertedIntoDiscount=This credit note or deposit invoice has been converted into %s
UsBillingContactAsIncoiveRecipientIfExist=Use customer billing contact address instead of third party address as recipient for invoices
ShowUnpaidAll=Show all unpaid invoices
ShowUnpaidLateOnly=Show late unpaid invoices only
PaymentInvoiceRef=Payment invoice %s
ValidateInvoice=Validate invoice
DisabledBecausePayments=Not possible since there are some payments
CantRemovePaymentWithOneInvoicePaid=Can't remove payment since there is at least one invoice classified paid
ExpectedToPay=Expected payment
PayedByThisPayment=Paid by this payment
ClosePaidInvoicesAutomatically=Classify "Paid" all standard, situation or replacement invoices entirely paid.
ClosePaidCreditNotesAutomatically=Classify "Paid" all credit notes entirely paid back.
AllCompletelyPayedInvoiceWillBeClosed=All invoice with no remain to pay will be automatically closed to status "Paid".
ToMakePaymentBack=Pay back
ListOfYourUnpaidInvoices=List of unpaid invoices
NoteListOfYourUnpaidInvoices=Note: This list contains only invoices for third parties you are linked to as a sale representative.
RevenueStamp=Revenue stamp
YouMustCreateInvoiceFromThird=This option is only available when creating invoice from tab "customer" of thirdparty
PDFCrabeDescription=Invoice PDF template Crabe. A complete invoice template (recommended Template)
TerreNumRefModelDesc1=Return number with format %syymm-nnnn for standard invoices and %syymm-nnnn for credit notes where yy is year, mm is month and nnnn is a sequence with no break and no return to 0
MarsNumRefModelDesc1=Return number with format %syymm-nnnn for standard invoices, %syymm-nnnn for replacement invoices, %syymm-nnnn for credit notes and %syymm-nnnn for credit notes where yy is year, mm is month and nnnn is a sequence with no break and no return to 0
TerreNumRefModelError=A bill starting with $syymm already exists and is not compatible with this model of sequence. Remove it or rename it to activate this module.
##### Types de contacts #####
TypeContact_facture_internal_SALESREPFOLL=Representative following-up customer invoice
TypeContact_facture_external_BILLING=Customer invoice contact
TypeContact_facture_external_SHIPPING=Customer shipping contact
TypeContact_facture_external_SERVICE=Customer service contact
TypeContact_invoice_supplier_internal_SALESREPFOLL=Representative following-up supplier invoice
TypeContact_invoice_supplier_external_BILLING=Supplier invoice contact
TypeContact_invoice_supplier_external_SHIPPING=Supplier shipping contact
TypeContact_invoice_supplier_external_SERVICE=Supplier service contact
# Situation invoices
InvoiceFirstSituationAsk=First situation invoice
InvoiceFirstSituationDesc=The <b>situation invoices</b> are tied to situations related to a progression, for example the progression of a construction. Each situation is tied to an invoice.
InvoiceSituation=Situation invoice
InvoiceSituationAsk=Invoice following the situation
InvoiceSituationDesc=Create a new situation following an already existing one
SituationAmount=Situation invoice amount(net)
SituationDeduction=Situation subtraction
ModifyAllLines=Modify all lines
CreateNextSituationInvoice=Create next situation
NotLastInCycle=This invoice in not the last in cycle and must not be modified.
DisabledBecauseNotLastInCycle=The next situation already exists.
DisabledBecauseFinal=This situation is final.
CantBeLessThanMinPercent=The progress can't be smaller than its value in the previous situation.
NoSituations=No open situations
InvoiceSituationLast=Final and general invoice