version = "1.0" [main] name.en = "ElasticSearch configuration" = "Configuration d'ElasticSearch" services = ["__APP__"] [main.jvm] name.en = "JVM (Java Virtual Machine) configuration" = "Configuration de la JVM (machine virtuelle Java)" optional = false [main.jvm.xms] ask.en = "Initial heap space" = "Espace initial réservé pour le tas (ou « Heap »)" help = """\ Indicate a size followed by a unit (either m for megabytes or g for gigabytes) with no space. Examples: \ "512m"\ "2g"\ """ type = "string" pattern.regexp = '^(\d+)[mMgG]$' pattern.error = "Please respect the format describe in help text" [main.jvm.xmx] ask.en = "Maximum heap space" = "Espace maximal pour le tas (ou « Heap »)" help = """\ Indicate a size followed by a unit (either m for megabytes or g for gigabytes) with no space. Examples: \ "512m"\ "2g"\ """ type = "string" pattern.regexp = '^(\d+)[mMgG]$' pattern.error = "Please respect the format describe in help text"