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Chris Vogel 047af9605c new versions of ynh_local_curl and ynh_handle_getopts_args
included in _common.sh as

* flohmarkt_ynh_handle_getopts_args and
* flohmarkt_ynh_local_curl

to be tested.

Added some simple debugging sub to easily switch on and off my debugging output.
2024-05-26 14:49:18 +02:00

644 lines
29 KiB

## new filenames starting 0.00~ynh5
# make a filename/service name from domain/path
if [[ "$path" == /* ]]; then
if [[ "__${url_path}__" == '____' ]]; then
# this filename is used for logfile name and systemd.service name
# and for symlinking install_dir and data_dir
# directory flohmarkts software is installed to
# contains ./venv and ./src as sub-directories
flohmarkt_sym_install="$( dirname $flohmarkt_install )/$flohmarkt_filename"
# directory containing logfiles
# filename for logfiles - ¡ojo! if not ends with .log will be interpreted
# as a directory by ynh_use_logrotate
# https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/2383
# flohmarkt data_dir
flohmarkt_sym_data_dir="$( dirname $flohmarkt_data_dir )/$flohmarkt_filename"
## old filenames before 0.00~ynh5 - for reference and needed to
# migrate (see below)
# debug output
flohmarkt_print_debug() {
if [[ $flohmarkt_debug -eq 1 ]]; then echo "$*"; fi
# Redisgn of ynh_handle_getopts_args for flohmarkt to be tested as `flohmarkt_ynh_handle_getopts_args`
# Internal helper design to allow helpers to use getopts to manage their arguments
# [internal]
# example: function my_helper()
# {
# local -A args_array=( [a]=arg1= [b]=arg2= [c]=arg3 )
# local arg1
# local arg2
# local arg3
# ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
# [...]
# }
# my_helper --arg1 "val1" -b val2 -c
# usage: ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
# | arg: $@ - Simply "$@" to tranfert all the positionnal arguments to the function
# This helper need an array, named "args_array" with all the arguments used by the helper
# that want to use ynh_handle_getopts_args
# Be carreful, this array has to be an associative array, as the following example:
# local -A args_array=( [a]=arg1 [b]=arg2= [c]=arg3 )
# Let's explain this array:
# a, b and c are short options, -a, -b and -c
# arg1, arg2 and arg3 are the long options associated to the previous short ones. --arg1, --arg2 and --arg3
# For each option, a short and long version has to be defined.
# Let's see something more significant
# local -A args_array=( [u]=user [f]=finalpath= [d]=database )
# NB: Because we're using 'declare' without -g, the array will be declared as a local variable.
# Please keep in mind that the long option will be used as a variable to store the values for this option.
# For the previous example, that means that $finalpath will be fill with the value given as argument for this option.
# Also, in the previous example, finalpath has a '=' at the end. That means this option need a value.
# So, the helper has to be call with --finalpath /final/path, --finalpath=/final/path or -f /final/path,
# the variable $finalpath will get the value /final/path
# If there's many values for an option, -f /final /path, the value will be separated by a ';' $finalpath=/final;/path
# For an option without value, like --user in the example, the helper can be called only with --user or -u. $user
# will then get the value 1.
# To keep a retrocompatibility, a package can still call a helper, using getopts, with positional arguments.
# The "legacy mode" will manage the positional arguments and fill the variable in the same order than they are given
# in $args_array. e.g. for `my_helper "val1" val2`, arg1 will be filled with val1, and arg2 with val2.
# Positional parameters (used to be the only way to use ynh_handle_getopts_args once upon a time) can be
# used also:
# '--' start processing the rest of the arguments as positional parameters
# $legacy_args The arguments positional parameters will be assign to
# Needs to be composed of array keys of args_array. If a key for a predefined variable
# is used multiple times the assigned values will be concatenated delimited by ';'.
# If the long option variable to contain the data is predefined as an array (e.g. using
# `local -a arg1` then multiple values will be assigned to its cells.
# If the last positional parameter defined in legacy_args is defined as an array all
# the leftover positional parameters will be assigned to its cells.
# (it is named legacy_args, because the use of positional parameters was about to be
# deprecated before the last re-design of this sub)
# Requires YunoHost version 3.2.2 or higher.
flohmarkt_ynh_handle_getopts_args() {
