#:schema https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YunoHost/apps/master/schemas/manifest.v2.schema.json packaging_format = 2 id = "fluffychat" name = "Fluffychat" description.en = "A cute [matrix] client written in Flutter. " description.fr = "Un client [matrix] mignon écrit en Flutter." version = "1.17.1~ynh1" maintainers = ["OniriCorpe"] [upstream] license = "AGPL-3.0-only" website = "https://fluffychat.im/" demo = "https://fluffychat.im/web" userdoc = "https://github.com/krille-chan/fluffychat/wiki#-user-guides" code = "https://github.com/krille-chan/fluffychat" fund = "https://ko-fi.com/krille" [integration] yunohost = ">= 11.1.21" architectures = "all" multi_instance = true ldap = false sso = false disk = "70M" ram.build = "50M" ram.runtime = "50M" [install] [install.domain] # this is a generic question - ask strings are automatically handled by YunoHost's core type = "domain" [install.path] # this is a generic question - ask strings are automatically handled by YunoHost's core type = "path" default = "/example" [install.init_main_permission] # this is a generic question - ask strings are automatically handled by YunoHost's core # This won't be saved as setting and will instead be used to initialize the SSOwat permission type = "group" default = "visitors" [resources] # See the packaging documentation for the full set # of explanation regarding the behavior and properties for each of those [resources.sources] [resources.sources.main] # This will pre-fetch the asset which can then be deployed during the install/upgrade scripts with : # ynh_setup_source --dest_dir="$install_dir" # You can also define other assets than "main" and add --source_id="foobar" in the previous command url = "https://github.com/krille-chan/fluffychat/releases/download/v1.17.1/fluffychat-web.tar.gz" sha256 = "6800fde0284aceeca263c86d5a3871fe44e513dbe90ab8c00fc58a8ea74ff5ad" in_subdir = 2 autoupdate.asset = "fluffychat-web.tar.gz" autoupdate.strategy = "latest_github_release" [resources.install_dir] # This will create/remove the install dir as /var/www/$app # and store the corresponding setting $install_dir owner = "www-data:rx" group = "www-data:rx" [resources.permissions] # This will configure SSOwat permission for $domain/$path/ # The initial allowed group of user is configured via the init_main_permission question (public=visitors, private=all_users) main.url = "/"