diff --git a/scripts/install b/scripts/install index d971573..1e63b68 100644 --- a/scripts/install +++ b/scripts/install @@ -61,41 +61,8 @@ sed -i '/^\[\[opentsdb\]\]$/,/^\[/ s/^.* enabled = false/enabled = true/' /etc/i ynh_systemd_action --service_name=influxdb --action="restart" # Configure Grafana -#cp ../conf/ldap.toml /etc/grafana - ynh_add_config --template="ldap.toml" --destination="/etc/grafana/ldap.toml" -#grafana_conf="/etc/grafana/grafana.ini" -## Set final port -# sed -i "/^\[server\]$/,/^\[/ s@;http_port = .*@http_port = $port@" $grafana_conf -# # Set domain -# sed -i "/^\[server\]$/,/^\[/ s@;domain = .*@domain = $domain@" $grafana_conf -# # Set final URL -# sed -i "/^\[server\]$/,/^\[/ s@;root_url = .*@root_url = https://$domain$path@" $grafana_conf -# # Disable check for updates -# sed -i '/^\[analytics\]$/,/^\[/ s/;check_for_updates = .*/check_for_updates = false/' $grafana_conf -# # Disable analytics reporting -# sed -i '/^\[analytics\]$/,/^\[/ s/;reporting_enabled = .*/reporting_enabled = false/' $grafana_conf -# # Disable organization creation -# sed -i '/^\[users\]$/,/^\[/ s/;allow_org_create = .*/allow_org_create = false/' $grafana_conf -# # Enable HTTP and LDAP authentication -# sed -i '/^\[auth.basic\]$/,/^\[/ s/;enabled = .*/enabled = false/' $grafana_conf -# sed -i '/^\[auth.proxy\]$/,/^\[/ s/;enabled = .*/enabled = true/' $grafana_conf -# sed -i '/^\[auth.ldap\]$/,/^\[/ { -# s/;enabled = .*/enabled = true/ -# s/;allow_sign_up = .*/allow_sign_up = true/ -# }' $grafana_conf -# # Set log level to debug -# sed -i '/^\[log\]$/,/^\[/ s/;level = .*/level = debug/' $grafana_conf - -# # Change URL and database credentials -# sed -i "/^\[database\]$/,/^\[/ { -# s/;type = .*/type = mysql/ -# s/;name = .*/name = $db_name/ -# s/;user = .*/user = $db_user/ -# s/;\?password =.*/password = $db_pwd/ -# }" $grafana_conf - ynh_add_config --template="grafana.ini" --destination="/etc/grafana/grafana.ini" chmod 650 "/etc/grafana/grafana.ini"