# Manage arguments only if there's some provided
set +o xtrace # set +x
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
ynh_print_warn --message="ynh_handle_getopts_args called without arguments"
# Store arguments in an array to keep each argument separated
local arguments=("$@")
# For each option in the array, reduce to short options for getopts (e.g. for [u]=user, --user will be -u)
# And built parameters string for getopts
# ${!args_array[@]} is the list of all option_flags in the array (An option_flag is 'u' in [u]=user, user is a value)
local getopts_parameters=""
local option_flag=""
## go through all possible options and replace arguments with short versions
flohmarkt_print_debug "arguments = '${arguments[@]}"
flohmarkt_print_debug "args_array = '${!args_array[@]}'"
for option_flag in "${!args_array[@]}"; do
flohmarkt_print_debug "option_flag = $option_flag"
# Concatenate each option_flags of the array to build the string of arguments for getopts
# Will looks like 'abcd' for -a -b -c -d
# If the value of an option_flag finish by =, it's an option with additionnal values. (e.g. --user bob or -u bob)
# Check the last character of the value associate to the option_flag
flohmarkt_print_debug "compare to '${args_array[$option_flag]: -1}'"
if [ "${args_array[$option_flag]: -1}" = "=" ]; then
# For an option with additionnal values, add a ':' after the letter for getopts.
flohmarkt_print_debug "getopts_parameters = ${getopts_parameters}"
# Check each argument given to the function
local arg=""
# ${#arguments[@]} is the size of the array
## for one possible option: look at each argument supplied:
for arg in $(seq 0 $((${#arguments[@]} - 1))); do
flohmarkt_print_debug "arg = '$arg', argument = '${arguments[arg]}'"
# Replace long option with = (match the beginning of the argument)
arguments[arg]="$(printf '%s\n' "${arguments[arg]}" | sed "s/^--${args_array[$option_flag]}/-${option_flag}/")"
flohmarkt_print_debug "sed - printf '%s\n' \"${arguments[arg]}\" | sed \"s/^--${args_array[$option_flag]}/-${option_flag} /\""
flohmarkt_print_debug "arg = '$arg', argument = '${arguments[arg]}'"
# And long option without = (match the whole line)
arguments[arg]="$(printf '%s\n' "${arguments[arg]}" | sed "s/^--${args_array[$option_flag]%=}$/-${option_flag}/")"
flohmarkt_print_debug "sed - printf '%s\n' \"${arguments[arg]}\" | sed \"s/^--${args_array[$option_flag]%=}$/-${option_flag} /\""
flohmarkt_print_debug "arg = '$arg', argument = '${arguments[arg]}'"
flohmarkt_print_debug "arguments = '${arguments[@]}'"
flohmarkt_print_debug '================= end first loop ================='
# Parse the first argument, return the number of arguments to be shifted off the arguments array
# The function call is necessary here to allow `getopts` to use $@
parse_arg() {
flohmarkt_print_debug "========= parse_arg started ======== , arguments='$@', getopts_parameters: '$getopts_parameters'"
for ME in "$@"; do
flohmarkt_print_debug " '$ME'"
# Initialize the index of getopts
# getopts will fill $parameter with the letter of the option it has read.
local parameter=""
getopts ":$getopts_parameters" parameter || true
flohmarkt_print_debug "after getopts - parameter='$parameter', OPTIND='$OPTIND', OPTARG='$OPTARG'"
if [ "$parameter" = "?" ]; then
ynh_die --message="Invalid argument: -${OPTARG:-}"
flohmarkt_print_debug "Invalid argument: -${OPTARG:-}"
exit 255
elif [ "$parameter" = ":" ]; then
ynh_die --message="-$OPTARG parameter requires an argument."
echo "-$OPTARG parameter requires an argument."
