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synced 2024-09-03 18:36:16 +02:00
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103 lines
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packaging_format = 2
id = "fittrackee"
name = "FitTrackee"
description.en = "Self-hosted outdoor activity tracker 🚴"
description.gl = "Rexistra as túas actividades ao aire libre 🚴"
description.ca = "Seguiment d'activitats a l'aire lliure autoallotjat 🚴"
description.fr = "Traqueur d’activités extérieures auto-hébergé 🚴"
version = "0.8.5~ynh1"
maintainers = ["Thovi98"]
license = "AGPL-3.0-only"
website = "https://samr1.github.io/FitTrackee"
demo = ""
admindoc = "https://samr1.github.io/FitTrackee"
code = "https://github.com/SamR1/FitTrackee"
yunohost = ">= 11.2.12"
architectures = "all"
multi_instance = true
ldap = false
sso = false
disk = "50M"
ram.build = "50M"
ram.runtime = "50M"
type = "domain"
type = "group"
default = "visitors"
type = "user"
help.en = "You will have to login with the email of this user and the password you’ll set below."
help.fr = "Vous devrez vous connecter avec l’adresse courriel de cet utilisateur et le mot de passe configuré ci-dessous."
help.en = "Choose a password for your admin user here."
help.gl = "Elixe un contrasinal para a usuaria Admin en FitTrackee."
help.ca = "Triar una contrasenya per a l'usuari d'administració."
help.fr = "Choisissez un mot de passe pour l’utilisateur admin ici."
type = "password"
ask.en = "Choose the application language"
ask.fr = "Choisissez la langue de l'application"
type = "select"
choices = ["cs", "de", "en", "es", "eu", "fr", "gl", "it", "nb", "nl", "pl", "pt"]
default = "en"
ask.en = "(Optional) Choose your weather provider between Darksky and Visual Crossing"
ask.gl = "(Optativo) Elixe o provedor de meteoroloxía, entre Darksky e Visual Crossing"
ask.ca = "(Opcional) Escollir un proveïdor del temps entre Darksky i Visual Crossing"
ask.fr = "(Optionnel) Choisissez votre fournisseur météo entre Darksky et Visual Crossing"
help.en = "Since Fittrackee 0.7.15, only Visual Crossing is supported"
help.gl = "Desde Fittrackee 0.7.15, só temos soporte para Visual Crossing"
help.ca = "Des de Fittrackee 0.7.15, només es suporta l'ús de Visual Crossing"
help.fr = "Depuis Fittrackee 0.7.15, seul Visual Crossing est supporté"
type = "select"
choices = ["", "visualcrossing"]
default = "visualcrossing"
optional = true
ask.en = "(Optional) Insert here the api key from the chosen weather provider"
ask.gl = "(Optativo) Escribe aquí a chave da API do provedor de meteoroloxía elexido"
ask.ca = "(Opcional) Inserir la clau de l'API del proveïdor del temps escollit"
ask.fr = "(Optionnel) Insérez ici la clé API du fournisseur de météo choisi"
type = "string"
default = false
optional = true
allow_email = true
main.url = "/"
main.auth_header = false
main.default = 5000
packages = "postgresql, postgresql-contrib, python3, python3-venv, libopenjp2-7"
type = "postgresql"