**Warning:** This will probably break any existing installation of couchdb (there's an couchdb app to install just couchdb and expose its port via nginx reverse-proxy).
**Another warning:** When installing flohmarkt on a a domain and letting it talk to other ActivityPub instances it will propagate a key associated to your domain. If you remove your flohmarkt from that domain and loose that key other instances might not want to talk to you anymore after you installed flohmarkt again on the same domain generating a new key.
You're welcome to take part by opening issues or sending pull requests. You can also reach me on Matrix in [Yunohost Apps development](https://matrix.to/#/%23yunohost-apps:matrix.org) as @chrichri:librem.one .
* ~~why shouldn't~~ two apps install the same os dependency: no problem
* ~~stop the couchdb deb from being de-installed if one of the two apps is de-installed → pseudo deb with depency~~ This is already achived by `ynh_install_extra_app_dependencies` in the install script
* ~~how to make flohmarkt send email per port 25 without login?~~ not: install generates an smpt account for flohmarkt to login with and puts it into flohmarkt.conf
* ~~postfix virtual-user table: allow flohmarkt to send email with 'mail from: <flohmarkt-email>'~~ works
* ~~define a custom setting `mail_user` and `mail_domain` using ynh_app_setting_set (or .toml?) if necessary~~ done
For the time being I'd not like to integrate into ldap. I'd like to let the admin choose whether registration is open to anybody, to yunohost user group (sso) or nobody. _anybody_ and _nobody_ is what flohmarkt already offers.
For 'yunohost user group' I'd like to have the registration urls rewritten by nginx to some `you're not allowed to registered`-page if no user with permission is logged in. Is there an example somewhere or is it even possible at all?