#!/usr/bin/env bash cd "__INSTALL_DIR__/app" # Public Host Name export BASE_URL=https://__DOMAIN____PATH__ export PORT=__PORT__ # Connection string to the PostgreSQL database export DATABASE_URL="postgres://__DB_USER__:__DB_PWD__@localhost:5432/__DB_NAME__?sslmode=disable" # Generate a 512-bit secret export JWT_SECRET=__SECRET__ # From which account e-mails will be sent export EMAIL_NOREPLY=__APP__@__DOMAIN__ ### # EMAIL ### export EMAIL_SMTP_HOST=localhost export EMAIL_SMTP_PORT=25 export EMAIL_SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS='false' export EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME=__APP__ export EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD=__MAIL_PWD__ # This file is provided to the administrator to customize OAuth etc. if [[ -f "custom_fider_env" ]]; then source custom_fider_env fi ./fider migrate ./fider "$@"