### Accessing groups *Galène* meeting rooms are called "groups". Any group is accessible at `https://__DOMAIN__/group/GroupName`, by typing its name in the home page search field, or by selecting it in the public list (if the group is configured as publicly visible, see below). During install a group is created with YunoHost LDAP authentication, accessible at `https://__DOMAIN__/group/YunoHost_Users`. #### Creating and configuring groups Groups are defined by JSON files located in the folder `__DATA_DIR__/groups`. Each group is represented by a `GroupName.json` file. To create a new group, you need to create a `GroupNameExample.json` file and restart Galène service (you can also make subfolder groups, and the groups will be accessible with `https://__DOMAIN__/group/subfolder/GroupName/`). Various configuration options are available (see https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/galene_ynh/wiki/Configuration-file). *NB: Spaces are supported in group file names.* When Galène is removed, the data directory (`__DATA_DIR__`) is preserved. If you want to remove it along with Galène app, use the `--purge` option: `sudo yunohost app remove galene --purge`. #### Hashed passwords If you don’t wish to store cleartext passwords on the server, you may generate hashed passwords with the galene-password-generator utility: `./__INSTALL_DIR__/galene-password-generator your_password` A user entry with a hashed password looks like this: ``` { "username": "jch", "password": { "type": "pbkdf2", "hash": "sha-256", "key": "f591c35604e6aef572851d9c3543c812566b032b6dc083c81edd15cc24449913", "salt": "92bff2ace56fe38f", "iterations": 4096 } } ``` ### Configuring your TURN server #### Using *Galène*'s internal TURN server Galène comes with a built-in TURN server that should work out-of-the-box. - If your server is behind NAT, allow incoming traffic to TCP/UDP port `1194` (or whatever is configured with the `-turn` option in `/etc/systemd/system/galene.service`) #### Using your own TURN server - Install [coturn_ynh](https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/coturn_ynh). - Add `/opt/yunohost/galene/data/ice-servers.json` with these lines and change `turn.example.org` and `secret` ``` [ { "urls": [ "turn:turn.example.org:5349", "turn:turn.example.org:5349?transport=tcp" ], "username": "galene", "credential": "secret" } ] ``` - set `/etc/systemd/system/galene.service` `-turn` option to `-turn auto` (or `-turn ""` to disable the built-in TURN server). To check if the TURN server is up and running, type `/relay-test` in the chat box. If the TURN server is properly configured, you should see a message saying that the relay test has been successful. ### Server Statistics page Statistics are available under `/opt/yunohost/galene/stats.json`, with a human-readable version at `domain.ltd/stats.html`. This is only available to the server administrator (the admin/password is set in the `config.json` file: `/opt/yunohost/galene/data/config.json`). ### How do I record my lecture? Make sure allow-recording is set in your group configuration. Log-in as an operator, then say `/record` before you start your lecture. Don't forget to say `/unrecord` at the end. You will find your recordings under `https://__DOMAIN__/recordings/groupname/`. The video recordings are stored in `__DATA_DIR__/recordings` folder. ### Command-line client for Galene file transfer https://github.com/jech/galene-file-transfer/blob/master/README