#!/bin/bash #================================================= # COMMON VARIABLES #================================================= ## new filenames starting 0.00~ynh5 # make a filename/service name from domain/path if [[ "$path" == /* ]]; then url_path="${path:1}" fi if [[ "__${url_path}__" == '____' ]]; then flohmarkt_filename="$domain" else flohmarkt_filename="$domain-${url_path}" fi # this filename is used for logfile name and systemd.service name # and for symlinking install_dir and data_dir flohmarkt_filename="${YNH_APP_ID}_${flohmarkt_filename//[^A-Za-z0-9._-]/_}" # directory flohmarkts software is installed to # contains ./venv and ./src as sub-directories flohmarkt_install="$install_dir" flohmarkt_sym_install="$( dirname $flohmarkt_install )/$flohmarkt_filename" flohmarkt_venv_dir="${flohmarkt_install}/venv" flohmarkt_app_dir="${flohmarkt_install}/app" # directory containing logfiles flohmarkt_log_dir="/var/log/${app}" flohmarkt_sym_log_dir="/var/log/${flohmarkt_filename}" # filename for logfiles - ¡ojo! if not ends with .log will be interpreted # as a directory by ynh_use_logrotate # https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/2383 flohmarkt_logfile="${flohmarkt_log_dir}/app.log" # flohmarkt data_dir flohmarkt_data_dir="$data_dir" flohmarkt_sym_data_dir="$( dirname $flohmarkt_data_dir )/$flohmarkt_filename" ## old filenames before 0.00~ynh5 - for reference and needed to # migrate (see below) flohmarkt_old_install="/opt/flohmarkt" flohmarkt_old_venv_dir="${flohmarkt_old_install}/venv" flohmarkt_old_app_dir="${flohmarkt_old_install}/flohmarkt" flohmarkt_old_log_dir="/var/log/flohmarkt/" flohmarkt_old_service="flohmarkt" #================================================= # PERSONAL HELPERS #================================================= # local copy of ynh_local_curl() to test some improvement # https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/2396 # https://codeberg.org/flohmarkt/flohmarkt_ynh/issues/51 flohmarkt_ynh_local_curl() { # Curl abstraction to help with POST requests to local pages (such as installation forms) # # usage: ynh_local_curl "page_uri" "key1=value1" "key2=value2" ... # | arg: page_uri - Path (relative to `$path_url`) of the page where POST data will be sent # | arg: key1=value1 - (Optionnal) POST key and corresponding value # | arg: key2=value2 - (Optionnal) Another POST key and corresponding value # | arg: ... - (Optionnal) More POST keys and values # # example: ynh_local_curl "/install.php?installButton" "foo=$var1" "bar=$var2" # # For multiple calls, cookies are persisted between each call for the same app # # `$domain` and `$path_url` should be defined externally (and correspond to the domain.tld and the /path (of the app?)) # # Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher. # Define url of page to curl local local_page=$(ynh_normalize_url_path $1) local full_path=$path_url$local_page if [ "${path_url}" == "/" ]; then full_path=$local_page fi local full_page_url=https://localhost$full_path # Concatenate all other arguments with '&' to prepare POST data local POST_data="" local arg="" for arg in "${@:2}"; do POST_data="${POST_data}${arg}&" done if [ -n "$POST_data" ]; then # Add --data arg and remove the last character, which is an unecessary '&' POST_data="--data ${POST_data::-1}" fi # Wait untils nginx has fully reloaded (avoid curl fail with http2) sleep 2 local cookiefile=/tmp/ynh-$app-cookie.txt touch $cookiefile chown root $cookiefile chmod 700 $cookiefile # Temporarily enable visitors if needed... local visitors_enabled=$(ynh_permission_has_user "main" "visitors" && echo yes || echo no) if [[ $visitors_enabled == "no" ]]; then ynh_permission_update --permission "main" --add "visitors" fi # Curl the URL curl --silent --show-error --insecure --location --header "Host: $domain" --resolve $domain:443: $POST_data "$full_page_url" --cookie-jar $cookiefile --cookie $cookiefile if [[ $visitors_enabled == "no" ]]; then ynh_permission_update --permission "main" --remove "visitors" fi } # create symlinks containing domain and path for install, data and log directories flohmarkt_ynh_create_symlinks() { ynh_script_progression --message="Creating symlinks..." --weight=1 ln -s "$flohmarkt_install" "$flohmarkt_sym_install" ln -s "$flohmarkt_data_dir" "$flohmarkt_sym_data_dir" ln -s "$flohmarkt_log_dir" "$flohmarkt_sym_log_dir" true } # set file permissions and owner for installation flohmarkt_ynh_set_permission() { # install dir - only root needs to write and $app reads chown root:$app -R "$flohmarkt_install" chmod g-w,o-rwx -R "$flohmarkt_install" } # start flohmarkt service flohmarkt_ynh_start_service() { ynh_systemd_action --service_name=$flohmarkt_filename --action="start" \ --line_match='INFO: *Application startup complete.' --log_path="$flohmarkt_logfile" \ --timeout=30 } # stop flohmarkt service flohmarkt_ynh_stop_service() { ynh_systemd_action --service_name=$flohmarkt_filename --action="stop" } # start couchdb and wait for success flohmarkt_ynh_start_couchdb() { ynh_systemd_action --service_name=couchdb --action="start" --timeout=30 \ --log_path="/var/log/couchdb/couchdb.log" \ --line_match='Apache CouchDB has started on' } # stop couchdb flohmarkt_ynh_stop_couchdb() { ynh_systemd_action --service_name=couchdb --action="stop" --timeout=30 \ --log_path="/var/log/couchdb/couchdb.log" \ --line_match='SIGTERM received - shutting down' } # install or upgrade couchdb