h5ai is a modern file indexer for HTTP web servers with focus on your files. Directories are displayed in a appealing way and browsing them is enhanced by different views, a breadcrumb and a tree overview.
There are lots of optional extensions and configuration options to customize the web appearance of your directory listings. All markup is valid HTML5 spiced up with CSS3 and finest JavaScript to build a fresh but minimal user interface and a user experience that focuses on your files.
Some of the optional features are: file sorting, different view modes, localization, a breadcrumb, a tree view, custom headers and footers, file filter and search, folder sizes, auto refresh, packaged download, QR codes, thumbnails, file previews
After installing the application, you can add documents in `/var/www/documents` (or the corresponding path you choosed).
h5ai doesn't allow to edit or upload new documents directly from the web browser. But you can imagine coupling the folder `/var/www/documents` to Nextcloud or some sort of FTP to allow some users to upload content, and use h5ai as a public read-only interface.
The main configuration file is `_h5ai/private/conf/options.json`. You might want to change some of the documented settings. But there are some more files in `_h5ai/private/conf` you might have a look at.