# COPY THIS FILE TO /etc/default/headphones # OPTIONS: HP_HOME, HP_USER, HP_DATA, HP_PIDFILE, PYTHON_BIN, HP_OPTS, SSD_OPTS, HP_PORT ## EXAMPLE if want to run as different user ## add HP_USER=username to /etc/default/headphones ## otherwise default headphones is used HP_USER=__APP__ #$RUN_AS, username to run headphones under, the default is headphones HP_HOME=__FINALPATH__ #$APP_PATH, the location of Headphones.py, the default is /opt/headphones HP_DATA=__DATADIR__ #$DATA_DIR, the location of headphones.db, cache, logs, the default is /opt/headphones #HP_PIDFILE=PIDFILETOCHANGE #$PID_FILE, the location of headphones.pid, the default is /var/run/headphones/headphones.pid #PYTHON_BIN=/usr/bin/python3 #$DAEMON, the location of the python binary, the default is /usr/bin/python #HP_OPTS=" --config=OPTSTOCHANGE" #$EXTRA_DAEMON_OPTS, extra cli option for headphones, i.e. " --config=/home/headphones/config.ini" #SSD_OPTS=SSDTOCHANGE #$EXTRA_SSD_OPTS, extra start-stop-daemon option like " --group=users" HP_PORT=__PORT__ #$PORT_OPTS, hardcoded port for the webserver, overrides value in config.ini