#!/bin/bash #================================================= # COMMON VARIABLES #================================================= # Note that we also need some specific pkg_dependencies for build with arm architectures # dependencies used by the app pkg_dependencies="pypy pypy-dev python3-virtualenv build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev libmariadb-dev-compat" #================================================= # PERSONAL HELPERS #================================================= call_pip() { # Sometime we get a segfault error while we invoke pip # As we don't have a really clean way to fix this really bad error we just try many time utils it works i=0 result_ok=false while [ $i -lt 5 ] && ! $result_ok; do ynh_exec_warn_less pip $@ && result_ok=true i=$((i+1)) done if ! $result_ok; then echo "Error on build package" false fi } install_sources() { ynh_setup_source --dest_dir "$final_path" # pip installation virtualenv --python=$(which pypy | head -n 1) "$final_path/local" # Install manually pip v20.1 because the installed version from the system don't work any more with pyp v2.7 cp -r ../sources/pip_20.1/. $final_path/local/site-packages/pip # Init virtualenv set +o nounset source "$final_path/local/bin/activate" set -o nounset pushd "$final_path" call_pip install --upgrade 'pip<20.2' call_pip install setuptools==44.1.1 call_pip install --upgrade pyramid_chameleon 'soupsieve<2.0' CFLAGS="-Wno-error -Wno-error=format-security" \ ARCHFLAGS="-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future" \ call_pip install --upgrade --requirement "$final_path/requirements.txt" pypy "$final_path/setup.py" develop test -e $final_path/local/lib_pypy/_sysconfigdata.py || ln -s /usr/lib/pypy/lib_pypy/_sysconfigdata.py $final_path/local/lib_pypy/_sysconfigdata.py test -e $final_path/local/lib_pypy/cffi || ln -s /usr/lib/pypy/lib_pypy/cffi $final_path/local/lib_pypy/cffi popd # Add nice homepage cp -r ../sources/page $final_path/syncserver/ (cd "$final_path/syncserver" && patch -p1 < $YNH_CWD/../sources/homepage.patch) || echo "Unable to apply patches" } set_permissions() { chown $app -R $final_path chmod u=rwX,g=rX,o= -R $final_path } #================================================= # EXPERIMENTAL HELPERS #================================================= #================================================= # FUTURE OFFICIAL HELPERS #=================================================