#################################################################################################### ## If you want to use web installer **DO NOT** create `.env` file manually. ## If `.env` file exists in the root of your app, web installer won't run. ## ## Every time you are making changes in .env file, in order changes to take an effect you need to run: ## php artisan freescout:clear-cache ##################################################################################################### # Application URL APP_URL=https://__DOMAIN__ # If you are using HTTPS, feel free to uncomment this line to improve security #SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE=true # Enter your proxy address here if freescout.net is not available from your server # (access to freescout.net is required to obtain official modules) #APP_PROXY= # Custom headers to add to all outgoing emails. #APP_CUSTOM_MAIL_HEADERS="IsTransactional:True;X-Custom-Header:value" # Uncomment if you have many folders and you are experiencing performance issues #APP_UPDATE_FOLDER_COUNTERS_IN_BACKGROUND=true # Timezones: https://github.com/freescout-helpdesk/freescout/wiki/PHP-Timezones # Comment it to use default timezone from php.ini #APP_TIMEZONE=__TIMEZONE__ # Comma separated list of trusted proxies for proper IP detection in FreeScout. # To trust all proxies that connect to your server use single asterisk: * # To trust ALL proxies, including those that are in a chain of forwarding use double asterisk: ** #APP_TRUSTED_PROXIES=,, DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=__DB_NAME__ DB_USERNAME=__DB_USER__ # Maximum password length is 50 characters DB_PASSWORD=__DB_PWD__ # Run the following console command to generate the key: php artisan key:generate # Otherwise application will show the following error: "Whoops, looks like something went wrong" APP_KEY= # Uncomment to see errors in your browser, don't forget to comment it back when debugging finished APP_DEBUG=true