exit 255
# Use the long option, corresponding to the short option read by getopts, as a variable
# (e.g. for [u]=user, 'user' will be used as a variable)
# Also, remove '=' at the end of the long option
# The variable name will be stored in 'option_var'
# if there's a '=' at the end of the long option name, this option takes values
if [ "${args_array[$parameter]: -1}" != "=" ]; then
# no argument expected for option - set option variable to '1'
# 'eval ${option_var}' will use the content of 'option_var'
flohmarkt_print_debug "option_var='${option_var}', option_value='1'"
return 1
# remove leading and trailing spaces from OPTARG
OPTARG="$( printf '%s' "${OPTARG}" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')"
flohmarkt_print_debug "option_var='${option_var}', OPTARG='${OPTARG}'"
return 2
# iterate over the arguments: if first argument starts with a '-' feed arguments to getopts
# if first argument doesn't start with a '-' enter mode to read positional parameters
local argument
local positional_mode=0 # state is getopts mode at the beginning, not positional parameters
local positional_count=0 # counter for positional parameters
local option_var='' # the variable name to be filled
# Try to use legacy_args as a list of option_flag of the array args_array
# Otherwise, fill it with getopts_parameters to get the option_flag.
# (But an associative arrays isn't always sorted in the correct order...)
# Remove all ':' in getopts_parameters, if used.
while [ ${#arguments} -ne 0 ]; do
local shift_value=0
local option_value='' # the value to be filled into ${!option_var}
flohmarkt_print_debug '======= start while loop ======='
flohmarkt_print_debug "argument='$argument'"
# if state once changed to positional parameter mode, all the rest of the arguments will
# be interpreted in positional parameter mode even if they start with a '-'
if [ $positional_mode == 0 ] && [ "${argument}" == '--' ];then
flohmarkt_print_debug "found '--', start positional parameter mode"
elif [ $positional_mode == 0 ] && [ "${argument:0:1}" == '-' ]; then
flohmarkt_print_debug "getopts, arguments='${arguments[@]}', starting parse_arg"
parse_arg "${arguments[@]}"
positional_mode=1 # set state to positional parameter mode
flohmarkt_print_debug "positional parameter, argument='$argument'"
# Get the option_flag from getopts_parameters by using the option_flag according to the
# position of the argument.
# increment counter for legacy_args if still args left. If no args left check if the
# last arg is a predefined array and let it cells be filled. Otherwise complain and
# return.
flohmarkt_print_debug "positional_counter='$positional_count', max positional_counter='$(( ${#legacy_args} -1 ))'"
if [[ $positional_count -le $((${#legacy_args} - 1)) ]]; then
# set counter to for next option_flag to fill
flohmarkt_print_debug "incremented positional_counter to '$positional_count'"
# Use the long option, corresponding to the option_flag, as a variable
# (e.g. for [u]=user, 'user' will be used as a variable)
# Also, remove '=' at the end of the long option
# The variable name will be stored in 'option_var'
elif [[ $positional_count -ge $((${#legacy_args} - 1)) ]] &&
! declare -p ${option_var} | grep '^declare -a'
# no more legacy_args to fill - legacy behaviour: complain and return
ynh_print_warn --message="Too many arguments ! \"${arguments[$i]}\" will be ignored."
flohmarkt_print_debug "array found - keep going"
# value to be assigned to ${!option_var}
# shift off one positional parameter
# fill option_var with value found
# if ${option_var} is an array, fill mutiple values as array cells
# otherwise concatenate them seperated by ';'
flohmarkt_print_debug "option_var '$option_var', option_value '$option_value'"
if declare -p $option_var | grep '^declare -a ' > /dev/null; then
# hurray it's an array
flohmarkt_print_debug "hurray! '$option_var' is an array."
eval ${option_var}+='("${option_value}")'
elif [[ -z ${!option_var} ]]; then
eval ${option_var}='"${option_value}"'
eval ${option_var}+='";${option_value}"'
flohmarkt_print_debug "option_var '$option_var', option_value '${!option_var}'"
# shift value off arguments array
flohmarkt_print_debug "shifting '$shift_value' off arguments"
