2020-03-31 17:43:53 +02:00
2020-03-31 20:30:11 +02:00
pkg_dependencies = "acl tar at"
2020-03-31 19:41:17 +02:00
2020-03-31 20:30:11 +02:00
extra_pkg_dependencies = " php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -bz2 php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -imap php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -gmp php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -gd php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -json php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -intl php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -curl php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -apcu php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -redis php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -ldap php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -imagick php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -zip php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -mbstring php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -xml php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -mysql php ${ YNH_PHP_VERSION } -sqlite3 "
# Execute a command as another user
# usage: exec_as USER COMMAND [ARG ...]
exec_as( ) {
local USER = $1
shift 1
if [ [ $USER = $( whoami) ] ] ; then
eval " $@ "
sudo -u " $USER " " $@ "
# Check if an URL is already handled
# usage: is_url_handled --domain=DOMAIN --path=PATH_URI
is_url_handled( ) {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args = dp
declare -Ar args_array = ( [ d] = domain = [ p] = path = )
local domain
local path
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args " $@ "
# Try to get the url with curl, and keep the http code and an eventual redirection url.
local curl_output = " $( curl --insecure --silent --output /dev/null \
--write-out '%{http_code};%{redirect_url}'$path --header " Host: $domain " --resolve $domain :443: "
# Cut the output and keep only the first part to keep the http code
local http_code = " ${ curl_output %%;* } "
# Do the same thing but keep the second part, the redirection url
local redirection = " ${ curl_output #*; } "
# Return 1 if the url isn't handled.
# Which means either curl got a 404 (or the admin) or the sso.
# A handled url should redirect to a publicly accessible url.
# Return 1 if the url has returned 404
if [ " $http_code " = "404" ] || [ [ $redirection = ~ "/yunohost/admin" ] ] ; then
return 1
# Return 1 if the url is redirected to the SSO
elif [ [ $redirection = ~ "/yunohost/sso" ] ] ; then
return 1
# Make the main steps to migrate an app to its fork.
# This helper has to be used for an app which needs to migrate to a new name or a new fork
# (like owncloud to nextcloud or zerobin to privatebin).
# This helper will move the files of an app to its new name
# or recreate the things it can't move.
# To specify which files it has to move, you have to create a "migration file", stored in ../conf
# This file is a simple list of each file it has to move,
# except that file names must reference the $app variable instead of the real name of the app,
# and every instance-specific variables (like $domain).
# $app is especially important because it's this variable which will be used to identify the old place and the new one for each file.
# If a database exists for this app, it will be dumped and then imported in a newly created database, with a new name and new user.
# Don't forget you have to then apply these changes to application-specific settings (depends on the packaged application)
# Same things for an existing user, a new one will be created.
# But the old one can't be removed unless it's not used. See below.
# If you have some dependencies for your app, it's possible to change the fake debian package which manages them.
# You have to fill the $pkg_dependencies variable, and then a new fake package will be created and installed,
# and the old one will be removed.
# If you don't have a $pkg_dependencies variable, the helper can't know what the app dependencies are.
# The app settings.yml will be modified as follows:
# - finalpath will be changed according to the new name (but only if the existing $final_path contains the old app name)
# - The checksums of php-fpm and nginx config files will be updated too.
# - If there is a $db_name value, it will be changed.
# - And, of course, the ID will be changed to the new name too.
# Finally, the $app variable will take the value of the new name.
# The helper will set the $migration_process variable to 1 if a migration has been successfully handled.
# You have to handle by yourself all the migrations not done by this helper, like configuration or special values in settings.yml
# Also, at the end of the upgrade script, you have to add a post_migration script to handle all the things the helper can't do during YunoHost upgrade (mostly for permission reasons),