flohmarkt_ynh_up_inst_couchdb() { echo "\ couchdb couchdb/mode select standalone couchdb couchdb/mode seen true couchdb couchdb/bindaddress string couchdb couchdb/bindaddress seen true couchdb couchdb/cookie string $couchdb_magic_cookie couchdb couchdb/adminpass password $password_couchdb_admin couchdb couchdb/adminpass seen true couchdb couchdb/adminpass_again password $password_couchdb_admin couchdb couchdb/adminpass_again seen true" | debconf-set-selections DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # apt-get install -y --force-yes couchdb ynh_install_extra_app_dependencies \ --repo="deb https://apache.jfrog.io/artifactory/couchdb-deb/ $(lsb_release -c -s) main" \ --key="https://couchdb.apache.org/repo/keys.asc" \ --package="couchdb" } flohmarkt_ynh_dump_couchdb() { ../settings/scripts/couchdb-dump/couchdb-dump.sh -b -H -d "${app}" \ -q -u admin -p "${password_couchdb_admin}" -f "${YNH_CWD}/${app}.json" } flohmarkt_ynh_import_couchdb() { ls -l ../settings/scripts/couchdb-dump/couchdb-dump.sh ${YNH_CWD}/${app}.json ../settings/scripts/couchdb-dump/couchdb-dump.sh -r -c -H -d "${app}" \ -q -u admin -p "${password_couchdb_admin}" -f "${YNH_CWD}/${app}.json" } flohmarkt_ynh_delete_couchdb_user() { # https://codeberg.org/flohmarkt/flohmarkt_ynh/issues/46 - more than one revision? local couchdb_user_revision=$( curl -sX GET "${app}" \ --user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}" | jq -r ._rev ) curl -s -X DELETE "${app}?rev=${couchdb_user_revision}" \ --user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}" } flohmarkt_ynh_delete_couchdb_db() { curl -s -X DELETE "${app}" --user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}" } flohmarkt_ynh_create_couchdb_user() { curl -s -X PUT "${app}" --user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}"\ -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "{\"name\": \"${app}\", \"password\": \"${password_couchdb_flohmarkt}\", \"roles\": [], \"type\": \"user\"}" # @@ check answer something like # {"ok":true,"id":"org.couchdb.user:flohmarkt","rev":"35-9865694604ab384388eea0f978a6e728"} } flohmarkt_ynh_couchdb_user_permissions() { curl -s -X PUT "${app}/_security" --user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}"\ -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "{\"members\":{\"names\": [\"${app}\"],\"roles\": [\"editor\"]}}" } flohmarkt_ynh_exists_couchdb_user() { if [[ $( curl -sX GET "${app}" \ --user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}" | jq .error ) == '"not_found"' ]] then false else true fi } flohmarkt_ynh_exists_couchdb_db() { if [[ $( curl -sX GET "" --user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}" \ | jq .error ) == '"not_found"' ]] then false else true fi } # check whether old couchdb user or database exist before creating the new ones flohmarkt_ynh_check_old_couchdb() { if flohmarkt_ynh_exists_couchdb_user; then ynh_die --ret_code=100 --message="CouchDB user '$app' exists already. Stopping install." elif flohmarkt_ynh_exists_couchdb_db; then ynh_die --ret_code=100 --message="CouchDB database '$app' exists already. Stopping install." fi } flohmarkt_ynh_restore_couchdb() { flohmarkt_ynh_check_old_couchdb flohmarkt_ynh_import_couchdb flohmarkt_ynh_create_couchdb_user flohmarkt_ynh_couchdb_user_permissions } # create venv flohmarkt_ynh_create_venv() { python3 -m venv --without-pip "$flohmarkt_venv_dir" } # install requirements.txt in venv flohmarkt_ynh_venv_requirements() { ( set +o nounset source "$flohmarkt_venv_dir/bin/activate" set -o nounset set -x $flohmarkt_venv_dir/bin/python3 -m ensurepip $flohmarkt_venv_dir/bin/pip3 install -r "$flohmarkt_app_dir/requirements.txt" ) } # move files and directories to their new places flohmarkt_ynh_upgrade_path_ynh5() { # flohmarkt and couchdb are already stopped in upgrade script # move app_dir into new 'app' folder mv "$flohmarkt_install/flohmarkt" "$flohmarkt_app_dir" # yunohost seems to move the venv dir automatically, but this # doesn't work, because the paths inside the venv are not adjusted # delete the old, not working venv and create a new one: ynh_secure_remove --file="$flohmarkt_venv_dir" flohmarkt_ynh_create_venv flohmarkt_ynh_venv_requirements # remove old $install_dir ynh_secure_remove --file="$flohmarkt_old_install" # move logfile directory mkdir -p "$flohmarkt_log_dir" # remove systemd.service - will be generated newly by upgrade # ynh_remove_systemd_config --service="$flohmarkt_old_service" ynh_systemd_action --action=stop --service_name="$flohmarkt_old_service" ynh_systemd_action --action=disable --service_name="$flohmarkt_old_service" ynh_secure_remove --file="/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/flohmarkt.service" ynh_secure_remove --file="/etc/systemd/system/flohmarkt.service" # funktioniert nicht? issue? #ynh_systemd_action --action=daemon-reload # DEBUG + systemctl daemon-reload flohmarkt # WARNING Too many arguments. systemctl daemon-reload # unit flohmarkt is automatically appended and therefor this fails: #ynh_systemd_action --action=reset-failed systemctl reset-failed # create symlinks ln -s "$flohmarkt_install" "$flohmarkt_sym_install" ln -s "$flohmarkt_data_dir" "$flohmarkt_sym_data_dir" } #================================================= # EXPERIMENTAL HELPERS #================================================= #================================================= # FUTURE OFFICIAL HELPERS #=================================================