# the former subroutine did this - no idea if it is expected somewhere
unset legacy_args
# re-enable trace
set -o xtrace # set -x
# local copy of ynh_local_curl() to test some improvement
# https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/2396
# https://codeberg.org/flohmarkt/flohmarkt_ynh/issues/51
flohmarkt_ynh_local_curl() {
# Curl abstraction to help with POST requests to local pages (such as installation forms)
# usage: ynh_local_curl "page" "key1=value1" "key2=value2" ...
# | arg: -l --line_match: check answer for a regex to return true
# | arg: -P --put: PUT instead of POST, requires --data (see below)
# | arg: -H --header: add a header to the request (can be used multiple times)
# | arg: -n --no_sleep: don't sleep 2 seconds (background: https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/547)
# | arg: -d --data: data to be PUT or POSTed. Can be used multiple times.
# | arg: -L --location: either the PAGE part in 'https://$domain/$path/PAGE' or an URI
# | arg: -u --user: login username (requires --password)
# | arg: -p --password: login password
# | arg: URL like 'http://doma.in/path/file.ext'
# | arg: page - positional parameter legacy version of '--page'
# | arg: key1=value1 - (Optional, POST only) legacy version of '--data' as positional parameter
# | arg: key2=value2 - (Optional, POST only) Another POST key and corresponding value
# | arg: ... - (Optional, POST only) More POST keys and values
# example: ynh_local_curl "/install.php?installButton" "foo=$var1" "bar=$var2"
# → will open a POST request to "https://$domain/$path/install.php?installButton" posting "foo=$var1" and "bar=$var2"
# example: ynh_local_curl -P --header "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
# --data "{\"members\":{\"names\": [\"${app}\"],\"roles\": [\"editor\"]}}" -l '"ok":true' \
# "http://localhost:5984/"
# → will open a POST request to "http://localhost:5984/" adding headers with "Accept: application/json"
# and "Content-Type: application/json" sending the data from the "--data" argument. ynh_local_curl will
# return with an error if the servers response does not match the extended regex '"ok":true'.
# For multiple calls, cookies are persisted between each call for the same app.
# `$domain` and `$path_url` need to be defined externally if the first form for the 'page' argument is used.
# Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args=pd
local -A args_array=( [l]=line_match= [P]=put [H]=header= [n]=no_sleep [L]=location= [d]=data= [u]=user= [p]=password= )
local line_match
local put
# @@ todo if the headers contain ';' somewhere it might be a problem to split them
# apart correctly later, because all values are stored in $header seperated by
# ';' like 'header1: value;header2: value'.
# might be a good improvement to 'ynh_handle_getopts_args' to act differently if
# e.g. $header had been defined as an array: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14525296/how-do-i-check-if-variable-is-an-array
local -a header
local no_sleep
local location
local user
local password
local -a data
local -a curl_opt_args # optional arguments to `curl`
# Manage arguments with getopts
flohmarkt_ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
# Define url of page to curl
# $location contains either an URL or just a page
local full_page_url
if [[ "$location" =~ ^https?:// ]]; then
# if $location starts with an http-protocol use value as a complete URL
elif [ "${path_url}" == "/" ]; then
# if $path_url points to the webserver root just append $location to localhost URL
full_page_url="https://localhost$(ynh_normalize_url_path $location)"
# else append $path_url and $location to localhost URL
full_page_url="https://localhost${path_url}$(ynh_normalize_url_path $location)"
flohmarkt_print_debug "full_page_url='$full_page_url'"
# Concatenate data
# POST: all elements of array $data in one string seperated by '&'
# PUT: all elements of $data in one string seperated by space
local seperator='&'
if [[ $put -eq 1 ]]; then
seperator=' '
join_by() { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; }
local P_DATA=$( join_by "$seperator" ${data[@]} )
if [[ "$P_DATA" != '' ]]; then curl_opt_args+=('--data'); curl_opt_args+=("$P_DATA"); fi
# prepend every element in header array with " -H "
local seq
while [[ $seq -lt ${#header[@]} ]]; do
seq=$(( $seq + 1 ))
# build --user for curl
if [[ -n "$user" ]] && [[ -n "$password" ]]; then
curl_opt_args+=("--user $user:$password")
elif [[ -n "$user" ]] && [[ -z "$password" ]]; then
ynh_die --message="user provided via '-u/--user' needs password specified via '-p/--password'"
flohmarkt_print_debug "long string curl_opt_args='${curl_opt_args[@]}'"
while [[ $seq -lt ${#curl_opt_args[@]} ]]; do
flohmarkt_print_debug " opt[$seq]='${curl_opt_args[$seq]}'"
seq=$(( $seq + 1 ))