# especially remove the old user, move some hooks and remove the old configuration directory
# To launch this script, you have to move it elsewhere and start it after the upgrade script.
# `cp ../conf/$script_post_migration /tmp`
# `(cd /tmp; echo "/tmp/$script_post_migration" | at now + 2 minutes)`
# usage: ynh_handle_app_migration migration_id migration_list
# | arg: migration_id - ID from which to migrate
# | arg: migration_list - File specifying every file to move (one file per line)
ynh_handle_app_migration ( ) {
local old_app_id = $YNH_APP_ID
local old_app_number = $YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NUMBER
# Get the id from which to migrate
local migration_id = " $1 "
# And the file with the paths to move
local migration_list = " $2 "
# Get the new app id in the manifest
local new_app_id = $( grep \" id\" : ../manifest.json | cut -d\" -f4)
if [ $old_app_number -eq 1 ] ; then
local new_app = $new_app_id
local new_app = ${ new_app_id } __${ old_app_number }
migration_process = 0
if [ " $old_app_id " = = " $new_app_id " ]
# If the 2 id are the same
# No migration to do.
echo 0
return 0
if [ " $old_app_id " != " $migration_id " ]
# If the new app is not the authorized id, fail.
ynh_die " Incompatible application for migration from $old_app_id to $new_app_id "
echo " Migrate from $old_app_id to $new_app_id " >& 2
# TODO Handle multi instance apps...
# Check that there is not already an app installed for this id.
( yunohost app list --installed -f " $new_app " | grep -q id) \
&& ynh_die " $new_app is already installed "
local temp_migration_list = " $( tempfile) "
# Build the list by removing blank lines and comment lines
sed '/^#.*\|^$/d' " ../conf/ $migration_list " > " $temp_migration_list "
# Check if there is no file in the destination
local file_to_move = ""
while read file_to_move
# Replace all occurences of $app by $new_app in each file to move.
local move_to_destination = " ${ file_to_move // \$ app / $new_app } "
test -e " $move_to_destination " && ynh_die " A file named $move_to_destination already exists. "
done < " $temp_migration_list "
local settings_dir = "/etc/yunohost/apps"
cp -a " $settings_dir / $old_app " " $settings_dir / $new_app "
# Replace the old id by the new one
ynh_replace_string " \(^id: .*\) $old_app " " \1 $new_app " " $settings_dir / $new_app /settings.yml "
# INFO: There a special behavior with yunohost app setting:
# if the id given in argument does not match with the id
# stored in the config file, the config file will be purged.
# That's why we use sed instead of app setting here.
# https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/blob/c6b5284be8da39cf2da4e1036a730eb5e0515096/src/yunohost/app.py#L1316-L1321
# Change the label if it's simply the name of the app
old_label = $( ynh_app_setting_get $new_app label)
if [ " ${ old_label ,, } " = = " $old_app_id " ]
# Build the new label from the id of the app. With the first character as upper case
new_label = $( echo $new_app_id | cut -c1 | tr [ :lower:] [ :upper:] ) $( echo $new_app_id | cut -c2-)
ynh_app_setting_set $new_app label $new_label
while read file_to_move
# Replace all occurence of $app by $new_app in each file to move.
move_to_destination = " $( eval echo " ${ file_to_move // \$ app / $new_app } " ) "
local real_file_to_move = " $( eval echo " ${ file_to_move // \$ app / $old_app } " ) "
echo " Move file $real_file_to_move to $move_to_destination " >& 2
mv " $real_file_to_move " " $move_to_destination "
done < " $temp_migration_list "
# Replace nginx checksum
ynh_replace_string " \(^checksum__etc_nginx.*\)_ $old_app " " \1_ $new_app / " " $settings_dir / $new_app /settings.yml "
# Replace php5-fpm checksums
ynh_replace_string " \(^checksum__etc_php5.*[-_]\) $old_app " " \1 $new_app / " " $settings_dir / $new_app /settings.yml "
# Replace final_path
ynh_replace_string " \(^final_path: .*\) $old_app " " \1 $new_app " " $settings_dir / $new_app /settings.yml "
db_pwd = $( ynh_app_setting_get $old_app mysqlpwd)
db_name = $( ynh_app_setting_get $old_app db_name)
# Check if a database exists before trying to move it
local mysql_root_password = $( cat $MYSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE )
if [ -n " $db_name " ] && mysqlshow -u root -p$mysql_root_password | grep -q " ^| $db_name "
new_db_name = $( ynh_sanitize_dbid $new_app )
echo " Rename the database $db_name to $new_db_name " >& 2
local sql_dump = " /tmp/ ${ db_name } - $( date '+%s' ) .sql "
# Dump the old database
ynh_mysql_dump_db " $db_name " > " $sql_dump "
# Create a new database
ynh_mysql_setup_db $new_db_name $new_db_name $db_pwd
# Then restore the old one into the new one
ynh_mysql_connect_as $new_db_name $db_pwd $new_db_name < " $sql_dump "
# Remove the old database
ynh_mysql_remove_db $db_name $db_name
# And the dump
ynh_secure_remove " $sql_dump "
# Update the value of $db_name
db_name = $new_db_name
ynh_app_setting_set $new_app db_name $db_name
# Check if the user exists on the system
if ynh_system_user_exists " $old_app "
