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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import os
import logging
from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse
from pyramid.response import Response
from pyramid.events import NewRequest, subscriber
import mozsvc.config
from tokenserver.util import _JSONError
logger = logging.getLogger("syncserver")
def includeme(config):
"""Install SyncServer application into the given Pyramid configurator."""
# Set the umask so that files are created with secure permissions.
# Necessary for e.g. created-on-demand sqlite database files.
# Sanity-check the deployment settings and provide sensible defaults.
settings = config.registry.settings
public_url = settings.get("syncserver.public_url")
if public_url is None:
raise RuntimeError("you much configure syncserver.public_url")
public_url = public_url.rstrip("/")
settings["syncserver.public_url"] = public_url
secret = settings.get("syncserver.secret")
if secret is None:
secret = os.urandom(32).encode("hex")
sqluri = settings.get("syncserver.sqluri")
if sqluri is None:
rootdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
sqluri = "sqlite:///" + os.path.join(rootdir, "syncserver.db")
# Configure app-specific defaults based on top-level configuration.
settings.pop("config", None)
if "tokenserver.backend" not in settings:
# Default to our simple static node-assignment backend
settings["tokenserver.backend"] =\
settings["tokenserver.sqluri"] = sqluri
settings["tokenserver.node_url"] = public_url
settings["endpoints.sync-1.5"] = "{node}/storage/1.5/{uid}"
if "tokenserver.monkey_patch_gevent" not in settings:
# Default to no gevent monkey-patching
settings["tokenserver.monkey_patch_gevent"] = False
if "tokenserver.applications" not in settings:
# Default to just the sync-1.5 application
settings["tokenserver.applications"] = "sync-1.5"
if "tokenserver.secrets.backend" not in settings:
# Default to a single fixed signing secret
settings["tokenserver.secrets.backend"] = "mozsvc.secrets.FixedSecrets"
settings["tokenserver.secrets.secrets"] = [secret]
if "tokenserver.allow_new_users" not in settings:
allow_new_users = settings.get("syncserver.allow_new_users")
if allow_new_users is not None:
settings["tokenserver.allow_new_users"] = allow_new_users
if "hawkauth.secrets.backend" not in settings:
# Default to the same secrets backend as the tokenserver
for key in settings.keys():
if key.startswith("tokenserver.secrets."):
newkey = "hawkauth" + key[len("tokenserver"):]
settings[newkey] = settings[key]
if "storage.backend" not in settings:
# Default to sql syncstorage backend
settings["storage.backend"] = "syncstorage.storage.sql.SQLStorage"
settings["storage.sqluri"] = sqluri
settings["storage.create_tables"] = True
if "browserid.backend" not in settings:
# Default to remote verifier, with base of public_url as only audience
audience = urlunparse(urlparse(public_url)._replace(path=""))
settings["browserid.backend"] = "tokenserver.verifiers.RemoteVerifier"
settings["browserid.audiences"] = audience
if "loggers" not in settings:
# Default to basic logging config.
root_logger = logging.getLogger("")
if not root_logger.handlers:
# Include the relevant sub-packages.
config.include("syncstorage", route_prefix="/storage")
config.include("tokenserver", route_prefix="/token")
# Add a top-level "it works!" view.
def itworks(request):
return Response("it works!")
config.add_route('itworks', '/')
config.add_view(itworks, route_name='itworks')
def reconcile_wsgi_environ_with_public_url(event):
"""Event-listener that checks and tweaks WSGI environ based on public_url.
This is a simple trick to help ensure that the configured public_url
matches the actual deployed address. It fixes fixes parts of the WSGI
environ where it makes sense (e.g. SCRIPT_NAME) and warns about any parts
that seem obviously mis-configured (e.g. http:// versus https://).
It's very important to get public_url and WSGI environ matching exactly,
since they're used for browserid audience checking and HAWK signature
validation, so mismatches can easily cause strange and cryptic errors.
request = event.request
public_url = request.registry.settings["syncserver.public_url"]
p_public_url = urlparse(public_url)
# If we don't have a SCRIPT_NAME, take it from the public_url.
# This is often the case if we're behind e.g. an nginx proxy that
# is serving us at some sub-path.
if not request.script_name:
request.script_name = p_public_url.path.rstrip("/")
# Log a noisy error if the application url is different to what we'd
# expect based on public_url setting.
application_url = request.application_url
if public_url != application_url:
msg = "The public_url setting does not match the application url.\n"
msg += "This will almost certainly cause authentication failures!\n"
msg += " public_url setting is: %s\n" % (public_url,)
msg += " application url is: %s\n" % (application_url,)
raise _JSONError([msg], status_code=500)
def get_configurator(global_config, **settings):
"""Load a SyncStorge configurator object from deployment settings."""
config = mozsvc.config.get_configurator(global_config, **settings)
return config
def main(global_config, **settings):
"""Load a SyncStorage WSGI app from deployment settings."""
config = get_configurator(global_config, **settings)
return config.make_wsgi_app()