#!/bin/bash #================================================= # COMMON VARIABLES #================================================= # dependencies used by the app pkg_dependencies="imagemagick ffmpeg libpq-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev file git-core g++ libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler pkg-config gcc autoconf bison build-essential libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev libgdbm3|libgdbm6 libgdbm-dev redis-server redis-tools postgresql postgresql-contrib libidn11-dev libicu-dev libjemalloc-dev curl apt-transport-https" MEMORY_NEEDED="2560" RUBY_VERSION="3.0.3" NODEJS_VERSION="14" # Workaround for Mastodon on Bullseye # See https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/15751#issuecomment-873594463 if [ "$(lsb_release --codename --short)" = "bullseye" ]; then case $YNH_ARCH in amd64) arch="x86_64" ;; arm64) arch="aarch64" ;; armel|armhf) arch="arm" ;; i386) arch="i386" ;; esac ld_preload="LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/$arch-linux-gnu/libjemalloc.so" else ld_preload="" fi #================================================= # PERSONAL HELPERS #================================================= #================================================= # EXPERIMENTAL HELPERS #================================================= # Add swap # # usage: ynh_add_swap --size=SWAP in Mb # | arg: -s, --size= - Amount of SWAP to add in Mb. ynh_add_swap () { # Declare an array to define the options of this helper. declare -Ar args_array=( [s]=size= ) local size # Manage arguments with getopts ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@" local swap_max_size=$(( $size * 1024 )) local free_space=$(df --output=avail / | sed 1d) # Because we don't want to fill the disk with a swap file, divide by 2 the available space. local usable_space=$(( $free_space / 2 )) SD_CARD_CAN_SWAP=${SD_CARD_CAN_SWAP:-0} # Swap on SD card only if it's is specified if ynh_is_main_device_a_sd_card && [ "$SD_CARD_CAN_SWAP" == "0" ] then ynh_print_warn --message="The main mountpoint of your system '/' is on an SD card, swap will not be added to prevent some damage of this one, but that can cause troubles for the app $app. If you still want activate the swap, you can relaunch the command preceded by 'SD_CARD_CAN_SWAP=1'" return fi # Compare the available space with the size of the swap. # And set a acceptable size from the request if [ $usable_space -ge $swap_max_size ] then local swap_size=$swap_max_size elif [ $usable_space -ge $(( $swap_max_size / 2 )) ] then local swap_size=$(( $swap_max_size / 2 )) elif [ $usable_space -ge $(( $swap_max_size / 3 )) ] then local swap_size=$(( $swap_max_size / 3 )) elif [ $usable_space -ge $(( $swap_max_size / 4 )) ] then local swap_size=$(( $swap_max_size / 4 )) else echo "Not enough space left for a swap file" >&2 local swap_size=0 fi # If there's enough space for a swap, and no existing swap here if [ $swap_size -ne 0 ] && [ ! -e /swap_$app ] then # Preallocate space for the swap file, fallocate may sometime not be used, use dd instead in this case if ! fallocate -l ${swap_size}K /swap_$app then dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap_$app bs=1024 count=${swap_size} fi chmod 0600 /swap_$app # Create the swap mkswap /swap_$app # And activate it swapon /swap_$app # Then add an entry in fstab to load this swap at each boot. echo -e "/swap_$app swap swap defaults 0 0 #Swap added by $app" >> /etc/fstab fi } ynh_del_swap () { # If there a swap at this place if [ -e /swap_$app ] then # Clean the fstab sed -i "/#Swap added by $app/d" /etc/fstab # Desactive the swap file swapoff /swap_$app # And remove it rm /swap_$app fi } # Check if the device of the main mountpoint "/" is an SD card # # [internal] # # return 0 if it's an SD card, else 1 ynh_is_main_device_a_sd_card () { local main_device=$(lsblk --output PKNAME --noheadings $(findmnt / --nofsroot --uniq --output source --noheadings --first-only)) if echo $main_device | grep --quiet "mmc" && [ $(tail -n1 /sys/block/$main_device/queue/rotational) == "0" ] then return 0 else return 1 fi } #================================================= # FUTURE OFFICIAL HELPERS #================================================= # ynh_install_ruby__2 ynh_ruby_try_bash_extension() { if [ -x src/configure ]; then src/configure && make -C src || { ynh_print_info --message="Optional bash extension failed to build, but things will still work normally." } fi } rbenv_install_dir="/opt/rbenv" ruby_version_path="$rbenv_install_dir/versions" # RBENV_ROOT is the directory of rbenv, it needs to be loaded as a environment variable. export RBENV_ROOT="$rbenv_install_dir" export rbenv_root="$rbenv_install_dir" # Load the version of Ruby for an app, and set variables. # # ynh_use_ruby has to be used in any app scripts before using Ruby for the first time. # This helper will provide alias and variables to use in your scripts. # # To use gem or Ruby, use the alias `ynh_gem` and `ynh_ruby` # Those alias will use the correct version installed for the app # For example: use `ynh_gem install` instead of `gem install` # # With `sudo` or `ynh_exec_as`, use instead the fallback variables `$ynh_gem` and `$ynh_ruby` # And propagate $PATH to sudo with $ynh_ruby_load_path # Exemple: `ynh_exec_as $app $ynh_ruby_load_path $ynh_gem install` # # $PATH contains the path of the requested version of Ruby. # However, $PATH is duplicated into $ruby_path to outlast any manipulation of $PATH # You can use the variable `$ynh_ruby_load_path` to quickly load your Ruby version # in $PATH for an usage into a separate script. # Exemple: $ynh_ruby_load_path $final_path/script_that_use_gem.sh` # # # Finally, to start a Ruby service with the correct version, 2 solutions # Either the app is dependent of Ruby or gem, but does not called it directly. # In such situation, you need to load PATH # `Environment="__YNH_RUBY_LOAD_ENV_PATH__"` # `ExecStart=__FINALPATH__/my_app` # You will replace __YNH_RUBY_LOAD_ENV_PATH__ with $ynh_ruby_load_path # # Or Ruby start the app directly, then you don't need to load the PATH variable # `ExecStart=__YNH_RUBY__ my_app run` # You will replace __YNH_RUBY__ with $ynh_ruby # # # one other variable is also available # - $ruby_path: The absolute path to Ruby binaries for the chosen version. # # usage: ynh_use_ruby # # Requires YunoHost version 3.2.2 or higher. ynh_use_ruby () { ruby_version=$(ynh_app_setting_get --app=$app --key=ruby_version) # Get the absolute path of this version of Ruby ruby_path="$ruby_version_path/$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME/bin" # Allow alias to be used into bash script shopt -s expand_aliases # Create an alias for the specific version of Ruby and a variable as fallback ynh_ruby="$ruby_path/ruby" alias ynh_ruby="$ynh_ruby" # And gem ynh_gem="$ruby_path/gem" alias ynh_gem="$ynh_gem" # Load the path of this version of Ruby in $PATH if [[ :$PATH: != *":$ruby_path"* ]]; then PATH="$ruby_path:$PATH" fi # Create an alias to easily load the PATH ynh_ruby_load_path="PATH=$PATH" # Sets the local application-specific Ruby version pushd $final_path $rbenv_install_dir/bin/rbenv local $ruby_version popd } # Install a specific version of Ruby # # ynh_install_ruby will install the version of Ruby provided as argument by using rbenv. # # This helper creates a /etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh that configures PATH environment for rbenv # for every LOGIN user, hence your user must have a defined shell (as opposed to /usr/sbin/nologin) # # Don't forget to execute ruby-dependent command in a login environment # (e.g. sudo --login option) # When not possible (e.g. in