packaging_format = 2 id = "excalidraw" name = "Excalidraw" description.en = "Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams" = "Tableau blanc collaboratif virtuel qui vous permet d'esquisser facilement des diagrammes" version = "0.14.2~ynh1" maintainers = [] [upstream] license = "MIT" website = "" demo = "" code = "" [integration] yunohost = ">= 11.1.12" architectures = "all" multi_instance = true ldap = false sso = false disk = "50M" = "50M" ram.runtime = "50M" [install] [install.domain] type = "domain" full_domain = true [install.init_main_permission] type = "group" default = "visitors" [resources] [resources.system_user] [resources.install_dir] [resources.permissions] main.url = "/" [resources.apt] packages = "apt-transport-https" # (this part is optional and corresponds to the legacy ynh_install_extra_app_dependencies helper) extras.yarn.repo = "deb stable main" extras.yarn.key = "" extras.yarn.packages = "yarn"