echo " Create a new user $new_app to replace $old_app " >& 2
ynh_system_user_create $new_app
# Check if a variable $pkg_dependencies exists
# If this variable doesn't exist, this part shall be managed in the upgrade script.
if [ -n " ${ pkg_dependencies :- } " ]
# Define the name of the package
local old_package_name = " ${ old_app //_/- } -ynh-deps "
local new_package_name = " ${ new_app //_/- } -ynh-deps "
if ynh_package_is_installed " $old_package_name "
# Install a new fake package
app = $new_app
ynh_install_app_dependencies $pkg_dependencies
# Then remove the old one
app = $old_app
app = $new_app
# Set migration_process to 1 to inform that an upgrade has been made
migration_process = 1
# Check available space before creating a temp directory.
# usage: ynh_smart_mktemp --min_size="Min size"
# | arg: -s, --min_size= - Minimal size needed for the temporary directory, in Mb
ynh_smart_mktemp ( ) {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
declare -Ar args_array = ( [ s] = min_size = )
local min_size
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args " $@ "
min_size = " ${ min_size :- 300 } "
# Transform the minimum size from megabytes to kilobytes
min_size = $(( $min_size * 1024 ))
# Check if there's enough free space in a directory
is_there_enough_space ( ) {
local free_space = $( df --output= avail " $1 " | sed 1d)
test $free_space -ge $min_size
if is_there_enough_space /tmp; then
local tmpdir = /tmp
elif is_there_enough_space /var; then
local tmpdir = /var
elif is_there_enough_space /; then
local tmpdir = /
elif is_there_enough_space /home; then
local tmpdir = /home
ynh_die "Insufficient free space to continue..."
echo " $( sudo mktemp --directory --tmpdir= " $tmpdir " ) "
# Check the amount of available RAM
# usage: ynh_check_ram [--required=RAM required in Mb] [--no_swap|--only_swap] [--free_ram]
# | arg: -r, --required= - Amount of RAM required in Mb. The helper will return 0 is there's enough RAM, or 1 otherwise.
# If --required isn't set, the helper will print the amount of RAM, in Mb.
# | arg: -s, --no_swap - Ignore swap
# | arg: -o, --only_swap - Ignore real RAM, consider only swap.
# | arg: -f, --free_ram - Count only free RAM, not the total amount of RAM available.
ynh_check_ram ( ) {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
declare -Ar args_array = ( [ r] = required = [ s] = no_swap [ o] = only_swap [ f] = free_ram )
local required
local no_swap
local only_swap
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args " $@ "
required = ${ required :- }
no_swap = ${ no_swap :- 0 }
only_swap = ${ only_swap :- 0 }
local total_ram = $( vmstat --stats --unit M | grep "total memory" | awk '{print $1}' )
local total_swap = $( vmstat --stats --unit M | grep "total swap" | awk '{print $1}' )
local total_ram_swap = $(( total_ram + total_swap ))
local free_ram = $( vmstat --stats --unit M | grep "free memory" | awk '{print $1}' )
local free_swap = $( vmstat --stats --unit M | grep "free swap" | awk '{print $1}' )
local free_ram_swap = $(( free_ram + free_swap ))
# Use the total amount of ram
local ram = $total_ram_swap
if [ $free_ram -eq 1 ]
# Use the total amount of free ram
ram = $free_ram_swap
if [ $no_swap -eq 1 ]
# Use only the amount of free ram
ram = $free_ram
elif [ $only_swap -eq 1 ]
# Use only the amount of free swap
ram = $free_swap
if [ $no_swap -eq 1 ]
# Use only the amount of free ram
ram = $total_ram
elif [ $only_swap -eq 1 ]
# Use only the amount of free swap
ram = $total_swap
if [ -n " $required " ]
