#!/bin/bash #================================================= # IMPORT GENERIC HELPERS #================================================= source _common.sh source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers #================================================= # ENSURE DOWNWARD COMPATIBILITY #================================================= # ynh_script_progression "Ensuring downward compatibility..." #================================================= # DOWNLOAD, CHECK AND UNPACK SOURCE #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Upgrading source files..." # Download, check integrity, uncompress and patch the source from app.src ynh_setup_source --dest_dir="$install_dir/app" --full_replace --keep="sites" #REMOVEME? Assuming the install dir is setup using ynh_setup_source, the proper chmod/chowns are now already applied and it shouldn't be necessary to tweak perms | chmod -R o-rwx "$install_dir" #REMOVEME? Assuming the install dir is setup using ynh_setup_source, the proper chmod/chowns are now already applied and it shouldn't be necessary to tweak perms | chown -R "$app:www-data" "$install_dir" chmod -R o-rwx "$data_dir" chown -R "$app:www-data" "$data_dir" #================================================= # UPGRADE COMPOSER #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Upgrading Composer..." ynh_composer_install ynh_composer_exec install --no-dev # FIXMEhelpers2.1 (replace with composer_workdir=... prior to calling this helper, default is $intall_dir) --workdir="$install_dir/.composer" #================================================= # UPGRADE DRUPAL #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Upgrading Drupal..." ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different "$install_dir/app/sites/default/settings.php" # Chown from composer/drush install #REMOVEME? Assuming the install dir is setup using ynh_setup_source, the proper chmod/chowns are now already applied and it shouldn't be necessary to tweak perms | chown -R "$app:www-data" "$install_dir" pushd "$install_dir" _ynh_exec_with_drush_php drush "@$app" variable-set --exact maintenance_mode 1 _ynh_exec_with_drush_php drush "@$app" cache-clear all # _ynh_exec_with_drush_php drush "@$app" pm-update -y drupal # _ynh_exec_with_drush_php drush "@$app" updatedb -y _ynh_exec_with_drush_php drush "@$app" cache-clear all _ynh_exec_with_drush_php drush "@$app" variable-set --exact maintenance_mode 0 popd #================================================= # UPDATE A CONFIG FILE #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Updating configuration..." #REMOVEME? Assuming the file is setup using ynh_config_add, the proper chmod/chowns are now already applied and it shouldn't be necessary to tweak perms | chmod 600 "$install_dir/app/sites/default/settings.php" #REMOVEME? Assuming the file is setup using ynh_config_add, the proper chmod/chowns are now already applied and it shouldn't be necessary to tweak perms | chown "$app:$app" "$install_dir/app/sites/default/settings.php" #================================================= # REAPPLY SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Upgrading system configurations related to $app..." # Create a dedicated PHP-FPM config ynh_config_add_phpfpm # Create a dedicated NGINX config ynh_config_add_nginx ynh_config_add --template="cron" --destination="/etc/cron.d/$app" #================================================= # END OF SCRIPT #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Upgrade of $app completed"