'._("Debug enabled") .'
'; echo print_r($_REQUEST); echo ''; } if (!defined('DOMAIN') || !defined('DATA') || !defined('DEBUG') || !defined('FICHIERALIAS') || !defined('DB')) { echo '
'._("Error : the configuration file conf.php might not be included because the constants are not declared").'.
'; // check writable work directory } else if (!is_writable(DATA)) { echo '
'._("Error : the working directory cannot be written. Please contact the admin").'
'; // check alias file is_writable } else if (!is_writable(FICHIERALIAS)) { echo '
'._("Error : the alias file cannot be written. Please contact the admin").'
'; // check blacklist file is_writable } else if (defined('BLACKLIST') && !is_readable(BLACKLIST)) { echo '
'._("Error : the blacklist file cannot be read. Please contact the admin").'
'; // check aliasdeny file is_writable } else if (defined('ALIASDENY') && !is_readable(ALIASDENY)) { echo '
'._("Error : the forbidden aliases file cannot be read. Please contact the admin").'
'; // maintenance mod } else if (MAINTENANCE_MODE == true && MAINTENANCE_IP != $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) { echo '
'._("Service under maintenance").'
'; } else { if (MAINTENANCE_MODE == true) { echo '
'._("Service under maintenance").'
'; } // Connect DB try { if (preg_match('/^sqlite/', DB)) { $dbco = new PDO(DB); } else { $dbco = new PDO(DB, DBUSER, DBPASS); } $dbco->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { die('._("Connexion à la base ").'.$e->getMessage()); } // Create DB if not exists try { // status : 0=not verified - 3=disable - 5=active if (preg_match('/^sqlite/', DB)) { $create = $dbco->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ".DBTABLEPREFIX."alias ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, status INTEGER(1) NOT NULL, alias CHAR(150) NOT NULL UNIQUE, email CHAR(150) NOT NULL, dateCreat DATETIME NOT NULL, dateExpir DATETIME, comment TEXT);"); } else { $create = $dbco->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ".DBTABLEPREFIX."alias ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, status INTEGER(1) NOT NULL, alias CHAR(150) NOT NULL UNIQUE, email CHAR(150) NOT NULL, dateCreat DATETIME NOT NULL, dateExpir DATETIME, comment TEXT);"); } } catch ( PDOException $e ) { echo '
'._("Error initializing tables. Please contact the admin"); if (DEBUG) { $e->getMessage(); } echo '
'; die(); } ////////////////// // Start program ////////////////// // get process "act" (action) $action = isset($_GET['act']) ? $_GET['act'] : ''; switch ($action) { case "validemail" : $get_value = urlUnGen($_GET['value']); if ($dbco->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".DBTABLEPREFIX."alias WHERE id = '".$get_value['id']."' AND status = 0")->fetchColumn() != 0) { UpdateStatusAlias($get_value['id'], $get_value['alias_full'], 5); echo '
'._("Your trash email address").' '.$get_value['alias_full'].' '._("is now enabled").'
'; } else { echo '
'._("Error : unknown ID or already validated").'
'; } break; case "disable" : $get_value = urlUnGen($_GET['value']); DisableAlias($get_value['id'], $get_value['alias_full'], null); break; case "enable" : $get_value = urlUnGen($_GET['value']); EnableAlias($get_value['id'], $get_value['alias_full'], null); break; case "delete" : $get_value = urlUnGen($_GET['value']); DeleteAlias($get_value['id'], $get_value['alias_full']); break; case "cron" : if (CRON) { echo '
'._("The scheduled task is running").'
'; LifeExpire(); } else { echo '
'._("You didn't allow the scheduled job").'
'; } break; } // Form if (isset($_POST['username']) && $_POST['username'] != '') { // minimal anti-spam echo 'Hello you'; } else if (isset($_POST['list'])) { $email=strtolower(StripCleanToHtml($_POST['email'])); if (! filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { echo '
'._("Error : email address incorrect").'
'; } else if (! VerifMXemail($email)) { echo '
'._("Error : email address incorrect").' (2)
'; } else if (ListeAlias($email)) { echo '
'._("An email has been sent to you").'
'; } else { echo '
'._("Error : no known active trash email").'