# Return 1 if the amount of ram isn't enough.
if [ $ram -lt $required ]
return 1
return 0
# If no RAM is required, return the amount of available ram.
echo $ram
# Define the values to configure php-fpm
# usage: ynh_get_scalable_phpfpm --usage=usage --footprint=footprint [--print]
# | arg: -f, --footprint - Memory footprint of the service (low/medium/high).
# low - Less than 20Mb of ram by pool.
# medium - Between 20Mb and 40Mb of ram by pool.
# high - More than 40Mb of ram by pool.
# Or specify exactly the footprint, the load of the service as Mb by pool instead of having a standard value.
# To have this value, use the following command and stress the service.
# watch -n0.5 ps -o user,cmd,%cpu,rss -u APP
# | arg: -u, --usage - Expected usage of the service (low/medium/high).
# low - Personal usage, behind the sso.
# medium - Low usage, few people or/and publicly accessible.
# high - High usage, frequently visited website.
# | arg: -p, --print - Print the result
# The footprint of the service will be used to defined the maximum footprint we can allow, which is half the maximum RAM.
# So it will be used to defined 'pm.max_children'
# A lower value for the footprint will allow more children for 'pm.max_children'. And so for
# 'pm.start_servers', 'pm.min_spare_servers' and 'pm.max_spare_servers' which are defined from the
# value of 'pm.max_children'
# NOTE: 'pm.max_children' can't exceed 4 times the number of processor's cores.
# The usage value will defined the way php will handle the children for the pool.
# A value set as 'low' will set the process manager to 'ondemand'. Children will start only if the
# service is used, otherwise no child will stay alive. This config gives the lower footprint when the
# service is idle. But will use more proc since it has to start a child as soon it's used.
# Set as 'medium', the process manager will be at dynamic. If the service is idle, a number of children
# equal to pm.min_spare_servers will stay alive. So the service can be quick to answer to any request.
# The number of children can grow if needed. The footprint can stay low if the service is idle, but
# not null. The impact on the proc is a little bit less than 'ondemand' as there's always a few
# children already available.
# Set as 'high', the process manager will be set at 'static'. There will be always as many children as
# 'pm.max_children', the footprint is important (but will be set as maximum a quarter of the maximum
# RAM) but the impact on the proc is lower. The service will be quick to answer as there's always many
# children ready to answer.
ynh_get_scalable_phpfpm ( ) {
local legacy_args = ufp
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
declare -Ar args_array = ( [ u] = usage = [ f] = footprint = [ p] = print )
local usage
local footprint
local print
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args " $@ "
# Set all characters as lowercase
footprint = ${ footprint ,, }
usage = ${ usage ,, }
print = ${ print :- 0 }
if [ " $footprint " = "low" ]
footprint = 20
elif [ " $footprint " = "medium" ]
footprint = 35
elif [ " $footprint " = "high" ]
footprint = 50
# Define the way the process manager handle child processes.
if [ " $usage " = "low" ]
php_pm = ondemand
elif [ " $usage " = "medium" ]
php_pm = dynamic
elif [ " $usage " = "high" ]
php_pm = static
ynh_die --message= " Does not recognize ' $usage ' as an usage value. "
# Get the total of RAM available, except swap.
local max_ram = $( ynh_check_ram --no_swap)
less0( ) {
# Do not allow value below 1
if [ $1 -le 0 ]
echo 1
echo $1
# Define pm.max_children
# The value of pm.max_children is the total amount of ram divide by 2 and divide again by the footprint of a pool for this app.
