#!/bin/bash # Create a dedicated php-fpm config # # usage 1: ynh_add_fpm_config [--phpversion=7.X] [--use_template] # | arg: -v, --phpversion - Version of php to use. # | arg: -t, --use_template - Use this helper in template mode. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # usage 2: ynh_add_fpm_config [--phpversion=7.X] --usage=usage --footprint=footprint # | arg: -v, --phpversion - Version of php to use.# # | arg: -f, --footprint - Memory footprint of the service (low/medium/high). # low - Less than 20Mb of ram by pool. # medium - Between 20Mb and 40Mb of ram by pool. # high - More than 40Mb of ram by pool. # Or specify exactly the footprint, the load of the service as Mb by pool instead of having a standard value. # To have this value, use the following command and stress the service. # watch -n0.5 ps -o user,cmd,%cpu,rss -u APP # # | arg: -u, --usage - Expected usage of the service (low/medium/high). # low - Personal usage, behind the sso. # medium - Low usage, few people or/and publicly accessible. # high - High usage, frequently visited website. # # Requires YunoHost version 2.7.2 or higher. ynh_add_fpm_config () { # Declare an array to define the options of this helper. local legacy_args=vtuf declare -Ar args_array=( [v]=phpversion= [t]=use_template [u]=usage= [f]=footprint= ) local phpversion local use_template local usage local footprint # Manage arguments with getopts ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@" # The default behaviour is to use the template. use_template="${use_template:-1}" usage="${usage:-}" footprint="${footprint:-}" if [ -n "$usage" ] || [ -n "$footprint" ]; then use_template=0 fi # Configure PHP-FPM 7.0 by default phpversion="${phpversion:-$YNH_PHP_VERSION}" local fpm_config_dir="/etc/php/$phpversion/fpm" local fpm_service="php${phpversion}-fpm" # Configure PHP-FPM 5 on Debian Jessie if [ "$(ynh_get_debian_release)" == "jessie" ]; then fpm_config_dir="/etc/php5/fpm" fpm_service="php5-fpm" fi ynh_app_setting_set --app=$app --key=fpm_config_dir --value="$fpm_config_dir" ynh_app_setting_set --app=$app --key=fpm_service --value="$fpm_service" finalphpconf="$fpm_config_dir/pool.d/$app.conf" ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file="$finalphpconf" if [ $use_template -eq 1 ] then # Usage 1, use the template in ../conf/php-fpm.conf sudo cp ../conf/php-fpm.conf "$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string="__NAMETOCHANGE__" --replace_string="$app" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string="__FINALPATH__" --replace_string="$final_path" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string="__USER__" --replace_string="$app" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string="__PHPVERSION__" --replace_string="$phpversion" --target_file="$finalphpconf" else # Usage 2, generate a php-fpm config file with ynh_get_scalable_phpfpm ynh_get_scalable_phpfpm --usage=$usage --footprint=$footprint # Copy the default file sudo cp "$fpm_config_dir/pool.d/www.conf" "$finalphpconf" # Replace standard variables into the default file ynh_replace_string --match_string="^\[www\]" --replace_string="[$app]" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*listen = .*" --replace_string="listen = /var/run/php/php$phpversion-fpm-$app.sock" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string="^user = .*" --replace_string="user = $app" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string="^group = .*" --replace_string="group = $app" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*chdir = .*" --replace_string="chdir = $final_path" --target_file="$finalphpconf" # Configure fpm children ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm = .*" --replace_string="pm = $php_pm" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm.max_children = .*" --replace_string="pm.max_children = $php_max_children" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm.max_requests = .*" --replace_string="pm.max_requests = 500" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*request_terminate_timeout = .*" --replace_string="request_terminate_timeout = 1d" --target_file="$finalphpconf" if [ "$php_pm" = "dynamic" ] then ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm.start_servers = .*" --replace_string="pm.start_servers = $php_start_servers" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm.min_spare_servers = .*" --replace_string="pm.min_spare_servers = $php_min_spare_servers" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm.max_spare_servers = .*" --replace_string="pm.max_spare_servers = $php_max_spare_servers" --target_file="$finalphpconf" elif [ "$php_pm" = "ondemand" ] then ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm.process_idle_timeout = .*" --replace_string="pm.process_idle_timeout = 10s" --target_file="$finalphpconf" fi # Comment unused parameters if [ "$php_pm" != "dynamic" ] then ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*\(pm.start_servers = .*\)" --replace_string=";\1" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*\(pm.min_spare_servers = .*\)" --replace_string=";\1" --target_file="$finalphpconf" ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*\(pm.max_spare_servers = .*\)" --replace_string=";\1" --target_file="$finalphpconf" fi if [ "$php_pm" != "ondemand" ] then ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*\(pm.process_idle_timeout = .*\)" --replace_string=";\1" --target_file="$finalphpconf" fi # Concatene the extra config. if [ -e ../conf/extra_php-fpm.conf ]; then cat ../conf/extra_php-fpm.conf >> "$finalphpconf" fi fi sudo chown root: "$finalphpconf" ynh_store_file_checksum --file="$finalphpconf" if [ -e "../conf/php-fpm.ini" ] then echo "Packagers ! Please do not use a separate php ini file, merge your directives in the pool file instead." >&2 finalphpini="$fpm_config_dir/conf.d/20-$app.ini" ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different "$finalphpini" sudo cp ../conf/php-fpm.ini "$finalphpini" sudo chown root: "$finalphpini" ynh_store_file_checksum "$finalphpini" fi ynh_systemd_action --service_name=$fpm_service --action=reload # Clean other php version config files for this app. Used for migration purpose. if [ -e "/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/$app.conf" ] then ynh_secure_remove --file="/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/$app.conf" ynh_systemd_action --service_name=php5-fpm --action=reload fi for i in `seq 0 4` do if [ "$phpversion" != "7.$i" ] then if [ -e "/etc/php/7.$i/fpm/pool.d/$app.conf" ] then ynh_secure_remove --file="/etc/php/7.$i/fpm/pool.d/$app.conf" ynh_systemd_action --service_name=php7.$i-fpm --action=reload fi fi done }