{ "name": "Haste", "id": "haste", "packaging_format": 1, "description": { "en": "Open-source pastebin allowing to upload texts", "fr": "Pastebin open-source permettant de mettre en ligne du texte" }, "version": "1.0~ynh1", "url": "https://github.com/seejohnrun/haste-server", "license": "MIT", "maintainer": { "name": "mbugeia", "email": "maxime.bugeia@gmail.com" }, "requirements": { "yunohost": ">= 3.8.1" }, "multi_instance": false, "services": [ "nginx" ], "arguments": { "install" : [ { "name": "domain", "type": "domain", "ask": { "en": "Choose a domain name for Haste", "fr": "Choisissez un nom de domaine pour Haste" }, "example": "example.com" }, { "name": "path", "type": "path", "ask": { "en": "Choose a path for Haste, only / is allowed.", "fr": "Choisissez un chemin pour Haste, seul / est autorisé." }, "example": "/", "default": "/" }, { "name": "is_public", "type": "boolean", "ask": { "en": "Is it a public site? (you won't be able to use Haste command easily if not)", "fr": "Est-ce un site publique ? (si non, vous ne pourrez pas utiliser la commande Haste facilement)" }, "default": true } ] } }