## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## IMPORTANT: In accordance with YunoHost's spirit, please keep things simple and ## do not overwhelm the admin with tons of misunderstandable or advanced settings. ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- version = "1.0" [main] name.en = "Main configuration" name.fr = "Configuration principale" services = ["__APP__", "__APP___workers"] [main.config] name.en = "Configuration options" name.fr = "Options de configuration" [main.config.data_dir] ask.en = "Change data directory" ask.fr = "Changer le répertoire de données" type = "path" default = "/home/yunohost.app/__APP__/" help.en = "Change the data directory where are stored all the uploaded .gpx files and the profile pictures" help.fr = "Change le répertoire de données où sont stockés tous les fichiers .gpx téléversés et les photos de profil" bind = "UPLOAD_FOLDER:/var/www/__APP__/.env" [main.config.weather_provider] ask.en = "Change weather provider" ask.fr = "Changer le fournisseur météo" type = "select" choices = ["", "visualcrossing"] default = "visualcrossing" help.en = "Change your weather provider by choosing one of the proposed ones" help.fr = "Changer votre fournisseur météo en choisissant un de ceux qui vous sont proposés" bind = "WEATHER_API_PROVIDER:/var/www/__APP__/.env" [main.config.WEATHER_API_KEY] ask.en = "Change weather api key" ask.fr = "Changer la clé api pour la météo" type = "string" help.en = "Set the api key given by the chosen weather provider" help.fr = "Insérer la clé api donnée par le fournisseur météo choisi" bind = "WEATHER_API_KEY:/var/www/__APP__/.env" [main.config.mail_user] ask.en = "Configure the user mail" ask.fr = "Configurer le courriel utilisateur" type = "string" bind = "MAIL_USER:/var/www/__APP__/.env" [main.config.MAIL_PASSWORD] ask.en = "Configure the password of the determined mail user" ask.fr = "Configurer le mot de passe de l’utilisateur mail choisi" type = "string" bind = "MAIL_PASSWORD:/var/www/__APP__/.env" [main.config.MAIL_DOMAIN] ask.en = "Configure the server address" ask.fr = "Configurer l’adresse du serveur" type = "string" help.en = "e.g. mydomain.com" help.fr = "ex. : mondomain.com" bind = "MAIL_DOMAIN:/var/www/__APP__/.env"