################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## FOR YUNOHOST USERS ## ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Please do not modify this file, it will be reset with the next update. # You can create or modify the file: # /etc/gitlab/gitlab-persistent.rb # and add all the configuration you want. # Options you add in gitlab-presistent.rb will overide these one, # but you can use options and documentations in this file to know what # is it possible to do. ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## GitLab configuration settings ##! This file is generated during initial installation and **is not** modified ##! during upgrades. ##! Check out the latest version of this file to know about the different ##! settings that can be configured, when they were introduced and why: ##! https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/blame/master/files/gitlab-config-template/gitlab.rb.template ##! Locally, the complete template corresponding to the installed version can be found at: ##! /opt/gitlab/etc/gitlab.rb.template ##! You can run `gitlab-ctl diff-config` to compare the contents of the current gitlab.rb with ##! the gitlab.rb.template from the currently running version. ##! You can run `gitlab-ctl show-config` to display the configuration that will be generated by ##! running `gitlab-ctl reconfigure` ##! In general, the values specified here should reflect what the default value of the attribute will be. ##! There are instances where this behavior is not possible or desired. For example, when providing passwords, ##! or connecting to third party services. ##! In those instances, we endeavour to provide an example configuration. ## GitLab URL ##! URL on which GitLab will be reachable. ##! For more details on configuring external_url see: ##! https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/configuration.html#configuring-the-external-url-for-gitlab ##! ##! Note: During installation/upgrades, the value of the environment variable ##! EXTERNAL_URL will be used to populate/replace this value. ##! On AWS EC2 instances, we also attempt to fetch the public hostname/IP ##! address from AWS. For more details, see: ##! https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instancedata-data-retrieval.html external_url '__GENERATED_EXTERNAL_URL__' ## Roles for multi-instance GitLab ##! The default is to have no roles enabled, which results in GitLab running as an all-in-one instance. ##! Options: ##! redis_sentinel_role redis_master_role redis_replica_role geo_primary_role geo_secondary_role ##! postgres_role consul_role application_role monitoring_role ##! For more details on each role, see: ##! https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/roles/index.html#roles ##! # roles ['redis_sentinel_role', 'redis_master_role'] ## Legend ##! The following notations at the beginning of each line may be used to ##! differentiate between components of this file and to easily select them using ##! a regex. ##! ## Titles, subtitles etc ##! ##! More information - Description, Docs, Links, Issues etc. ##! Configuration settings have a single # followed by a single space at the ##! beginning; Remove them to enable the setting. ##! **Configuration settings below are optional.** ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## Configuration Settings for GitLab CE and EE ## ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## gitlab.yml configuration ##! Docs: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/blob/master/doc/settings/gitlab.yml.md ################################################################################ # gitlab_rails['gitlab_ssh_host'] = 'ssh.host_example.com' # gitlab_rails['gitlab_ssh_user'] = '' # gitlab_rails['time_zone'] = 'UTC' ### Rails asset / CDN host ###! Defines a url for a host/cdn to use for the Rails assets ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/configuration.html#set-a-content-delivery-network-url # gitlab_rails['cdn_host'] = 'https://mycdnsubdomain.fictional-cdn.com' ### Request duration ###! Tells the rails application how long it has to complete a request ###! This value needs to be lower than the worker timeout set in puma. ###! By default, we'll allow 95% of the the worker timeout # gitlab_rails['max_request_duration_seconds'] = 57 ### GitLab email server settings ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/smtp.html ###! **Use smtp instead of sendmail/postfix.** # gitlab_rails['smtp_enable'] = true # gitlab_rails['smtp_address'] = "smtp.server" # gitlab_rails['smtp_port'] = 465 # gitlab_rails['smtp_user_name'] = "smtp user" # gitlab_rails['smtp_password'] = "smtp password" # gitlab_rails['smtp_domain'] = "example.com" # gitlab_rails['smtp_authentication'] = "login" # gitlab_rails['smtp_enable_starttls_auto'] = true # gitlab_rails['smtp_tls'] = false # gitlab_rails['smtp_pool'] = false ###! **Can be: 'none', 'peer', 'client_once', 'fail_if_no_peer_cert'** ###! Docs: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionMailer/Base.html # gitlab_rails['smtp_openssl_verify_mode'] = 'none' # gitlab_rails['smtp_ca_path'] = "/etc/ssl/certs" # gitlab_rails['smtp_ca_file'] = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" ### Email Settings # gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_enabled'] = true ##! If your SMTP server does not like the default 'From: gitlab@gitlab.example.com' ##! can change the 'From' with this setting. # gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_from'] = 'example@example.com' # gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_display_name'] = 'Example' # gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_reply_to'] = 'noreply@example.com' # gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_subject_suffix'] = '' # gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_smime_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_smime_key_file'] = '/etc/gitlab/ssl/gitlab_smime.key' # gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_smime_cert_file'] = '/etc/gitlab/ssl/gitlab_smime.crt' # gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_smime_ca_certs_file'] = '/etc/gitlab/ssl/gitlab_smime_cas.crt' ### GitLab user privileges # gitlab_rails['gitlab_username_changing_enabled'] = true ### Default Theme ### Available values: ##! `1` for Indigo ##! `2` for Dark ##! `3` for Light ##! `4` for Blue ##! `5` for Green ##! `6` for Light Indigo ##! `7` for Light Blue ##! `8` for Light Green ##! `9` for Red ##! `10` for Light Red # gitlab_rails['gitlab_default_theme'] = 2 ### Default project feature settings # gitlab_rails['gitlab_default_projects_features_issues'] = true # gitlab_rails['gitlab_default_projects_features_merge_requests'] = true # gitlab_rails['gitlab_default_projects_features_wiki'] = true # gitlab_rails['gitlab_default_projects_features_snippets'] = true # gitlab_rails['gitlab_default_projects_features_builds'] = true # gitlab_rails['gitlab_default_projects_features_container_registry'] = true ### Automatic issue closing ###! See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/customization/issue_closing.html for more ###! information about this pattern. # gitlab_rails['gitlab_issue_closing_pattern'] = "\b((?:[Cc]los(?:e[sd]?|ing)|\b[Ff]ix(?:e[sd]|ing)?|\b[Rr]esolv(?:e[sd]?|ing)|\b[Ii]mplement(?:s|ed|ing)?)(:?) +(?:(?:issues? +)?%{issue_ref}(?:(?:, *| +and +)?)|([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+-\d+))+)" ### Download location ###! When a user clicks e.g. 'Download zip' on a project, a temporary zip file ###! is created in the following directory. ###! Should not be the same path, or a sub directory of any of the `git_data_dirs` # gitlab_rails['gitlab_repository_downloads_path'] = 'tmp/repositories' ### Gravatar Settings # gitlab_rails['gravatar_plain_url'] = 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/%{hash}?s=%{size}&d=identicon' # gitlab_rails['gravatar_ssl_url'] = 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/%{hash}?s=%{size}&d=identicon' ### Auxiliary jobs ###! Periodically executed jobs, to self-heal Gitlab, do external ###! synchronizations, etc. ###! Docs: https://github.com/ondrejbartas/sidekiq-cron#adding-cron-job ###! https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/index.html#artifactsexpire_in # gitlab_rails['stuck_ci_jobs_worker_cron'] = "0 0 * * *" # gitlab_rails['expire_build_artifacts_worker_cron'] = "*/7 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['environments_auto_stop_cron_worker_cron'] = "24 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['pipeline_schedule_worker_cron'] = "19 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['ci_archive_traces_cron_worker_cron'] = "17 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['repository_check_worker_cron'] = "20 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['admin_email_worker_cron'] = "0 0 * * 0" # gitlab_rails['personal_access_tokens_expiring_worker_cron'] = "0 1 * * *" # gitlab_rails['personal_access_tokens_expired_notification_worker_cron'] = "0 2 * * *" # gitlab_rails['repository_archive_cache_worker_cron'] = "0 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['pages_domain_verification_cron_worker'] = "*/15 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['pages_domain_ssl_renewal_cron_worker'] = "*/10 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['pages_domain_removal_cron_worker'] = "47 0 * * *" # gitlab_rails['remove_unaccepted_member_invites_cron_worker'] = "10 15 * * *" # gitlab_rails['schedule_migrate_external_diffs_worker_cron'] = "15 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['ci_platform_metrics_update_cron_worker'] = '47 9 * * *' # gitlab_rails['analytics_usage_trends_count_job_trigger_worker_cron'] = "50 23 */1 * *" # gitlab_rails['member_invitation_reminder_emails_worker_cron'] = "0 0 * * *" # gitlab_rails['user_status_cleanup_batch_worker_cron'] = "* * * * *" # gitlab_rails['namespaces_in_product_marketing_emails_worker_cron'] = "0 9 * * *" # gitlab_rails['ssh_keys_expired_notification_worker_cron'] = "0 2 * * *" # gitlab_rails['ssh_keys_expiring_soon_notification_worker_cron'] = "0 1 * * *" # gitlab_rails['loose_foreign_keys_cleanup_worker_cron'] = "*/5 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['ci_runner_versions_reconciliation_worker_cron'] = "@daily" # gitlab_rails['ci_runners_stale_machines_cleanup_worker_cron'] = "36 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['ci_catalog_resources_process_sync_events_worker_cron'] = "*/1 * * * *" ### Webhook Settings ###! Number of seconds to wait for HTTP response after sending webhook HTTP POST ###! request (default: 10) # gitlab_rails['webhook_timeout'] = 10 ### HTTP client settings ###! This is for setting up the mutual TLS client cert and password for the certificate file. # gitlab_rails['http_client']['tls_client_cert_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['http_client']['tls_client_cert_password'] = nil ### GraphQL Settings ###! Tells the rails application how long it has to complete a GraphQL request. ###! We suggest this value to be higher than the database timeout value ###! and lower than the worker timeout set in puma. (default: 30) # gitlab_rails['graphql_timeout'] = 30 ### Trusted proxies ###! Customize if you have GitLab behind a reverse proxy which is running on a ###! different machine. ###! **Add the IP address for your reverse proxy to the list, otherwise users ###! will appear signed in from that address.** # gitlab_rails['trusted_proxies'] = [] ### Content Security Policy ####! Customize if you want to enable the Content-Security-Policy header, which ####! can help thwart JavaScript cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. ####! See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP # gitlab_rails['content_security_policy'] = { # 'enabled' => false, # 'report_only' => false, # # Each directive is a String (e.g. "'self'"). # 'directives' => { # 'base_uri' => nil, # 'child_src' => nil, # 'connect_src' => nil, # 'default_src' => nil, # 'font_src' => nil, # 'form_action' => nil, # 'frame_ancestors' => nil, # 'frame_src' => nil, # 'img_src' => nil, # 'manifest_src' => nil, # 'media_src' => nil, # 'object_src' => nil, # 'script_src' => nil, # 'style_src' => nil, # 'worker_src' => nil, # 'report_uri' => nil, # } # } ### Allowed hosts ###! Customize the `host` headers that should be catered by the Rails ###! application. By default, everything is allowed. # gitlab_rails['allowed_hosts'] = [] ### Monitoring settings ###! IP whitelist controlling access to monitoring endpoints # gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '::1/128'] ### Shutdown settings ###! Defines an interval to block healthcheck, ###! but continue accepting application requests. # gitlab_rails['shutdown_blackout_seconds'] = 10 ### Microsoft Graph Mailer ###! Allows delivery of emails using Microsoft Graph API with OAuth 2.0 client ###! credentials flow. ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/microsoft_graph_mailer.html # gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_user_id'] = "YOUR-USER-ID" # gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_tenant'] = "YOUR-TENANT-ID" # gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_client_id'] = "YOUR-CLIENT-ID" # gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_client_secret'] = "YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET-ID" # gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_azure_ad_endpoint'] = "https://login.microsoftonline.com" # gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_graph_endpoint'] = "https://graph.microsoft.com" ### Reply by email ###! Allow users to comment on issues and merge requests by replying to ###! notification emails. ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/reply_by_email.html # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_enabled'] = true #### Incoming Email Address ####! The email address including the `%{key}` placeholder that will be replaced ####! to reference the item being replied to. ####! **The placeholder can be omitted but if present, it must appear in the ####! "user" part of the address (before the `@`).** # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_address'] = "gitlab-incoming+%{key}@gmail.com" #### Email account username ####! **With third party providers, this is usually the full email address.** ####! **With self-hosted email servers, this is usually the user part of the ####! email address.** # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_email'] = "gitlab-incoming@gmail.com" #### Email account password # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_password'] = "[REDACTED]" #### IMAP Settings # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_host'] = "imap.gmail.com" # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_port'] = 993 # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_ssl'] = true # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_start_tls'] = false #### Incoming Mailbox Settings (via `mail_room`) ####! The mailbox where incoming mail will end up. Usually "inbox". # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_mailbox_name'] = "inbox" ####! The IDLE command timeout. # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_idle_timeout'] = 60 ####! The file name for internal `mail_room` JSON logfile # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_log_file'] = "/var/log/gitlab/mailroom/mail_room_json.log" ####! This marks incoming messages deleted after delivery. ####! If you are using Microsoft Graph API instead of IMAP, set this to false to retain ####! messages in the inbox since deleted messages are auto-expunged after some time. # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_delete_after_delivery'] = true ####! Permanently remove messages from the mailbox when they are marked as deleted after delivery ####! Only applies to IMAP. Microsoft Graph will auto-expunge any deleted messages. # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_expunge_deleted'] = false #### Inbox options (for Microsoft Graph) # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_inbox_method'] = 'microsoft_graph' # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_inbox_options'] = { # 'tenant_id': 'YOUR-TENANT-ID', # 'client_id': 'YOUR-CLIENT-ID', # 'client_secret': 'YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET', # 'poll_interval': 60 # Optional # } #### How incoming emails are delivered to Rails process. Accept either sidekiq #### or webhook. The default config is webhook. # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_delivery_method'] = "webhook" #### Token to authenticate webhook requests. The token must be exactly 32 bytes, #### encoded with base64 # gitlab_rails['incoming_email_auth_token'] = nil ####! The format of mail_room crash logs # mailroom['exit_log_format'] = "plain" ### Consolidated (simplified) object storage configuration ###! This uses a single credential for object storage with multiple buckets. ###! It also enables Workhorse to upload files directly with its own S3 client ###! instead of using pre-signed URLs. ###! ###! This configuration will only take effect if the object_store ###! sections are not defined within the types. For example, enabling ###! gitlab_rails['artifacts_object_store_enabled'] or ###! gitlab_rails['lfs_object_store_enabled'] will prevent the ###! consolidated settings from being used. ###! ###! Be sure to use different buckets for each type of object. ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/object_storage.html # gitlab_rails['object_store']['enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['object_store']['connection'] = {} # gitlab_rails['object_store']['storage_options'] = {} # gitlab_rails['object_store']['proxy_download'] = false # gitlab_rails['object_store']['objects']['artifacts']['bucket'] = nil # gitlab_rails['object_store']['objects']['external_diffs']['bucket'] = nil # gitlab_rails['object_store']['objects']['lfs']['bucket'] = nil # gitlab_rails['object_store']['objects']['uploads']['bucket'] = nil # gitlab_rails['object_store']['objects']['packages']['bucket'] = nil # gitlab_rails['object_store']['objects']['dependency_proxy']['bucket'] = nil # gitlab_rails['object_store']['objects']['terraform_state']['bucket'] = nil # gitlab_rails['object_store']['objects']['ci_secure_files']['bucket'] = nil # gitlab_rails['object_store']['objects']['pages']['bucket'] = nil ### Job Artifacts # gitlab_rails['artifacts_enabled'] = true # gitlab_rails['artifacts_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/artifacts" ####! Job artifacts Object Store ####! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/job_artifacts.html#using-object-storage # gitlab_rails['artifacts_object_store_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['artifacts_object_store_proxy_download'] = false # gitlab_rails['artifacts_object_store_remote_directory'] = "artifacts" # gitlab_rails['artifacts_object_store_connection'] = { # 'provider' => 'AWS', # 'region' => 'eu-west-1', # 'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', # 'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', # # # The below options configure an S3 compatible host instead of AWS # # 'aws_signature_version' => 4, # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4. # # 'endpoint' => 'https://s3.amazonaws.com', # default: nil - Useful for S3 compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces # # 'host' => 's3.amazonaws.com', # # 'path_style' => false # Use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object' # } ### External merge request diffs # gitlab_rails['external_diffs_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['external_diffs_when'] = nil # gitlab_rails['external_diffs_storage_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/external-diffs" # gitlab_rails['external_diffs_object_store_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['external_diffs_object_store_proxy_download'] = false # gitlab_rails['external_diffs_object_store_remote_directory'] = "external-diffs" # gitlab_rails['external_diffs_object_store_connection'] = { # 'provider' => 'AWS', # 'region' => 'eu-west-1', # 'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', # 'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', # # # The below options configure an S3 compatible host instead of AWS # # 'aws_signature_version' => 4, # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4. # # 'endpoint' => 'https://s3.amazonaws.com', # default: nil - Useful for S3 compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces # # 'host' => 's3.amazonaws.com', # # 'path_style' => false # Use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object' # } ### Git LFS # gitlab_rails['lfs_enabled'] = true # gitlab_rails['lfs_storage_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/lfs-objects" # gitlab_rails['lfs_object_store_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['lfs_object_store_proxy_download'] = false # gitlab_rails['lfs_object_store_remote_directory'] = "lfs-objects" # gitlab_rails['lfs_object_store_connection'] = { # 'provider' => 'AWS', # 'region' => 'eu-west-1', # 'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', # 'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', # # # The below options configure an S3 compatible host instead of AWS # # 'aws_signature_version' => 4, # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4. # # 'endpoint' => 'https://s3.amazonaws.com', # default: nil - Useful for S3 compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces # # 'host' => 's3.amazonaws.com', # # 'path_style' => false # Use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object' # } ### GitLab uploads ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/uploads.html # gitlab_rails['uploads_directory'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/uploads" # gitlab_rails['uploads_storage_path'] = "/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public" # gitlab_rails['uploads_base_dir'] = "uploads/-/system" # gitlab_rails['uploads_object_store_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['uploads_object_store_proxy_download'] = false # gitlab_rails['uploads_object_store_remote_directory'] = "uploads" # gitlab_rails['uploads_object_store_connection'] = { # 'provider' => 'AWS', # 'region' => 'eu-west-1', # 'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', # 'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', # # # The below options configure an S3 compatible host instead of AWS # # 'host' => 's3.amazonaws.com', # # 'aws_signature_version' => 4, # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4. # # 'endpoint' => 'https://s3.amazonaws.com', # default: nil - Useful for S3 compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces # # 'path_style' => false # Use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object' # } ### Terraform state ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/terraform_state # gitlab_rails['terraform_state_enabled'] = true # gitlab_rails['terraform_state_storage_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/terraform_state" # gitlab_rails['terraform_state_object_store_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['terraform_state_object_store_remote_directory'] = "terraform" # gitlab_rails['terraform_state_object_store_connection'] = { # 'provider' => 'AWS', # 'region' => 'eu-west-1', # 'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', # 'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', # # # The below options configure an S3 compatible host instead of AWS # # 'host' => 's3.amazonaws.com', # # 'aws_signature_version' => 4, # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4. # # 'endpoint' => 'https://s3.amazonaws.com', # default: nil - Useful for S3 compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces # # 'path_style' => false # Use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object' # } ### CI Secure Files # gitlab_rails['ci_secure_files_enabled'] = true # gitlab_rails['ci_secure_files_storage_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/ci_secure_files" # gitlab_rails['ci_secure_files_object_store_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['ci_secure_files_object_store_remote_directory'] = "ci-secure-files" # gitlab_rails['ci_secure_files_object_store_connection'] = { # 'provider' => 'AWS', # 'region' => 'eu-west-1', # 'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', # 'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', # # # The below options configure an S3 compatible host instead of AWS # # 'host' => 's3.amazonaws.com', # # 'aws_signature_version' => 4, # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4. # # 'endpoint' => 'https://s3.amazonaws.com', # default: nil - Useful for S3 compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces # # 'path_style' => false # Use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object' # } ### GitLab Pages # gitlab_rails['pages_object_store_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['pages_object_store_remote_directory'] = "pages" # gitlab_rails['pages_object_store_connection'] = { # 'provider' => 'AWS', # 'region' => 'eu-west-1', # 'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', # 'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', # # # The below options configure an S3 compatible host instead of AWS # # 'host' => 's3.amazonaws.com', # # 'aws_signature_version' => 4, # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4. # # 'endpoint' => 'https://s3.amazonaws.com', # default: nil - Useful for S3 compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces # # 'path_style' => false # Use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object' # } # gitlab_rails['pages_local_store_enabled'] = true # gitlab_rails['pages_local_store_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/pages" ### Impersonation settings # gitlab_rails['impersonation_enabled'] = true ### Disable jQuery and CSS animations # gitlab_rails['disable_animations'] = false ### Application settings cache expiry in seconds. (default: 60) # gitlab_rails['application_settings_cache_seconds'] = 60 ### Usage Statistics # gitlab_rails['usage_ping_enabled'] = true ### GitLab Mattermost ###! These settings are void if Mattermost is installed on the same omnibus ###! install # gitlab_rails['mattermost_host'] = "https://mattermost.example.com" ### LDAP Settings ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/auth/ldap/index.html ###! **Be careful not to break the indentation in the ldap_servers block. It is ###! in yaml format and the spaces must be retained. Using tabs will not work.** gitlab_rails['ldap_enabled'] = true # gitlab_rails['prevent_ldap_sign_in'] = false ###! **remember to close this block with 'EOS' below** # gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = YAML.load <<-'EOS' # main: # 'main' is the GitLab 'provider ID' of this LDAP server # label: 'LDAP' # host: '_your_ldap_server' # port: 389 # uid: 'sAMAccountName' # bind_dn: '_the_full_dn_of_the_user_you_will_bind_with' # password: '_the_password_of_the_bind_user' # encryption: 'plain' # "start_tls" or "simple_tls" or "plain" # verify_certificates: true # smartcard_auth: false # active_directory: true # smartcard_ad_cert_field: 'altSecurityIdentities' # smartcard_ad_cert_format: null # 'issuer_and_serial_number', 'issuer_and_subject' , 'principal_name' # allow_username_or_email_login: false # lowercase_usernames: false # block_auto_created_users: false # base: '' # user_filter: '' # ## EE only # group_base: '' # admin_group: '' # sync_ssh_keys: false # # secondary: # 'secondary' is the GitLab 'provider ID' of second LDAP server # label: 'LDAP' # host: '_your_ldap_server' # port: 389 # uid: 'sAMAccountName' # bind_dn: '_the_full_dn_of_the_user_you_will_bind_with' # password: '_the_password_of_the_bind_user' # encryption: 'plain' # "start_tls" or "simple_tls" or "plain" # verify_certificates: true # smartcard_auth: false # active_directory: true # smartcard_ad_cert_field: 'altSecurityIdentities' # smartcard_ad_cert_format: null # 'issuer_and_serial_number', 'issuer_and_subject' , 'principal_name' # allow_username_or_email_login: false # lowercase_usernames: false # block_auto_created_users: false # base: '' # user_filter: '' # ## EE only # group_base: '' # admin_group: '' # sync_ssh_keys: false # EOS gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = YAML.load <<-'EOS' # remember to close this block with 'EOS' below main: # 'main' is the GitLab 'provider ID' of this LDAP server label: 'YunoHost LDAP' host: 'localhost' port: 389 uid: 'uid' encryption: 'plain' # 'start_tls' or 'simple_tls' or 'plain' bind_dn: 'ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org' password: '' active_directory: false allow_username_or_email_login: false block_auto_created_users: false base: 'dc=yunohost,dc=org' user_filter: '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(permission=cn=gitlab.main,ou=permission,dc=yunohost,dc=org))' timeout: 10 attributes: { username: ['uid', 'sAMAccountName'], name: 'cn', first_name: 'givenName', last_name: 'sn' } EOS ### Smartcard authentication settings ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/auth/smartcard.html # gitlab_rails['smartcard_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['smartcard_ca_file'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/CA.pem" # gitlab_rails['smartcard_client_certificate_required_host'] = 'smartcard.gitlab.example.com' # gitlab_rails['smartcard_client_certificate_required_port'] = 3444 # gitlab_rails['smartcard_required_for_git_access'] = false # gitlab_rails['smartcard_san_extensions'] = false ### OmniAuth Settings ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integration/omniauth.html # gitlab_rails['omniauth_enabled'] = nil # gitlab_rails['omniauth_allow_single_sign_on'] = ['saml'] # gitlab_rails['omniauth_sync_email_from_provider'] = 'saml' # gitlab_rails['omniauth_sync_profile_from_provider'] = ['saml'] # gitlab_rails['omniauth_sync_profile_attributes'] = ['email'] # gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_sign_in_with_provider'] = 'saml' # gitlab_rails['omniauth_block_auto_created_users'] = true # gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_link_ldap_user'] = false # gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_link_saml_user'] = false # gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_link_user'] = ['twitter'] # gitlab_rails['omniauth_external_providers'] = ['twitter', 'google_oauth2'] # gitlab_rails['omniauth_allow_bypass_two_factor'] = ['google_oauth2'] # gitlab_rails['omniauth_providers'] = [ # { # "name" => "google_oauth2", # "app_id" => "YOUR APP ID", # "app_secret" => "YOUR APP SECRET", # "args" => { "access_type" => "offline", "approval_prompt" => "" } # } # ] # gitlab_rails['omniauth_cas3_session_duration'] = 28800 # gitlab_rails['omniauth_saml_message_max_byte_size'] = 250000 ### FortiAuthenticator authentication settings # gitlab_rails['forti_authenticator_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['forti_authenticator_host'] = 'forti_authenticator.example.com' # gitlab_rails['forti_authenticator_port'] = 443 # gitlab_rails['forti_authenticator_username'] = 'admin' # gitlab_rails['forti_authenticator_access_token'] = 's3cr3t' ### FortiToken Cloud authentication settings # gitlab_rails['forti_token_cloud_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['forti_token_cloud_client_id'] = 'forti_token_cloud_client_id' # gitlab_rails['forti_token_cloud_client_secret'] = 's3cr3t' ### DuoAuth authentication settings # gitlab_rails['duo_auth_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['duo_auth_integration_key'] = 'duo_auth_integration_key' # gitlab_rails['duo_auth_secret_key'] = 'duo_auth_secret_key' # gitlab_rails['duo_auth_hostname'] = 'duo_auth.example.com' ### Backup Settings ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/backups.html # gitlab_rails['manage_backup_path'] = true # gitlab_rails['backup_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/backups" # gitlab_rails['backup_gitaly_backup_path'] = "/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/gitaly-backup" ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/backup_restore/backup_gitlab.html#backup-archive-permissions # gitlab_rails['backup_archive_permissions'] = 0644 # gitlab_rails['backup_pg_schema'] = 'public' ###! The duration in seconds to keep backups before they are allowed to be deleted # gitlab_rails['backup_keep_time'] = 604800 # gitlab_rails['backup_upload_connection'] = { # 'provider' => 'AWS', # 'region' => 'eu-west-1', # 'aws_access_key_id' => 'AKIAKIAKI', # 'aws_secret_access_key' => 'secret123', # # # If IAM profile use is enabled, remove aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key # 'use_iam_profile' => false # } # gitlab_rails['backup_upload_remote_directory'] = 'my.s3.bucket' # gitlab_rails['backup_multipart_chunk_size'] = 104857600 ###! **Turns on AWS Server-Side Encryption with Amazon S3-Managed Keys for ###! backups** # gitlab_rails['backup_encryption'] = 'AES256' ###! The encryption key to use with AWS Server-Side Encryption. ###! Setting this value will enable Server-Side Encryption with customer provided keys; ###! otherwise S3-managed keys are used. # gitlab_rails['backup_encryption_key'] = '' ###! **Turns on AWS Server-Side Encryption with Amazon SSE-KMS (AWS managed but customer-master key) # gitlab_rails['backup_upload_storage_options'] = { # 'server_side_encryption' => 'aws:kms', # 'server_side_encryption_kms_key_id' => 'arn:aws:kms:YOUR-KEY-ID-HERE' # } ###! **Specifies Amazon S3 storage class to use for backups. Valid values ###! include 'STANDARD', 'STANDARD_IA', and 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'** # gitlab_rails['backup_storage_class'] = 'STANDARD' ###! Skip parts of the backup. Comma separated. ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/backup_restore/backup_gitlab.html#excluding-specific-directories-from-the-backup #gitlab_rails['env'] = { # "SKIP" => "db,uploads,repositories,builds,artifacts,lfs,registry,pages" #} ### For setting up different data storing directory ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/configuration.html#store-git-data-in-an-alternative-directory ###! **If you want to use a single non-default directory to store git data use a ###! path that doesn't contain symlinks.** # git_data_dirs({ # "default" => { # "path" => "/mnt/nfs-01/git-data" # } # }) ### Gitaly settings # gitlab_rails['gitaly_token'] = 'secret token' ### For storing GitLab application uploads, eg. LFS objects, build artifacts ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/shared_files.html # gitlab_rails['shared_path'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared' ### For storing encrypted configuration files ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/encrypted_configuration.html # gitlab_rails['encrypted_settings_path'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/encrypted_settings' ### Wait for file system to be mounted ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/configuration.html#only-start-omnibus-gitlab-services-after-a-given-file-system-is-mounted # high_availability['mountpoint'] = ["/var/opt/gitlab/git-data", "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared"] ### GitLab Shell settings for GitLab gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = __SSH_PORT__ # gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_git_timeout'] = 800 ### Extra customization # gitlab_rails['extra_google_analytics_id'] = '_your_tracking_id' # gitlab_rails['extra_google_tag_manager_id'] = '_your_tracking_id' # gitlab_rails['extra_one_trust_id'] = '_your_one_trust_id' # gitlab_rails['extra_google_tag_manager_nonce_id'] = '_your_google_tag_manager_id' # gitlab_rails['extra_bizible'] = false # gitlab_rails['extra_matomo_url'] = '_your_matomo_url' # gitlab_rails['extra_matomo_site_id'] = '_your_matomo_site_id' # gitlab_rails['extra_matomo_disable_cookies'] = false # gitlab_rails['extra_maximum_text_highlight_size_kilobytes'] = 512 ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/environment-variables.html # gitlab_rails['env'] = { # 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/Gemfile", # 'PATH' => "/opt/gitlab/bin:/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin:/bin:/usr/bin" # } # gitlab_rails['rack_attack_git_basic_auth'] = { # 'enabled' => false, # 'ip_whitelist' => [""], # 'maxretry' => 10, # 'findtime' => 60, # 'bantime' => 3600 # } # gitlab_rails['dir'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails" # gitlab_rails['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails" # gitlab_rails['log_group'] = nil #### Change the initial default admin password and shared runner registration tokens. ####! **Only applicable on initial setup, changing these settings after database ####! is created and seeded won't yield any change.** # gitlab_rails['initial_root_password'] = "password" # gitlab_rails['initial_shared_runners_registration_token'] = "token" #### Toggle if root password should be printed to STDOUT during initialization # gitlab_rails['display_initial_root_password'] = false #### Toggle if initial root password should be written to /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password # gitlab_rails['store_initial_root_password'] = true #### Set path to an initial license to be used while bootstrapping GitLab. ####! **Only applicable on initial setup, future license updates need to be done via UI. ####! Updating the file specified in this path won't yield any change after the first reconfigure run. # gitlab_rails['initial_license_file'] = '/etc/gitlab/company.gitlab-license' #### Enable or disable automatic database migrations # gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = true #### This is advanced feature used by large gitlab deployments where loading #### whole RAILS env takes a lot of time. # gitlab_rails['rake_cache_clear'] = true ### GitLab database settings ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/database.html ###! **Only needed if you use an external database.** # gitlab_rails['db_adapter'] = "postgresql" # gitlab_rails['db_encoding'] = "unicode" # gitlab_rails['db_collation'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_database'] = "gitlabhq_production" # gitlab_rails['db_username'] = "gitlab" # gitlab_rails['db_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_host'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_port'] = 5432 # gitlab_rails['db_socket'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_sslmode'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_sslcompression'] = 0 # gitlab_rails['db_sslrootcert'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_sslcert'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_sslkey'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_prepared_statements'] = false # gitlab_rails['db_statements_limit'] = 1000 # gitlab_rails['db_connect_timeout'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_keepalives'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_keepalives_idle'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_keepalives_interval'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_keepalives_count'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_tcp_user_timeout'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_application_name'] = nil # gitlab_rails['db_database_tasks'] = true ##! Command to generate extra database configuration # gitlab_rails['db_extra_config_command'] = nil ### Gitlab decomposed database settings ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/database.html # gitlab_rails['databases']['main']['db_database'] = 'gitlabhq_production' # gitlab_rails['databases']['main']['database_tasks'] = true # gitlab_rails['databases']['ci']['enable'] = true # gitlab_rails['databases']['ci']['db_database'] = 'gitlabhq_production' # gitlab_rails['databases']['ci']['database_tasks'] = false ### GitLab ClickHouse connection settings ###! EXPERIMENTAL # gitlab_rails['clickhouse_databases']['main']['database'] = 'dbname' # gitlab_rails['clickhouse_databases']['main']['url'] = 'https://example.com/path' # gitlab_rails['clickhouse_databases']['main']['username'] = 'gitlab' # gitlab_rails['clickhouse_databases']['main']['password'] = 'password' ### GitLab Redis settings ###! Connect to your own Redis instance ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/redis.html #### Redis TCP connection # gitlab_rails['redis_host'] = "" # gitlab_rails['redis_port'] = 6379 # gitlab_rails['redis_ssl'] = false # gitlab_rails['redis_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_database'] = 0 # gitlab_rails['redis_enable_client'] = true # gitlab_rails['redis_tls_ca_cert_dir'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/' # gitlab_rails['redis_tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # gitlab_rails['redis_tls_client_cert_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_tls_client_key_file'] = nil #### Redis local UNIX socket (will be disabled if TCP method is used) # gitlab_rails['redis_socket'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/redis/redis.socket" #### Sentinel support ####! To have Sentinel working, you must enable Redis TCP connection support ####! above and define a few Sentinel hosts below (to get a reliable setup ####! at least 3 hosts). ####! **You don't need to list every sentinel host, but the ones not listed will ####! not be used in a fail-over situation to query for the new master.