'confirm_enabled'=>'Display a confirmation dialog on “mark all as read” actions',
'display_articles_unfolded'=>'Show articles unfolded by default',
'display_categories_unfolded'=>'Show categories folded by default',
'hide_read_feeds'=>'Hide categories & feeds with no unread article (does not work with “Show all articles” configuration)',
'img_with_lazyload'=>'Use "lazy load" mode to load pictures',
'jump_next'=>'jump to next unread sibling (feed or category)',
'number_divided_when_reader'=>'Divided by 2 in the reading view.',
'article_open_on_website'=>'when article is opened on its original website',
'article_viewed'=>'when article is viewed',
'scroll'=>'while scrolling',
'upon_reception'=>'upon reception of the article',
'when'=>'Mark article as read…',
'_'=>'Articles to display',
'adaptive'=>'Adjust showing',
'all_articles'=>'Show all articles',
'unread'=>'Show only unread',
'_'=>'Sort order',
'newer_first'=>'Newer first',
'older_first'=>'Oldest first',
'sticky_post'=>'Stick the article to the top when opened',
'default'=>'Default view',
'global'=>'Global view',
'normal'=>'Normal view',
'reader'=>'Reading view',
'more_information'=>'More information',
'share_name'=>'Share name to display',
'share_url'=>'Share URL to use',
'article_action'=>'Article actions',
'auto_share_help'=>'If there is only one sharing mode, it is used. Else modes are accessible by their number.',
'close_dropdown'=>'Close menus',
'first_article'=>'Skip to the first article',
'focus_search'=>'Access search box',
'help'=>'Display documentation',
'javascript'=>'JavaScript must be enabled in order to use shortcuts',
'last_article'=>'Skip to the last article',
'load_more'=>'Load more articles',
'mark_read'=>'Mark as read',
'mark_favorite'=>'Mark as favourite',
'navigation_help'=>'With the "Shift" modifier, navigation shortcuts apply on feeds.<br/>With the "Alt" modifier, navigation shortcuts apply on categories.',
'next_article'=>'Skip to the next article',
'other_action'=>'Other actions',
'previous_article'=>'Skip to the previous article',
'see_on_website'=>'See on original website',
'shift_for_all_read'=>'+ <code>shift</code> to mark all articles as read',
'user_filter'=>'Access user filters',
'user_filter_help'=>'If there is only one user filter, it is used. Else filters are accessible by their number.',