#!/bin/bash version_gt() { test "$(printf '%s\n' "$@" | sort -V | head -n 1)" != "$1"; } #================================================= # GENERIC START #================================================= # IMPORT GENERIC HELPERS #================================================= source _common.sh source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers #================================================= # CHECK VERSION #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Checking version..." upgrade_type=$(ynh_check_app_version_changed) #================================================= # STANDARD UPGRADE STEPS #================================================= # STOP SYSTEMD SERVICE #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Stopping a systemd service..." --weight=2 ynh_systemd_action --service_name="$app" --action="stop" --log_path="/var/log/$app/$app.log" #================================================= # ENSURE DOWNWARD COMPATIBILITY #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Ensuring downward compatibility..." #Store OS and machine (to be used in restore script) if [ -z "$OS" ]; then ynh_app_setting_set --app="$app" --key=OS --value="$OS" fi if [ -z "$mach" ]; then ynh_app_setting_set --app="$app" --key=mach --value="$MACH" fi #sudoer file for restarting is not required anymore (from 2023.1~ynh1) as upgrade is managed by the Yunohost Package if [ -f /etc/sudoers.d/domoticz ]; then rm /etc/sudoers.d/domoticz fi #Create a dedicated path for the api access if [ -z "$api_path" ]; then if [ "$path" == "/" ]; then api_path=/api_/"$app" else api_path=/api_"$path" fi ynh_app_setting_set --app="$app" --key=api_path --value="$api_path" fi #Previous version did not have settings stored and #variable may not be bound. mqtt_domain=$(ynh_app_setting_get --app="$app" --key=mqtt_domain) if [[ -z "$mqtt_domain" ]]; then ynh_app_setting_set --app="$app" --key=mqtt_domain --value="$domain" fi #Port to listen for MQTT internal #first we read from manifest to ensure variable is bound #mqtt_port=$(ynh_app_setting_get --app="$app" --key=mqtt_port) #then we store the setting in the manifest so it is automatically loaded for other scritps #ynh_app_setting_set --app="$app" --key=mqtt_port --value="$mqtt_port" #then if a domain has been provided (manually for example to install mosquitto afterward), we assign a port in case it is empty. #if [[ -z "$mqtt_port" && ! -z "$mqtt_domain" ]]; then # mqtt_port=$(ynh_find_port --port="$default_mqtt_port") # ynh_app_setting_set --app="$app" --key=mqtt_port --value="$mqtt_port" #fi #Port to listen for MQTT websocket #first we read from manifest to ensure variable is bound #mqtt_websocket_port=$(ynh_app_setting_get --app="$app" --key=mqtt_websocket_port) #then we store the setting in the manifest so it is automatically loaded for other scritps #ynh_app_setting_set --app="$app" --key=mqtt_websocket_port --value="$mqtt_websocket_port" #then if a domain has been provided (manually for example to install mosquitto afterward), we assign a port in case it is empty. #if [[ -z "$mqtt_websocket_port" && ! -z "$mqtt_domain" ]]; then # mqtt_websocket_port=$(ynh_find_port --port="$default_mqtt_websocket_port") # ynh_app_setting_set --app="$app" --key=mqtt_websocket_port --value="$mqtt_websocket_port" #fi # Create the permission "domoticz_API" only if it doesn't exist. #if ! ynh_permission_exists --permission="domoticz_API" #then # API Authorization with dedicated URL # ynh_permission_create --permission="domoticz_API" --label="api" --url="$domain$api_path" --allowed="visitors" --show_tile="false" --protected="true" #fi # Create the permission "domoticz_MQTT" only if it doesn't exist. if [ "$domain" != "$mqtt_domain" ]; then if ! ynh_permission_exists --permission="domoticz_MQTT" then # API Authorization with dedicated URL ynh_permission_create --permission="domoticz_MQTT" --label="MQTT" --url="$mqtt_domain" --allowed="visitors" --show_tile="false" --protected="true" fi fi #remove unwanted log folder if [ -d "/var/log/$app/$app" ]; then ynh_secure_remove "/var/log/$app/$app" fi #================================================= # CREATE DEDICATED USER #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Checking dedicated user permissions..." #allow user to access USB / serial port to communicate with tools (RFXtrx, Z-wave dongle, etc.) & i2c bus if grep dialout -q < /etc/group; then usermod -a -G dialout "$app" fi if grep i2c -q < /etc/group; then usermod -a -G i2c "$app" fi if grep gpio -q < /etc/group; then usermod -a -G gpio "$app" fi #================================================= # DOWNLOAD, CHECK AND UNPACK SOURCE #================================================= if [ "$upgrade_type" == "UPGRADE_APP" ] then ynh_script_progression --message="Upgrading source files..." --weight=15 ynh_setup_source --dest_dir="$install_dir" #Create the database file if [ ! -f "$install_dir"/domoticz.db ]; then touch "$install_dir"/domoticz.db chmod 644 "$install_dir"/domoticz.db fi fi chmod 750 "$install_dir" chmod -R o-rwx "$install_dir" chown -R "$app":"$app" "$install_dir" #================================================= # SET MOSQUITTO SETTINGS #================================================= if [ "$domain" != "$mqtt_domain" ]; then ynh_script_progression --message="Setting up mosquitto..." --weight=5 #Installing packages ynh_install_extra_app_dependencies --repo="deb https://repo.mosquitto.org/debian buster main" --package="$extra_pkg_dependencies" --key="http://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-repo.gpg.key" #Setting up conf file for access if [ ! -f "/etc/mosquitto/conf.d/"$app"_mosquitto.conf" ] then ynh_add_config --template="../conf/domoticz_mosquitto.conf" --destination="/etc/mosquitto/conf.d/"$app"_mosquitto.conf" chmod 644 /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/"$app"_mosquitto.conf #Setting up user&pwd for mqtt access ynh_app_setting_set --app="$app" --key=mqtt_user --value=$(ynh_string_random --length=8) ynh_app_setting_set --app="$app" --key=mqtt_pwd --value=$(ynh_string_random) echo $(ynh_app_setting_get --app="$app" --key=mqtt_user):$(ynh_app_setting_get --app="$app" --key=mqtt_pwd) > "/etc/mosquitto/conf.d/"$app"_credentials" mosquitto_passwd -U "/etc/mosquitto/conf.d/"$app"_credentials" ynh_print_info --message="The credential to the mosquitto server has been saved in the settings of the app" fi fi #================================================= # NGINX CONFIGURATION #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Upgrading NGINX web server configuration..." [[ "$domain" != "$mqtt_domain" ]] && ynh_add_config --template="../conf/mqtt_nginx.conf" --destination="/etc/nginx/conf.d/"$mqtt_domain".d/mqtt_"$app".conf" #Set Hook for nginx domain cp -R ../sources/hooks/conf_regen/95-nginx_domoticz /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen/ # Create a dedicated NGINX config if [[ ! -f "/etc/nginx/conf.d/"$domain".d/api_"$app".conf" ]] then ynh_print_warn --message="The nginx conf file will now be splitted between standard and api related path" ynh_print_warn --message="Report any manual changes on the new /etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/api_$app.conf file for json command to keep working" ynh_add_config --template="api_nginx.conf" --destination="/etc/nginx/conf.d/"$domain".d/api_"$app".conf" fi ynh_add_nginx_config #================================================= # SPECIFIC UPGRADE #================================================= # SETUP SYSTEMD #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Upgrading systemd configuration..." # Create a dedicated systemd config ynh_add_systemd_config #================================================= # GENERIC FINALIZATION #================================================= # SETUP LOGROTATE #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Upgrading logrotate configuration..." mkdir -p /var/log/"$app" chown -R domoticz: /var/log/"$app" # Use logrotate to manage app-specific logfile(s) ynh_use_logrotate --logfile="/var/log/$app" --non-append [[ ! -z "$mqtt_domain" ]] && ynh_use_logrotate --logfile="/var/log/mosquitto" #================================================= # SETUP FAIL2BAN #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Configuring Fail2Ban..." --weight=8 # Make sure a log file exists (mostly for CI tests) log_file=/var/log/$app/$app.log if [ ! -f "$log_file" ]; then touch "$log_file" chown $app: "$log_file" fi # Create a dedicated Fail2Ban config ynh_add_fail2ban_config --logpath="$log_file" --failregex="^.*Error: Failed login attempt from .*$" --max_retry=5 #not required in 2023.1 anymore #ynh_print_info --message="If you wish for Fail2ban to work, set up your local address in Setup/Settings/System/Local Networks as per documentation" #================================================= # INTEGRATE SERVICE IN YUNOHOST #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Integrating service in YunoHost..." yunohost service add "$app" --description="Domotique open sources" --log="/var/log/$app/$app.log" [[ "$domain" != "$mqtt_domain" ]] && yunohost service add mosquitto --description="Serveur MQTT pour domoticz" --log="/var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log" #================================================= # START SYSTEMD SERVICE #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Starting a systemd service..." --weight=3 ynh_systemd_action --service_name="$app" --action="start" #Restarting mosquitto to take changes from /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/*.conf into account [[ "$domain" != "$mqtt_domain" ]] && ynh_systemd_action --service_name=mosquitto --action="restart" #================================================= # END OF SCRIPT #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Upgrade of $app completed" --last