# So if php-fpm start the maximum of children, it won't exceed half of the ram.
php_max_children = $(( $max_ram / 2 / $footprint ))
# If process manager is set as static, use half less children.
# Used as static, there's always as many children as the value of pm.max_children
if [ " $php_pm " = "static" ]
php_max_children = $(( $php_max_children / 2 ))
php_max_children = $( less0 $php_max_children )
# To not overload the proc, limit the number of children to 4 times the number of cores.
local core_number = $( nproc)
local max_proc = $(( $core_number * 4 ))
if [ $php_max_children -gt $max_proc ]
php_max_children = $max_proc
if [ " $php_pm " = "dynamic" ]
# Define pm.start_servers, pm.min_spare_servers and pm.max_spare_servers for a dynamic process manager
php_min_spare_servers = $(( $php_max_children / 8 ))
php_min_spare_servers = $( less0 $php_min_spare_servers )
php_max_spare_servers = $(( $php_max_children / 2 ))
php_max_spare_servers = $( less0 $php_max_spare_servers )
php_start_servers = $(( $php_min_spare_servers + ( $php_max_spare_servers - $php_min_spare_servers ) / 2 ))
php_start_servers = $( less0 $php_start_servers )
php_min_spare_servers = 0
php_max_spare_servers = 0
php_start_servers = 0
if [ $print -eq 1 ]
ynh_debug --message= " Footprint= ${ footprint } Mb by pool. "
ynh_debug --message= " Process manager= $php_pm "
ynh_debug --message= " Max RAM= ${ max_ram } Mb "
if [ " $php_pm " != "static" ] ; then
ynh_debug --message= " \nMax estimated footprint= $(( $php_max_children * $footprint )) "
ynh_debug --message= " Min estimated footprint= $(( $php_min_spare_servers * $footprint )) "
if [ " $php_pm " = "dynamic" ] ; then
ynh_debug --message= " Estimated average footprint= $(( $php_max_spare_servers * $footprint )) "
elif [ " $php_pm " = "static" ] ; then
ynh_debug --message= " Estimated footprint= $(( $php_max_children * $footprint )) "
ynh_debug --message= "\nRaw php-fpm values:"
ynh_debug --message= " pm.max_children = $php_max_children "
if [ " $php_pm " = "dynamic" ] ; then
ynh_debug --message= " pm.start_servers = $php_start_servers "
ynh_debug --message= " pm.min_spare_servers = $php_min_spare_servers "
ynh_debug --message= " pm.max_spare_servers = $php_max_spare_servers "
# Install or update the main directory yunohost.multimedia
# usage: ynh_multimedia_build_main_dir
ynh_multimedia_build_main_dir ( ) {
local ynh_media_release = "v1.2"
local checksum = "806a827ba1902d6911095602a9221181"
# Download yunohost.multimedia scripts
wget -nv https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/yunohost.multimedia/archive/${ ynh_media_release } .tar.gz
# Check the control sum
echo " ${ checksum } ${ ynh_media_release } .tar.gz " | md5sum -c --status \
|| ynh_die "Corrupt source"
# Check if the package acl is installed. Or install it.
ynh_package_is_installed 'acl' \
|| ynh_package_install acl
# Extract
mkdir yunohost.multimedia-master
tar -xf ${ ynh_media_release } .tar.gz -C yunohost.multimedia-master --strip-components 1