** # gitlab_rails['redis_sentinels'] = [ # {'host' => '', 'port' => 26379}, # ] # gitlab_rails['redis_sentinels_password'] = 'sentinel-requirepass-goes-here' #### Cluster support ####! Cluster support is only available for selected Redis instances. `resque.yml` will not ####! support cluster mode to maintain full-compatibility with the GitLab rails application. ####! ####! To have Redis Cluster working, you must declare `redis_{instance}_cluster_nodes` ####! `redis_{instance}_username` and `redis_{instance}_password` are required if ACL ####! is enabled for the Redis servers. # gitlab_rails['redis_xxxx_cluster_nodes'] = [ # {'host' => '', 'port' => 6379}, # ] #### Separate instances support ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/redis.html#running-with-multiple-redis-instances # gitlab_rails['redis_cache_instance'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cache_sentinels'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cache_sentinels_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cache_username'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cache_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cache_cluster_nodes'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cache_tls_ca_cert_dir'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/' # gitlab_rails['redis_cache_tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # gitlab_rails['redis_cache_tls_client_cert_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cache_tls_client_key_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_queues_instance'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_queues_sentinels'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_queues_sentinels_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_queues_username'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_queues_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_queues_cluster_nodes'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_queues_tls_ca_cert_dir'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/' # gitlab_rails['redis_queues_tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # gitlab_rails['redis_queues_tls_client_cert_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_queues_tls_client_key_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_shared_state_instance'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_shared_state_sentinels'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_shared_state_sentinels_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_shared_state_username'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_shared_state_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_shared_state_cluster_nodes'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_shared_state_tls_ca_cert_dir'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/' # gitlab_rails['redis_shared_state_tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # gitlab_rails['redis_shared_state_tls_client_cert_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_shared_state_tls_client_key_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_trace_chunks_instance'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_trace_chunks_sentinels'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_trace_chunks_sentinels_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_trace_chunks_username'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_trace_chunks_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_trace_chunks_cluster_nodes'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_trace_chunks_tls_ca_cert_dir'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/' # gitlab_rails['redis_trace_chunks_tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # gitlab_rails['redis_trace_chunks_tls_client_cert_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_trace_chunks_tls_client_key_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_actioncable_instance'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_actioncable_sentinels'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_actioncable_sentinels_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_actioncable_username'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_actioncable_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_actioncable_cluster_nodes'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_actioncable_tls_ca_cert_dir'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/' # gitlab_rails['redis_actioncable_tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # gitlab_rails['redis_actioncable_tls_client_cert_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_actioncable_tls_client_key_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_rate_limiting_instance'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_rate_limiting_sentinels'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_rate_limiting_sentinels_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_rate_limiting_username'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_rate_limiting_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_rate_limiting_cluster_nodes'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_rate_limiting_tls_ca_cert_dir'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/' # gitlab_rails['redis_rate_limiting_tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # gitlab_rails['redis_rate_limiting_tls_client_cert_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_rate_limiting_tls_client_key_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_sessions_instance'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_sessions_sentinels'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_sessions_sentinels_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_sessions_username'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_sessions_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_sessions_cluster_nodes'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_sessions_tls_ca_cert_dir'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/' # gitlab_rails['redis_sessions_tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # gitlab_rails['redis_sessions_tls_client_cert_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_sessions_tls_client_key_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cluster_rate_limiting_instance'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cluster_rate_limiting_sentinels'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cluster_rate_limiting_sentinels_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cluster_rate_limiting_username'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cluster_rate_limiting_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cluster_rate_limiting_cluster_nodes'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cluster_rate_limiting_tls_ca_cert_dir'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/' # gitlab_rails['redis_cluster_rate_limiting_tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # gitlab_rails['redis_cluster_rate_limiting_tls_client_cert_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_cluster_rate_limiting_tls_client_key_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_repository_cache_instance'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_repository_cache_sentinels'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_repository_cache_sentinels_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_repository_cache_username'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_repository_cache_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_repository_cache_cluster_nodes'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_repository_cache_tls_ca_cert_dir'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/' # gitlab_rails['redis_repository_cache_tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # gitlab_rails['redis_repository_cache_tls_client_cert_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_repository_cache_tls_client_key_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_workhorse_instance'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_workhorse_sentinels'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_workhorse_sentinels_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_workhorse_username'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_workhorse_password'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_workhorse_cluster_nodes'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_workhorse_tls_ca_cert_dir'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/' # gitlab_rails['redis_workhorse_tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # gitlab_rails['redis_workhorse_tls_client_cert_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_workhorse_tls_client_key_file'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_workhorse_sentinel_master'] = nil # gitlab_rails['redis_yml_override'] = nil ################################################################################ ## Container Registry settings ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/packages/container_registry.html ################################################################################ # registry_external_url 'https://registry.example.com' ### Settings used by GitLab application # gitlab_rails['registry_enabled'] = true # gitlab_rails['registry_host'] = "registry.gitlab.example.com" # gitlab_rails['registry_port'] = "5005" # gitlab_rails['registry_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/registry" # Notification secret, it's used to authenticate notification requests to GitLab application # You only need to change this when you use external Registry service, otherwise # it will be taken directly from notification settings of your Registry # gitlab_rails['registry_notification_secret'] = nil ###! **Do not change the following 3 settings unless you know what you are ###! doing** # gitlab_rails['registry_api_url'] = "" # gitlab_rails['registry_key_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/certificate.key" # gitlab_rails['registry_issuer'] = "omnibus-gitlab-issuer" ### Settings used by Registry application # registry['enable'] = true # registry['username'] = "registry" # registry['group'] = "registry" # registry['uid'] = nil # registry['gid'] = nil # registry['dir'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/registry" # registry['registry_http_addr'] = "" # registry['debug_addr'] = "localhost:5001" # registry['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/registry" # registry['env_directory'] = "/opt/gitlab/etc/registry/env" # registry['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/" # } # registry['log_level'] = "info" # registry['log_formatter'] = "text" # registry['rootcertbundle'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/registry/certificate.crt" # registry['health_storagedriver_enabled'] = true # registry['middleware'] = nil # registry['storage_delete_enabled'] = true # registry['validation_enabled'] = false # registry['autoredirect'] = false # registry['compatibility_schema1_enabled'] = false # registry['database'] = nil ### Registry backend storage ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/packages/container_registry.html#configure-storage-for-the-container-registry # registry['storage'] = { # 's3' => { # 'accesskey' => 's3-access-key', # 'secretkey' => 's3-secret-key-for-access-key', # 'bucket' => 'your-s3-bucket', # 'region' => 'your-s3-region', # 'regionendpoint' => 'your-s3-regionendpoint' # }, # 'redirect' => { # 'disable' => false # } # } ### Registry database ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/packages/container_registry.html?tab=Linux+package+%28Omnibus%29#configure-a-metadata-database-for-the-container-registry # registry['database'] = { # 'enabled' => true, # 'host' => 'localhost', # 'port' => 5432, # 'user' => 'postgres', # 'password' => 'postgres', # 'dbname' => 'registry', # 'sslmode' => 'verify-full', # 'sslcert' => '/path/to/client.crt', # 'sslkey' => '/path/to/client.key', # 'sslrootcert' => '/path/to/root.crt', # 'connecttimeout' => '5s', # 'draintimeout' => '2m', # 'preparedstatements' => false, # 'primary' => 'primary.record.fqdn', # 'pool' => { # 'maxidle' => 25, # 'maxopen' => 25, # 'maxlifetime' => '5m' # } # } ### Registry garbage collection ###! Docs: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/container-registry/-/blob/master/docs/configuration.md?ref_type=heads#gc # registry['gc'] = { # 'disabled' => false, # 'maxbackoff' => '24h', # 'noidlebackoff' => false, # 'transactiontimeout' => '10s', # 'reviewafter' => '24h', # 'manifests' => { # 'disabled' => false, # 'interval' => '5s' # }, # 'blobs' => { # 'disabled' => false, # 'interval' => '5s', # 'storagetimeout' => '5s' # } # } ### Registry notifications endpoints # registry['notifications'] = [ # { # 'name' => 'test_endpoint', # 'url' => 'https://gitlab.example.com/notify2', # 'timeout' => '500ms', # 'threshold' => 5, # 'backoff' => '1s', # 'headers' => { # "Authorization" => ["AUTHORIZATION_EXAMPLE_TOKEN"] # } # } # ] ### Default registry notifications # registry['default_notifications_timeout'] = "500ms" # registry['default_notifications_threshold'] = 5 # registry['default_notifications_backoff'] = "1s" # registry['default_notifications_headers'] = {} ################################################################################ ## Error Reporting and Logging with Sentry ################################################################################ # gitlab_rails['sentry_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['sentry_dsn'] = 'https://@sentry.io/' # gitlab_rails['sentry_clientside_dsn'] = 'https://@sentry.io/' # gitlab_rails['sentry_environment'] = 'production' ################################################################################ ## CI_JOB_JWT ################################################################################ ##! RSA private key used to sign CI_JOB_JWT # gitlab_rails['ci_jwt_signing_key'] = nil # Will be generated if not set. ################################################################################ ## GitLab Workhorse ##! Docs: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/workhorse/README.md ################################################################################ # gitlab_workhorse['enable'] = true # gitlab_workhorse['ha'] = false # gitlab_workhorse['alt_document_root'] = nil ##! Duration to wait for all requests to finish (e.g. "10s" for 10 ##! seconds). By default this is disabled to preserve the existing ##! behavior of fast shutdown. This should not be set higher than 30 ##! seconds, since gitlab-ctl will wait up to 30 seconds (as defined by ##! the SVWAIT variable) and report a timeout error if the process has ##! not shut down. # gitlab_workhorse['shutdown_timeout'] = nil # gitlab_workhorse['listen_network'] = "unix" # gitlab_workhorse['listen_umask'] = 000 # gitlab_workhorse['listen_addr'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse/sockets/socket" # gitlab_workhorse['auth_backend'] = "http://localhost:8080" ##! Enable Redis keywatcher, if this setting is not present it defaults to true # gitlab_workhorse['workhorse_keywatcher'] = true ##! the empty string is the default in gitlab-workhorse option parser # gitlab_workhorse['auth_socket'] = "''" ##! put an empty string on the command line # gitlab_workhorse['pprof_listen_addr'] = "''" # gitlab_workhorse['prometheus_listen_addr'] = "localhost:9229" # gitlab_workhorse['dir'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse" # gitlab_workhorse['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse" # gitlab_workhorse['proxy_headers_timeout'] = "1m0s" ##! limit number of concurrent API requests, defaults to 0 which is unlimited # gitlab_workhorse['api_limit'] = 0 ##! limit number of API requests allowed to be queued, defaults to 0 which ##! disables queuing # gitlab_workhorse['api_queue_limit'] = 0 ##! duration after which we timeout requests if they sit too long in the queue # gitlab_workhorse['api_queue_duration'] = "30s" ##! Long polling duration for job requesting for runners # gitlab_workhorse['api_ci_long_polling_duration'] = "60s" ##! Propagate X-Request-Id if available. Workhorse will generate a random value otherwise. # gitlab_workhorse['propagate_correlation_id'] = false ##! A list of CIDR blocks to allow for propagation of correlation ID. ##! propagate_correlation_id should also be set to true. ##! For example: %w( # gitlab_workhorse['trusted_cidrs_for_propagation'] = nil ##! A list of CIDR blocks that must match remote IP addresses to use ##! X-Forwarded-For HTTP header for the actual client IP. Used in ##! conjuction with propagate_correlation_id and ##! trusted_cidrs_for_propagation. ##! For example: %w( # gitlab_workhorse['trusted_cidrs_for_x_forwarded_for'] = nil ##! Log format: default is json, can also be text or none. # gitlab_workhorse['log_format'] = "json" # gitlab_workhorse['env_directory'] = "/opt/gitlab/etc/gitlab-workhorse/env" # gitlab_workhorse['env'] = { # 'PATH' => "/opt/gitlab/bin:/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin:/bin:/usr/bin", # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/" # } ##! Resource limitations for the dynamic image scaler. ##! Exceeding these thresholds will cause Workhorse to serve images in their original size. ##! ##! Maximum number of scaler processes that are allowed to execute concurrently. ##! It is recommended for this not to exceed the number of CPUs available. # gitlab_workhorse['image_scaler_max_procs'] = 4 ##! ##! Maximum file size in bytes for an image to be considered eligible for rescaling # gitlab_workhorse['image_scaler_max_filesize'] = 250000 ##! Service name used to register GitLab Workhorse as a Consul service # gitlab_workhorse['consul_service_name'] = 'workhorse' ##! Semantic metadata used when registering GitLab Workhorse as a Consul service # gitlab_workhorse['consul_service_meta'] = {} ##! Redis settings specific for GitLab Workhorse ##! To be used when Workhorse is supposed to use a different Redis instance than ##! other components. The settings specified here should match ##! `gitlab_rails['redis_workhorse_*']` settings, if specified. If not specified, ##! they are inferred from the below values. `gitlab_rails['redis_workhorse_*']` ##! settings tell the Rails app which Redis has channels to publish messages to, ##! and `gitlab_workhorse['redis_*']` tells Workhorse which Redis has channels to ##! subscribe to. Hence, the requirement of the settings to match. # gitlab_workhorse['redis_socket'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/redis/redis.socket" # gitlab_workhorse['redis_host'] = "" # gitlab_workhorse['redis_port'] = nil # gitlab_workhorse['redis_database'] = nil # gitlab_workhorse['redis_username'] = nil # gitlab_workhorse['redis_password'] = nil # gitlab_workhorse['redis_ssl'] = false # gitlab_workhorse['redis_cluster_nodes'] = [] # gitlab_workhorse['redis_sentinels'] = [] # gitlab_workhorse['redis_sentinels_password'] = nil # gitlab_workhorse['redis_sentinel_master'] = nil # gitlab_workhorse['redis_sentinel_master_ip'] = nil # gitlab_workhorse['redis_sentinel_master_port'] = nil ##! Command to generate extra configuration # gitlab_workhorse['extra_config_command'] = nil ##! Metadata configuration section # gitlab_workhorse['metadata_zip_reader_limit_bytes'] = nil ################################################################################ ## GitLab User Settings ##! Modify default git user. ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/configuration.html#change-the-name-of-the-git-user-or-group ################################################################################ # user['username'] = "git" # user['group'] = "git" # user['uid'] = nil # user['gid'] = nil ##! The shell for the git user # user['shell'] = "/bin/sh" ##! The home directory for the git user # user['home'] = "/var/opt/gitlab" # user['git_user_name'] = "GitLab" # user['git_user_email'] = "gitlab@#{node['fqdn']}" ################################################################################ ## GitLab Puma ##! Tweak puma settings. ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/operations/puma.html ################################################################################ # puma['enable'] = true # puma['ha'] = false # puma['worker_timeout'] = 60 # puma['worker_processes'] = 2 # puma['min_threads'] = 4 # puma['max_threads'] = 4 ### Advanced settings # puma['listen'] = '' puma['port'] = __PORT_PUMA__ # puma['socket'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/sockets/gitlab.socket' # puma['somaxconn'] = 2048 ### SSL settings # puma['ssl_listen'] = nil # puma['ssl_port'] = nil # puma['ssl_certificate'] = nil # puma['ssl_certificate_key'] = nil # puma['ssl_client_certificate'] = nil # puma['ssl_cipher_filter'] = nil # puma['ssl_key_password_command'] = nil # puma['ssl_verify_mode'] = 'none' # puma['pidfile'] = '/opt/gitlab/var/puma/puma.pid' # puma['state_path'] = '/opt/gitlab/var/puma/puma.state' ###! **We do not recommend changing this setting** # puma['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/puma" ### **Only change these settings if you understand well what they mean** ###! Docs: https://github.com/schneems/puma_worker_killer # puma['per_worker_max_memory_mb'] = 1024 # puma['exporter_enabled'] = false # puma['exporter_address'] = "" # puma['exporter_port'] = 8083 # puma['exporter_tls_enabled'] = false # puma['exporter_tls_cert_path'] = "" # puma['exporter_tls_key_path'] = "" # puma['prometheus_scrape_scheme'] = 'http' # puma['prometheus_scrape_tls_server_name'] = 'localhost' # puma['prometheus_scrape_tls_skip_verification'] = false ##! Service name used to register Puma as a Consul service # puma['consul_service_name'] = 'rails' ##! Semantic metadata used when registering Puma as a Consul service # puma['consul_service_meta'] = {} ################################################################################ ## GitLab Sidekiq ################################################################################ ##! GitLab allows one to start multiple sidekiq processes. These ##! processes can be used to consume a dedicated set of queues. This ##! can be used to ensure certain queues are able to handle additional workload. ##! https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/operations/extra_sidekiq_processes.html # sidekiq['enable'] = true # sidekiq['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/sidekiq" # sidekiq['log_format'] = "json" # sidekiq['shutdown_timeout'] = 4 # sidekiq['interval'] = nil # sidekiq['concurrency'] = nil # sidekiq['max_concurrency'] = 20 # sidekiq['min_concurrency'] = nil ##! GitLab allows route a job to a particular queue determined by an array of ##! routing rules. ##! Each routing rule is a tuple of queue selector query and corresponding queue. By default, ##! the routing rules are not configured (empty array) # sidekiq['routing_rules'] = [] ##! Each entry in the queue_groups array denotes a group of queues that have to be processed by a ##! Sidekiq process. Multiple queues can be processed by the same process by ##! separating them with a comma within the group entry, a `*` will process all queues # sidekiq['queue_groups'] = ['*'] ##! Specifies where Prometheus metrics endpoints should be made available for Sidekiq processes. # sidekiq['metrics_enabled'] = true # sidekiq['exporter_log_enabled'] = false # sidekiq['exporter_tls_enabled'] = false # sidekiq['exporter_tls_cert_path'] = "" # sidekiq['exporter_tls_key_path'] = "" # sidekiq['listen_address'] = "localhost" sidekiq['listen_port'] = __PORT_SIDEKIQ__ ##! Specifies where health-check endpoints should be made available for Sidekiq processes. ##! Defaults to the same settings as for Prometheus metrics (see above). # sidekiq['health_checks_enabled'] = true # sidekiq['health_checks_listen_address'] = "localhost" # sidekiq['health_checks_listen_port'] = 8092 ##! Service name used to register Sidekiq as a Consul service # sidekiq['consul_service_name'] = 'sidekiq' ##! Semantic metadata used when registering Sidekiq as a Consul service # sidekiq['consul_service_meta'] = {} ################################################################################ ## gitlab-shell ################################################################################ # gitlab_shell['audit_usernames'] = false # gitlab_shell['log_level'] = 'INFO' # gitlab_shell['log_format'] = 'json' # gitlab_shell['http_settings'] = { user: 'username', password: 'password', ca_file: '/etc/ssl/cert.pem', ca_path: '/etc/pki/tls/certs'} # gitlab_shell['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-shell" # gitlab_shell['auth_file'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/.ssh/authorized_keys" ### Migration to Go feature flags ###! Docs: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-shell#migration-to-go-feature-flags # gitlab_shell['migration'] = { enabled: true, features: [] } ### Git trace log file. ###! If set, git commands receive GIT_TRACE* environment variables ###! Docs: https://git-scm.com/book/es/v2/Git-Internals-Environment-Variables#Debugging ###! An absolute path starting with / - the trace output will be appended to ###! that file. It needs to exist so we can check permissions and avoid ###! throwing warnings to the users. # gitlab_shell['git_trace_log_file'] = "/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-shell/gitlab-shell-git-trace.log" ##! **We do not recommend changing this directory.** # gitlab_shell['dir'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-shell" ################################################################################ ## gitlab-sshd ################################################################################ # gitlab_sshd['enable'] = false # gitlab_sshd['generate_host_keys'] = true # gitlab_sshd['dir'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-sshd" # gitlab-sshd outputs most logs to /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-shell/gitlab-shell.log. # This directory only stores stdout/stderr output from the daemon. # gitlab_sshd['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-sshd/" # gitlab_sshd['env_directory'] = '/opt/gitlab/etc/gitlab-sshd/env' # gitlab_sshd['listen_address'] = 'localhost:2222' # gitlab_sshd['metrics_address'] = 'localhost:9122' # gitlab_sshd['concurrent_sessions_limit'] = 100 # gitlab_sshd['proxy_protocol'] = false # gitlab_sshd['proxy_policy'] = 'use' # gitlab_sshd['proxy_header_timeout'] = '500ms' # gitlab_sshd['grace_period'] = 55 # gitlab_sshd['client_alive_interval'] = nil # gitlab_sshd['ciphers'] = nil # gitlab_sshd['kex_algorithms'] = nil # gitlab_sshd['macs'] = nil # gitlab_sshd['login_grace_time'] = 60 # gitlab_sshd['host_keys_dir'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-sshd' # gitlab_sshd['host_keys_glob'] = 'ssh_host_*_key' # gitlab_sshd['host_certs_dir'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-sshd' # gitlab_sshd['host_certs_glob'] = 'ssh_host_*-cert.pub' ################################################################ ## GitLab PostgreSQL ################################################################ ###! Changing any of these settings requires a restart of postgresql. ###! By default, reconfigure reloads postgresql if it is running. If you ###! change any of these settings, be sure to run `gitlab-ctl restart postgresql` ###! after reconfigure in order for the changes to take effect. # postgresql['enable'] = true # postgresql['listen_address'] = nil # postgresql['port'] = 5432 ## Only used when Patroni is enabled. This is the port that PostgreSQL responds to other ## cluster members. This port is used by Patroni to advertize the PostgreSQL connection ## endpoint to the cluster. By default it is the same as postgresql['port']. # postgresql['connect_port'] = 5432 ##! **recommend value is 1/4 of total RAM, up to 14GB.** # postgresql['shared_buffers'] = "256MB" ### Advanced settings # postgresql['ha'] = false # postgresql['dir'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql" # postgresql['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/postgresql" # postgresql['log_destination'] = nil # postgresql['logging_collector'] = nil # postgresql['log_truncate_on_rotation'] = nil # postgresql['log_rotation_age'] = nil # postgresql['log_rotation_size'] = nil ##! 'username' affects the system and PostgreSQL user accounts created during installation and cannot be changed ##! on an existing installation. See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/-/issues/3606 for more details. # postgresql['username'] = "gitlab-psql" # postgresql['group'] = "gitlab-psql" ##! `SQL_USER_PASSWORD_HASH` can be generated using the command `gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 gitlab` # postgresql['sql_user_password'] = 'SQL_USER_PASSWORD_HASH' # postgresql['uid'] = nil # postgresql['gid'] = nil # postgresql['shell'] = "/bin/sh" # postgresql['home'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql" # postgresql['user_path'] = "/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin:/opt/gitlab/bin:$PATH" # postgresql['sql_user'] = "gitlab" # postgresql['max_connections'] = 400 # postgresql['md5_auth_cidr_addresses'] = [] # postgresql['trust_auth_cidr_addresses'] = [] # postgresql['wal_buffers'] = "-1" # postgresql['autovacuum_max_workers'] = "3" # postgresql['autovacuum_freeze_max_age'] = "200000000" # postgresql['log_statement'] = nil # postgresql['track_activity_query_size'] = "1024" # postgresql['shared_preload_libraries'] = nil # postgresql['dynamic_shared_memory_type'] = nil # postgresql['hot_standby'] = "off" ### SSL settings # See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/static/runtime-config-connection.html#GUC-SSL-CERT-FILE for more details # postgresql['ssl'] = 'on' # postgresql['hostssl'] = false # postgresql['ssl_ciphers'] = 'HIGH:MEDIUM:+3DES:!aNULL:!SSLv3:!TLSv1' # postgresql['ssl_cert_file'] = 'server.crt' # postgresql['ssl_key_file'] = 'server.key' # postgresql['ssl_ca_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # postgresql['ssl_crl_file'] = nil # postgresql['cert_auth_addresses'] = { # 'ADDRESS' => { # database: 'gitlabhq_production', # user: 'gitlab' # } # } ### Replication settings ###! Note, some replication settings do not require a full restart. They are documented below. # postgresql['wal_level'] = "hot_standby" # postgresql['wal_log_hints'] = 'off' # postgresql['max_wal_senders'] = 5 # postgresql['max_replication_slots'] = 0 # postgresql['max_locks_per_transaction'] = 128 # Backup/Archive settings # postgresql['archive_mode'] = "off" ###! Changing any of these settings only requires a reload of postgresql. You do not need to ###! restart postgresql if you change any of these and run reconfigure. # postgresql['work_mem'] = "16MB" # postgresql['maintenance_work_mem'] = "16MB" # postgresql['checkpoint_timeout'] = "5min" # postgresql['checkpoint_completion_target'] = 0.9 # postgresql['effective_io_concurrency'] = 1 # postgresql['checkpoint_warning'] = "30s" # postgresql['effective_cache_size'] = "1MB" # postgresql['shmmax'] = 17179869184 # or 4294967295 # postgresql['shmall'] = 4194304 # or 1048575 # postgresql['autovacuum'] = "on" # postgresql['log_autovacuum_min_duration'] = "-1" # postgresql['autovacuum_naptime'] = "1min" # postgresql['autovacuum_vacuum_threshold'] = "50" # postgresql['autovacuum_analyze_threshold'] = "50" # postgresql['autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor'] = "0.02" # postgresql['autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor'] = "0.01" # postgresql['autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay'] = "20ms" # postgresql['autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit'] = "-1" # postgresql['statement_timeout'] = "60000" # postgresql['idle_in_transaction_session_timeout'] = "60000" # postgresql['log_line_prefix'] = "%a" # postgresql['max_worker_processes'] = 8 # postgresql['max_parallel_workers_per_gather'] = 0 # postgresql['log_lock_waits'] = 1 # postgresql['deadlock_timeout'] = '5s' # postgresql['track_io_timing'] = 0 # postgresql['default_statistics_target'] = 1000 ### Available in PostgreSQL 9.6 and later # postgresql['min_wal_size'] = "80MB" # postgresql['max_wal_size'] = "1GB" # Backup/Archive settings # postgresql['archive_command'] = nil # postgresql['archive_timeout'] = "0" ### Replication settings # postgresql['sql_replication_user'] = "gitlab_replicator" # postgresql['sql_replication_password'] = "md5 hash of postgresql password" # You can generate with `gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 ` # postgresql['wal_keep_segments'] = 10 # postgresql['max_standby_archive_delay'] = "30s" # postgresql['max_standby_streaming_delay'] = "30s" # postgresql['synchronous_commit'] = on # postgresql['synchronous_standby_names'] = '' # postgresql['hot_standby_feedback'] = 'off' # postgresql['random_page_cost'] = 2.0 # postgresql['log_temp_files'] = -1 # postgresql['log_checkpoints'] = 'off' # To add custom entries to pg_hba.conf use the following # postgresql['custom_pg_hba_entries'] = { # APPLICATION: [ # APPLICATION should identify what the settings are used for # { # type: example, # database: example, # user: example, # cidr: example, # method: example, # option: example # } # ] # } # See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/static/auth-pg-hba-conf.html for an explanation # of the values ### Version settings # Set this if you have disabled the bundled PostgreSQL but still want to use the backup rake tasks # postgresql['version'] = 10 ##! Automatically restart PostgreSQL service when version changes. # postgresql['auto_restart_on_version_change'] = true ################################################################################ ## GitLab Redis ##! **Can be disabled if you are using your own Redis instance.** ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/redis.html ################################################################################ # redis['enable'] = true # redis['ha'] = false # redis['start_down'] = false # redis['set_replicaof'] = false # redis['hz'] = 10 # redis['dir'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/redis" # redis['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/redis" # redis['log_group'] = nil # redis['username'] = "gitlab-redis" # redis['group'] = "gitlab-redis" # redis['maxclients'] = "10000" # redis['open_files_ulimit'] = nil # Maximum number of open files allowed for the redis process (defaults to ope # redis['maxmemory'] = "0" # redis['maxmemory_policy'] = "noeviction" # redis['maxmemory_samples'] = "5" # redis['stop_writes_on_bgsave_error'] = true # redis['tcp_backlog'] = 511 # redis['tcp_timeout'] = "60" # redis['tcp_keepalive'] = "300" # redis['uid'] = nil # redis['gid'] = nil # redis['startup_delay'] = 0 ### Redis TLS settings ###! To run Redis over TLS, specify values for the following settings # redis['tls_port'] = nil # redis['tls_cert_file'] = nil # redis['tls_key_file'] = nil ###! Other TLS related optional settings # redis['tls_dh_params_file'] = nil # redis['tls_ca_cert_dir'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/' # redis['tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # redis['tls_auth_clients'] = 'optional' # redis['tls_replication'] = nil # redis['tls_cluster'] = nil # redis['tls_protocols'] = nil # redis['tls_ciphers'] = nil # redis['tls_ciphersuites'] = nil # redis['tls_prefer_server_ciphers'] = nil # redis['tls_session_caching'] = nil # redis['tls_session_cache_size'] = nil # redis['tls_session_cache_timeout'] = nil ### Disable or obfuscate unnecessary redis command names ### Uncomment and edit this block to add or remove entries. ### See https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/redis.html#renamed-commands ### for detailed usage ### # redis['rename_commands'] = { # 'KEYS': '' #} # ###! Configure timeout (in seconds) for runit's sv commands used for managing ###! the Redis service # redis['runit_sv_timeout'] = nil ###! **To enable only Redis service in this machine, uncomment ###! one of the lines below (choose master or replica instance types).** ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/redis.html ###! https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/high_availability/redis.html # redis_master_role['enable'] = true # redis_replica_role['enable'] = true ### Redis TCP support (will disable UNIX socket transport) # redis['bind'] = '' # or specify an IP to bind to a single one # redis['port'] = 6379 # redis['password'] = 'redis-password-goes-here' ### Redis Sentinel support ###! **You need a master replica Redis replication to be able to do failover** ###! **Please read the documentation before enabling it to understand the ###! caveats:** ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/high_availability/redis.html ### Replication support #### Replica Redis instance # redis['master'] = false # by default this is true #### Replica and Sentinel shared configuration ####! **Both need to point to the master Redis instance to get replication and ####! heartbeat monitoring** # redis['master_name'] = 'gitlab-redis' # redis['master_ip'] = nil # redis['master_port'] = 6379 #### Support to run redis replicas in a Docker or NAT environment ####! Docs: https://redis.io/topics/replication#configuring-replication-in-docker-and-nat # redis['announce_ip'] = nil # redis['announce_port'] = nil # redis['announce_ip_from_hostname'] = false ####! **Master password should have the same value defined in ####! redis['password'] to enable the instance to transition to/from ####! master/replica in a failover event.