'; } } else if (isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['alias'])) { $alias=strtolower(StripCleanToHtml($_POST['alias'])); $email=strtolower(StripCleanToHtml($_POST['email'])); $domain=StripCleanToHtml($_POST['domain']); $life=$_POST['life']; $comment=StripCleanToHtml($_POST['comment']); $alias_full=$alias.'@'.$domain; // Check form if (! filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { echo '
'._("Error : email address incorrect").'
'; } else if (! VerifMXemail($email)) { echo '
'._("Error : email address incorrect").' (2)
'; } else if (! preg_match('#^[\w.-]+$#',$alias)) { echo '
'._("Error : trash email address syntax incorrect").'
'; } else if (!domainePresent($domain)) { echo '
'._("Error : this domain cannot be used").'
'; } else if (emailIsAlias($email)) { echo '
'._("Error : Your email can not contain a trash domain").'
'; } else if (AliasDeny($alias)) { echo '
'._("Error : trash email address forbidden").'
'; } else if (BlacklistEmail($email)) { echo '
'._("Error : you have been blacklisted").'
'; // add } elseif (isset($_POST['add'])) { if ($dbco->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".DBTABLEPREFIX."alias WHERE alias = '".$alias_full."'")->fetchColumn() != 0) { echo '
'._("Error : this trash email already exists").'
'; } else if ($dbco->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".DBTABLEPREFIX."alias WHERE email = '".$email."'")->fetchColumn() > ALIASLIMITBYMAIL) { echo '
'._("Error: You have reached your limit quota on this app. You can install this script on a personal server if you want more quota").'.
'; } else { if ($dbco->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".DBTABLEPREFIX."alias WHERE email = '".$email."' AND status > 0")->fetchColumn() != 0) { AjouterAlias(5, $alias_full, $email, $life, $comment); echo '
'._("Your trash email address").' '.$alias_full.' > '.$email.' '._("is now enabled").'
'; } else { $lastId=AjouterAlias(0, $alias_full, $email, $life, $comment); $message= _("Confirmation of the creation of your trash email :")."\n"; $message= $alias_full.' => '.$email."\n"; $message= _("Click on the link below to validate :")."\n"; $message.= "\t * ".urlGen('validemail',$lastId,$alias_full)."\n"; $message.= "\n"; $message.= _("To delete this trash email, click on the link below :")."\n"; $message.= "\t * ".urlGen('delete',$lastId,$alias_full)."\n"; $message.= "\n"; $message.= _("After confirmation, you will be able to temporary suspend you trash email using the link below :")."\n"; $message.= "\t * ".urlGen('disable',$lastId,$alias_full)."\n"; SendEmail($email,_("Alias confirmation")." ".$alias,$message); echo '
'._("Your email address").' ('.$email.') '._("is unknown, a confirmation has been sent to you.").'
'; } } // delete } else if (isset($_POST['del'])) { if ($id = $dbco->query("SELECT id FROM ".DBTABLEPREFIX."alias WHERE email = '".$email."' AND alias = '".$alias_full."'")->fetchColumn()) { $message= _("Confirmation of the removal of your trash email : ")."\n"; $message= $alias_full.' => '.$email."\n"; $message= _("Click on the link below to validate the deletion :")."\n"; $message.= "\t * ".urlGen('delete',$id,$alias_full)."\n\n"; $message.= _("If you would like to temporary suspend this trash email, you can follow the link bellow :")."\n"; $message.= "\t * ".urlGen('disable',$id,$alias_full)."\n"; SendEmail($email,_("Alias deletion")." ".$alias,$message); echo '
'._("An email has been sent to you").'.
'; } else { echo '
'._("Error : unknown trash email").'
'; } // disable } else if (isset($_POST['disable'])) { DisableAlias(null, $alias_full, $email); // enable } else if (isset($_POST['enable'])) { EnableAlias(null, $alias_full, $email); } // memory email if (isset($_POST['memory'])) { setcookie ("email", StripCleanToHtml($email), time() + 31536000); } else if (isset($_COOKIE['email'])) { unset($_COOKIE['email']); } } ////////////////// // Printing form ////////////////// ?>
id="input-email" size="24" border="0" onkeyup="printForm()" onchange="printForm()" /> />
/> @'; } else { echo ''; } ?>
/> /> /> />