# Grant write access to multimedia directories to a specified user
# usage: ynh_multimedia_addaccess user_name
# | arg: user_name - User to be granted write access
ynh_multimedia_addaccess ( ) {
local user_name = $1
groupadd -f multimedia
usermod -a -G multimedia $user_name
2020-03-31 17:43:53 +02:00
# Install another version of php.
# usage: ynh_install_php --phpversion=phpversion [--package=packages]
# | arg: -v, --phpversion - Version of php to install.
# | arg: -p, --package - Additionnal php packages to install
2020-03-31 20:30:11 +02:00
ynh_install_php ( ) {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args = vp
declare -Ar args_array = ( [ v] = phpversion = [ p] = package = )
local phpversion
local package
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args " $@ "
package = ${ package :- }
# Store phpversion into the config of this app
ynh_app_setting_set $app phpversion $phpversion
2020-03-31 17:43:53 +02:00
2020-03-31 20:30:11 +02:00
if [ " $phpversion " = = "7.0" ]
ynh_die "Do not use ynh_install_php to install php7.0"
# Store the ID of this app and the version of php requested for it
echo " $YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME : $phpversion " | tee --append "/etc/php/ynh_app_version"
# Add an extra repository for those packages
ynh_install_extra_repo --repo= " https://packages.sury.org/php/ $( lsb_release -sc) main " --key= "https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg" --priority= 995 --name= extra_php_version
# Install requested dependencies from this extra repository.
# Install php-fpm first, otherwise php will install apache as a dependency.
ynh_add_app_dependencies --package= " php ${ phpversion } -fpm "
ynh_add_app_dependencies --package= " php $phpversion php ${ phpversion } -common $package "
# Set php7.0 back as the default version for php-cli.
update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.0
# Pin this extra repository after packages are installed to prevent sury of doing shit
ynh_pin_repo --package= "*" --pin= "origin \"packages.sury.org\"" --priority= 200 --name= extra_php_version
ynh_pin_repo --package= "php7.0*" --pin= "origin \"packages.sury.org\"" --priority= 600 --name= extra_php_version --append
# Advertise service in admin panel
yunohost service add php${ phpversion } -fpm --log " /var/log/php ${ phpversion } -fpm.log "
# Remove the specific version of php used by the app.
# usage: ynh_install_php
ynh_remove_php ( ) {
# Get the version of php used by this app
local phpversion = $( ynh_app_setting_get $app phpversion)
if [ " $phpversion " = = "7.0" ] || [ -z " $phpversion " ]
if [ " $phpversion " = = "7.0" ]
ynh_print_err "Do not use ynh_remove_php to install php7.0"
return 0
# Remove the line for this app
sed --in-place " / $YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME : $phpversion /d " "/etc/php/ynh_app_version"
# If no other app uses this version of php, remove it.
if ! grep --quiet " $phpversion " "/etc/php/ynh_app_version"
# Purge php dependences for this version.
ynh_package_autopurge " php $phpversion php ${ phpversion } -fpm php ${ phpversion } -common "
# Remove the service from the admin panel
yunohost service remove php${ phpversion } -fpm
# If no other app uses alternate php versions, remove the extra repo for php
if [ ! -s "/etc/php/ynh_app_version" ]
ynh_secure_remove /etc/php/ynh_app_version
2020-03-31 17:43:53 +02:00
# Pin a repository.
# usage: ynh_pin_repo --package=packages --pin=pin_filter [--priority=priority_value] [--name=name] [--append]
# | arg: -p, --package - Packages concerned by the pin. Or all, *.
# | arg: -i, --pin - Filter for the pin.
# | arg: -p, --priority - Priority for the pin
# | arg: -n, --name - Name for the files for this repo, $app as default value.
# | arg: -a, --append - Do not overwrite existing files.
# See https://manpages.debian.org/stretch/apt/apt_preferences.5.en.html for information about pinning.
ynh_pin_repo ( ) {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args = pirna
declare -Ar args_array = ( [ p] = package = [ i] = pin = [ r] = priority = [ n] = name = [ a] = append )
local package
local pin
local priority
local name
local append
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args " $@ "
package = " ${ package :- * } "
priority = ${ priority :- 50 }
name = " ${ name :- $app } "
append = ${ append :- 0 }
if [ $append -eq 1 ]
append = "tee -a"
append = "tee"
mkdir -p "/etc/apt/preferences.d"
echo " Package: $package
Pin: $pin
Pin-Priority: $priority
" \
| $append " /etc/apt/preferences.d/ $name "
