## X (future) - support postfix-mysql (not plain text virtual file) - javascript checkupgrade in admin page ## 2.0 (2018-11) - Internationnalisation, traduction possible (fichier source dans lang/messages.pot) - Traduction anglais / français (merci à https://github.com/matlink pour l'anglais) ## 1.4 (2018-03-19) - Interface admin avec stats, top user, possibilité de nettoyer, blacklister... ## 1.2 (2018-03-19) - Ne pas permettre la création d'un alias depuis un alias - Limiter le nombre d'alias possible ## 1.0.1 (2014-01-06) Bugfixes: - fixe ListeAlias no send email if error ## 1.0 (2013-10-02) Features: - add database with PDO (remove plain text) support mysql, sqlite, postgresql... - add multi-domain support - add memory email (with cookies) - add life for alias (optional) - add comment for alias (optional) - add template for example - add javascript in form (noscript compatible) - add cron for expir life email - add maintenance mode - add basic form anti-spam - add disable/enable alias function - pass UTF-8 encode ## 0.3 (2013-08-08) (without database) - add blacklist.txt regex - add function "alias list" - add shell statistique script - add readme ## 0.2 (2012-08-05) Features: - add aliasdeny.txt regex - migrate to Net_DNS2 - check email exist with DNS (check MX) Bugfixes: - fixe http://forge.zici.fr/p/emailpoubelle-php/issues/4/ ## 0.1b (2012-03-20) - start project