systemd service definition), please use direct path # to rbenv shims (e.g. $RBENV_ROOT/shims/bundle) # # usage: ynh_install_ruby --ruby_version=ruby_version # | arg: -v, --ruby_version= - Version of ruby to install. # # Requires YunoHost version 3.2.2 or higher. ynh_install_ruby () { # Declare an array to define the options of this helper. local legacy_args=v local -A args_array=( [v]=ruby_version= ) local ruby_version # Manage arguments with getopts ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@" # Load rbenv path in PATH local CLEAR_PATH="$rbenv_install_dir/bin:$PATH" # Remove /usr/local/bin in PATH in case of Ruby prior installation PATH=$(echo $CLEAR_PATH | sed 's@/usr/local/bin:@@') # Move an existing Ruby binary, to avoid to block rbenv test -x /usr/bin/ruby && mv /usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/ruby_rbenv # Install or update rbenv rbenv="$(command -v rbenv $rbenv_install_dir/bin/rbenv | grep "$rbenv_install_dir/bin/rbenv" | head -1)" if [ -n "$rbenv" ]; then ynh_print_info --message="rbenv already seems installed in \`$rbenv'." pushd "${rbenv%/*/*}" if git remote -v 2>/dev/null | grep "https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git"; then ynh_print_info --message="Trying to update with git..." git pull -q --tags origin master ynh_ruby_try_bash_extension else ynh_print_info --message="Reinstalling rbenv with git..." cd .. ynh_secure_remove --file=$rbenv_install_dir mkdir -p $rbenv_install_dir cd $rbenv_install_dir git init -q git remote add -f -t master origin https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git > /dev/null 2>&1 git checkout -q -b master origin/master ynh_ruby_try_bash_extension rbenv=$rbenv_install_dir/bin/rbenv fi popd else ynh_print_info --message="Installing rbenv with git..." mkdir -p $rbenv_install_dir pushd $rbenv_install_dir git init -q git remote add -f -t master origin https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git > /dev/null 2>&1 git checkout -q -b master origin/master ynh_ruby_try_bash_extension rbenv=$rbenv_install_dir/bin/rbenv popd fi ruby_build="$(command -v "$rbenv_install_dir"/plugins/*/bin/rbenv-install rbenv-install | head -1)" if [ -n "$ruby_build" ]; then ynh_print_info --message="\`rbenv install' command already available in \`$ruby_build'." pushd "${ruby_build%/*/*}" if git remote -v 2>/dev/null | grep "https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build.git"; then ynh_print_info --message="Trying to update rbenv with git..." git pull -q origin master fi popd else ynh_print_info --message="Installing ruby-build with git..." mkdir -p "${rbenv_install_dir}/plugins" git clone -q https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build.git "${rbenv_install_dir}/plugins/ruby-build" fi rbenv_alias="$(command -v "$rbenv_install_dir"/plugins/*/bin/rbenv-alias rbenv-alias | head -1)" if [ -n "$rbenv_alias" ]; then ynh_print_info --message="\`rbenv alias' command already available in \`$rbenv_alias'." pushd "${rbenv_alias%/*/*}" if git remote -v 2>/dev/null | grep "https://github.com/tpope/rbenv-aliases.git"; then ynh_print_info --message="Trying to update rbenv-aliases with git..." git pull -q origin master fi popd else ynh_print_info --message="Installing rbenv-aliases with git..." mkdir -p "${rbenv_install_dir}/plugins" git clone -q https://github.com/tpope/rbenv-aliases.git "${rbenv_install_dir}/plugins/rbenv-aliase" fi rbenv_latest="$(command -v "$rbenv_install_dir"/plugins/*/bin/rbenv-latest rbenv-latest | head -1)" if [ -n "$rbenv_latest" ]; then ynh_print_info --message="\`rbenv latest' command already available in \`$rbenv_latest'." pushd "${rbenv_latest%/*/*}" if git remote -v 2>/dev/null | grep "https://github.com/momo-lab/xxenv-latest.git"; then ynh_print_info --message="Trying to update xxenv-latest with git..." git pull -q origin master