# Add a repository.
# usage: ynh_add_repo --uri=uri --suite=suite --component=component [--name=name] [--append]
# | arg: -u, --uri - Uri of the repository.
# | arg: -s, --suite - Suite of the repository.
# | arg: -c, --component - Component of the repository.
# | arg: -n, --name - Name for the files for this repo, $app as default value.
# | arg: -a, --append - Do not overwrite existing files.
# Example for a repo like deb http://forge.yunohost.org/debian/ stretch stable
# uri suite component
# ynh_add_repo --uri=http://forge.yunohost.org/debian/ --suite=stretch --component=stable
ynh_add_repo ( ) {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args = uscna
declare -Ar args_array = ( [ u] = uri = [ s] = suite = [ c] = component = [ n] = name = [ a] = append )
local uri
local suite
local component
local name
local append
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args " $@ "
name = " ${ name :- $app } "
append = ${ append :- 0 }
if [ $append -eq 1 ]
append = "tee -a"
append = "tee"
mkdir -p "/etc/apt/sources.list.d"
# Add the new repo in sources.list.d
echo " deb $uri $suite $component " \
| $append " /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ $name .list "
# Add an extra repository correctly, pin it and get the key.
# usage: ynh_install_extra_repo --repo="repo" [--key=key_url] [--priority=priority_value] [--name=name] [--append]
# | arg: -r, --repo - Complete url of the extra repository.
# | arg: -k, --key - url to get the public key.
# | arg: -p, --priority - Priority for the pin
# | arg: -n, --name - Name for the files for this repo, $app as default value.
# | arg: -a, --append - Do not overwrite existing files.
ynh_install_extra_repo ( ) {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args = rkpna
declare -Ar args_array = ( [ r] = repo = [ k] = key = [ p] = priority = [ n] = name = [ a] = append )
local repo
local key
local priority
local name
local append
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args " $@ "
name = " ${ name :- $app } "
append = ${ append :- 0 }
key = ${ key :- 0 }
priority = ${ priority :- }
if [ $append -eq 1 ]
append = "--append"
wget_append = "tee -a"
append = ""
wget_append = "tee"
# Split the repository into uri, suite and components.
# Remove "deb " at the beginning of the repo.
repo = " ${ repo #deb } "
# Get the uri
local uri = " $( echo " $repo " | awk '{ print $1 }' ) "
# Get the suite
local suite = " $( echo " $repo " | awk '{ print $2 }' ) "
# Get the components
local component = " ${ repo ## $uri $suite } "
# Add the repository into sources.list.d
ynh_add_repo --uri= " $uri " --suite= " $suite " --component= " $component " --name= " $name " $append
# Pin the new repo with the default priority, so it won't be used for upgrades.
# Build $pin from the uri without http and any sub path
local pin = " ${ uri #* : // } "
pin = " ${ pin %%/* } "
# Set a priority only if asked
if [ -n " $priority " ]
priority = " --priority= $priority "
ynh_pin_repo --package= "*" --pin= " origin \" $pin \" " $priority --name= " $name " $append
# Get the public key for the repo
if [ -n " $key " ]
mkdir -p "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d"
wget -q " $key " -O - | gpg --dearmor | $wget_append /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/$name .gpg > /dev/null
# Update the list of package with the new repo
# Remove an extra repository and the assiociated configuration.
# usage: ynh_remove_extra_repo [--name=name]
# | arg: -n, --name - Name for the files for this repo, $app as default value.
ynh_remove_extra_repo ( ) {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args = n
declare -Ar args_array = ( [ n] = name = )
local name
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args " $@ "
name = " ${ name :- $app } "
ynh_secure_remove " /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ $name .list "
ynh_secure_remove " /etc/apt/preferences.d/ $name "
ynh_secure_remove " /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ $name .gpg "
ynh_secure_remove " /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ $name .asc "
