#!/bin/bash # Exit on command errors and treat unset variables as an error set -eu # Retrieve arguments app=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME domain=$YNH_APP_ARG_DOMAIN path="/" port=10901 admin=$YNH_APP_ARG_ADMIN # Source app helpers and functions source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers source functions.sh # Check domain/path availability yunohost app checkurl "${domain}${path}" -a "$app" \ || ynh_die "Path not available: ${domain}${path}" # Check port availability yunohost app checkport $port if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then ynh_die "Port not available: ${port}" fi #================================================= # CREATE DEDICATED USER #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Configuring system user..." # Create a system user ynh_system_user_create --username=$app --home_dir=$final_path # Get CPU architecture and check it arch=$(uname -m) if [ $arch == "x86_64" ]; then arch="x64" fi if [[ $arch != "x64" && $arch != "armv7l" ]]; then ynh_die "$arch is not supported." 2 fi # Store config on YunoHost instance ynh_app_setting_set $app port $port ynh_app_setting_set $app arch $arch ynh_app_setting_set "$app" admin "$admin" # Open port on firewall yunohost firewall allow TCP $port > /dev/null 2>&1 INSTALL_DUNITER_DEBIAN_PACKAGE INSTALL_SYSTEMD CONFIGURE_DUNITER # Launch Duniter node systemctl start duniter # Add Duniter service to the YunoHost monitoring yunohost service add $app --log $USER/.config/$app/"$app"_default/"$app".log CONFIG_PERMISSIONS CONFIG_NGINX #================================================= # END OF SCRIPT #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Installation of $app completed" --last