# https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/547
# Wait untils nginx has fully reloaded (avoid curl fail with http2) unless disabled
if ! [[ $no_sleep == 1 ]]; then
sleep 2
local cookiefile=/tmp/ynh-$app-cookie.txt
touch $cookiefile
chown root $cookiefile
chmod 700 $cookiefile
# Temporarily enable visitors if needed...
# TODO maybe there's a way to do this using --user and --password instead?
# would improve security
local visitors_enabled=$(ynh_permission_has_user "main" "visitors" && echo yes || echo no)
if [[ $visitors_enabled == "no" ]]; then
ynh_permission_update --permission "main" --add "visitors"
# Curl the URL
curl --silent --show-error --insecure --location --resolve "$domain:443:" \
--header "Host: $domain" --cookie-jar $cookiefile --cookie $cookiefile \
"${curl_opt_args[@]}" "$full_page_url"
flohmarkt_print_debug \
curl --silent --show-error --insecure --location --resolve "$domain:443:" \
--header "Host: $domain" --cookie-jar $cookiefile --cookie $cookiefile \
"${curl_opt_args[@]}" "$full_page_url"
# re-enable security
if [[ $visitors_enabled == "no" ]]; then
ynh_permission_update --permission "main" --remove "visitors"
# create symlinks containing domain and path for install, data and log directories
flohmarkt_ynh_create_symlinks() {
ynh_script_progression --message="Creating symlinks..." --weight=1
ln -s "$flohmarkt_install" "$flohmarkt_sym_install"
ln -s "$flohmarkt_data_dir" "$flohmarkt_sym_data_dir"
ln -s "$flohmarkt_log_dir" "$flohmarkt_sym_log_dir"
# set file permissions and owner for installation
flohmarkt_ynh_set_permission() {
# install dir - only root needs to write and $app reads
chown root:$app -R "$flohmarkt_install"
chmod g-w,o-rwx -R "$flohmarkt_install"
# start flohmarkt service
flohmarkt_ynh_start_service() {
ynh_systemd_action --service_name=$flohmarkt_filename --action="start" \
--line_match='INFO: *Application startup complete.' --log_path="$flohmarkt_logfile" \
# stop flohmarkt service
flohmarkt_ynh_stop_service() {
ynh_systemd_action --service_name=$flohmarkt_filename --action="stop"
# start couchdb and wait for success
flohmarkt_ynh_start_couchdb() {
ynh_systemd_action --service_name=couchdb --action="start" --timeout=30 \
--log_path="/var/log/couchdb/couchdb.log" \
--line_match='Apache CouchDB has started on'
# stop couchdb
flohmarkt_ynh_stop_couchdb() {
ynh_systemd_action --service_name=couchdb --action="stop" --timeout=30 \
--log_path="/var/log/couchdb/couchdb.log" \
--line_match='SIGTERM received - shutting down'
# install or upgrade couchdb
flohmarkt_ynh_up_inst_couchdb() {
echo "\
couchdb couchdb/mode select standalone
couchdb couchdb/mode seen true
couchdb couchdb/bindaddress string
couchdb couchdb/bindaddress seen true
couchdb couchdb/cookie string $couchdb_magic_cookie
couchdb couchdb/adminpass password $password_couchdb_admin
couchdb couchdb/adminpass seen true
couchdb couchdb/adminpass_again password $password_couchdb_admin
couchdb couchdb/adminpass_again seen true" | debconf-set-selections
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # apt-get install -y --force-yes couchdb
ynh_install_extra_app_dependencies \
--repo="deb https://apache.jfrog.io/artifactory/couchdb-deb/ $(lsb_release -c -s) main" \
--key="https://couchdb.apache.org/repo/keys.asc" \
flohmarkt_ynh_dump_couchdb() {
../settings/scripts/couchdb-dump/couchdb-dump.sh -b -H -d "${app}" \
-q -u admin -p "${password_couchdb_admin}" -f "${YNH_CWD}/${app}.json"
flohmarkt_ynh_import_couchdb() {
ls -l ../settings/scripts/couchdb-dump/couchdb-dump.sh ${YNH_CWD}/${app}.json
../settings/scripts/couchdb-dump/couchdb-dump.sh -r -c -H -d "${app}" \
-q -u admin -p "${password_couchdb_admin}" -f "${YNH_CWD}/${app}.json"