# Update the list of package to exclude the old repo
# Install packages from an extra repository properly.
# usage: ynh_install_extra_app_dependencies --repo="repo" --package="dep1 dep2" [--key=key_url] [--name=name]
# | arg: -r, --repo - Complete url of the extra repository.
# | arg: -p, --package - The packages to install from this extra repository
# | arg: -k, --key - url to get the public key.
# | arg: -n, --name - Name for the files for this repo, $app as default value.
ynh_install_extra_app_dependencies ( ) {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args = rpkn
declare -Ar args_array = ( [ r] = repo = [ p] = package = [ k] = key = [ n] = name = )
local repo
local package
local key
local name
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args " $@ "
name = " ${ name :- $app } "
key = ${ key :- 0 }
# Set a key only if asked
if [ -n " $key " ]
key = " --key= $key "
# Add an extra repository for those packages
ynh_install_extra_repo --repo= " $repo " $key --priority= 995 --name= $name
# Install requested dependencies from this extra repository.
ynh_add_app_dependencies --package= " $package "
# Remove this extra repository after packages are installed
ynh_remove_extra_repo --name= $app
# patched version of ynh_install_app_dependencies to be used with ynh_add_app_dependencies
# Define and install dependencies with a equivs control file
# This helper can/should only be called once per app
# usage: ynh_install_app_dependencies dep [dep [...]]
# | arg: dep - the package name to install in dependence
# You can give a choice between some package with this syntax : "dep1|dep2"
# Example : ynh_install_app_dependencies dep1 dep2 "dep3|dep4|dep5"
# This mean in the dependence tree : dep1 & dep2 & (dep3 | dep4 | dep5)
# Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
ynh_install_app_dependencies ( ) {
local dependencies = $@
dependencies = " $( echo " $dependencies " | sed 's/\([^\<=\>]\)\ \([^(]\)/\1, \2/g' ) "
dependencies = ${ dependencies //|/ | }
local manifest_path = "../manifest.json"
if [ ! -e " $manifest_path " ] ; then
manifest_path = "../settings/manifest.json" # Into the restore script, the manifest is not at the same place
local version = $( grep '\"version\": ' " $manifest_path " | cut -d '"' -f 4) # Retrieve the version number in the manifest file.
if [ ${# version } -eq 0 ] ; then
version = "1.0"
local dep_app = ${ app //_/- } # Replace all '_' by '-'
# Handle specific versions
if [ [ " $dependencies " = ~ [ \< = \> ] ] ]
# Replace version specifications by relationships syntax
# https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html
# Sed clarification
# [^(\<=\>] ignore if it begins by ( or < = >. To not apply twice.
# [\<=\>] matches < = or >
# \+ matches one or more occurence of the previous characters, for >= or >>.
# [^,]\+ matches all characters except ','
# Ex: package>=1.0 will be replaced by package (>= 1.0)
dependencies = " $( echo " $dependencies " | sed 's/\([^(\<=\>]\)\([\<=\>]\+\)\([^,]\+\)/\1 (\2 \3)/g' ) "
cat > /tmp/${ dep_app } -ynh-deps.control << EOF # Make a control file for equivs-build
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Package: ${ dep_app } -ynh-deps
Version: ${ version }
Depends: ${ dependencies }
Architecture: all
Description: Fake package for $app ( YunoHost app) dependencies
This meta-package is only responsible of installing its dependencies.
ynh_package_install_from_equivs /tmp/${ dep_app } -ynh-deps.control \
|| ynh_die --message= "Unable to install dependencies" # Install the fake package and its dependencies
rm /tmp/${ dep_app } -ynh-deps.control
ynh_app_setting_set --app= $app --key= apt_dependencies --value= " $dependencies "
ynh_add_app_dependencies ( ) {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args = pr
declare -Ar args_array = ( [ p] = package = [ r] = replace)
local package
local replace
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args " $@ "
replace = ${ replace :- 0 }
local current_dependencies = ""
if [ $replace -eq 0 ]
local dep_app = ${ app //_/- } # Replace all '_' by '-'
if ynh_package_is_installed --package= " ${ dep_app } -ynh-deps "
current_dependencies = " $( dpkg-query --show --showformat= '${Depends}' ${ dep_app } -ynh-deps) "
current_dependencies = ${ current_dependencies // | /| }
ynh_install_app_dependencies " ${ current_dependencies } ${ package } "