** # redis['master_password'] = 'redis-password-goes-here' ####! Increase these values when your replicas can't catch up with master # redis['client_output_buffer_limit_normal'] = '0 0 0' # redis['client_output_buffer_limit_replica'] = '256mb 64mb 60' # redis['client_output_buffer_limit_pubsub'] = '32mb 8mb 60' #####! Redis snapshotting frequency #####! Set to [] to disable #####! Set to [''] to clear previously set values # redis['save'] = [ '900 1', '300 10', '60 10000' ] #####! Redis lazy freeing #####! Defaults to false # redis['lazyfree_lazy_eviction'] = true # redis['lazyfree_lazy_expire'] = true # redis['lazyfree_lazy_server_del'] = true # redis['replica_lazy_flush'] = true #####! Redis threaded I/O #####! Defaults to disabled # redis['io_threads'] = 4 # redis['io_threads_do_reads'] = true ################################################################################ ## GitLab Web server ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/nginx.html#using-a-non-bundled-web-server ################################################################################ ##! When bundled nginx is disabled we need to add the external webserver user to ##! the GitLab webserver group. # web_server['external_users'] = [] # web_server['username'] = 'gitlab-www' # web_server['group'] = 'gitlab-www' # web_server['uid'] = nil # web_server['gid'] = nil # web_server['shell'] = '/bin/false' # web_server['home'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/nginx' ################################################################################ ## GitLab NGINX ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/nginx.html ################################################################################ # nginx['enable'] = true nginx['client_max_body_size'] = '__CLIENT_MAX_BODY_SIZE__' # nginx['redirect_http_to_https'] = false # nginx['redirect_http_to_https_port'] = 80 ##! Most root CA's are included by default # nginx['ssl_client_certificate'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/ca.crt" ##! enable/disable 2-way SSL client authentication # nginx['ssl_verify_client'] = "off" ##! if ssl_verify_client on, verification depth in the client certificates chain # nginx['ssl_verify_depth'] = "1" # nginx['ssl_certificate'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/#{node['fqdn']}.crt" # nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/#{node['fqdn']}.key" # nginx['ssl_ciphers'] = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384" # nginx['ssl_prefer_server_ciphers'] = "off" ##! **Recommended by: https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/Strong_SSL_Security_On_nginx.html ##! https://cipherli.st/** # nginx['ssl_protocols'] = "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3" ##! **Recommended in: https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_ssl_module.html** # nginx['ssl_session_cache'] = "shared:SSL:10m" ##! **Recommended in: https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/#server=nginx&version=1.17.7&config=intermediate&openssl=1.1.1d&ocsp=false&guideline=5.6** # nginx['ssl_session_tickets'] = "off" ##! **Default according to https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_ssl_module.html** # nginx['ssl_session_timeout'] = "1d" # nginx['ssl_dhparam'] = nil # Path to dhparams.pem, eg. /etc/gitlab/ssl/dhparams.pem # nginx['ssl_password_file'] = nil # Path to file with passphrases for ssl certificate secret keys # nginx['listen_addresses'] = ['*', '[::]'] ##! **Defaults to forcing web browsers to always communicate using only HTTPS** ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/nginx.html#setting-http-strict-transport-security # nginx['hsts_max_age'] = 63072000 # nginx['hsts_include_subdomains'] = false ##! Defaults to stripping path information when making cross-origin requests # nginx['referrer_policy'] = 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin' ##! **Docs: http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_gzip_module.html** # nginx['gzip_enabled'] = true ##! **Override only if you use a reverse proxy** ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/nginx.html#setting-the-nginx-listen-port nginx['listen_port'] = __PORT__ ##! **Override only if your reverse proxy internally communicates over HTTP** ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/nginx.html#supporting-proxied-ssl nginx['listen_https'] = false ##! **Override only if you use a reverse proxy with proxy protocol enabled** ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/nginx.html#configuring-proxy-protocol # nginx['proxy_protocol'] = false # nginx['custom_gitlab_server_config'] = "location ^~ /foo-namespace/bar-project/raw/ {\n deny all;\n}\n" # nginx['custom_nginx_config'] = "include /etc/nginx/conf.d/example.conf;" # nginx['proxy_read_timeout'] = 3600 # nginx['proxy_connect_timeout'] = 300 # nginx['proxy_set_headers'] = { # "Host" => "$http_host_with_default", # "X-Real-IP" => "$remote_addr", # "X-Forwarded-For" => "$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for", # "X-Forwarded-Proto" => "https", # "X-Forwarded-Ssl" => "on", # "Upgrade" => "$http_upgrade", # "Connection" => "$connection_upgrade" # } # nginx['proxy_cache_path'] = 'proxy_cache keys_zone=gitlab:10m max_size=1g levels=1:2' # nginx['proxy_cache'] = 'gitlab' # nginx['proxy_custom_buffer_size'] = '4k' # nginx['http2_enabled'] = true # nginx['real_ip_trusted_addresses'] = [] # nginx['real_ip_header'] = nil # nginx['real_ip_recursive'] = nil # nginx['custom_error_pages'] = { # '404' => { # 'title' => 'Example title', # 'header' => 'Example header', # 'message' => 'Example message' # } # } ### Advanced settings # nginx['dir'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/nginx" # nginx['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/nginx" # nginx['log_group'] = nil # nginx['error_log_level'] = "error" # nginx['worker_processes'] = 4 # nginx['worker_connections'] = 10240 # nginx['log_format'] = '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request_method $filtered_request_uri $server_protocol" $status $body_bytes_sent "$filtered_http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $gzip_ratio' # nginx['sendfile'] = 'on' # nginx['tcp_nopush'] = 'on' # nginx['tcp_nodelay'] = 'on' # nginx['hide_server_tokens'] = 'off' # nginx['gzip_http_version'] = "1.0" # nginx['gzip_comp_level'] = "2" # nginx['gzip_proxied'] = "any" # nginx['gzip_types'] = [ "text/plain", "text/css", "application/x-javascript", "text/xml", "application/xml", "application/xml+rss", "text/javascript", "application/json" ] # nginx['keepalive_timeout'] = 65 # nginx['keepalive_time'] = '1h' # nginx['cache_max_size'] = '5000m' # nginx['server_names_hash_bucket_size'] = 64 ##! These paths have proxy_request_buffering disabled # nginx['request_buffering_off_path_regex'] = "/api/v\\d/jobs/\\d+/artifacts$|/import/gitlab_project$|\\.git/git-receive-pack$|\\.git/gitlab-lfs/objects|\\.git/info/lfs/objects/batch$" ### Nginx status # nginx['status'] = { # "enable" => true, # "listen_addresses" => [""], # "fqdn" => "dev.example.com", # "port" => 9999, # "vts_enable" => true, # "options" => { # "server_tokens" => "off", # Don't show the version of NGINX # "access_log" => "off", # Disable logs for stats # "allow" => "", # Only allow access from localhost # "deny" => "all" # Deny access to anyone else # } # } ##! Service name used to register Nginx as a Consul service # nginx['consul_service_name'] = 'nginx' ##! Semantic metadata used when registering NGINX as a Consul service # nginx['consul_service_meta'] = {} ################################################################################ ## GitLab Logging ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/logs.html ################################################################################ # logging['svlogd_size'] = 200 * 1024 * 1024 # rotate after 200 MB of log data # logging['svlogd_num'] = 30 # keep 30 rotated log files # logging['svlogd_timeout'] = 24 * 60 * 60 # rotate after 24 hours # logging['svlogd_filter'] = "gzip" # compress logs with gzip # logging['svlogd_udp'] = nil # transmit log messages via UDP # logging['svlogd_prefix'] = nil # custom prefix for log messages # logging['logrotate_frequency'] = "daily" # rotate logs daily # logging['logrotate_maxsize'] = nil # rotate logs when they grow bigger than size bytes even before the specified time interval (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly) # logging['logrotate_size'] = nil # do not rotate by size by default # logging['logrotate_rotate'] = 30 # keep 30 rotated logs # logging['logrotate_compress'] = "compress" # see 'man logrotate' # logging['logrotate_method'] = "copytruncate" # see 'man logrotate' # logging['logrotate_postrotate'] = nil # no postrotate command by default # logging['logrotate_dateformat'] = nil # use date extensions for rotated files rather than numbers e.g. a value of "-%Y-%m-%d" would give rotated files like production.log-2016-03-09.gz # logging['log_group'] = nil # assign this group to specified log directories and use it for runit-managed logs, can be overridden per-service ### UDP log forwarding ##! Docs: http://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/logs.html#udp-log-forwarding ##! remote host to ship log messages to via UDP # logging['udp_log_shipping_host'] = nil ##! override the hostname used when logs are shipped via UDP, ## by default the system hostname will be used. # logging['udp_log_shipping_hostname'] = nil ##! remote port to ship log messages to via UDP # logging['udp_log_shipping_port'] = 514 ################################################################################ ## Logrotate ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/logs.html#logrotate ##! You can disable built in logrotate feature. ################################################################################ # logrotate['enable'] = true # logrotate['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/logrotate" # logrotate['log_group'] = nil ################################################################################ ## Users and groups accounts ##! Disable management of users and groups accounts. ##! **Set only if creating accounts manually** ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/configuration.html#disable-user-and-group-account-management ################################################################################ # manage_accounts['enable'] = true ################################################################################ ## Storage directories ##! Disable managing storage directories ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/configuration.html#disable-storage-directories-management ################################################################################ ##! **Set only if the select directories are created manually** # manage_storage_directories['enable'] = false # manage_storage_directories['manage_etc'] = false ################################################################################ ## Runtime directory ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com//omnibus/settings/configuration.html#configuring-runtime-directory ################################################################################ # runtime_dir '/run' ################################################################################ ## Git ##! Advanced setting for configuring git system settings for omnibus-gitlab ##! internal git ################################################################################ ##! The format of the Omnibus gitconfig is: ##! { "section" => ["subsection = value"] } ##! For example: ##! { "pack" => ["threads = 1"] } ##! For multiple options under one header use array of comma separated values, ##! eg.: ##! { "receive" => ["fsckObjects = true"], "alias" => ["st = status", "co = checkout"] } # omnibus_gitconfig['system'] = {} ################################################################################ ## GitLab Pages ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/pages/ ################################################################################ ##! Define to enable GitLab Pages # pages_external_url "http://pages.example.com/" # gitlab_pages['enable'] = false ##! Configure to expose GitLab Pages on external IP address, serving the HTTP # gitlab_pages['external_http'] = [] ##! Configure to expose GitLab Pages on external IP address, serving the HTTPS # gitlab_pages['external_https'] = [] ##! Configure to expose GitLab Pages on external IP address, serving the HTTPS over PROXYv2 # gitlab_pages['external_https_proxyv2'] = [] ##! Configure cert when using external IP address # gitlab_pages['cert'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/#{Gitlab['gitlab_pages']['domain']}.crt" # gitlab_pages['cert_key'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/#{Gitlab['gitlab_pages']['domain']}.key" ##! Configure to use the default list of cipher suites # gitlab_pages['insecure_ciphers'] = false ##! Configure to enable health check endpoint on GitLab Pages # gitlab_pages['status_uri'] = "/@status" ##! Tune the maximum number of concurrent connections GitLab Pages will handle. ##! Default to 0 for unlimited connections. # gitlab_pages['max_connections'] = 0 ##! Configure the maximum length of URIs accepted by GitLab Pages ##! By default is limited for security reasons. Set 0 for unlimited # gitlab_pages['max_uri_length'] = 1024 ##! Setting the propagate_correlation_id to true allows installations behind a reverse proxy ##! generate and set a correlation ID to requests sent to GitLab Pages. If a reverse proxy ##! sets the header value X-Request-ID, the value will be propagated in the request chain. # gitlab_pages['propagate_correlation_id'] = false ##! Configure to use JSON structured logging in GitLab Pages # gitlab_pages['log_format'] = "json" ##! Configure verbose logging for GitLab Pages # gitlab_pages['log_verbose'] = false ##! Error Reporting and Logging with Sentry # gitlab_pages['sentry_enabled'] = false # gitlab_pages['sentry_dsn'] = 'https://@sentry.io/' # gitlab_pages['sentry_environment'] = 'production' ##! Listen for requests forwarded by reverse proxy # gitlab_pages['listen_proxy'] = "localhost:8090" # gitlab_pages['redirect_http'] = true # gitlab_pages['use_http2'] = true # gitlab_pages['dir'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-pages" # gitlab_pages['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-pages" # gitlab_pages['log_group'] = nil # gitlab_pages['artifacts_server'] = true # gitlab_pages['artifacts_server_url'] = nil # Defaults to external_url + '/api/v4' # gitlab_pages['artifacts_server_timeout'] = 10 ##! Prometheus metrics for Pages docs: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages/#enable-prometheus-metrics # gitlab_pages['metrics_address'] = ":9235" ##! Specifies the minimum TLS version ("tls1.2" or "tls1.3") # gitlab_pages['tls_min_version'] = "tls1.2" ##! Specifies the maximum TLS version ("tls1.2" or "tls1.3") # gitlab_pages['tls_max_version'] = "tls1.3" ##! Pages access control # gitlab_pages['access_control'] = false # gitlab_pages['gitlab_id'] = nil # Automatically generated if not present # gitlab_pages['gitlab_secret'] = nil # Generated if not present # gitlab_pages['auth_redirect_uri'] = nil # Defaults to projects subdomain of pages_external_url and + '/auth' # gitlab_pages['gitlab_server'] = nil # Defaults to external_url # gitlab_pages['internal_gitlab_server'] = nil # Defaults to gitlab_server, can be changed to internal load balancer # gitlab_pages['auth_secret'] = nil # Generated if not present # gitlab_pages['auth_scope'] = nil # Defaults to api, can be changed to read_api to increase security # gitlab_pages['auth_timeout'] = "5s" # GitLab application client timeout for authentication # gitlab_pages['auth_cookie_session_timeout'] = "10m" # Authentication cookie session timeout (truncated to seconds). A zero value means the cookie will be deleted after the browser session ends ##! GitLab Pages Server Shutdown Timeout ##! Duration ("30s" for 30 seconds) # gitlab_pages['server_shutdown_timeout'] = "30s" ##! GitLab API HTTP client connection timeout # gitlab_pages['gitlab_client_http_timeout'] = "10s" ##! GitLab API JWT Token expiry time # gitlab_pages['gitlab_client_jwt_expiry'] = "30s" ##! Advanced settings for API-based configuration for GitLab Pages. ##! The recommended default values are set inside GitLab Pages. ##! Should be changed only if absolutely needed. ##! The maximum time a domain's configuration is stored in the cache. # gitlab_pages['gitlab_cache_expiry'] = "600s" ##! The interval at which a domain's configuration is set to be due to refresh (default: 60s). # gitlab_pages['gitlab_cache_refresh'] = "60s" ##! The interval at which expired items are removed from the cache (default: 60s). # gitlab_pages['gitlab_cache_cleanup'] = "60s" ##! The maximum time to wait for a response from the GitLab API per request. # gitlab_pages['gitlab_retrieval_timeout'] = "30s" ##! The interval to wait before retrying to resolve a domain's configuration via the GitLab API. # gitlab_pages['gitlab_retrieval_interval'] = "1s" ##! The maximum number of times to retry to resolve a domain's configuration via the API # gitlab_pages['gitlab_retrieval_retries'] = 3 ##! Define custom gitlab-pages HTTP headers for the whole instance # gitlab_pages['headers'] = [] ##! Shared secret used for authentication between Pages and GitLab # gitlab_pages['api_secret_key'] = nil # Will be generated if not set. Base64 encoded and exactly 32 bytes long. ##! Advanced settings for serving GitLab Pages from zip archives. ##! The recommended default values are set inside GitLab Pages. ##! Should be changed only if absolutely needed. ##! The maximum time an archive will be cached in memory. # gitlab_pages['zip_cache_expiration'] = "60s" ##! Zip archive cache cleaning interval. # gitlab_pages['zip_cache_cleanup'] = "30s" ##! The interval to refresh a cache archive if accessed before expiring. # gitlab_pages['zip_cache_refresh'] = "30s" ##! The maximum amount of time it takes to open a zip archive from the file system or object storage. # gitlab_pages['zip_open_timeout'] = "30s" ##! Zip HTTP Client timeout # gitlab_pages['zip_http_client_timeout'] = "30m" ##! ReadTimeout is the maximum duration for reading the entire request, including the body. A zero or negative value means there will be no timeout. # gitlab_pages['server_read_timeout'] = "5s" ##! ReadHeaderTimeout is the amount of time allowed to read request headers. A zero or negative value means there will be no timeout. # gitlab_pages['server_read_header_timeout'] = "1s" ##! WriteTimeout is the maximum duration before timing out writes of the response. A zero or negative value means there will be no timeout. # gitlab_pages['server_write_timeout'] = "5m" ##! KeepAlive specifies the keep-alive period for network connections accepted by this listener. If zero, keep-alives are enabled if supported by the protocol and operating system. If negative, keep-alives are disabled. # gitlab_pages['server_keep_alive'] = "15s" ##! Enable serving content from disk instead of Object Storage # gitlab_pages['enable_disk'] = nil ##! Rate-limiting options below work in report-only mode: ##! they only count rejected requests, but don't reject them ##! enable `FF_ENABLE_RATE_LIMITER=true` environment variable to ##! reject requests. ##! Rate limits as described in https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/pages/#rate-limits ##! Rate limit HTTP requests per second from a single IP, 0 means is disabled # gitlab_pages['rate_limit_source_ip'] = 50.0 ##! Rate limit HTTP requests from a single IP, maximum burst allowed per second # gitlab_pages['rate_limit_source_ip_burst'] = 600 ##! Rate limit HTTP requests per second to a single domain, 0 means is disabled # gitlab_pages['rate_limit_domain'] = 0 ##! Rate limit HTTP requests to a single domain, maximum burst allowed per second # gitlab_pages['rate_limit_domain_burst'] = 10000 ##! Rate limit new TLS connections per second from a single IP, 0 means is disabled # gitlab_pages['rate_limit_tls_source_ip'] = 50.0 ##! Rate limit new TLS connections from a single IP, maximum burst allowed per second # gitlab_pages['rate_limit_tls_source_ip_burst'] = 600 ##!Rate limit new TLS connections per second from to a single domain, 0 means is disabled # gitlab_pages['rate_limit_tls_domain'] = 0 ##! Rate limit new TLS connections to a single domain, maximum burst allowed per second # gitlab_pages['rate_limit_tls_domain_burst'] = 10000 ##! The maximum