flohmarkt_ynh_delete_couchdb_user() {
# https://codeberg.org/flohmarkt/flohmarkt_ynh/issues/46 - more than one revision?
local couchdb_user_revision=$( curl -sX GET "${app}" \
--user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}" | jq -r ._rev )
curl -s -X DELETE "${app}?rev=${couchdb_user_revision}" \
--user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}"
flohmarkt_ynh_delete_couchdb_db() {
curl -s -X DELETE "${app}" --user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}"
flohmarkt_ynh_create_couchdb_user() {
curl -s -X PUT "${app}" --user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}"\
-H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"name\": \"${app}\", \"password\": \"${password_couchdb_flohmarkt}\", \"roles\": [], \"type\": \"user\"}"
# @@ check answer something like
# {"ok":true,"id":"org.couchdb.user:flohmarkt","rev":"35-9865694604ab384388eea0f978a6e728"}
flohmarkt_ynh_couchdb_user_permissions() {
curl -s -X PUT "${app}/_security" --user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}"\
-H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"members\":{\"names\": [\"${app}\"],\"roles\": [\"editor\"]}}"
flohmarkt_ynh_exists_couchdb_user() {
if [[ $( curl -sX GET "${app}" \
--user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}" | jq .error ) == '"not_found"' ]]
flohmarkt_ynh_exists_couchdb_db() {
if [[ $( curl -sX GET "${app}" --user "admin:${password_couchdb_admin}" \
| jq .error ) == '"not_found"' ]]
# check whether old couchdb user or database exist before creating the new ones
flohmarkt_ynh_check_old_couchdb() {
if flohmarkt_ynh_exists_couchdb_user; then
ynh_die --ret_code=100 --message="CouchDB user '$app' exists already. Stopping install."
elif flohmarkt_ynh_exists_couchdb_db; then
ynh_die --ret_code=100 --message="CouchDB database '$app' exists already. Stopping install."
flohmarkt_ynh_restore_couchdb() {
# create venv
flohmarkt_ynh_create_venv() {
python3 -m venv --without-pip "$flohmarkt_venv_dir"
# install requirements.txt in venv
flohmarkt_ynh_venv_requirements() {
set +o nounset
source "$flohmarkt_venv_dir/bin/activate"
set -o nounset
set -x
$flohmarkt_venv_dir/bin/python3 -m ensurepip
$flohmarkt_venv_dir/bin/pip3 install -r "$flohmarkt_app_dir/requirements.txt"
# move files and directories to their new places
flohmarkt_ynh_upgrade_path_ynh5() {
# flohmarkt and couchdb are already stopped in upgrade script
# move app_dir into new 'app' folder
mv "$flohmarkt_install/flohmarkt" "$flohmarkt_app_dir"
# yunohost seems to move the venv dir automatically, but this
# doesn't work, because the paths inside the venv are not adjusted
# delete the old, not working venv and create a new one:
ynh_secure_remove --file="$flohmarkt_venv_dir"
# remove old $install_dir
ynh_secure_remove --file="$flohmarkt_old_install"
# move logfile directory
mkdir -p "$flohmarkt_log_dir"
# remove systemd.service - will be generated newly by upgrade
# ynh_remove_systemd_config --service="$flohmarkt_old_service"
ynh_systemd_action --action=stop --service_name="$flohmarkt_old_service"
ynh_systemd_action --action=disable --service_name="$flohmarkt_old_service"
ynh_secure_remove --file="/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/flohmarkt.service"
ynh_secure_remove --file="/etc/systemd/system/flohmarkt.service"
# funktioniert nicht? issue?
#ynh_systemd_action --action=daemon-reload
# DEBUG + systemctl daemon-reload flohmarkt
# WARNING Too many arguments.
systemctl daemon-reload
# unit flohmarkt is automatically appended and therefor this fails:
#ynh_systemd_action --action=reset-failed
systemctl reset-failed
# create symlinks
ln -s "$flohmarkt_install" "$flohmarkt_sym_install"
ln -s "$flohmarkt_data_dir" "$flohmarkt_sym_data_dir"