fi popd else ynh_print_info --message="Installing xxenv-latest with git..." mkdir -p "${rbenv_install_dir}/plugins" git clone -q https://github.com/momo-lab/xxenv-latest.git "${rbenv_install_dir}/plugins/xxenv-latest" fi # Enable caching mkdir -p "${rbenv_install_dir}/cache" # Create shims directory if needed mkdir -p "${rbenv_install_dir}/shims" # Restore /usr/local/bin in PATH PATH=$CLEAR_PATH # And replace the old Ruby binary test -x /usr/bin/ruby_rbenv && mv /usr/bin/ruby_rbenv /usr/bin/ruby # Install the requested version of Ruby local final_ruby_version=$(rbenv latest --print $ruby_version) if ! [ -n "$final_ruby_version" ]; then final_ruby_version=$ruby_version fi ynh_print_info --message="Installing Ruby-$final_ruby_version" CONFIGURE_OPTS="--disable-install-doc --with-jemalloc" MAKE_OPTS="-j2" rbenv install --skip-existing $final_ruby_version > /dev/null 2>&1 # Store ruby_version into the config of this app ynh_app_setting_set --app=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME --key=ruby_version --value=$final_ruby_version # Remove app virtualenv if `rbenv alias --list | grep --quiet "$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME " 1>/dev/null 2>&1` then rbenv alias $YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME --remove fi # Create app virtualenv rbenv alias $YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME $final_ruby_version # Cleanup Ruby versions ynh_cleanup_ruby # Set environment for Ruby users echo "#rbenv export RBENV_ROOT=$rbenv_install_dir export PATH=\"$rbenv_install_dir/bin:$PATH\" eval \"\$(rbenv init -)\" #rbenv" > /etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh # Load the environment eval "$(rbenv init -)" } # Remove the version of Ruby used by the app. # # This helper will also cleanup Ruby versions # # usage: ynh_remove_ruby ynh_remove_ruby () { local ruby_version=$(ynh_app_setting_get --app=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME --key=ruby_version) # Load rbenv path in PATH local CLEAR_PATH="$rbenv_install_dir/bin:$PATH" # Remove /usr/local/bin in PATH in case of Ruby prior installation PATH=$(echo $CLEAR_PATH | sed 's@/usr/local/bin:@@') rbenv alias $YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME --remove # Remove the line for this app ynh_app_setting_delete --app=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME --key=ruby_version # Cleanup Ruby versions ynh_cleanup_ruby } # Remove no more needed versions of Ruby used by the app. # # This helper will check what Ruby version are no more required, # and uninstall them # If no app uses Ruby, rbenv will be also removed. # # usage: ynh_cleanup_ruby ynh_cleanup_ruby () { # List required Ruby versions local installed_apps=$(yunohost app list | grep -oP 'id: \K.*$') local required_ruby_versions="" for installed_app in $installed_apps do local installed_app_ruby_version=$(ynh_app_setting_get --app=$installed_app --key="ruby_version") if [[ $installed_app_ruby_version ]] then required_ruby_versions="${installed_app_ruby_version}\n${required_ruby_versions}" fi done # Remove no more needed Ruby versions local installed_ruby_versions=$(rbenv versions --bare --skip-aliases | grep -Ev '/') for installed_ruby_version in $installed_ruby_versions do if ! `echo ${required_ruby_versions} | grep "${installed_ruby_version}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1` then ynh_print_info --message="Removing of Ruby-$installed_ruby_version" $rbenv_install_dir/bin/rbenv uninstall --force $installed_ruby_version fi done # If none Ruby version is required if [[ ! $required_ruby_versions ]] then # Remove rbenv environment configuration ynh_print_info --message="Removing of rbenv-$rbenv_version" ynh_secure_remove --file="$rbenv_install_dir" ynh_secure_remove --file="/etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh" fi }