size of the _redirects file, in bytes # gitlab_pages['redirects_max_config_size'] = 65536 ##! The maximum number of path segments allowed in _redirects rules URLs # gitlab_pages['redirects_max_path_segments'] = 25 ##! The maximum number of rules allowed in _redirects # gitlab_pages['redirects_max_rule_count'] = 1000 # gitlab_pages['env_directory'] = "/opt/gitlab/etc/gitlab-pages/env" # gitlab_pages['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "#{node['package']['install-dir']}/embedded/ssl/certs/" # } # Experimental - Enable namespace in path # gitlab_pages['namespace_in_path'] = false ################################################################################ ## GitLab Pages NGINX ################################################################################ # All the settings defined in the "GitLab Nginx" section are also available in # this "GitLab Pages NGINX" section, using the key `pages_nginx`. However, # those settings should be explicitly set. That is, settings given as # `nginx['some_setting']` WILL NOT be automatically replicated as # `pages_nginx['some_setting']` and should be set separately. # Below you can find settings that are exclusive to "GitLab Pages NGINX" # pages_nginx['enable'] = true # gitlab_rails['pages_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/pages" ################################################################################ ## GitLab CI ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/quick_start/ ################################################################################ # gitlab_ci['gitlab_ci_all_broken_builds'] = true # gitlab_ci['gitlab_ci_add_pusher'] = true # gitlab_ci['builds_directory'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-ci/builds' ################################################################################ ## GitLab Kubernetes Agent Server ##! Docs: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/gitlab-agent/blob/master/README.md ################################################################################ ##! Settings used by the GitLab application # gitlab_rails['gitlab_kas_enabled'] = true # gitlab_rails['gitlab_kas_external_url'] = 'ws://gitlab.example.com/-/kubernetes-agent/' # gitlab_rails['gitlab_kas_internal_url'] = 'grpc://localhost:8153' # gitlab_rails['gitlab_kas_external_k8s_proxy_url'] = 'https://gitlab.example.com/-/kubernetes-agent/k8s-proxy/' ##! Define to enable GitLab KAS # gitlab_kas_external_url "ws://gitlab.example.com/-/kubernetes-agent/" # gitlab_kas['enable'] = true ##! Agent configuration for GitLab KAS # gitlab_kas['agent_configuration_poll_period'] = 300 # gitlab_kas['agent_gitops_poll_period'] = 300 # gitlab_kas['agent_gitops_project_info_cache_ttl'] = 300 # gitlab_kas['agent_gitops_project_info_cache_error_ttl'] = 60 # gitlab_kas['agent_info_cache_ttl'] = 300 # gitlab_kas['agent_info_cache_error_ttl'] = 60 ##! Shared secret used for authentication between KAS and GitLab # gitlab_kas['api_secret_key'] = nil # Will be generated if not set. Base64 encoded and exactly 32 bytes long. ##! Shared secret used for authentication between different KAS instances in a multi-node setup # gitlab_kas['private_api_secret_key'] = nil # Will be generated if not set. Base64 encoded and exactly 32 bytes long. ##! Listen configuration for GitLab KAS # gitlab_kas['listen_address'] = 'localhost:8150' # gitlab_kas['listen_network'] = 'tcp' # gitlab_kas['listen_websocket'] = true # gitlab_kas['certificate_file'] = "/path/to/certificate.pem" # gitlab_kas['key_file'] = "/path/to/key.pem" # gitlab_kas['observability_listen_network'] = 'tcp' # gitlab_kas['observability_listen_address'] = 'localhost:8151' # gitlab_kas['internal_api_listen_network'] = 'tcp' # gitlab_kas['internal_api_listen_address'] = 'localhost:8153' # gitlab_kas['internal_api_certificate_file'] = "/path/to/certificate.pem" # gitlab_kas['internal_api_key_file'] = "/path/to/key.pem" # gitlab_kas['kubernetes_api_listen_address'] = 'localhost:8154' # gitlab_kas['kubernetes_api_certificate_file'] = "/path/to/certificate.pem" # gitlab_kas['kubernetes_api_key_file'] = "/path/to/key.pem" # gitlab_kas['private_api_listen_network'] = 'tcp' # gitlab_kas['private_api_listen_address'] = 'localhost:8155' # gitlab_kas['private_api_certificate_file'] = "/path/to/certificate.pem" # gitlab_kas['private_api_key_file'] = "/path/to/key.pem" ##! Metrics configuration for GitLab KAS # gitlab_kas['metrics_usage_reporting_period'] = 60 ##! Log configuration for GitLab KAS # gitlab_kas['log_level'] = 'info' ##! Environment variables for GitLab KAS # gitlab_kas['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/", # # In a multi-node setup, this address MUST be reachable from other KAS instances. In a single-node setup, # # it can be on localhost for simplicity. # # Use OWN_PRIVATE_API_CIDR + OWN_PRIVATE_API_PORT (optional) + OWN_PRIVATE_API_SCHEME (optional) if you cannot # # specify a correct address for each KAS instance in OWN_PRIVATE_API_URL. # 'OWN_PRIVATE_API_URL' => 'grpc://localhost:8155' # # 'OWN_PRIVATE_API_CIDR' => '', # IPv4 example # # 'OWN_PRIVATE_API_CIDR' => '2001:db8:8a2e:370::7334/64', # IPv6 example # # 'OWN_PRIVATE_API_PORT' => '8155', # if not set, port from private_api_listen_address is used # # 'OWN_PRIVATE_API_SCHEME' => 'grpc', # use grpcs when using TLS on private API endpoint # } ##! Error Reporting and Logging with Sentry # gitlab_kas['sentry_dsn'] = 'https://@sentry.io/' # gitlab_kas['sentry_environment'] = 'production' ##! Directories for GitLab KAS # gitlab_kas['dir'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-kas' # gitlab_kas['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-kas' # gitlab_kas['log_group'] = nil # gitlab_kas['env_directory'] = '/opt/gitlab/etc/gitlab-kas/env' ##! Redis settings for GitLab KAS # gitlab_kas['redis_socket'] = '' # gitlab_kas['redis_host'] = '' # gitlab_kas['redis_port'] = '6379' # gitlab_kas['redis_password'] = nil # gitlab_kas['redis_sentinels'] = [] # gitlab_kas['redis_sentinels_master_name'] = nil # gitlab_kas['redis_sentinels_password'] = '' # gitlab_kas['redis_ssl'] = false # gitlab_kas['redis_tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # gitlab_kas['redis_tls_client_cert_file'] = nil # gitlab_kas['redis_tls_client_key_file'] = nil ##! Command to generate extra configuration # gitlab_kas['extra_config_command'] = nil ################################################################################ ## GitLab Suggested Reviewers (EE Only) ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/reviews/#suggested-reviewers ################################################################################ ##! Shared secret used for authentication between Suggested Reviewers and GitLab # suggested_reviewers['api_secret_key'] = nil # Will be generated if not set. Base64 encoded and exactly 32 bytes long. ################################################################################ ## GitLab Mattermost ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/gitlab-mattermost ################################################################################ # mattermost_external_url 'http://mattermost.example.com' # mattermost['enable'] = false # mattermost['username'] = 'mattermost' # mattermost['group'] = 'mattermost' # mattermost['uid'] = nil # mattermost['gid'] = nil # mattermost['home'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/mattermost' # mattermost['database_name'] = 'mattermost_production' # mattermost['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/" # } # mattermost['service_address'] = "" # mattermost['service_port'] = "8065" # mattermost['service_site_url'] = nil # mattermost['service_allowed_untrusted_internal_connections'] = "" # mattermost['service_enable_api_team_deletion'] = true # mattermost['team_site_name'] = "GitLab Mattermost" # mattermost['sql_driver_name'] = 'mysql' # mattermost['sql_data_source'] = "mmuser:mostest@tcp(dockerhost:3306)/mattermost_test?charset=utf8mb4,utf8" # mattermost['log_file_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/mattermost/' # mattermost['gitlab_enable'] = false # mattermost['gitlab_id'] = "12345656" # mattermost['gitlab_secret'] = "123456789" # mattermost['gitlab_scope'] = "" # mattermost['gitlab_auth_endpoint'] = "http://gitlab.example.com/oauth/authorize" # mattermost['gitlab_token_endpoint'] = "http://gitlab.example.com/oauth/token" # mattermost['gitlab_user_api_endpoint'] = "http://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/user" # mattermost['file_directory'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/mattermost/data" # mattermost['plugin_directory'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/mattermost/plugins" # mattermost['plugin_client_directory'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/mattermost/client-plugins" ################################################################################ ## Mattermost NGINX ################################################################################ # All the settings defined in the "GitLab Nginx" section are also available in # this "Mattermost NGINX" section, using the key `mattermost_nginx`. However, # those settings should be explicitly set. That is, settings given as # `nginx['some_setting']` WILL NOT be automatically replicated as # `mattermost_nginx['some_setting']` and should be set separately. # Below you can find settings that are exclusive to "Mattermost NGINX" # mattermost_nginx['enable'] = false # mattermost_nginx['custom_gitlab_mattermost_server_config'] = "location ^~ /foo-namespace/bar-project/raw/ {\n deny all;\n}\n" # mattermost_nginx['proxy_set_headers'] = { # "Host" => "$http_host", # "X-Real-IP" => "$remote_addr", # "X-Forwarded-For" => "$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for", # "X-Frame-Options" => "SAMEORIGIN", # "X-Forwarded-Proto" => "https", # "X-Forwarded-Ssl" => "on", # "Upgrade" => "$http_upgrade", # "Connection" => "$connection_upgrade" # } ################################################################################ ## Registry NGINX ################################################################################ # All the settings defined in the "GitLab Nginx" section are also available in # this "Registry NGINX" section, using the key `registry_nginx`. However, those # settings should be explicitly set. That is, settings given as # `nginx['some_setting']` WILL NOT be automatically replicated as # `registry_nginx['some_setting']` and should be set separately. # Below you can find settings that are exclusive to "Registry NGINX" # registry_nginx['enable'] = false # registry_nginx['proxy_set_headers'] = { # "Host" => "$http_host", # "X-Real-IP" => "$remote_addr", # "X-Forwarded-For" => "$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for", # "X-Forwarded-Proto" => "https", # "X-Forwarded-Ssl" => "on" # } # When the registry is automatically enabled using the same domain as `external_url`, # it listens on this port # registry_nginx['listen_port'] = 5050 ################################################################################ ## Prometheus ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/monitoring/prometheus/ ################################################################################ ###! **To enable only Monitoring service in this machine, uncomment ###! the line below.** ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/high_availability # monitoring_role['enable'] = true # prometheus['enable'] = true # prometheus['monitor_kubernetes'] = true # prometheus['username'] = 'gitlab-prometheus' # prometheus['group'] = 'gitlab-prometheus' # prometheus['uid'] = nil # prometheus['gid'] = nil # prometheus['shell'] = '/bin/sh' # prometheus['home'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/prometheus' # prometheus['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/prometheus' # prometheus['log_group'] = nil # prometheus['rules_files'] = ['/var/opt/gitlab/prometheus/rules/*.rules'] # prometheus['scrape_interval'] = 15 # prometheus['scrape_timeout'] = 15 # prometheus['external_labels'] = { } # prometheus['env_directory'] = '/opt/gitlab/etc/prometheus/env' # prometheus['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/" # } # ### Custom scrape configs # # Prometheus can scrape additional jobs via scrape_configs. The default automatically # includes all of the exporters supported by the omnibus config. # # See: https://prometheus.io/docs/operating/configuration/# # # Example: # # prometheus['scrape_configs'] = [ # { # 'job_name': 'example', # 'static_configs' => [ # 'targets' => ['hostname:port'], # ], # }, # ] # ### Custom alertmanager config # # To configure external alertmanagers, create an alertmanager config. # # See: https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#alertmanager_config # # prometheus['alertmanagers'] = [ # { # 'static_configs' => [ # { # 'targets' => [ # 'hostname:port' # ] # } # ] # } # ] # ### Custom Prometheus flags # # prometheus['flags'] = { # 'storage.tsdb.path' => "/var/opt/gitlab/prometheus/data", # 'storage.tsdb.retention.time' => "15d", # 'config.file' => "/var/opt/gitlab/prometheus/prometheus.yml" # } ##! Advanced settings. Should be changed only if absolutely needed. # prometheus['listen_address'] = 'localhost:9090' # ##! Service name used to register Prometheus as a Consul service # prometheus['consul_service_name'] = 'prometheus' ##! Semantic metadata used when registering Prometheus as a Consul service # prometheus['consul_service_meta'] = {} ################################################################################ ###! **Only needed if Prometheus and Rails are not on the same server.** ### For example, in a multi-node architecture, Prometheus will be installed on the monitoring node, while Rails will be on the Rails node. ### https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/monitoring/prometheus/index.html#using-an-external-prometheus-server ### This value should be the address at which Prometheus is available to a GitLab Rails(Puma, Sidekiq) node. ################################################################################ # gitlab_rails['prometheus_address'] = 'your.prom:9090' ################################################################################ ## Prometheus Alertmanager ################################################################################ # alertmanager['enable'] = true # alertmanager['home'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/alertmanager' # alertmanager['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/alertmanager' # alertmanager['log_group'] = nil # alertmanager['admin_email'] = 'admin@example.com' # alertmanager['flags'] = { # 'web.listen-address' => "localhost:9093", # 'storage.path' => "/var/opt/gitlab/alertmanager/data", # 'config.file' => "/var/opt/gitlab/alertmanager/alertmanager.yml" # } # alertmanager['env_directory'] = '/opt/gitlab/etc/alertmanager/env' # alertmanager['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/" # } ##! Advanced settings. Should be changed only if absolutely needed. # alertmanager['listen_address'] = 'localhost:9093' # alertmanager['global'] = {} ################################################################################ ## Prometheus Node Exporter ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/monitoring/prometheus/node_exporter.html ################################################################################ # node_exporter['enable'] = true # node_exporter['home'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/node-exporter' # node_exporter['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/node-exporter' # node_exporter['log_group'] = nil # node_exporter['flags'] = { # 'collector.textfile.directory' => "/var/opt/gitlab/node-exporter/textfile_collector" # } # node_exporter['env_directory'] = '/opt/gitlab/etc/node-exporter/env' # node_exporter['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/" # } ##! Advanced settings. Should be changed only if absolutely needed. # node_exporter['listen_address'] = 'localhost:9100' ##! Service name used to register Node Exporter as a Consul service # node_exporter['consul_service_name'] = 'node-exporter' ##! Semantic metadata used when registering Node Exporter as a Consul service # node_exporter['consul_service_meta'] = {} ################################################################################ ## Prometheus Redis exporter ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/monitoring/prometheus/redis_exporter.html ################################################################################ # redis_exporter['enable'] = true # redis_exporter['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/redis-exporter' # redis_exporter['log_group'] = nil # redis_exporter['flags'] = { # 'redis.addr' => "unix:///var/opt/gitlab/redis/redis.socket", # } # redis_exporter['env_directory'] = '/opt/gitlab/etc/redis-exporter/env' # redis_exporter['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/" # } ##! Advanced settings. Should be changed only if absolutely needed. # redis_exporter['listen_address'] = 'localhost:9121' ##! Service name used to register Redis Exporter as a Consul service # redis_exporter['consul_service_name'] = 'redis-exporter' ##! Semantic metadata used when registering Redis Exporter as a Consul service # redis_exporter['consul_service_meta'] = {} ################################################################################ ## Prometheus Postgres exporter ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/monitoring/prometheus/postgres_exporter.html ################################################################################ # postgres_exporter['enable'] = true # postgres_exporter['home'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/postgres-exporter' # postgres_exporter['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/postgres-exporter' # postgres_exporter['log_group'] = nil # postgres_exporter['flags'] = { # 'collector.stat_user_tables' => false, # 'collector.postmaster' => true # } # postgres_exporter['listen_address'] = 'localhost:9187' # postgres_exporter['env_directory'] = '/opt/gitlab/etc/postgres-exporter/env' # postgres_exporter['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/" # } # postgres_exporter['sslmode'] = nil ##! Service name used to register Postgres Exporter as a Consul service # postgres_exporter['consul_service_name'] = 'postgres-exporter' ##! Semantic metadata used when registering Postgres Exporter as a Consul service # postgres_exporter['consul_service_meta'] = {} ################################################################################ ## Prometheus PgBouncer exporter (EE only) ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/monitoring/prometheus/pgbouncer_exporter.html ################################################################################ # pgbouncer_exporter['enable'] = false # pgbouncer_exporter['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/pgbouncer-exporter" # pgbouncer_exporter['log_group'] = nil # pgbouncer_exporter['listen_address'] = 'localhost:9188' # pgbouncer_exporter['env_directory'] = '/opt/gitlab/etc/pgbouncer-exporter/env' # pgbouncer_exporter['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/" # } ################################################################################ ## Prometheus Gitlab exporter ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/monitoring/prometheus/gitlab_exporter.html ################################################################################ # gitlab_exporter['enable'] = true # gitlab_exporter['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-exporter" # gitlab_exporter['log_group'] = nil # gitlab_exporter['home'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-exporter" ##! Advanced settings. Should be changed only if absolutely needed. # gitlab_exporter['server_name'] = 'webrick' # gitlab_exporter['listen_address'] = 'localhost' # gitlab_exporter['listen_port'] = '9168' ##! TLS settings. # gitlab_exporter['tls_enabled'] = false # gitlab_exporter['tls_cert_path'] = '/etc/gitlab/ssl/gitlab-exporter.crt' # gitlab_exporter['tls_key_path'] = '/etc/gitlab/ssl/gitlab-exporter.key' ##! Prometheus scrape related configs # gitlab_exporter['prometheus_scrape_scheme'] = 'http' # gitlab_exporter['prometheus_scrape_tls_server_name'] = 'localhost' # gitlab_exporter['prometheus_scrape_tls_skip_verification'] = false ##! Manage gitlab-exporter sidekiq probes. false by default when Sentinels are ##! found. # gitlab_exporter['probe_sidekiq'] = true ##! Manage gitlab-exporter elasticsearch probes. Add authorization header if security ##! is enabled. # gitlab_exporter['probe_elasticsearch'] = false # gitlab_exporter['elasticsearch_url'] = 'http://localhost:9200' # gitlab_exporter['elasticsearch_authorization'] = 'Basic ' ##! Service name used to register GitLab Exporter as a Consul service # gitlab_exporter['consul_service_name'] = 'gitlab-exporter' ##! Semantic metadata used when registering GitLab Exporter as a Consul service # gitlab_exporter['consul_service_meta'] = {} ##! Command to generate extra configuration # gitlab_exporter['extra_config_command'] = nil # To completely disable prometheus, and all of it's exporters, set to false # prometheus_monitoring['enable'] = true ################################################################################ ## Gitaly ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/gitaly/configure_gitaly.html ################################################################################ # The gitaly['enable'] option exists for the purpose of cluster # deployments, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/gitaly/index.html . # gitaly['enable'] = true # gitaly['dir'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitaly" # gitaly['log_group'] = nil # gitaly['bin_path'] = "/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/gitaly" # gitaly['use_wrapper'] = true # gitaly['env_directory'] = "/opt/gitlab/etc/gitaly/env" # gitaly['env'] = { # 'PATH' => "/opt/gitlab/bin:/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin:/bin:/usr/bin", # 'HOME' => '/var/opt/gitlab', # 'TZ' => ':/etc/localtime', # 'PYTHONPATH' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/lib/python3.9/site-packages", # 'ICU_DATA' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/share/icu/current", # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/", # 'WRAPPER_JSON_LOGGING' => true # } # gitaly['open_files_ulimit'] = 15000 # Maximum number of open files allowed for the gitaly process ##! Service name used to register Gitaly as a Consul service # gitaly['consul_service_name'] = 'gitaly' ##! Semantic metadata used when registering Gitaly as a Consul service # gitaly['consul_service_meta'] = {} # gitaly['configuration'] = { # socket_path: '/var/opt/gitlab/gitaly/gitaly.socket', # runtime_dir: '/var/opt/gitlab/gitaly/run', # listen_addr: 'localhost:8075', # prometheus_listen_addr: 'localhost:9236', # tls_listen_addr: 'localhost:9075', # tls: { # certificate_path: '/var/opt/gitlab/gitaly/certificate.pem', # key_path: '/var/opt/gitlab/gitaly/key.pem', # }, # graceful_restart_timeout: '1m', # Grace time for a gitaly process to finish ongoing requests # logging: { # dir: "/var/log/gitlab/gitaly", # level: 'warn', # format: 'json', # sentry_dsn: 'https://:@sentry.io/', # sentry_environment: 'production', # }, # prometheus: { # grpc_latency_buckets: [0.001, 0.005, 0.025, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 10.0, 30.0, 60.0, 300.0, 1500.0], # }, # auth: { # token: '', # transitioning: false, # When true, auth is logged to Prometheus but NOT enforced # }, # git: { # catfile_cache_size: 100, # Number of 'git cat-file' processes kept around for re-use # bin_path: '/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/git', # A custom path for the 'git' executable # use_bundled_binaries: true, # Whether to use bundled Git. # signing_key: '/var/opt/gitlab/gitaly/signing_key.gpg', # ## Gitaly knows to set up the required default configuration for spawned Git # ## commands automatically. It should thus not be required to configure anything # ## here, except in very special situations where you must e.g. tweak specific # ## performance-related settings or enable debugging facilities. It is not safe in # ## general to set Git configuration that may change Git output in ways that are # ## unexpected by Gitaly. # config: [ # { key: 'pack.threads', value: '4' }, # { key: 'http.http://example.com.proxy', value: 'http://example.proxy.com' }, # ], # }, # gitlab: { # url: 'http://localhost:9999', # relative_url_root: '/gitlab-ee', # }, # hooks: { # custom_hooks_dir: '/var/opt/gitlab/gitaly/custom_hooks', # }, # daily_maintenance: { # disabled: false, # start_hour: 22, # start_minute: 30, # duration: '30m', # storages: ['default'], # }, # cgroups: { # mountpoint: '/sys/fs/cgroup', # hierarchy_root: 'gitaly', # memory_bytes: 1048576, # cpu_shares: 512, # cpu_quota_us: 400000, # repositories: { # count: 1000, # memory_bytes: 12884901888, # cpu_shares: 128, # cpu_quota_us: 200000 # }, # }, # concurrency: [ # { # rpc: '/gitaly.SmartHTTPService/PostReceivePack', # max_per_repo: 20, # }, # { # rpc: '/gitaly.SSHService/SSHUploadPack', # max_per_repo: 5, # }, # ], # rate_limiting: [ # { # rpc: '/gitaly.SmartHTTPService/PostReceivePack', # interval: '1m', # burst: 10, # }, # { # rpc: '/gitaly.SSHService/SSHUploadPack', # interval: '1m', # burst: 5, # }, # ], # pack_objects_cache: { # enabled: true, # dir: '/var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/+gitaly/PackObjectsCache', # max_age: '5m', # }, # } ################################################################################ ## Praefect ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/gitaly/praefect.html ################################################################################ # praefect['enable'] = false # praefect['dir'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/praefect" # praefect['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/praefect" # praefect['log_group'] = nil # praefect['env_directory'] = "/opt/gitlab/etc/praefect/env" # praefect['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/", # 'GITALY_PID_FILE' => "/var/opt/gitlab/praefect/praefect.pid", # 'WRAPPER_JSON_LOGGING' => true # } # praefect['wrapper_path'] = "/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/gitaly-wrapper" # praefect['auto_migrate'] = true ##! Service name used to register Praefect as a Consul service # praefect['consul_service_name'] = 'praefect' ##! Semantic metadata used when registering Praefect as a Consul service # praefect['consul_service_meta'] = {} # praefect['configuration'] = { # listen_addr: 'localhost:2305', # prometheus_listen_addr: 'localhost:9652', # tls_listen_addr: 'localhost:3305', # auth: { # token: '', # transitioning: false, # }, # logging: { # format: 'json', # level: 'warn', # }, # failover: { # enabled: true, # }, # background_verification: { # delete_invalid_records: false, # verification_interval: '72h', # }, # reconciliation: { # scheduling_interval: '5m', # histogram_buckets: [0.001, 0.005, 0.025, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 10.0], # }, # tls: { # certificate_path: '/var/opt/gitlab/prafect/certificate.pem', # key_path: '/var/opt/gitlab/prafect/key.pem', # }, # database: { # host: 'postgres.external', # port: 6432, # user: 'praefect', # password: 'secret', # dbname: 'praefect_production', # sslmode: 'disable', # sslcert: '/path/to/client-cert', # sslkey: '/path/to/client-key', # sslrootcert: '/path/to/rootcert', # session_pooled: { # host: 'postgres.internal', # port: 5432, # user: 'praefect', # password: 'secret', # dbname: 'praefect_production_direct', # sslmode: 'disable', # sslcert: '/path/to/client-cert', # sslkey: '/path/to/client-key', # sslrootcert: '/path/to/rootcert', # }, # }, # sentry: { # sentry_dsn: 'https://:@sentry.io/', # sentry_environment: 'production', # }, # prometheus: { # grpc_latency_buckets: [0.001, 0.005, 0.025, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 10.0, 30.0, 60.0, 300.0, 1500.0], # }, # graceful_stop_timeout: '1m', # virtual_storage: [ # { # name: 'default', # default_replication_factor: 3, # node: [ # { # storage: 'praefect-internal-0', # address: 'tcp://', # token: 'abc123', # }, # { # storage: 'praefect-internal-1', # address: 'tcp://', # token: 'xyz456', # }, # ], # }, # { # name: 'alternative', # node: [ # { # storage: 'praefect-internal-2', # address: 'tcp://', # token: 'abc321', # }, # { # storage: 'praefect-internal-3', # address: 'tcp://', # token: 'xyz890', # }, # ], # }, # ], # } ################################################################################ # Storage check ################################################################################ # storage_check['enable'] = false # storage_check['target'] = 'unix:///var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/sockets/gitlab.socket' # storage_check['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/storage-check' # storage_check['log_group'] = nil ################################################################################ # Let's Encrypt integration ################################################################################ # letsencrypt['enable'] = nil # letsencrypt['contact_emails'] = [] # This should be an array of email addresses to add as contacts # letsencrypt['group'] = 'root' # letsencrypt['key_size'] = 2048 # letsencrypt['owner'] = 'root' # letsencrypt['wwwroot'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/nginx/www' # See http://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/ssl.html#automatic-renewal for more on these sesttings # letsencrypt['auto_renew'] = true # letsencrypt['auto_renew_hour'] = 0 # letsencrypt['auto_renew_minute'] = nil # Should be a number or cron expression, if specified. # letsencrypt['auto_renew_day_of_month'] = "*/4" # letsencrypt['auto_renew_log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/lets-encrypt' # letsencrypt['alt_names'] = [] ##! Turn off automatic init system detection. To skip init detection in ##! non-docker containers. Recommended not to change. # package['detect_init'] = true ##! Attempt to modify kernel paramaters. To skip this in containers where the ##! relevant file system is read-only, set the value to false. package['modify_kernel_parameters'] = __MODIFY_KERNEL_PARAMETERS__ ##! Specify maximum number of tasks that can be created by the systemd unit ##! Will be populated as TasksMax value to the unit file if user is on a systemd ##! version that supports it (>= 227). Will be a no-op if user is not on systemd. # package['systemd_tasks_max'] = 4915 ##! Settings to configure order of GitLab's systemd unit. ##! Note: We do not recommend changing these values unless absolutely necessary # package['systemd_after'] = 'multi-user.target' # package['systemd_wanted_by'] = 'multi-user.target' ##! Settings to control secret generation and storage ##! Note: We do not recommend changing these values unless absolutely necessary ##! Set to false to only parse secrets from `gitlab-secrets.json` file but not generate them. # package['generate_default_secrets'] = true ##! Set to false to prevent creating the default `gitlab-secrets.json` file # package['generate_secrets_json_file'] = true ##! Settings to control SELinux policy ##! Experimental. Set to 1.0 to switch from legacy multiple policy modules to ##! newer single `gitlab` SELinux policy module. # package['selinux_policy_version'] = nil ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## Configuration Settings for GitLab EE only ## ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## Auxiliary cron jobs applicable to GitLab EE only ################################################################################ # # gitlab_rails['geo_repository_sync_worker_cron'] = "*/5 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['geo_secondary_registry_consistency_worker'] = "* * * * *" # gitlab_rails['geo_secondary_usage_data_cron_worker'] = "0 0 * * 0" # gitlab_rails['geo_prune_event_log_worker_cron'] = "*/5 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['geo_repository_verification_primary_batch_worker_cron'] = "*/5 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['geo_repository_verification_secondary_scheduler_worker_cron'] = "*/5 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['ldap_sync_worker_cron'] = "30 1 * * *" # gitlab_rails['ldap_group_sync_worker_cron'] = "0 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['historical_data_worker_cron'] = "0 12 * * *" # gitlab_rails['elastic_index_bulk_cron'] = "*/1 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['analytics_devops_adoption_create_all_snapshots_worker_cron'] = "0 4 * * 0" # gitlab_rails['ci_runners_stale_group_runners_prune_worker_cron'] = "30 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['click_house_ci_finished_builds_sync_worker_cron'] = "*/3 * * * *" # gitlab_rails['click_house_ci_finished_builds_sync_worker_args'] = [1] ################################################################################ ## Kerberos (EE Only) ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integration/kerberos.html#http-git-access ################################################################################ # gitlab_rails['kerberos_enabled'] = true # gitlab_rails['kerberos_keytab'] = /etc/http.keytab # gitlab_rails['kerberos_service_principal_name'] = HTTP/gitlab.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM # gitlab_rails['kerberos_simple_ldap_linking_allowed_realms'] = ['example.com','kerberos.example.com'] # gitlab_rails['kerberos_use_dedicated_port'] = true # gitlab_rails['kerberos_port'] = 8443 # gitlab_rails['kerberos_https'] = true ################################################################################ ## Package repository ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/packages/ ################################################################################ # gitlab_rails['packages_enabled'] = true # gitlab_rails['packages_storage_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/packages" # gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_proxy_download'] = false # gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_remote_directory'] = "packages" # gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_connection'] = { # 'provider' => 'AWS', # 'region' => 'eu-west-1', # 'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', # 'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', # # # The below options configure an S3 compatible host instead of AWS # # 'host' => 's3.amazonaws.com', # # 'aws_signature_version' => 4, # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4. # # 'endpoint' => 'https://s3.amazonaws.com', # default: nil - Useful for S3 compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces # # 'path_style' => false # Use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object' # } ################################################################################ ## Dependency proxy ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/packages/dependency_proxy.html ################################################################################ # gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_enabled'] = true # gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_storage_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/dependency_proxy" # gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_proxy_download'] = false # gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_remote_directory'] = "dependency_proxy" # gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_connection'] = { # 'provider' => 'AWS', # 'region' => 'eu-west-1', # 'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', # 'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', # # # The below options configure an S3 compatible host instead of AWS # # 'host' => 's3.amazonaws.com', # # 'aws_signature_version' => 4, # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4. # # 'endpoint' => 'https://s3.amazonaws.com', # default: nil - Useful for S3 compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces # # 'path_style' => false # Use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of 'bucket_name.host/object' # } ################################################################################ ## GitLab Sentinel (EE Only) ##! Docs: http://docs.gitlab.com/ce/administration/high_availability/redis.html#high-availability-with-sentinel ################################################################################ ##! **Make sure you configured all redis['master_*'] keys above before ##! continuing.** ##! To enable Sentinel and disable all other services in this machine, ##! uncomment the line below (if you've enabled Redis role, it will keep it). ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/high_availability/redis.html # redis_sentinel_role['enable'] = true # sentinel['enable'] = true ##! Bind to all interfaces, uncomment to specify an IP and bind to a single one # sentinel['bind'] = '' ##! Uncomment to change default port # sentinel['port'] = 26379 ##! Uncomment to require a Sentinel password. This may be different from the Redis master password. # sentinel['password'] = 'sentinel-password-goes-here' #### Support to run sentinels in a Docker or NAT environment #####! Docs: https://redis.io/topics/sentinel#sentinel-docker-nat-and-possible-issues # In an standard case, Sentinel will run in the same network service as Redis, so the same IP will be announce for Redis and Sentinel # Only define these values if it is needed to announce for Sentinel a differen IP service than Redis # sentinel['announce_ip'] = nil # If not defined, its value will be taken from redis['announce_ip'] or nil if not present # sentinel['announce_port'] = nil # If not defined, its value will be taken from sentinel['port'] or nil if redis['announce_ip'] not present ##! Quorum must reflect the amount of voting sentinels it take to start a ##! failover. ##! **Value must NOT be greater then the amount of sentinels.** ##! The quorum can be used to tune Sentinel in two ways: ##! 1. If a the quorum is set to a value smaller than the majority of Sentinels ##! we deploy, we are basically making Sentinel more sensible to master ##! failures, triggering a failover as soon as even just a minority of ##! Sentinels is no longer able to talk with the master. ##! 2. If a quorum is set to a value greater than the majority of Sentinels, we ##! are making Sentinel able to failover only when there are a very large ##! number (larger than majority) of well connected Sentinels which agree ##! about the master being down. # sentinel['quorum'] = 1 ### Consider unresponsive server down after x amount of ms. # sentinel['down_after_milliseconds'] = 10000 ### Specifies the failover timeout in milliseconds. ##! It is used in many ways: ##! ##! - The time needed to re-start a failover after a previous failover was ##! already tried against the same master by a given Sentinel, is two ##! times the failover timeout. ##! ##! - The time needed for a replica replicating to a wrong master according ##! to a Sentinel current configuration, to be forced to replicate ##! with the right master, is exactly the failover timeout (counting since ##! the moment a Sentinel detected the misconfiguration). ##! ##! - The time needed to cancel a failover that is already in progress but ##! did not produced any configuration change (REPLICAOF NO ONE yet not ##! acknowledged by the promoted replica). ##! ##! - The maximum time a failover in progress waits for all the replicas to be ##! reconfigured as replicas of the new master. However even after this time ##! the replicas will be reconfigured by the Sentinels anyway, but not with ##! the exact parallel-syncs progression as specified. # sentinel['failover_timeout'] = 60000 ### Sentinel TLS settings ###! To run Sentinel over TLS, specify values for the following settings # sentinel['tls_port'] = nil # sentinel['tls_cert_file'] = nil # sentinel['tls_key_file'] = nil ###! Other TLS related optional settings # sentinel['tls_dh_params_file'] = nil # sentinel['tls_ca_cert_dir'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/' # sentinel['tls_ca_cert_file'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem' # sentinel['tls_auth_clients'] = 'optional' # sentinel['tls_replication'] = nil # sentinel['tls_cluster'] = nil # sentinel['tls_protocols'] = nil # sentinel['tls_ciphers'] = nil # sentinel['tls_ciphersuites'] = nil # sentinel['tls_prefer_server_ciphers'] = nil # sentinel['tls_session_caching'] = nil # sentinel['tls_session_cache_size'] = nil # sentinel['tls_session_cache_timeout'] = nil ### Sentinel hostname support ###! When enabled, Redis will leverage hostname support ###! Generally this does not need to be changed as we determine this based on ###! the provided input from `redis['announce_ip']` ###! * This is configured to `true` when a fully qualified hostname is provided ###! * This is configured to `false` when an IP address is provided # sentinel['use_hostnames'] = ### Sentinel log settings # sentinel['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/sentinel' ################################################################################ ## Additional Database Settings (EE only) ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/database_load_balancing.html ################################################################################ # gitlab_rails['db_load_balancing'] = { 'hosts' => ['secondary1.example.com'] } ################################################################################ ## GitLab Geo ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/gitlab-geo ################################################################################ ##! Geo roles 'geo_primary_role' and 'geo_secondary_role' are set above with ##! other roles. For more information, see: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/roles/index.html#roles. # This is an optional identifier which Geo nodes can use to identify themselves. # For example, if external_url is the same for two secondaries, you must specify # a unique Geo node name for those secondaries. # # If it is blank, it defaults to external_url. # gitlab_rails['geo_node_name'] = nil # gitlab_rails['geo_registry_replication_enabled'] = true # gitlab_rails['geo_registry_replication_primary_api_url'] = 'https://example.com:5050' ################################################################################ ## GitLab Geo Secondary (EE only) ################################################################################ # geo_secondary['auto_migrate'] = true # geo_secondary['db_adapter'] = "postgresql" # geo_secondary['db_encoding'] = "unicode" # geo_secondary['db_collation'] = nil # geo_secondary['db_database'] = "gitlabhq_geo_production" # geo_secondary['db_username'] = "gitlab_geo" # geo_secondary['db_password'] = nil # geo_secondary['db_host'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/geo-postgresql" # geo_secondary['db_port'] = 5431 # geo_secondary['db_socket'] = nil # geo_secondary['db_sslmode'] = nil # geo_secondary['db_sslcompression'] = 0 # geo_secondary['db_sslrootcert'] = nil # geo_secondary['db_sslca'] = nil # geo_secondary['db_prepared_statements'] = false # geo_secondary['db_database_tasks'] = true ################################################################################ ## GitLab Geo Secondary Tracking Database (EE only) ################################################################################ # geo_postgresql['enable'] = false # geo_postgresql['ha'] = false # geo_postgresql['dir'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/geo-postgresql' # geo_postgresql['pgbouncer_user'] = nil # geo_postgresql['pgbouncer_user_password'] = nil ##! `SQL_USER_PASSWORD_HASH` can be generated using the command `gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 gitlab` # geo_postgresql['sql_user_password'] = 'SQL_USER_PASSWORD_HASH' # geo_postgresql['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/geo-postgresql' ##! Automatically restart PostgreSQL service when version changes. # geo_postgresql['auto_restart_on_version_change'] = true ################################################################################ ## GitLab Geo Log Cursor Daemon (EE only) ################################################################################ # geo_logcursor['enable'] = false # geo_logcursor['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/geo-logcursor' # geo_logcursor['log_group'] = nil ################################################################################ ## Unleash ##! These settings are for GitLab internal use. ##! They are used to control feature flags during GitLab development. ##! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/feature_flags ################################################################################ # gitlab_rails['feature_flags_unleash_enabled'] = false # gitlab_rails['feature_flags_unleash_url'] = nil # gitlab_rails['feature_flags_unleash_app_name'] = nil # gitlab_rails['feature_flags_unleash_instance_id'] = nil ################################################################################ # Pgbouncer (EE only) # See [GitLab PgBouncer documentation](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/postgresql/pgbouncer.html) # See the [PgBouncer page](https://pgbouncer.github.io/config.html) for details ################################################################################ # pgbouncer['enable'] = false # pgbouncer['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/pgbouncer' # pgbouncer['log_group'] = nil # pgbouncer['data_directory'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/pgbouncer' # pgbouncer['env_directory'] = '/opt/gitlab/etc/pgbouncer/env' # pgbouncer['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/" # } # pgbouncer['listen_addr'] = '' # pgbouncer['listen_port'] = '6432' # pgbouncer['pool_mode'] = 'transaction' # pgbouncer['max_prepared_statements'] = 0 # pgbouncer['server_reset_query'] = 'DISCARD ALL' # pgbouncer['application_name_add_host'] = '1' # pgbouncer['max_client_conn'] = '2048' # pgbouncer['default_pool_size'] = '100' # pgbouncer['min_pool_size'] = '0' # pgbouncer['reserve_pool_size'] = '5' # pgbouncer['reserve_pool_timeout'] = '5.0' # pgbouncer['server_round_robin'] = '0' # pgbouncer['log_connections'] = '0' # pgbouncer['server_idle_timeout'] = '30' # pgbouncer['dns_max_ttl'] = '15.0' # pgbouncer['dns_zone_check_period'] = '0' # pgbouncer['dns_nxdomain_ttl'] = '15.0' # pgbouncer['admin_users'] = %w(gitlab-psql postgres pgbouncer) # pgbouncer['stats_users'] = %w(gitlab-psql postgres pgbouncer) # pgbouncer['ignore_startup_parameters'] = 'extra_float_digits' # pgbouncer['track_extra_parameters'] = %w(IntervalStyle) # pgbouncer['databases'] = { # DATABASE_NAME: { # host: HOSTNAME, # port: PORT # user: USERNAME, # password: PASSWORD ###! generate this with `echo -n '$password + $username' | md5sum` # } # ... # } # pgbouncer['logfile'] = nil # pgbouncer['unix_socket_dir'] = nil # pgbouncer['unix_socket_mode'] = '0777' # pgbouncer['unix_socket_group'] = nil # pgbouncer['auth_type'] = 'md5' # pgbouncer['auth_hba_file'] = nil # pgbouncer['auth_dbname'] = nil # pgbouncer['auth_query'] = 'SELECT username, password FROM public.pg_shadow_lookup($1)' # pgbouncer['users'] = { # USERNAME: { # 'password': MD5_PASSWORD_HASH, # } # } # postgresql['pgbouncer_user'] = nil # postgresql['pgbouncer_user_password'] = nil # pgbouncer['server_reset_query_always'] = 0 # pgbouncer['server_check_query'] = 'select 1' # pgbouncer['server_check_delay'] = 30 # pgbouncer['max_db_connections'] = nil # pgbouncer['max_user_connections'] = nil # pgbouncer['syslog'] = 0 # pgbouncer['syslog_facility'] = 'daemon' # pgbouncer['syslog_ident'] = 'pgbouncer' # pgbouncer['log_disconnections'] = 1 # pgbouncer['log_pooler_errors'] = 1 # pgbouncer['stats_period'] = 60 # pgbouncer['verbose'] = 0 # pgbouncer['server_lifetime'] = 3600 # pgbouncer['server_connect_timeout'] = 15 # pgbouncer['server_login_retry'] = 15 # pgbouncer['query_timeout'] = 0 # pgbouncer['query_wait_timeout'] = 120 # pgbouncer['client_idle_timeout'] = 0 # pgbouncer['client_login_timeout'] = 60 # pgbouncer['autodb_idle_timeout'] = 3600 # pgbouncer['suspend_timeout'] = 10 # pgbouncer['idle_transaction_timeout'] = 0 # pgbouncer['cancel_wait_timeout'] = 10 # pgbouncer['pkt_buf'] = 4096 # pgbouncer['listen_backlog'] = 128 # pgbouncer['sbuf_loopcnt'] = 5 # pgbouncer['max_packet_size'] = 2147483647 # pgbouncer['so_reuseport'] = 0 # pgbouncer['tcp_defer_accept'] = 0 # pgbouncer['tcp_socket_buffer'] = 0 # pgbouncer['tcp_keepalive'] = 1 # pgbouncer['tcp_keepcnt'] = 0 # pgbouncer['tcp_keepidle'] = 0 # pgbouncer['tcp_keepintvl'] = 0 # pgbouncer['disable_pqexec'] = 0 # default['pgbouncer']['peers'] = {} ## Pgbouncer client TLS options # pgbouncer['client_tls_sslmode'] = 'disable' # pgbouncer['client_tls_ca_file'] = nil # pgbouncer['client_tls_key_file'] = nil # pgbouncer['client_tls_cert_file'] = nil # pgbouncer['client_tls_protocols'] = 'all' # pgbouncer['client_tls_dheparams'] = 'auto' # pgbouncer['client_tls_ecdhcurve'] = 'auto' # ## Pgbouncer server TLS options # pgbouncer['server_tls_sslmode'] = 'disable' # pgbouncer['server_tls_ca_file'] = nil # pgbouncer['server_tls_key_file'] = nil # pgbouncer['server_tls_cert_file'] = nil # pgbouncer['server_tls_protocols'] = 'all' # pgbouncer['server_tls_ciphers'] = 'fast' ################################################################################ # Patroni (EE only) ################################################################################ # patroni['enable'] = false # patroni['dir'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/patroni' # patroni['ctl_command'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/patronictl' ## Patroni dynamic configuration settings # patroni['loop_wait'] = 10 # patroni['ttl'] = 30 # patroni['retry_timeout'] = 10 # patroni['maximum_lag_on_failover'] = 1_048_576 # patroni['max_timelines_history'] = 0 # patroni['master_start_timeout'] = 300 # patroni['use_pg_rewind'] = true # patroni['remove_data_directory_on_rewind_failure'] = false # patroni['remove_data_directory_on_diverged_timelines'] = false # patroni['use_slots'] = true # patroni['replication_password'] = nil # patroni['replication_slots'] = {} # patroni['callbacks'] = {} # patroni['recovery_conf'] = {} # patroni['tags'] = {} ## Standby cluster replication settings # patroni['standby_cluster']['enable'] = false # patroni['standby_cluster']['host'] = nil # patroni['standby_cluster']['port'] = 5432 # patroni['standby_cluster']['primary_slot_name'] = nil ## Global/Universal settings # patroni['scope'] = 'gitlab-postgresql-ha' # patroni['name'] = nil ## Log settings # patroni['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/patroni' # patroni['log_group'] = nil # patroni['log_level'] = 'INFO' ## Consul specific settings # patroni['consul']['url'] = '' # patroni['consul']['service_check_interval'] = '10s' # patroni['consul']['register_service'] = true # patroni['consul']['checks'] = [] ## PostgreSQL configuration override # patroni['postgresql']['hot_standby'] = 'on' ## The following must hold the same values on all nodes. ## Leave unassined to use PostgreSQL's default values. # patroni['postgresql']['wal_level'] = 'replica' # patroni['postgresql']['wal_log_hints'] = 'on' # patroni['postgresql']['max_worker_processes'] = 8 # patroni['postgresql']['max_locks_per_transaction'] = 64 # patroni['postgresql']['max_connections'] = 400 # patroni['postgresql']['checkpoint_timeout'] = 30 ## The following can hold different values on all nodes. ## Leave unassined to use PostgreSQL's default values. # patroni['postgresql']['wal_keep_segments'] = 8 # patroni['postgresql']['max_wal_senders'] = 5 # patroni['postgresql']['max_replication_slots'] = 5 ## Permanent replication slots for Streaming Replication # patroni['replication_slots'] = { # 'geo_secondary' => { 'type' => 'physical' } # } ## The address and port that Patroni API binds to and listens on. # patroni['listen_address'] = nil # patroni['port'] = '8008' ## The address of the Patroni node that is advertized to other cluster ## members to communicate with its API and PostgreSQL. If it is not specified, ## it tries to use the first available private IP and falls back to the default ## network interface. # patroni['connect_address'] = nil ## The port that Patroni API responds to other cluster members. This port is ## advertized and by default is the same as patroni['port']. # patroni['connect_port'] = '8008' ## Specifies the set of hosts that are allowed to call unsafe REST API endpoints. ## Each item can be an hostname, IP address, or CIDR address. ## All hosts are allowed if this is unset. # patroni['allowlist'] = [] # patroni['allowlist_include_members'] = false ## The username and password to use for basic auth on write commands to the ## Patroni API. If not specified then the API does not use basic auth. # patroni['username'] = nil # patroni['password'] = nil ## TLS configuration for Patroni API. Both certificate and key files are ## required to enable TLS. If not specified then the API uses plain HTTP. # patroni['tls_certificate_file'] = nil # patroni['tls_key_file'] = nil # patroni['tls_key_password'] = nil # patroni['tls_ca_file'] = nil # patroni['tls_ciphers'] = nil # patroni['tls_client_mode'] = nil # patroni['tls_client_certificate_file'] = nil # patroni['tls_client_key_file'] = nil # patroni['tls_verify'] = true ################################################################################ # Consul (EE only) ################################################################################ # consul['enable'] = false # consul['binary_path'] = '/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/consul' # consul['dir'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/consul' # consul['username'] = 'gitlab-consul' # consul['group'] = 'gitlab-consul' # consul['config_file'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/consul/config.json' # consul['config_dir'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/consul/config.d' # consul['data_dir'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/consul/data' # consul['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/consul' # consul['log_group'] = nil # consul['env_directory'] = '/opt/gitlab/etc/consul/env' # consul['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/" # } # consul['monitoring_service_discovery'] = false # consul['node_name'] = nil # consul['script_directory'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/consul/scripts' # consul['configuration'] = { # 'client_addr' => nil, # 'datacenter' => 'gitlab_consul', # 'enable_script_checks' => false, # 'enable_local_script_checks' => true, # 'server' => false # } # consul['services'] = [] # consul['service_config'] = { # 'postgresql' => { # 'service' => { # 'name' => "postgresql", # 'address' => '', # 'port' => 5432, # 'checks' => [ # { # 'script' => "/var/opt/gitlab/consul/scripts/check_postgresql", # 'interval' => "10s" # } # ] # } # } # } # consul['watchers'] = [] # # consul['custom_config_dir'] = '/path/to/service/configs/directory' # #### HTTP API ports # consul['http_port'] = nil # consul['https_port'] = nil #### Gossip encryption # consul['encryption_key'] = nil # consul['encryption_verify_incoming'] = nil # consul['encryption_verify_outgoing'] = nil #### TLS settings # consul['use_tls'] = false # consul['tls_ca_file'] = nil # consul['tls_certificate_file'] = nil # consul['tls_key_file'] = nil # consul['tls_verify_client'] = nil ################################################################################ # Service desk email settings ################################################################################ ### Service desk email ###! Allow users to create new service desk issues by sending an email to ###! service desk address. ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/service_desk.html # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_enabled'] = false #### Service Desk Mailbox Settings (via `mail_room`) #### Service Desk Email Address ####! The email address including the `%{key}` placeholder that will be replaced ####! to reference the item being replied to. ####! **The placeholder can be omitted but if present, it must appear in the ####! "user" part of the address (before the `@`).** # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_address'] = "contact_project+%{key}@gmail.com" #### Service Desk Email account username ####! **With third party providers, this is usually the full email address.** ####! **With self-hosted email servers, this is usually the user part of the ####! email address.** # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_email'] = "contact_project@gmail.com" #### Service Desk Email account password # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_password'] = "[REDACTED]" ####! The mailbox where service desk mail will end up. Usually "inbox". # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_mailbox_name'] = "inbox" ####! The IDLE command timeout. # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_idle_timeout'] = 60 ####! The file name for internal `mail_room` JSON logfile # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_log_file'] = "/var/log/gitlab/mailroom/mail_room_json.log" #### Service Desk IMAP Settings # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_host'] = "imap.gmail.com" # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_port'] = 993 # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_ssl'] = true # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_start_tls'] = false #### Inbox options (for Microsoft Graph) # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_inbox_method'] = 'microsoft_graph' # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_inbox_options'] = { # 'tenant_id': 'YOUR-TENANT-ID', # 'client_id': 'YOUR-CLIENT-ID', # 'client_secret': 'YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET', # 'poll_interval': 60 # Optional # } #### How service desk emails are delivered to Rails process. Accept either #### sidekiq or webhook. The default config is webhook. # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_delivery_method'] = "webhook" #### Token to authenticate webhook requests. The token must be exactly 32 bytes, #### encoded with base64 # gitlab_rails['service_desk_email_auth_token'] = nil ################################################################################# ## Spamcheck (EE only) ################################################################################# # spamcheck['enable'] = false # spamcheck['dir'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/spamcheck' # spamcheck['port'] = 8001 # spamcheck['external_port'] = nil # spamcheck['monitoring_address'] = ':8003' # spamcheck['log_level'] = 'info' # spamcheck['log_format'] = 'json' # spamcheck['log_output'] = 'stdout' # spamcheck['monitor_mode'] = false # spamcheck['allowlist'] = {} # spamcheck['denylist'] = {} # spamcheck['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/spamcheck" # spamcheck['log_group'] = nil # spamcheck['env_directory'] = "/opt/gitlab/etc/spamcheck/env" # spamcheck['env'] = { # 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => '/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/cers' # } # spamcheck['classifier']['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/spam-classifier" ################################################################################# ## (Go-)Crond ################################################################################# # crond['log_directory'] = '/var/log/gitlab/crond' # crond['cron_d'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/crond' # crond['flags'] = {} from_file '/etc/gitlab/gitlab-persistent.rb'